
Women Employment Information Centre

National Network

Savanorių 1
44255 Kaunas

+370 687 10380
Telephone (other)
+370 37 200392
+370 37 200392
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The Women's Employment Information Centre (WEINC) was farmally established as an NGO in December of 1994, by an initiative of the Kaunas Municipality and the United Nations International Labour Office (UNILO). WEINC began as a local organization, and although it continues to the address the needs of women in Kaunas and the surrounding districts, it works closely with women’s NGO’s on a national and international basis. Nationally, the WEINC has a number of individual and joint projects that address the needs of women through electronic and practical skills training and business and personal consultations. On an international level, WEINC has a number of projects that were established in partnership around women entrepreneurs with Finland, Sweden and France. WEINC has also participated in international joint projects and training of women in equal opportunities, organizational management, women in politics and trade unions. WEINC has international links with many organizations that work within women’s human rights framework, collaborating with the US, Canada, Western Europe and the Baltic States. The WEINC strengthens the areas in which it can actively promote gender equality in Lithuanian society. It is also one of the very few organizations that specifically addresses and meets the needs of women in the employment domain. It will continue to work collaboratively with women’s organizations nationally and internationally to empower women.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to improve the status of women in Lithuania, solve their employment, business establishment and development problems, train women leaders, as well as influence public opinion on equality issues Our objectives:  To influence formation of women’s policy at a local and national level;  To promote the idea of social economy, equal rights and possibilities for women and men;  To encourage women entrepreneurship by supporting development of newly established businesses;  To encourage women leadership in politics;  To provide updated information about available job openings and to provide job placement service.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities  The Centre has an employment agency, where women get free of charge job search and job placement services. In 2008 there were 1293 of unemployed women who were looking for a job through our agency. 182 of them were offered jobs  The Centre provides various educational courses and seminars: English language courses, Accounting courses, Computer literacy courses, Computerized “Pragma” accounting courses, Courses of electronic commerce, Internet courses, nursing courses. The aim of the courses is to give women a more advanced position in the labor market, and to promote life-long education and non formal education.  The Center has established Clubs that are targeted at different groups of women. Businesswomen Club 21st Century is a club for women who operate businesses. The Club seeks to create an image of a business woman in Lithuania, more favorable laws and governmental programs for businesswomen. Women’s Job Club Crossroad is for women who have been unemployed for a longer period of time, lack self-confidence, and need support to overcome psychological and skill barriers of a modern labor market. Kaunas Women’s Politicians Club MILDA is a club uniting women politicians from different parties. The aim of the Club is to seek more women representation in local and regional governments

Contact (1) Full Name
Jūratė Puidienė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jūratė Puidienė
Contact (2) Full Name
Monika Čepienė
Job Title (2)
project manager

You Can Knock on the Doors and Windows of the University, but Nobody Will Care: How Universities Benefit from Network Silence around Gender-Based Violence

This paper exposes the role of universities in creating silence around gender-based violence in higher education, drawing on narratives from 39 qualitative interviews with victims/survivors and bystanders about reporting incidents and experiences. In this paper, we extend concept of ‘network...

Youth Club "VIJA"

National Network

Taikos str. 4-11, Vilnius
05255 Vilnius

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Youth Club “VIJA” works since 1997, it is located in the heart of Lithuania – Vilnius. Youth Club’s members are young people interested in sport‘ s activities history, ecology, human’s rights,  traditions and new ways of self- improvement, flashmobs, trades in street and others. The main purpose of the club is to prepare active citizen of Europe. Youth Club organizes seminars, prepares educational  sightseeings and performances. While traveling we share different experiences, we represent our culture and different ways of education, involvement in Youth organization life and work with young people together, helping them to choose their desire careers contributing to various social life.
Mission and Objectives

We are the representatives of young people involving them in different kinds of sports, team working, leadership and self-improvement as well as communicating a lot in English language. We have experience in various workshops, games, simulations and discussions. We will bring new perspectives in Lithuanian way of thinking and acting by representing our components of culture among young people.

Main Projects / Activities

We will contribute as much as possible and build new relationships between different organizations, we will share my experience and create new ideas, all the gained information will be useful for our people, who are thinking about Erasmus and other similar activities. We are ready to engage in future partnerships.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to contribute to the co-operation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Expanded our horizons
Looking for new partners
We want to share our experiences

Contact (1) Full Name
Alfonsas Malonaitis
Job Title
Project coordinator
Head of the organisation
Alfonsas Malonaitis

