
Zero Food Waste Cyprus

National Network

Herakliou 3
1037 Nicosia

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Zero Food Waste Cyprus is an initiative based in Nicosia that first took place in February 2018. It all started with the vision to prevent food from being thrown away, which contributes to climate change as well as food inequality.
Through the involvement of young volunteers , food that would have otherwise been wasted gets collected from the "OXI" food market on Saturdays, and from the Kyrenia market on Wednesdays, and re-distributed to anyone in need.
The initiative is based on volunteering work from its 3 board members, Alexia Kalourkoti, Pantelis Kyriakides and Demetra Theodotou. The Wednesday market is run from Fatih Segmen.
Currently there is no funding, apart from periodical funding opportunities for initiatives and volunteering teams.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote a circular economy of food by reducing food waste and providing to people in need. We also aim to raise awarness about food waste and inform about the environmental aspects, as well as provide solutions on individual bases and on public bases (reduction of food waste, composting etc.)
Our objectives is to expand to more markets across the island so we can save more food from the landfills and reach more vunlerable people.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects and activities are the "Saturday Aftermarket" in which we are collecting food that would be wasted at the "OXI" food market every Saturday and the "Wasteless Wednesdays" in which we are saving food from the Kyrenia food market every Wednesday.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ZFWC can contribute to the Network by providing its members' knowledge on sustainability and in ways of promoting circular economy in the island, especially regarding food waste. More specifically, as our iniative with its actions covers various SDGs (SDG 2, 3, 11, 12, 13), we can contribute in the awarness and promotion of Sustainable Development Goals. Last but not least, as ZFWC has a bicommunal character, we can contribute by informing and working towards sustainability and peace building through activism across the divide.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to have the opportunity to expand our network, to gain through the experiences of being part of this Network and its actions, to develop our initiative through it and be able to further promote sustainability and a circular economy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alexia Kalourkoti
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Alexia Kalourkoti
Contact (2) Full Name
Pantelis Kyriakides
Job Title (2)
Content writer
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النوع الاجتماعي كعدسة مفقودة

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ثقافات مختلفة - قيم مشتركة

في عالم يختلط فيه الناس من جميع الثقافات والأديان على نحو متزايد، يصبح الوعي بين الثقافات مهارة مطلوبة أكثر من أي وقت مضى. بناءً على هذه الملاحظات، انطلق مشروع ثقافات مختلفة – قيم مشتركة لتعزيز التفاهم المتبادل بين الشباب والأقليات...



تعمل شبكة مؤسسة آنا ليند القبرصية على إشراك منظمات المجتمع المدني والهيئات الأخرى في الجزيرة القبرصية في مبادرات التعاون والتعلم عبر الثقافات على كل من الصعيد المحلي والوطني والإقليمي. تأسست الشبكة القبرصية المتنامية في عام 2005، وهي تضم أكثر من 50 عضواً فتعكس بذلك تنوّع الحيز المدني في قبرص، وهي تضم بين أعضائها منظمات من المجتمع المدني وهيئات خاصة وعامة ومراكز بحوث ومجموعات غير نظامية. 

تهدف الشبكة إلى توليد التآزر وبناء الجسور بين المواطنين، وإلى دعم وتعزيز الأنشطة التي تهدف إلى اكتشاف وفهم التعددية الثقافية في كل من قبرص والمنطقة الأورومتوسطية. وتماشياً مع رسالة مؤسسة آنا ليند وأولوياتها، تعزز الشبكة تطوير أوجه التآزر مع المنظمات من جميع البلدان التي تتواجد فيها المؤسسة، وتنشر المعلومات حول فرص وإمكانيات التعاون والتعلم المتاحة، وتنظم اجتماعات الأعضاء والمناقشات ومبادرات بناء القدرات وفعاليات التشبيك. 


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“People of the Wind”: Bridging the sounds of the East and West at Windcraft Music Fest


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Read more about the residency “People of the Wind”: Bridging the sounds of the East and West here

EFFEA is a new initiative of the European Festivals Association (EFA) that supports emerging artists in developing their career on an international level through festivals.