
Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC)

National Network

Zagrebačka 69
71000 Sarajevo

+387 61 274 997
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
PCRC consists of 7 full-time staff members and a network of over 40 experts from the Balkans Region and around the world who provide expertise and support to the organization and its projects and programs. Oversight is provided by PCRC’s local and international Advisory Boards, whilst PCRC’s accounts and financial books are kept by a certified accountant. Budgetary resources available in a year total 100,000 Euros, predominantly sourced from international bodies (UNAOC, Council of Europe), international grantmaking foundations (Fetzer Institute, National Endowment for Democracy etc.), and local embassies (British, Swiss, Dutch). PCRC’s main activities are focused around educational activities, consultany, and storytelling through methods such as film, photography and investigative journalism. PCRC partners with organizations at local, regional and international levels, including local victims associations and youth groups, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Republika Srpska, UN Office of Genocide Prevention, ICTY and ArtWorks in Chicago.
Mission and Objectives

PCRC’s mission is to cultivate an environment for sustainable peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and the greater Balkans region using creative multimedia projects that foster tolerance, moral courage, mutual understanding and positive change.
In addition to developing our own unique projects, we leverage our expertise to act as independent consultants for local and international groups and actors, including journalists, photographers, academics, filmmakers, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions and others who are interested in carrying out projects that contribute to a brighter future for BiH and the region.
By building a web of relationships, we intend to establish a network that empowers BiH’s internal resources for peacebuilding while helping to maximize contributions made by the international community.

Main Projects / Activities

PCRC is working to bridge divides through bringing people together, giving them the space to speak freely and openly about their current issues and problems, and educating them on how to take an active role in instigating change within their local communities.
This work is focused around three main themes:
Youth and reconciliation – illuminating overlooked, positive narratives of interethnic and intercultural cooperation from the past and utilizing them as models of pro-social behavior and catalysts for social change towards other ethnic groups and minorities in the present and future.
Media freedom – challenging the prevalence of skewed media reporting and negative stereotypes within Bosnia’s mainstream media through promoting the merits of independent media, increasing media literacy levels and providing youth with a space free from censorship to share their concerns and ideas.
Gender and peacebuilding – increasing the capacity of women working in the field of gender rights to influence positive social change and peace, with a specific focus on enabling victims of wartime sexual violence address the cultures of impunity and stigmatisation in BiH.
Throughout this work, PCRC specializes in using multimedia to engage, educate and create awareness target groups. Film and photography are not only powerful artistic expressions that can create lasting images in the eye of the beholder, but can also carry important messages and help people visualize and relate to complex issues, characters and situations. As well as using these tools to inspire change in local schools and public squares, PCRC has also screened its Ordinary Heroes documentary series and the standalone documentary Uspomene 677 to over 500,000 viewers across the region in partnership with Al Jazeera Balkans.
Key projects implemented in 2014-2015 include:
Ordinary Heroes
Ordinary Heroes is designed to foster social healing, reconciliation and forgiveness among divided groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This project utilizes photography, film, and educational youth workshops to tell the stories of four post-conflict regions -- Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Rwanda, Cambodia, and post-Holocaust Europe. During periods of moral collapse and genocide existed ordinary people who exhibited incredible courage and compassion to help others at their own risk. Their stories of rescue illustrate the power that love, self-sacrifice, and moral courage have in resisting overwhelming tides of prejudice and violence. PCRC aims to use these narratives as a model for pro-social behavior and a tool to build a social ethic that counters communal violence and promotes healing and forgiveness in divided societies.
Balkan Diskurs
Balkan Diskurs is an independent multimedia outlet that provides young citizen journalists, activists and academics in the Western Balkans with a space free from censorship to publish their opinions, analyses and impressions of the region in which they live. In a media culture dominated by political elites and which seeks to divide rather than unite, Balkan Diskurs offers young citizens from across the region a chance to engage on issues of common concern, with a particular focus on the lack of transparent, objective accurate media.
Regional Genocide Prevention Seminar
In collaboration with the Office of the Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide (OSAPG), PCRC runs an annual seminar to the build the capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) in the Balkans working in the fields of human rights, peace building, and the prevention and prosecution of crimes against humanity. The seminar aims to raise the awareness of factors that cause genocide and mass atrocities and facilitate discussions on practical applications for CSOs to contribute to the prevention of genocide.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PCRC has an extensive network of local contacts throughout Bosnia-Herzegovina, ranging from local officials and authorities to some of the most marginalized communities in the country. First, we will utilise these longstanding relationships to lobby relevant stakeholders to support the ALF’s proposed strategy in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Second, we hope that we can further develop the foundations links with grassroots organizations, activists and officials, enabling the network to better implement its upcoming activities in local communities across the country.
In addition, PCRC will also add to the exchange of ideas and good practices within the network, having won the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and BMW Group’s 2014 Intercultural innovation award, which recognizes recognizes the most innovative projects that promote intercultural dialogue, understanding and cooperation around the world. PCRC has since received over a year of specialized training in organizational management, fundraising, marketing and project management and evaluation, as well as training in how to replicate and expand small-scale projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Membership in the ALF network will help PCRC broaden its network at a local, regional and international level. In addition to contributing our own ideas and experience of good (and bad) practice to this network, we also wish to draw on the knowledge, expertise and resources of those already operating within the network in Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as the experience of others within similar fields of work or contexts internationally. Finally, we hope that access to ALF’s network will help provide our organization with long-term stability.