Youth to Youth Initiative

National Network

savanoriu pr
11203 Vilnius

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Y2Y created a unique structure which allows us to tackle all the issues we are working on through three levels: first, the annual thematic International Summits create a starting point, inspire, open dialogue and overall create an environment that allow to produce joint projects, which are developed and implemented in our online incubator. Secodn, Y2Y main platform is Y2Y Action Hub which is an innovative online and offline system for the development and successful implementation of socially beneficial ideas, concepts, start-ups, projects and initiatives created by youth and for youth. The Y2Y Action Hub is designed as a synthesis of highly responsive, community-driven social network and an interactive, flexible online incubator. The main idea behind it is to maximize the impact of youth-led initiatives by providing around-the-clock support in project management and development, communication and research, technology and innovation, funding and campaigning, marketing and PR, multimedia and design. Finally, in order to make sure that the projects are developed in a sustainable way, we established an additional monitoring body - Ambassadors, who are selected during the Summit among the most engaged young leaders for the period of one year. Y2Y is co-founded by 3 people: Saida Ibrahimava from Belarus, Karolina Mazetyte from Lithuania, Ania Ankowska from Poland. There are 3 key roles in the decision making process: Project Direct, Main Coordinator of the Y2Y Summit, President. Y2Y started working as a non-formal youth lead initiative in October 2014, while the NGO was established in Lithuania on 08th of July 2015. Legally Y2Y is based in Lithuania while it's members are working online from different countries. Currently there are working 8 people on voluntary basis. Y2Y 1st event was the Y2Y Summit on the Role of Youth in Solving Global Challenges and Bridging Gaps among Nations which took place on 16-20th of April 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania (more information: In May Y2Y organized Brunches with inspirational speakers on the topics important for youth in Lisbon, Brussels, Vilnius, Krakow. Y2Y Brunches are held every 3 month. On 27th of September Y2Y alumni are organizing brunches in Paris, Vilnius and USA. Under the Y2Y Action Hub we are mentoring 6 projects: Dialogue through Art (USA), Pocket Stories (Norway), Study Opportunities (Ukraine), PLAYLEE (Columbia, Germany), LENSATIONAL (Singapore), IMU Exchange project (UK, Serbia, Italy, Russia, Mexico). Currently we are looking into sources for funding, because we either do work on voluntary basis or invest our own money.

Mission and Objectives

“Youth to Youth Initiative” aims to construct an effective environment for youth participation in the decision making process and solving global challenges locally. Through dialogue and immediate action plans we are solving the most critical questions in the sphere of education, employment, culture and faith, gender equality, informal diplomacy, migration, social entrepreneurship, sustainable development of communities, anticorruption, humanitarian actions. Y2Y mission is to give an access to young people from all around the world to efficiently participate in community development as well as to provide a networking opportunities for youth on a global scale.

Main Projects / Activities

Annual thematic International Summits create a starting point, inspire, open dialogue and overall create an environment that allow to produce joint projects, which are developed and implemented in our online incubator. In April 2016 Y2Y will organize a summit on transparency and anticorruption issues in Krakow, Poland. In 2017 Y2Y summit will be held in Middle, while in 2018 might be held in USA. Each year is dedicated to the most relevant issues for youth around the world. Y2Y Summits are mobile in a way that each year they will be held in different country in the world. Y2Y Brunch with a Speaker. The aim of the brunches is to discuss in a non-formal environment with an inspirational speaker on local challenges, as well as to build Y2Y network of change makers and activists. Y2Y Action Hub is a convenient virtual space for networking and team-building, skills-acquiring and knowledge-sharing, consultancy, analysis and monitoring, but first of all, it is a vibrant and supportive community of peers and professionals from Y2Y Global partners’ network helping social ventures and projects become catalysts for change. Y2Y Side projects: - CITIZEN - Citizen driven innovation in Eastern and Northern Europe - Capacity building training on entrepreneurship for migrant youth workers  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In various ways, first of all involving interested members in our projects, activities and events. Second, cooperating and hopefully co-working on the joint fields of interest for the improvement of our local community. Last but not least spreading information among youth on the Anna Lindh Network and its activities as our organization are reaching many youth in Lithuania.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

During the 5th EuroArab Youth Forum in Strasbourg in September, 2015 the President of Y2Y discussed potential partnership opportunities and projects with Anna Lindh Foundation, such as graffiti art festival in the Medditeranean region or cooperation on the Y2Y Summit in Middle East, etc. Our organization wants to strenghen the cooperation among youth from Europe and the Arab world which is a big motivator to join the ALF Netowrk. Moreover, our fields of activities are going inline and we are already working on the same issues. We believe that working together we can achieve much more than alone.

Contact (1) Full Name
Saida Ibrahimova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Saida Ibrahimova
Contact (2) Full Name
Vilija Terezaite
Job Title (2)



تتحدد أهداف الشبكة الليتوانية التابعة لمؤسسة آنا ليند، والتي تضم 45 منظمة من منظمات المجتمع المدني، في الآتي:

• تعزيز قدرات التواصل والثقة والتعاون بين الأعضاء من خلال زيادة الانخراط والمشاركة والدعم المؤسسي من الأعضاء ولهم.

• أن نصبح منصة معترف بها مؤسسيا لمن يرغبون في بناء التعاون مع الشركاء في جميع أنحاء منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط.

• العمل من أجل مجتمع منفتح ومتسامح يقوم على مبادئ الديمقراطية.

ومن خلال مبادراتها، انضمت الشبكة الليتوانية التابعة لمؤسسة آنا ليند إلى مشاريع دولية مع شركاء من مصر والأردن وتونس والمغرب والبرتغال وإيطاليا وأيرلندا واليونان والدنمارك ولاتفيا وجمهورية التشيك.

يتولى مركز شباب بابيلوناس، وهو منظمة غير حكومية (جمعية أهلية)، رئاسة الشبكة الليتوانية التابعة لمؤسسة آنا ليند منذ عام 2021، وتتولى رولاندا-سليازين ويست منصب المنسق منذ عام 2017 (وأعيد انتخابها في عام 2021).

مثّل أعضاء الشبكة الليتوانية التابعة لمؤسسة آنا ليند ليتوانيا في منتدىها في برشلونة ومالطا، وفي مؤتمر المرأة Kimiyya (المرأة من أجل الحوار) في نابولي، وفي منتدى المرأة الأورومتوسطية للحوار في الأردن عام 2019، وفي تدريب المدربين للشبكة في قبرص عام 2019.

تتمثل أولويات الشبكة في معالجة مشاكل المجتمع المدني من خلال البحث عن طرق لحلها؛ وفرص التمويل للمنظمات الأعضاء؛ والتواصل والتعاون داخل وخارج الشبكة الليتوانية التابعة لمؤسسة آنا ليند.