
Mladinski center Zagorje ob Savi (MC ZOS)

National Network

Cesta 9. avgusta 48
1410 Zagorje ob Savi

00386 597 32 032
00386 597 32 033
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00386 40 699 097
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
1. MC ZOS is a public institution, established in the year of 2006. MC ZOS has a director, 3 employed youth workers, 2 apprentices and at least 20 active volunteers, who contribute to the development of our youth center. As we are a cover youth organisation in our municipality, we work with many NGO's, individuals and institutions from Zagorje, from Zasavje region, on national level and abroad. 2. Yearly budget is approximately 94.000€ 3. 66% of the budget is funded by municipality, 25% of the budget is presented by EU grants, calls for proposals and national programmes funding, 9% of the budget comes from our own resources (space rentals, entry fees). 4. Our concrete projects are educational and leisure time activities and events for all generations, space and equipment support for individuals and local organisations, international projects (youth exchanges, trainings, EVS), ecology oriented projects, tutoring for scholars, also included into several national programmes and partnerships. 5. Local level: NGO's, schools, intergenerational center, PUM (project learning for youth), RCR (regional development center); National level: Youth in action national agency, Youth network MaMa, Zavod Voluntariat and others; International level: NGO's and youth organisations from Europe (Portugal, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, France, Finland...) and Asia (India, Phillipines, Cambodia, Vietnam)
Mission and Objectives

Youth center Zagorje ob Savi is a public institution, established to perform extracurricural activities for youth. The center allows organisational, spatial, technical and counceling support to the young people of Zagorje, in means of executing their projects and helping them include into local and international projects. Our prime activities expand from art, enviromental issues, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion, sports, enchancing youth employability all the way to help youngsters with establishing their own companies. Our staff is well equiped with knowledge and experience in these fields. Above all, it is an openminded and a tollerant facility, availiable to all, who wish to spend their leisure time actively, in a good company and wish to recieve new knowledges, experience and skills in a fun way.

Main Projects / Activities

Non formal education & youth mobility: educational events, international seminars, exchanges and trainings, European voluntary service (sending and hosting)
Regular programme activities: leisure time activities, workshops on different topics, concerts, festivals, youth centers gardening/permaculture project, intergenerational center
Regional projects: inter-regional art and music festivals, sports events, NGO support

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With being a part of the Network, we would be able to connect with other organisations abroad and in our country, which are already active in ALF. This way, we would be able to execute bigger projects with more learning impact. We would also ensure support for all who are included into the projects and would present an active member in Slovenia.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In the past years, we have established a firm partnership with many organisations in Europe and Asia (ex. Culture center In Action - Lithuania), which are well equiped with knowledge about ALF network and execute good quality projects, funded by the programme. We wish to become a part of the network, so we can strengthen the cooperation and bring more intercultural diversity and learning into our local community and to others included aswell.

Contact (1) Full Name
Denis Osmanović
Head of the organisation
Marko Pavlovič

Mladinski svet Mestne občine Ptuj, The Youth Council of Municipality Ptuj

National Network

Čučkova ulica 2

+386 68 174162
Mobile Phone
+386 68 174162
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Youth council is a regional platform of the youth organisation in a region Spodnje Podravje in Slovenia. Currently are about 20 member organisation. Yearly we have about 50000 € budget, mostly from public resources and project calls.
Mission and Objectives

Our main missions are to empower youth and youth organisations as well advocacy for all initiatives tackling youth issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Regular meetings with members to recognize the needs of youth and youth organisations, organizing seminars and workshops. We have art and cultural activities to promote youth talents and capacity of young people. We are representing our members toward local and national authorities. As well we are co.organize international initiatives and projects in the field of youth

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will promote ALF spirit and knowledge within our platform members. We want to contribute with our experiences in developing youth initiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to develop our Euro Mediterranean dimension, get new contacts and add our know how to Slovenian ALF network and wider.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nino Majcen
Head of the organisation
Nino Majcen