Contact (1) Full Name
Velma Šarić
Job Title
Founder and Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Velma Šarić
Contact (2) Full Name
Leslie Woodward
Job Title (2)
Co-founder and Project Director

PRESPA FORUM FOR DIALOGUE 2003 "Road to 2030" panel Skopje, North Macedonia, May 8, 2023.

Prespa forum Panelists


"Road to 2030" panel

Skopje, North Macedonia, May 8, 2023.

At the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of North Macedonia, Miralem Tursinović, ALF BiH HoN, was in Skopje from May 7 to 9, where he participated in the panel discussion "Road to 2030".

The panel was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia, as a preparatory event for the PRESPA Forum for Dialogue, which will be held in Struga on June 15 and 16 this year.

During the presentation, but also in bilateral meetings with representatives of the Ministry, non-governmental organizations from the region, and representatives of international organizations and embassies, who attended the panel, Miralem Tursinović emphasized, among other things, the importance of networking, as well as the exchange of culture and dialogue between countries in the Western Balkans.

The EU enlargement process, from the perspective of EU candidate/accession countries, marked certain steps forward. North Macedonia and Albania opened accession negotiations, while Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine and Moldova received candidate status. However, despite these positive developments, there are still many obstacles on the bumpy road to Brussels.

Given these complex and unpredictable circumstances, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia is preparing the third edition of the Prespa Forum Dialogue 2023 (PFD2023) entitled "Extended European Family by 2030: Mission (Im)possible?" which will be held on June 15 and 16, 2023 in Struga, a picturesque town on the shores of Lake Ohrid.

Following the established tradition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized, as a precursor to PFD2023, a pre-event called "Road to 2030", whose goal is to exchange analytical thoughts and ideas that would serve as a valuable contribution to the session and panel discussions on PFD2023.

Given the global and regional challenges we face, we want to focus pre-event discussions on the EU's ability to act as a global strategic player by, among other things, completing the EU integration process. One of the most important concerns for the citizens of the Western Balkans is the membership of their countries in the EU. The vast majority of citizens believe that the process is too long and rather unfair, and with futile promises they argue the credibility of the EU. The people's support for EU integration has dropped dramatically.

Can we all work together, 20 years after the Thessaloniki summit, to change the paradigm of the enlargement process and the necessity of a strategic awakening by having 2030 as a common goal for EU accession? And yet, in the meantime, given the need for concrete and operational steps to accelerate the region's integration into the EU with a focus on its socioeconomic growth - that is, more integration before EU membership - what credible and temporary steps can be taken to gradually expansion of the European integration process? Given the relaunched Franco-German initiative on EU reform, what impact could it have on enlargement policy, especially given that current policy depends on the willpower of unanimity? To what extent can the extended European family by 2030 contribute to strengthening transatlantic security and shaping the new Euro-Atlantic security system?

