

National Network

77 rue Basse
L-7307 Steinsel


26 33 40 02
Mobile Phone
621 241 243
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
CULTUREINSIDE est un réseau d'artistes social international en ligne avec siège principal au Luxembourg, avec une deuxième base à New York, USA. Actuellement nous comptons plus de 3400 membres artistes en provenance de 90 pays. L'équipe au Luxembourg : 3 personnes (Luxembourg), 1 partenaire aux USA. Ressources budgétaires annuelles dépendent du sponsoring et des contributions par action/événement se levant en moyenne à 2000 - 3000 Euros. Source de financement : Une formule de promotion et d'aide à la vente pour l'artiste sous forme de souscription annuelle (en développement) Projets concrèts réalisés par C-EYE asbl: Réalisation des compétitions internationales, expositions symposium, workshops. Partenariats dans les expositions avec le CCRN Abbaye de Neumünster, VDL, nous avons reçus des labels EY 2009 (créativté et innvoation) et EY 2010 (pour la lutte contre la pauvreté et l'exclusion sociale), pour des workshops/séminaires avec le technopôle Centre Henri Tudor et le ECBN (European creative business network).
Mission and Objectives

L’ambition de CULTUREINSIDE est de connecter les artistes européens à travers le monde, d‘encourager le dialogue, les expositions, la documentation et le support mutuel. Ses membres proviennent de plus de 90 pays. Tous les pays de l’Union Européenne sont représentés. Le site est également un portail permettant la communication en plusieurs langues grâce à sa version anglaise, française et allemande. Il est gratuit, accessible, multiculturel, divers et ouvert. Par ce projet, nous répondons au besoin de l’artiste contemporain de se connecter et de communiquer au niveau global « crossing borders ».

Main Projects / Activities

Le modèle du projet étant intégré partiellement dans un monde virtuel et partiellement dans le monde réel voudrait aussi manifester la réalité nouvelle de l’art et du monde artistique dans lequel l’artiste contemporain se trouve avec l’arrivée des technologies de l’information et de la communication. Outre la visibilité et connextion gratuite au réseau en ligne CULTUREINSIDE (C-EYE ASBL) organise des compétitions et expositions avec jury pour nos artistes. Lors de nos compétitions internationales d’art des jurys d’experts internationaux du monde artistique sélectionnent des œuvres d’art et des lauréats pour nos expositions organisées au Luxembourg, en Allemagne, aux Etats-Unis. Nous voulons faire "voyager" nos expositions en plus de pays (la liste des pays est en train de s’élargir…)pour donner à une exposition d'être à plusieurs reprises dans de différents pays.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gila Paris
Head of the organisation
Gila Paris

Daniel Silva (individual associated expert)

National Network

20, op Hudelen
3468 Schifflange

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Hi, My name is Daniel Silva and I european citizen with origins in Portugal living in Luxembourg. My wife is Estonian and I breathe european energy. In my professional line of work I digitize seniors but also visit primary schools and high schools and give classes to create awareness about the dangers off and on the Internet. I would like to get involved because politics is currently too far from the citizen and the trust must be restored with positivism and that requires to fight desinformation with all means possible. I am also the president of Volt Luxembourg a pan european party, but I would firstly like to offer my personal participation, eventough from what I've read so far your organisation overlaps in many ways with our ideas and we would potentially be interested in joining the ALF Network as a mouvement.

Mission and Objectives

Join a strong network and make voices heard, be it mine or someone else's.

Main Projects / Activities

Open to diverse activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participation in events on diverse topics such as citizen participation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Participation in events on diverse topics such as citizen participation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Silva
Job Title
IT Trainer
Head of the organisation
Daniel Silva

Diversity and Multilingualism in Luxembourg

With almost 50% of its population, Luxembourg is the EU Member State with the highest share of non-national citizens. This mix of languages and cultures from all these communities is rewarding for life in Luxembourg and gives it a cosmopolitan...

Earth Is Not Flat But Soon Will Be


EXPO | "Earth Is Not Flat But Soon Will Be" Image retirée.

From June 28 to September 30, experience a gripping visual exploration of the climate crisis and its sometimes discreet and imperceptible consequences. Five photographers will take you to all corners of the world to report the hidden impacts of our actions on the environment: forced migrations, extinction of indigenous traditions, degradation of public beaches, and much more worrying.

Don't miss the opening on June 27, at 18:30, in the presence of the curator Yasemin Elçi and the artists, in the vaulted rooms.

With the precious support of Luxembourg Times 

Image retirée. Exposition : 28.06 > 30.09

Image retirée. Free entry

Image retirée. Location : Haunted Rooms

Image retirée.Image retirée.

clae ressources

Espace ressources associatives

Le guide pour la vie associative du CLAE est disponible en version papier à partir du 20 novembre 2023. - ÉLABORER UN PROJET D'ACTION - FICHE PRATIQUE - DÉBATTRE ET DÉCIDER ENSEMBLE - FICHE PRATIQUE - PENSER ET CONSOLIDER SON...