National Network

Tom?i?eva 14
1000 Ljubljana

+386 1 2416814
Telephone (other)
+386 1 2416802
+386 12414120
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+386 41 735007
Mobile Phone (other)
+386 41 562984
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Research
General Information
1. Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art) is the Slovenian national institution for modern and contemporary (visual) art. It’s staff consists 32 employees. 2. Budgetary resources available in a year are 1.2 million euro. 3. Sources of funding are up to 85% from state and up to 15% from sponsors&donators. 4. Exhibitions of Slovenian art, international exhibitions, seminars, round tables, education, publications. 5. Moderna galerija is collaborating both with national institutions and NGO’s.
Mission and Objectives

As a museum of Slovene modern art, Moderna galerija explores and presents the 20th-century Slovene art tradition, while as a museum of contemporary art and exhibition venue it presents new art practices and their context.
It has a national collection of art in 20. and 21. century and international collection Art East 2000+
It is also a documentary, study, research and education centre, a place for discussions and reflection and for presenting art to a wider audience.

Main Projects / Activities

Moderna galerija regularly stages exhibitions of both Slovene and international contemporary art. By featuring retrospectives and overviews of Slovene artists (displayed in a contemporary and innovative way), it maintains a continuity by informing the wider public of the Slovene contemporary art tradition, and follows developments and new trends in Slovenia and internationally with exhibitions of contemporary art.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Zdenka Badovinac
Head of the organisation
Mr. Zdenka Badovinac (Executive manager)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Maks Sor?ak

MOREL press agency

National Network

Reboljeva 13
1000 Ljubljana

386 (0)41-511-067
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
386 (0)41-511-067
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Edina neodvisna zasebna tiskovna agencija v Sloveniji, ki je v političnem in gospodarskem pritisku, deluje že četrt stoletja. V vsem tem času države ni prejela niti centa finančne pomoči. Agencija ima samo eno redno zaposlitev, ker nima rednih finančnih prilivov, temveč se financira s prodajo svojih storitev na medijskem trgu. Ta pa v Sloveniji praktično ne obstaja, ker so ostali mediji ali pod nadzorom aktualne oblasti v izbranih medijskih samodržcev.  Agencija MOREL izdaja strokovno zdravstveno revijo revije Vita, ki jo v nakladi 15.000 izvodov razdeli brezplačno po vsej državi.  Agencija MOREL si redno izmenjuje novice z beograjsko tiskano agencijo Fonet. Agencija MOREL ima svojo spletno televizijo MORELTV. Prenaša športne in druge dogodke, ki jih državna televizija ali pa zasebne tuje televizije ne prenašajo ali predvajajo.
Mission and Objectives

Želi ohraniti neodvisno novinarsko stroko in ponuditi bralcem, gledalcem in poslušalcem preveč novic iz Slovenije v tujini.

Main Projects / Activities

Medij- splet - spletna televizija- zdravstvenovzgojna revija

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

V naši državi ne moremo prispevati nič, ker so vsi člani v mreži v naši državi v prid državi, neposredno ali posredno, še posebej kar zadeva financiranje. Lahko pa omrežja pridobijo sredstva, ki niso podlega političnim in gospodarskim pritiskom. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Da bi prenesli čimveč preverjenih informacij iz okolja, kjer deluje omrežje ALF v od zaupanja vrednih virov, seveda v tej mreži obstajajo.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emil Lukančič-Mori
Job Title
Chief and editor
Head of the organisation
Emil Lukančič-Mori

Multimedia Centre Kibla (Association for Culture and Education KIBLA)