More about Prespa Forum at:

proMENTE social research

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
-NGO which provides social research, evaluations and HRM training -full time employed: 7 persons, external cooperants: 9 -Budgetary resources available in a year: about 100 000 eur -Sources of funding: clients, our action projects. etc...
Mission and Objectives

To assist individuals and organisations to achieve their full potential – by providing research and evaluation as well as evidence-based advice and training.
To offer solutions which are appropriate to the needs of our clients - to academic standards where appropriate and "good enough" where rapid and cost-effective results are required
Aim of the Association is to:
* promote a positive development of an individual and society through the principles of psychological, pedagogical and sociological disciplines
* Establish humanistic and democratic principles in the society

Main Projects / Activities

see list of projects in attachment

Contact (1) Full Name
Steve Powell
Contact (2) Full Name
Ivona Čelebičić

PRONI Center for Youth Development

National Network
+387 49 233 940
+387 49 217 695
Mobile Phone
+387 65 758 591
Mobile Phone (other)
+387 65 880 072
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Association “PRONI” Centre for Youth Development of the Brčko District of BiH is a non-government, non-profit and non-political organization founded with the purpose of organizing and implementing education in the field of social work with young people and with the objective of developing and promoting the voluntarism among the active citizens. The Association has the governing bodies: Assembly, Managing Board and Management team. The Association has 12 full time employees, 80 volunteers and 2000 registered members. In last three years PRONI Brcko implemented youth projects in total amount of 1.710.000,00 BAM. This was achieved with mayor support of Sida (Swedish international development agency). The Association “PRONI” Centre for Youth Development of the Brčko District of BiH exists for last 11 years and works directly in regions of Brčko district of BiH and Bijeljina municipality and it is active on BiH and European level trough partnership and networking with other youth NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

The Association “PRONI” Centre for Youth Development is a non-government, non-profit and non-political organization founded in 1998, which has been working on the development of a democratic society through: community youth work, social education, peace keeping, inter-sectoral cooperation and support of youth initiatives.
The Association “PRONI” works on the overcoming of barriers which create differences within society. It works on behalf of individuals and groups which shall benefit from such work, with a special focus on young people.
The Association cooperates with other organizations from the non-government sector, institutions, State agencies at all levels, funds and agencies outside BiH, which share the same objectives and values, as well as with individuals who have intellectual and economic potential to support the same ideas, objectives and values as those towards which the organization itself strives.
The Association “PRONI” Centre for Youth Development works in areas where there is a pronounced need for social regeneration. The Association “PRONI” is currently active on the territory of the north-eastern BiH.
Strategic direction I
Development of youth, democratic and justice society trough youth work;
Strategic direction II
Activism and impact on democratic process development;
Strategic direction III
Education aimed for development of youth and community in accordance with democratic principles;
Strategic direction IV
Organizational development aimed toward sustainability;

Main Projects / Activities

The Association “PRONI” Centre for Youth Development works along the principles and models of social education based on experience and positive examples of the youth and community work methodologies. Social education models promoted and applied by “PRONI” are:
• Interactive learning method,
• Team work,
• Individual work,
• Creating safe environment for development,
• Encouraging responsibility and creativity,
• Promoting voluntary work,
• Raising awareness among young people on their rights and obligations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasmin Jašarević
Head of the organisation
Jasmin Jašarević
Contact (2) Full Name
Katarina Vučković


National Network
00387 33 664 369
Telephone (other)
00387 33 664 371
00387 33 664 371
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00387 61 505 186
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Red Cross Society of BiH is the largest humanitarian organisation in BiH, covering Federation and Republika Srspka. It consists of 135 local branches. Red Cross leadership is presented by its Presidency ( 10 members)and Assembly which meets twice a year.These bodies determine the policy of the Red Cross and scope of its work Operational work is done by its headquarters, seated in Sarajevo, and consists of 13 staff memebrs. National Society is funded partly from the budget and partly from the projects. National Red Cross implements mainly its traditional programs but keeps pace with contemporary trends.
Mission and Objectives

General goal of the Red Cross is to alleviate sufferings of people wherever it may be found, acting in line with seven principles of the Movement and the Law of BiH.