Festival Migrations, Cultures & Citoyenneté 2024

Festival Migrations, Cultures & Citoyenneté

Every year, the Festival des Migrations, de la Culture et de la Citoyenneté returns to Luxembourg to celebrate the cultural diversity of the country's population. to celebrate the cultural diversity of Luxembourg's population.

Organized by CLAE, the organization in charge of integrating new arrivals, the Festival des Migrations, de la Culture et de la Citoyenneté is one of Luxembourg's not-to-be-missed events. The Festival des Migrations, des Cultures et de la Citoyenneté celebrates cultural diversity in Luxembourg. It's a must-be in Luxembourg.

Every year, over 400 international stands come to life at LuxExpo The Box over the course of a weekend. Each organization involved in Luxembourg's cultural and political life showcases its achievements and commitment to a fairer social life and a more united future.

The Festival des Migrations weekend is synonymous with encounters and multiculturalism in all its forms, whether through music, books, dance or workshops... 

The Festival des Migrations gives the general public the chance to discover and experience the diversity of the more than 170 nationalities represented in Luxembourg.

Indeed, the entire program highlights the multiculturalism of Luxembourg's residents through workshops, master-classes and concerts.

At the Festival des Migrations, des Cultures et de la Citoyenneté, visitors can take part in a wide range of festive and convivial activities : debates, entertainment, stage shows, cultural and artistic activities, concerts... Everything is done to make this event a place of exchange, encounters and cultural discoveries. Visitors can appreciate the inter-cultural dimension of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Visit the stands of multicultural associations and join them in celebrating Luxembourg's unique cultural mix. You'll also be able to meet representatives of the main Luxembourg institutions responsible for the integration of newcomers and foreigners in Luxembourg.

The "Festival Village", at the heart of the space, hosts various citizen debates, events and fun workshops. This emblematic venue is supported by various private and public organizations, NGOs and government ministries.

Admission to the Festival des Migrations is free. However, donations enable CLAE to organize this event with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the City of Luxembourg.

The festival is coupled with the Salon du Livre et des Cultures du Luxembourg,

Formation et Sensibilisation de Luxembourg - FSL

National Network

138 Bd de la Pétrusse
2330 Luxembourg

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

“Formation et Sensibilisation de Luxembourg” Association was registered in 2020 on the basis of the non-formal group "Foreign Students of Luxembourg '' (FSL) which was created in 2013.
The head of the organization Tatevik Margaryan has 20 years of experience and implemented around 300 international trainings for intercultural groups.
Haythem Kamel is responsible for finances. He specializes in the topics of human rights, integration and participation, intercultural research, migrants’ issues, etc. He did PhD on the integration of the Arab speaking refugees in Luxembourg, at the University of Luxembourg.
Seg Kirakossian – the coordinator of the FSL is in charge of the team, provides creative, IT and technical support.
Taguhi Kharatyan – assistant.
The annual budget is approximately 100.000 EUR and main sources of funding are Erasmus+ programme and several national grants. FSL’s main activities are long term training courses, youth exchanges, seminars and conferences. Main partners are from EU, MEDA and EECA countries.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of FSL is to empower young people and to develop societies based on human rights, respect for diversity and a sense of responsibility for social and natural environment. The objectives and principles of the FSL are:
- To establish, promote and support social awareness of the importance of education to build skills and capacities;
- To promote education and awareness that acquires the tools of knowledge and contributes to the development of personality;
- To support the art-science dialogue as a mean and expression of a sustainable transfer of knowledge;
-To promote intercultural, inter-religious and inter-civilization dialogue, human rights education through the non formal education;
- To consolidate the potential of youth representatives of different cultures and subcultures for the solution of local and global problems.

