
ORC & Youth Network in B&H monthly bulletin No. 294 - November 2023.

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Dear friends,

Here is a new issue of the newsletter of the Youth Resource Center (ORC) Tuzla and members of the

Youth Network of Bosnia and Herzegovina for November 2023 (number 294).

Read what's new in the world of BH youth activism, as well as calls for projects and activities.

You can find this newsletter at the link:

and all previous editions at the link:

Best regards and enjoy reading!


ORC Tuzla Wish you a Happy Hollidays!

ORC Monthly bulletin no.300

300. issue of the ORC bulletin

Dear friends,

In the attachment, we are sending you the monthly newsletter of the Youth Resource Center (ORC) Tuzla and members of the Youth Network of Bosnia and Herzegovina for MAY (number 300).

Read what's new in the world of BH youth activism, as well as calls for projects and activities.

You can find this newsletter at the link:

And all previous newsletters at:

Best regards and enjoy reading!

ORC Tuzla team

ORC Tuzla and YN in B&H bulletin august 2024.

front page

Dear friends,

Here is the monthly newsletter of the Youth Resource Center (ORC) Tuzla and members of the Youth Network of Bosnia and Herzegovina for AUGUST (number 303).

Read what's new in the world of B&H youth activism, as well as calls for projects and activities.

You can find this newsletter at the link:

And all previous ones on the link:

Best regards and enjoy reading!

ORC Tuzla team

ORC Tuzla and Youth Network of B&H monthly bulletin may 2023.

monthly bulletin od the ORC Tuzla and YN in B&H No. 288

Dear all,

Here is a may issue (288) of the monthly informative Bulletin of the Youth Resource Center (ORC) Tuzla and members of the Youth Network of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Read what's new in the world of B&H youth activism, as well as calls for projects and activities.

You can find this newsletter at the link:

And all previous newsletters at the link:

Best regards and enjoy reading!

Organization „New Women’s Initiative“

National Network

Bosne Srebrene 2/12

++387 61 151 700
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
• Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners Main organization bodies are: Organization assembly and Managing board. Organization has president, vice president as well as secretary of organization. All other are members. All position in the organization are on voluntary base. • Budgetary resources available in a year • Sources of funding Membership on a monthly basis, from donations, municipality Tuzla and Tuzla canton • Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) Trainings: empowering women to take active role in society, non-formal education, starting small business for women. • Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities Tuzla municipality, Tuzla University Clinical Center, elementary and secondary schools in Tuzla canton.
Mission and Objectives

Empower women in Bosnia and Herzegovina to take active role in the comunity development, as well building up strong women base bodey in Bosnia and Herzegovina which will be a foundation for B&H prosperity in the future,.

Main Projects / Activities

Relax room in elementary school Tuzla; Organizing fair of handcraft products made by women; Refurbishing daily hospital in Tuzla

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organization “New women’s initiative” is a very young organization, with little experience in projects so far, but what we lack in experience we compensate in will and eagerness to work and contribute to the development of our community, region and state. All our members are women who have already have professional carriers and are now devoted to helping others, thus we assume that our new ideas and willingness for networking and to work and cooperate with others will be our biggest contribution to ALF B&H network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since our organization is devoted to intercultural life in our community and country we wish to join ALF network since it advocated exactly that. In addition it is our opinion is that we will have much to learn from ALF network and its members, as well to learn from their experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sanda Kreitmayer Pestic
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sanda Kreitmayer Pestic
Contact (2) Full Name
Zlata Smajic
Job Title (2)
Vice president


peace magazine

With the help of our project assistant, Kristina Gadze, MIR magazine found itself in #Mostar. This time we donated the magazines to street libraries, the Center for Critical Thinking Mostar, and Udruga Rezon.

#MIRMag presents stories and alternative views on society, history, culture, inequality, human rights, justice, and politics in BiH and the Western Balkans, to make our region more understandable and transparent for local and international audiences.


Image retirée.

Image retirée.