Main Projects / Activities

Red Cross Society implements its traditional programs and they are: Home care proram, Disaster management and response, Tracing service, Mine awareness, Population movement and migration, Humanitarian assistance. In addition to them Red Cross has implemented so far a number of other contemporary projects, including various campaign ( such as blood donation, Kid's festival, Mine awareness, TB awareness campaigns etc)

Contact (1) Full Name
Edina Ahmagić coordinator for migration and translator
Head of the organisation
Dušan Kulušić - General Secretary
Contact (2) Full Name
Elvira Šišić, Deputy General Secretary

SANUS association Prijedor

National Network
Telephone (other)
052 232 828
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Udruzenje "Sanus" Prijedor has its assembly in which all members take part. The Assembly appoints both Board consisting of five members and president, who is automatically Board member. There are no employed people in "Sanus". Our organization is project related so it employs people on projects, and its budgetary resources depend on those projects. Main sources of funding are local authorities and foreign donors. "Sanus" main partners are Environmental Coalition of the Una River Basin, Association "Udruzene zene", and Youth Council of Municipality of Prijedor.
Mission and Objectives

"Sanus" is a non-profit and nongovernmental association which works towards active participation of individuals and group in creating civil society and democracy based on principles of tolerance, understanding and cooperation. Its objectives are sustainable development, increasing public participation in decision making processes, and increasing role of women in public life.

Main Projects / Activities

"Sanus" focuses its project in three main areas - environment protection, youth issues and gender issues. It is a member-NGO of Environmental Coalition of the Una River Basin, and most environmental project are implemented in cooperation with the Coalition. Those are mainly project of raising public awareness and increasing public participation in decision making process. "Sanus" is a member of Youth Council of the municipality of Prijedor, and as such works on all issues related to youth including participation in decision making process, creating youth policies etc. As for the gender issues, "Sanus" cooperates with "Udruzene zene" association in projects regarding women participation in politics in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jelena Maksimovic
Head of the organisation
Mirjana Maksimovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Dragan Zrnic

Sarajevo Meeting of Culture

National Network

Merhemica trg 4
Brace Begic 38
71000 Sarajevo

+387 33 974 491
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
“Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures” is a non-governmental, non-for-profit organization founded in 2012 with the aim of: Organizing various project and activities with an intent to promote culture and the arts in the city of Sarajevo, BiH and Westen Balkan region establishing connections with alike organizations from Europe and world in order to exchange best practices and experience. The basis of the establishment of the NGO is the project titled “Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures” as a space where tolerance, peace and different cultures meet. Correspondingly, Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures participates in the promotion of cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina and collects the historical structures of the values of the country. In future, Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures will focus on educational programs for the youth, students as well as visitors of the city and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Mission and Objectives

To promote Western Balkan region as space of peace and tolerance in last 500 years with the project aiming to prove to coexistence and tolerance. 
To promote diversity as advantage not as threat.
To organase different activities as meeting of cultures.
To establish study program for student visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina and Western Balkan region In order to give appropriate education and information about history and heritage , culture diversity in cooperation with different higher education institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

Set-up and promotion of the landmark Sarajevo Meeting of Culture
Awareness campaign about peace coexistence and tolerance in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Region
Creating study program for student visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina and Western Balkan region In order to give appropriate education and information about history and heritage , culture diversity in cooperation with different higher education institutions. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our personal experiences in coordination with variety of stakeholders at different levels of decision making in culture , sport and education sector.  Profound experience in projects development as well as network developments in Western Balkan countries. Our experience in development of standards, criteria, indicators for institutions as well as strategic and policy development trough internal and external quality assurance processes, strategy and policy development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Sarajevo Meeting of Culture is organisation focused on multiculture dialog. This network will be great adtvantage in communications, value sharing as well possible join activities. 
Experience and project sharing would be great benefit for Sarajevo Meeting of Culture but we are sure also for the ALF Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Dino Mujkic
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr Dino Mujkic
Contact (2) Full Name
Jana Carkadzic
Job Title (2)
Project Manager


National Network
+387 61 231 100
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
SAVart was legally registered in the beginning of 2010, members of SAVart are young artists and art historians (6 members). SAVart's members are equally and by their choice involved in projects and activities of the organization. It was registered because of same goals and ideas of improving and building the scene of contemporary art in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a new organization we are presenting ourselves with multimedia project in May 2010th. Project was applied for funds at regional ministry of culture and sport, federal ministry of culture and sport, European Cultural Foundation and some private sponsors in Italy and B&H. Project will be done with our partners from Italy, collective R.A.M..
Mission and Objectives

Our main goal is to help young artists in production and promotion of their work. By doing this we believe that we can help build the scene of contemporary art in B&H. Through our projects we want to communicate with artist within our country but as well to build networks with young artists from Europe and in this way exchange knowledge and experience.
One of important things, for us, is to make no difference between artists with and artists without formal education in field of contemporary art. We believe that products, ideas and ability to change our environment should be main criteria in art production.
- providing organizational support to contemporary artists
- creating artists networks within B&H and Europe
- building the scene of contemporary art in B&H
- showing abilities and needs of artists in B&H