Main Projects / Activities

The target groups and beneficiaries:
Members and volunteers of the FSL;
Participants (youth and youth workers) of the activities and events organised by the FSL;
Members of our branches (for the moment we have 2 branches - FSA and FSG) out of Luxembourg;
Youngsters from Luxembourg and foreign countries (social/ethnic/cultural minorities are always involved in our projects and events);
Experts involved in the projects/activities of FSL;
All the other people and organisations interested in youth and civic education.
The geographical reach: the geographical area that FSL projects and activities cover are: EU member countries (in the frame of the Erasmus+ the Programme Countries), EECA(particularly we have strong partnership with organisations in Armenia, Georgia, Russia and Belarus) and Mediterranean countries (here particularly Egypt, Jordan and Morocco). For the moment the FSL has branches in Armenia and Germany.
The main activities are:
Human Rights Festivals (in cooperation with the local organisations interested in the HRE, annual since 2022);
Long -Term Training Courses on the competences of the youth workers (periodically since 2015);
Various international youth programs in the framework of Youth in Action/ERASMUS+ Program of EC (Seminars, Youth Exchanges, Training Courses, etc.);
Research and Publications (Transnational Research “Understanding the Needs of Migrant and Refugee Women in Entrepreneurship and the Creative Sectors”, “A handbook on self-production of promotional videos for Social Entrepreneurship”, Handbook for youth workers “Inclusive Art and Youth Work”);
Work with youth from ethnic/cultural/sub-cultural minority groups living in Luxembourg
Study Visits with intercultural explorations to Luxembourg and other countries of the world (in the frame of the cooperation between Network of Anna Lindh Foundation);
Annual project “Never Again” on remembrance organized from 2015 to 2019 in Armenia, Germany in France (supported by OFAJ);
Living Library: FSL is a member of the consortium of the 5 local organisations interested and motivated to implement Living Library in Luxembourg and to promote Human Rights Education events and activities.
Personal development and healthy lifestyle has become one of the priorities of the organisation and we have been involved in several projects on outdoor education.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The target group of FSL in Luxembourg are mainly cultural and national minorities, expats, refugees and migrants. After becoming a member of Anna Lindh Foundation network we will organize more offline and online activities to share and spread three main purposes that ALF believes in. FSL is planning to organize info sessions for other organizations in Luxembourg about the Anna Lindh foundation, the possibilities it provides. During our future projects that will be funded by the ALF we will include the logo of the foundation on our promotional materials to raise visibility in this way as well. Despite this, we will follow the projects financed by AFL and implemented by other organizations to share the best results through our social media accounts.
Besides the above mentioned, we can also suggest training activities for the staff of Luxembourgish members of the Anna Lindh Foundation about basic video making, that can develop their organizational capacities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Formation et Sensibilisation de Luxembourg

“Formation et Sensibilisation de Luxembourg” Association was registered in 2020 on the basis of the non-formal group "Foreign Students of Luxembourg" (FSL) which was created in 2013. The main objectives of the Association are: to establish, promote and support social awareness regarding the importance of education with a view of strengthening skills and capacities and to promote education and awareness that contributes to the development of personality. Our team brought together researchers and practitioners in the fields of youth research, youth policy and youth work. The team members conducted their activities particularly in the framework of the Council of Europe (as members of the CoE Pool of Trainers’) and European Union in the three geographical dimensions: EU, EECA and Euro-Med. Thanks to personal practical experience of members of our group in conducting projects for young people with special needs (deaf, young people with mental and physical disabilities), as well as for young people from minorities (social, national, language and religious) and majority as a group of young people, we developed competencies not only on theoretical, but also on practical levels. Becoming member of the ALF network will enlarge our cooperation and will allow reaching much more beneficiaries in Euro-Med and partnership within the network.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Haythem Kamel
Job Title
Responsible for Finances
Head of the organisation
Tatevik Margaryan

Forum Culture(s)

National Network

20, rue Jos Sunnen

+352 691 79 75 20
Telephone (other)
+352 23 69 75 20
Mobile Phone
+352 691 79 75 20
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Forum Culture(s) est une initiative qui permet aux acteurs culturels luxembourgeois d’échanger sur les enjeux de politique culturelle.
Mission and Objectives

L’initiative Forum Culture(s) s’etait donné deux objectifs :
* essayer de replacer la culture au centre du débat politique, en créant une plate-forme publique qui permette à tous les acteurs culturels intéressés d’échanger librement sur les grands enjeux de politique culturelle et de faire éventuellement des propositions d’action aux pouvoirs publics ;
* ouvrir le secteur culturel aux autres domaines publiques, dans une démarche de développement durable.
Au cours de l'année 2008, Forum Culture(s) a travaillé sur un texte de réflexion, le Manifeste pour un Pacte culturel, qui a constitué la base du Pacte culturel signé par les partis politiques le 6 décembre 2008 en vue des élections législatives de juin 2009.

Main Projects / Activities

Le Forum Culture(s) est une plate-forme d’échange, de discussion et de proposition entre artistes, acteurs culturels et membres de la société civile luxembourgeoise.
Dans ses analyses, propositions et recommandations, concernant les réponses à donner aux grands défis qui se posent à la vie culturelle au Luxembourg, à sa politique culturelle et au développement durable de la société luxembourgeoise, dans un contexte de mondialisation et d’intégration européenne renforcée, il s’adresse tant aux pouvoirs publics, aux niveaux national et communal, qu’aux partis politiques et aux parlementaires.
Par rapport à des textes plus « normatifs », tels que le Pacte Culturel, signé par six partis politiques, il assume une fonction de « veille » et d’accompagnement de la mise en œuvre.

Contact (1) Full Name
M. Raymond Weber
Head of the organisation
M. Raymond Weber