National Network

Ulica kneza Koclja 9
2000 Maribor

+386 (0)2 2294012
Telephone (other)
+386 (0)2 2294013
+386 (0)2 2294020
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Multimedia Centre CyberSRCeLab – MMC KIBLA was founded on the 4th of July 1996 as a project of Narodni dom Maribor and Open Society Institute Slovenia with the aim of training computer users from Maribor area, with free Internet access, information and advisory services on usage and data bases, and education consultations. From the 16th of June 1998 MMC KIBLA staff has legal status as an Association for Culture and Education (ACE KIBLA). KIBLA is funded from the various ministries, municipality, European programs and private donors and sponsors and it’s also generating its own income with various services. KIBLA is based on the openness and collaboration with other institutions and individuals. We've (co)organised several events and festivals . KIBLA is a constitutive member of the Slovenian Multimedia Centers Network, named The Net, which includes 16 Slovene multimedia centers .
Mission and Objectives

Through our concept we focus on the new (contemporary) educational, informational, advisory, cultural and artistic praxis, and scientific and, technological aspects connecting culture and technology, arts and sciences, education and research emancipating and demystifying new media as a creative tool. At the end of last century we wanted to draw a parallel between the reading-room tradition in Slovenia and Europe at the end of the 19th Century as a generator of education and culture, and the cyber reading-room at the end of the 20th Century and at the beginning of the 21st Century within the global village.
. Our philosophy is growing step-by-step, relying on a multimedia centre concept – media emancipation and integration, people responsibilities, connecting art and science, culture and technology, education and (new) media, information and communication technologies with society and humanistic – ecology of thinking.

Main Projects / Activities

KIBLA programs:
SRCe (Student Resource Center) – Info center for students about universities, studies, tests, grants, scholarships supported by a reference data base - the biggest on the Internet.
Cyber Lab – computer workshop, communication and information center with free access to the Internet.
Both constitutional programs are officially a part of Maribor information and advisory network, which is a part of the Youth information and advisory centre Slovenia (MISSS), which is a part of the European Eryica network.
Graphical Studio KIBLA.TIF for paper and electronic publishing with workshops and training people who are interested.
Bookshop ZA:MISEL (FOR:THOUGHT) deals with humanistic and social sciences and arts (books, CD-ROMs...) with lots of reading matter available in the KIBLA café.
Space for art KiBela – exhibitions, performances, concerts, theatre, lectures, symposiums, fairs, workshops.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Dejan Pestotnik, vice-president
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Aleksandra Kosti?, president
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Peter Tomaž Dobrila, adviser


National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00386 40 70 81 48
Mobile Phone (other)
00386 40 75 93 94
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
1. Structure: -Head office in Maribor, Slovenia -Bostjan Kojc, chairman of the association; -Mario Berdic, art director; -Branko Franglez, treasurer 2. Budget: 43.000 EUR (previous year) 3. Sources: sponsors, public tender, proper funds 4. Modalities: art exhibitions, fine art installations, art performances, lectures on theory of fine arts, promoting young artists 5. Partners: - AdCompany & company d.o.o. - Art Ljubljana d.o.o. - A.F. d.o.o. - DLUM - DLUI - DLUPP - DLUSP - SVOBODA OSVOBAJA association - MUKI association - European culture center Maribor - Ars Sacra gallery
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

We perform a support service for different fields of arts, its creation and its theory. Our work includes organization of classical (paintings, graphics and sculpture) art exhibitions, exhibitions of art photography, fine art installations (sculpture and video installations), art performances (action painting, photo performances), lectures on theory of fine arts, socializing and connecting art programs with other supplementary programs. Promoting the talented perspective young artists.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Mr. Boštian Qoic

National Network meeting in Slovenia

In door meeting, people sitting around the table

The Slovenian Network of the ALF had a meeting with the members on 27.3.2023. 

In the discussions during the meeting, many priorities were addressed as a base to discuss it more such as : the network characterization which  is a promising process that started and will continue as a process along the space and time. In addition, structuring an intersectional framework to address climate justice, social well-being, gender equality, and equal digital rights through EuroMed dialogue and cooperation.

It was also considered the interconnection with other networks in other ALF countries for a continuous vision in a structured framework for communication between national networks and beyond borders.

"We are as fluid as cultures, arts, landscapes, and beings can be." - The Anna Lindh Foundation members' gathering in Slovenia reflected on steps and visions beyond borders.

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