Main Projects / Activities

Project in process, which will be SAVart's first project, is multimedia project called "Agoraphonia" which has several elements:
- Visual (metal installation, photography)
- Musical (instrument which transfers movement into sound, band from Italy)
- Performing (contemporary dance performance using Agoraphonia instrument as scene instrument)
- Interactive (instrument/installation is placed on city square where passing-by people become involved in the project)
After this project SAVart will continue with some movement installations, video art and projects with B&H artists as well as artists from Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elma Selman
Head of the organisation
Elma Selman

Sixth sense

National Network
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We are youth organization called ,,Sixth Sense’’. We were established in 22nd November in 2005. Our main goal is connecting young people regardless of their religion or nation, or to connect young people from both BiH entities. Our vision is: Formation of new young generations in BiH which will be linked to national and religious grounds ( of course referring to the different ethnicities and religions) and other bases and these young generations will have a high degree of tolerance towards other people as well as understanding and acceptance of something diffrent. Structure of our organization are: The Assembly of the association, working body ( the Presidency ), the Supervisory Board and the Court of Honor. The Presidency or the working body is the executive of the organization comprised of: Chairman, Deputy Chairman and five members. We do not have full time employees. Now, we do not have any money in the budget. We do not have a permanent donor so that we can never plan our annual budget. The money in the budget we have only when we implement some project. For now, we act through concrete project through which we connect young people regardless of their religion or nation of both BiH Entities and Germany and through this project comes to the implementation of intercultural dialogue among young people. Also, we implement the projects through which young people are educated and contributing to the prosperity and advancement of youth and helping young people of any kind.Our members participate in various seminars and exchanges. Our main partner with which we are implementing our main project these days is Germany non - governmental organization called Pax Christi from Aachen which is placed in Derventa, Bosnia and Herzegovina. We have been implementing project called ,, Bridge’’ with this organization for three years. Also, we are one of the co- organizers of major events Peace Day which is celebrated on September 21 and the marking of this event also launched by Pax Christi. We are also a member of a large regional peace network called REMI whose establishment is launched by Pax Christi. Other partners with which we implement some of the activities currently are : - NGO CPCD with which we are linked through their network ,, Plus Agreement’’ - Network ReeRGe – regional network which includes a lot of number of NGOs from region Doboj - Youth network BiH – OMBiH - Network for peace building – CRS ( Choosing Peace together) There are also many organizations with whom we have worked through before specific projects or activities but we up above cited networks and organizations that we are now currently implementing some activities or projects.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is '' breaking up ’’ everything that hinders the development of human relations among young people, their connections, mutual work and contact at any level.
Objectives and fields of activity are:
- Connecting young people regardless of their religion or nation, or to connect young people from both BiH entities;
- Developing human relations and peace among youth;
- Education of youth;
- Help young people who have problems with drugs and alcohol;
- Improving the legal, economic and social position of youth in society;
- Help young people who have the trauma of war and help young people who need any kind of help;
-Installation of emergency phones –SOS hotline;
- Realization of the interests of young people in education, upbringing, culture, sports, ecology, information, entertainment, etc;
- Cooperation with related governmental and non-governmental organizations;
- Planning, design and project management to improve the social and economic position of young people (economically - mediation in employment, social, educational , environmental, cultural, sports, entertainment and other projects