Peace Academy Foundation

National Network
+38733227 211
+387 33 227 211
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The organization consists of the founders, a 5-member Board of Directors, Executive Director and Peace Academy Foundation Coordinator. PAF has two full-time employees (ED and PAF's Coordinator) and, periodically, two part-time employees (assistant on our main project and fundraiser). Our annual budgetary resources amount to approx. 50,000.00 Euro. To date, activities of PAF have been supported by Mennonite Central Committee, Balkan Trust for Democracy, Geneva Quaker Fund and participants through participants’ fees. Our main project is the Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy which was founded in 2007 and since this year we have started with publishing literature about peace-building. Our main partner is Center for Peace Studies from Zagreb.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to help construct and affirm a culture of peace in all social spheres by exchange of theoretical and practical knowledge, skills, and experiences; development of existing and creation of new theoretical models for peace work; education for everyone who is active or wishes to be active in the field of peace work; and fostering connections between actors relevant for peace-building and promotion of peace work.
Our overall objective is infrastructure for continuous synergistic development of a culture of peace in the region. Our immediate objectives are increase of levels of knowledge/skills of associates/alumni demonstrated through the number of projects (individual, organizational, network-based) as a direct consequence of participation in PAF activities and increasing the number of beneficiaries reached by the projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Our key activities are:
- PYPA – the central 10-day annual event is organized every year. Each is organized with 3 courses led by renowned experts from peace-building and related fields.
- Follow up on the peacebuilders’ activities in their communities.
- Promotion of the importance of peace education.
- Improvement and maintenance of the Moodle platform as a regular web-based communication and support tool for PAF associates and/or alumni.
- On-line library which contains collected (open source) texts and other types of media materials relevant to peace-building.
- Translating and publishing a number of the most crucial books from the field of peace-building into B/C/S.
- Sub-grants for (small scale) peace-building activities and projects available to PAF associates.
- Improving the PAF web site as the main source of information on the PAF and other peace-building initiatives.
- PAF is included in research projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PAF can be an excellent partner for all organizations in the network and can contribute to the development of culture of peace through partnerships with some of them.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF Network because of similarities between PAF's and ALF's missions and also because PAF's projects include all of the above mentioned ALF's action fields.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tamara Šmidling
Head of the organisation
Tamara Šmidling - Executive directress
Contact (2) Full Name
Emina Trumic

Peace Academy Foundation

National Network

Porodice Ribar 8

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information

We are best known for intenstive-format summer academies aimed for both students and activists. In addition, we have published several books on social justice, strategic peacebuilding, and a culture of memory. For several years we organised practitioner exchanges with the Ukraine, where participants from a particular focus would travel to Bosnia to learn from Bosnian experiences after the war. Presently we have an active volunteer board and a volonteer director who are committed to re-activating the organisation.

Mission and Objectives

PAF's Vision The PAF envisions a culture of peace as a relevant characteristic of relations within the region, in each country and between them. PAF emphasizes that peace is not only the “absence of war” and shares an idea of a culture of peace as defined by the United Nations General Assembly in 1998 “as consisting of values, attitudes and behaviours that reject violence and endeavour to prevent conflicts by addressing their root causes with a view to solving problems through dialogue and negotiation among individuals, groups and nations.” PAF's Mission Our mission is to help construct and affirm a culture of peace in all social spheres by exchange of theoretical and practical knowledge, skills, and experiences; development of existing and creation of new theoretical models for peace work; education for everyone who is active or wishes to be active in the field of peace work; and fostering connections between actors relevant for peacebuilding and promotion of peace work. PAF's Values Our work is based on following values: Appreciating diversity – PAF empowers and supports cooperation between different social groups engaged in peacebuilding; Commitment to dialogue – PAF supports and encourages the exchange of ideas, and constructive critique of existing theories and practices of peacebuilding; Readiness to learn and change ourselves – We see the work of the PAF as a process in which we all participate and make decisions on an equal basis; Linking academia with activism – PAF is a space for exchange of different perspectives and approaches, not a competitive space; Nonviolence and a culture of peace – These are the ultimate principles of our work and fostering them is our ultimate goal; Political aspects – we see peace work as a mode of political and civic activism and a necessary condition for creating positive social change.

Main Projects / Activities

Presently we have two active projects. In 2020 we are planning a summer course with modest funding from ECRP. In addition, we have initiated a research project called "Study of Peacebuilding Practice in Divided Societies" (more information at

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are particularly strong on linking academic and activist approaches. This summer we are planning a course on resistance to nationalism and populism that could be of interest to participants from member organisations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of our important values is to be active and contribute to civil society more broadly, concretely through active participation in networks. We were previously a member although a rather inactive one.

Contact (1) Full Name
Randall Puljek-Shank
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Randall Puljek-Shank

PEACE FESTIVAL 2024 is open!

peace festival vitez

PEACE FESTIVAL 2024 is open!

The Festival began with welcoming speeches from Velma Šarić and Tatjana Milovanović (The Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC)), the Deputy Ambassador of Slovak Embassy in BiH, Patrik Turosik (Slovenské veľvyslanectvo v Bosne a Hercegovine / Ambasada Slovačke u BiH), and Glorija Alić (OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina).