Main Projects / Activities

Our main project is the project called ,, Bridge'' which we have been implementing for three years with germany peace NGO called Pax Christi
The main goal of this project is to connect young people of diffrent religions and nations from both BiH entities as well as estabishing a dialogue with the purpose to foster mutual understanding and tolerance and to thereby contribute to strengthening peaceful coexistence in Bosnia – Hezegovina and the strengthening of intercultural dialogue.
The reason why we launched this project is that because Bosnia – Herzegovina is in an unenviable situation.
Just 15 years ago, we went from hard and bloody war and the consequences of that war people are still being felt.
Even after 15 years has not stopped religious and ethnic hatred between the three constituent peoples and there are even more and more and other types of intolerance - social, racial, gender, economic, etc.
Instead of that country going forward, every day sinks deeper and deeper.
What is the worst, in all of this is that from day to day, we have formed a new young generation of all three sides who hate others because they are a different religious or national affiliation and these new generations have a very low level of tolerance towards other people and do not understand and do not accept something that is different from them.
All this leads to the collapse of the state and every day we have expressed increasing discrimination at every turn and violation of human rights.
A big problem in this country is also a so-called period of transition which many politicians use to further deepen the gap between citizens.
A good example of how all this can be overcome and make this country an example to others, is Germany.
Germany, after World War II was in the same situation as Bosnia - Herzegovina, but has managed to all kinds of intolerance and discrimination left behind and become what it is today - one of the leading countries in the world that has opened its doors to many other nations and allow them to go to school and live in peace and have a better life.
For this to succeed, the Germans had to educate a new generation of Germans who will be full of tolerance and understanding and to be able to accept something that is totally different from themselves. That's what young people in BiH should learn and that is why we decided to include the youth in Germany, which together with young people from both BiH entities are participating in this project. The project consists of the implementation of workshops with the theme: peace, tolerance, coexistence, non-violent communication, etc.
We created the web page just for the participants of this project and on this web site young set out its tasks, participating in various forums and discussions whose topics related to themes of peace and coexistence, and also may contact via chat.
Our second activity is Regional Peace Initiative, a network of 15 NGOs that are linked to implementation of peace initiatives in the region.
Pax Christi has launched this initiative and all the others 14 organizations are full members who make decisions about everything - creating goals, vision, mission and implementation thereof.
The third activity is that Sixth Sense is one of the members of the Coordinating Committee and participated in organizing this great event, International Day of Peace, 21.09. who three years ago began to celebrate in Derventa the first time in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Each year, some NGOs in our country and neighboring countries come to this event and set up their stands through which they present their organization.
Every year, we organize a roundtable on the topic of man and freedom to which take part the representatives of these organizations that deal with issues of peace, coexistence and inter-religious and intercultural dialogue.
Program on the stage every year is a diversified, creative and interesting.
Also there is the race of peace which lasts 21 minutes due to the symbolic date of 21st September and in this race are involving children from primary and secondary schools from our region and they are wearing shirts with messages of peace.
We are very proud because of our Sixth sense organization is a part of this great event and because we are a member of the Coordinating Committee.
We are working also on the implementation of many activities with the organizations and networks I mentioned earlier.
There are also visits to various seminars, trainings, workshops, camps, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Admira Mahmutović
Head of the organisation
Admira Mahmutović
Contact (2) Full Name
Armin Škrebo

South East European Youth Network

National Network
+387 (0)63 943 029
+ 387 33 466 661
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+387 (0)63 943 029
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
South Eastern European Youth Network (SEEYN) is a network organization involving 15 member NGOs entire South Eastern Europe region. SEEYN is registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina where Secretariat in Sarajevo is based. The structure of the organization is made of General Assembly made of member organizations, Steering Board and Executive Director. Currently Executive and Financial Director are full time engaged in Secretariat while part time staff (fundraiser, consultant and trainers) are spread around SEE region. Main funding sources: EC Youth in Action, Regional Environmental Centre, European Youth Foundation, Danish MFA, membership. Budget 2007: 208,000.08 Euro Focus of SEEYN is set on youth volunteering. SEEYN operates in 3 intervention areas: service, exchange and development and network maintenance. Besides members, main partner organizations are numerous youth and volunteering NGOs from SEE region and EU and international networks. We are members of CEV and youthCAN.
Mission and Objectives

‘The vision of SEEYN is to achieve a stable region with developed mutual understanding without prejudices among young people through their mobility, co-operation, and active role in society’.
• To empower youth to built stable & peaceful region as active citizens;
• To create fertile ground and conditions for youth mobility;
• To promote and support adequate government policies for the youth;
The focus of SEEYN activities is set on:
• Inter cultural Learning;
• Volunteering and Youth Employment;
• International Cooperation;

Main Projects / Activities

SEEYN implements activities in three different strategic intervention areas :
1. SEEYN Service: training and consultancy, promotion and advocating for volunteering and researches and publication on volunteerism
2. SEEYN Exchange Programs and Development: long term volunteers exchanges, short term exchanges and local volunteering clubs
3. SEEYN Network Maintenance

Contact (1) Full Name
Domagoj Kovacic
Contact (2) Full Name
Lejla Miovic