The first day of our #PEACEFest24 is dedicated to rights of minorities, specifically the #Roma population with "On the Margins," a multimedia-educational program developed by the #PCRCBiH in partnership with the OSCE Mission to BiH.


#PCRCBiH, through the Anna Lindh Foundation - Bosnia & Herzegovina, is collaborating with Gradsko kazalište mladih Vitez for the third consecutive year.


Participants of #PEACEFest24 enjoyed last night's performance of "I'm Invisible," which explores and questions the relationship between the individual and the mass.


The individual portrays victims of abduction, violence, media lynching, emotional manipulation, and bureaucratic inertia, where their "hands are tied." In this case, the individual is powerless to fight against the ruthless society as a whole. On the other hand, society, due to its own superiority, oppresses, humiliates, belittles, ignores, intimidates, discourages, and discredits the individual, or the victim.


The executive producer of the play is Ivan Sajević, and graphic design is by Borislav Sučić.


#MIRFest #youth #Vitez Photo: Mitar Simikić


Balkan Diskurs SlovakAid #CFLI Al Jazeera Balkans OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina Etno selo "Čardaci"


Peace Festival Vitez, B&H

Peace Festival'23 held in Vitez: Peace is accepting the diversity of other people

This year's Peace Festival'23 ended with the concert "NEVER THE SAME FOREVER with Kontra", from which young people sent a message that they are committed to building sustainable peace and coexistence in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

More than 40 young people through the contents of the Peace Festival'23, which include the performance "Contract" by the City Theatre Vitez, the documentary films "Colourless" by Aida Gavrić, "The Little Prince" by Jasmine Đikoli and director Muris Beglerović, "Ordinary Heroes" by the Centre for Post-Conflict research, the exhibition of the Centre for Post-Conflict Research and the OSCE Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina at "Margina", the MIR magazine of the Centre for Post-Conflict Research, the publication "Peace as Seen by Young People in BiH" by the OSCE Mission in BiH, they discussed how they see peace, what is the connection between music and peace, i.e. how can music contribute to sharing peace with activist Amra Pandzo.

"What I liked most about the Peace Festival was that all the young people who attended shared the same opinion - peace is accepting the diversity of other people. I believe that this Festival has taught us that we are not less if we allow other people around us to have the freedom to think and express their characteristics and their belonging", said Lejla Karović from Sarajevo.

Karović added that what she liked most about the Festival was the fact that several young people with a common goal and vision were present in one place, and we proved that there is hope for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ivana Ševarika from Banja Luka pointed out that she liked the panel discussion "How young people see peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina" the most at the Festival, because it talked about concrete problems that young people face and joint forces, "we realized that only by respecting others and respecting mutual differences we can contribute to lasting and sustainable peace."

"This Peace Festival was significant and a good wind at my back for further work in the community and then beyond. She only met a lot of people of all religions and ethnicities, which was no problem for anyone. We got the opportunity to share our opinions, give each other advice and learn from everything that was told," said Dženisa Joldić from Hadžić.

The participants of the Peace Festival'23 came from more than 20 communities, including: Gračanica, Donji Vakuf, Foča, Milići, Tuzla, Vitez, Bugojno, Banja Luka, Zenica, Velika Kladuša, Mostar, Uskoplje and Kakanj.

The specificity of this year's Peace Festival'23 was the visit to Žepč, i.e. the laying of flowers on the monument to all the civilian victims of the war, where together with the mayor Mata Zovko and other representatives of the municipality they laid flowers and paid tribute to the civilian victims of the war.

"A common monument to all victims of war promotes trust and peaceful coexistence," said Mato Zovko, the mayor of Žepče, explaining to the young people how and in what way the common monument for all civilian victims of war was built.

The Peace Festival'23 was organized by the Centre for Post-Conflict Research. Amina Sejfić, project manager of the Centre, said that such programs as the Peace Festival'23 are needed by young people in order to encourage them to become active in their communities and connect with other communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to appreciate and respect differences, but also helped the common future.

"Peace Festival'23 gives a clear message that even though we are all different, we must strive towards the same goal, that is, building trust and peace," said Sejfić.

This year's Peace Festival'23 was held in the ethno village "Čardaci", and the donors are the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation (Slovak Aid), the Sigrid Rausing Trust, the Rockefeller Brother Foundation and the OSCE Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The partners of the Festival are Ethno Village Čardaci, Al Jazeera Balkans, City Youth Theatre Vitez and the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina.