
D. G. T. : Mind your Soft Skills and get that Job!

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Vatra Dornei, Romania

"Mind your Soft Skills and get that Job!" Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Vatra Dornei

Between 11th and 20th of November 2023, participants from Croatia, Greece, Italy, Spain and Romania came together for an inspiring journey.

Our Adventure:

During 8 amazing days, we explored the world of soft skills. We did this through fun workshops, debate talks, interesting discussions, and hands-on activities. We didn't just learn about these skills; we put them into practice. Moreover, we had a valuable study visit to Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava, where we spoke with Human Resources professor, learning about the differences between soft and hard skills.

Also, we got to explore different cultures and work together as a team.

Why Soft Skills Matter:

We learned that in today's job market, it's not just technical skills that matter; soft skills are a game-changer. Being a good communicator, adaptable, and a team player can make you a standout candidate. Our project bridged the gap between what you learn in school and what you need in your career.

Ready for the Future:

As we say goodbye to this unforgettable experience, we're taking with us the knowledge that soft skills are the foundation of success.



D.G.T. Association (Asociatia D.G.T.)

National Network

Intre Garduri Street, No. 3, Postal Code: 077065 , Corbeanca, Ilfov
Corbeanca, ILFOV

(004) 0724.36.44.55
Telephone (other)
(004) 0762.64.22.22
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
D.G.T. Association is a non-governmental organisation which officialy started it’s activity in March 2011. The base activity and the main reason why we started this is an idea that is a couple of years old. This idea was born from the will and passion to take attitude and change something, first of all, in the community of each of our members and afterwards at a national and european level. Also, at the base of D.G.T.’s coming to life, stays the wish of the founding members to give back all the beautiful things that they learned and experienced in the period of the previous years of volunteering. The name, „ D.G.T. „ represents the acronym from: „Do Great Things” and the motto is: „Do Great Things and leave your mark...”. Structure of the organisation is composed of 7 core members and approximately other 10 youngsters spreaded across Romania. Budgetary resources available in a year : Depends on the funds that we manage to attract in that year. For the year of 2013 we're planning to attract almost 80.000 euros for youth projects that we will have to implement. Sources of funding: Youth in Action programme, self budgeting, Europe for Citizens, others... Modalities of action: Youth Exchanges, Training Courses. Main partners involved: We're involving all the time local ngo's but also international associations.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of D.G.T. Association is centered on the creation and setting-up of a national and international network of youngsters, students, trainers and teachers of various nationalities and backgrounds.
This network tackles topics like getting to know other cultures and cultural exchange, non-formal education, ecology and climate change, sustainable development, european citizenship and, not the least, geopolitics.
Among all of these we add facilitation of the youngsters to accumulate, through voluntary activities, the necessary experience to efficiently adapt to the labour market, and also by offering the possibility to students to practice the theory learned in university.

Main Projects / Activities

We have a vast experience regarding international projects like Youth in Action Programme, Action 1.1. Youth Exchange, Action 3.1.a, Action 3.1.b and Action 4.3., and we are also involved in local projects.
D.G.T. works, for now, as a one united block, in the way that all the members contribute at the realization of the project in the making. In the future, once we will increase our number of members and projects, we are planning to create coordinated departments, each of them having their own projects: Human Resources, Communication, International Relations, Local Projects.
Through it’s projects and activities, the organisation facilitates for it’s members, the development, after the university studies, of the interpersonal and communication competences that are essential on the labour market. More than that, D.G.T. assures a good preparation and practice in various areas of management and other fields related to it. For now, the youth exchanges and trainings are our primordial preoccupation because through these projects we can send in the best way our own message and we can learn lots of important things for ourselves, for the „elders” of the organisation and for the others.
Among our local activities we can enumerate intercultural workshops, various social events, round-tables and conferences. As of September 2011, D.G.T. together with 13 other Romanian youth NGOs, participated in the national scale project "A Different Kind Of Education" (in romanian: "Educatia Altfel"), funded by the EU Commission through Youth in Action (Action 5.1). In the year of 2012, we started to be partners at the second 5.1. project, which is the follow-up of this project, called : "A Different Kind Of Education II ".
Because we want all the time to have great quality approved projects, the president of the association took part in many „writing YiA projects” trainings. In this way he learned the writing and the format (from the view of the organiser) of this type of projects and passed the know-how to the rest of the members. Besides this, our volunteers, along with the founding members that have quite a lot experience in this kind of this projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with experience, know-how, new ideas, partners, relations, connections, motivation, passion, "man power", determination and many more ...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network because we're sure we can use our experience in creating and implementing great ALF projects in Romania and not only, with the help of our international and local partners.
We have all the resources that we need to succeed and we're confident that we will ... :)

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Debate on Türkiye Centennial. Book launching

Cover book

Anna Lindh Foundation Romania will organize a debate on Türkiye Centennial, on February 26, 2023. A book dedicate to the Republic will be launched with this occasion.

Location and time are to be announced.

For more details on the event (time and location), please follow the Facebook page of the Anna Lindh Romania Foundation.


National Network

077040 CHIAJNA

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Our organization was officially founded in 2013, but the founders became a group nearly 3 years ago, in 2011. We are all passionate about film and arts, and, although we as individuals have different backgrounds, we've managed to find common ground in our passion to reach for our goals. Cinema definitely has a big impact on the society and has until now influenced the cultural behavior in many countries. We think it's important to help young filmmakers reach their full potential in delivering sincere cinema content. Those with a voice in cinema can literally shape reality. By now, we have produced a couple of music videos and three short films, one of which was screened in the Short Film Corner, Cannes 2013. Funding wise, the budgets required in order to make things happen were formed either with the support of members of our organization or members of our network. Mircea Ibadof, Co-founder & President
Mission and Objectives

Our main goal is to promote, develop and innovate cinema, as we stand for the youth community but also taking the society as a whole into consideration.
We aim to:
- initiate activities regarding the development and innovation of cinema, such as festivals, exhibitions and networking events
- initiate educational programs that will enable young filmmakers to access industry information in conventional and nonconventional ways
- engage in audio-visual projects, such as short films and music videos, in order to raise our expertise level and make our members top professional in the field

Main Projects / Activities

Networking event
In 2012, we've managed to organize our first networking event, successfully gathering over 100 people who were either passionate about filmmaking or industry professionals. The result was a significant growth in popularity and awareness of our organization.

Mobile films festival
Technology is evolving faster than ever before and this clearly facilitates the making of audiovisual projects for young filmmakers who cannot yet reach resources through a traditional financing route. To encourage the use of new technologies creatively, we're working on developing a film festival for short films shot entirely on mobile phones.
Master Classes
Education is a key element for a filmmaker. Currently, we've identified a gap within our country's film industry. We lack the expertise of film marketing, or, in other words, we don't have the skills needed to promote and sell our films. We plan to bring international film marketing and distribution professionals in Romania, to raise the know-how of our own industry professionals.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By initiating cinema related projects we’re developing ways to improve intercultural communication. As history shows us, every community needs it’s storytellers to capture the essence of the period and to promote cultural elements through the visual medium. Cinema can break barriers.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The AFL Network gives us the opportunity to share our beliefs and work together towards common goals and to access resources in order to materialize our vision of a better world in which cinema plays an important role. In exchange for all the opportunities, we offer support to the Network within the boundaries of our expertise of the audiovisual environment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mircea Ibadof
Job Title
Founder and Director
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Nicholas Cațianis
Job Title (2)
Cofounder and Actor

E-Romnja - the Association for promoting Roma women's rights

National Network

Bucharest, Str.Avrig Avrig, nr. 63, bl.E2, sc.5, ap.144, Piata Iancului,
021578 Bucharest

031 425.19.92
031 425.19.92
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
E-Romnja is an association established in August 2012 by a group of activists that advocates for a public agenda that must include Roma women’s issues.E-Romnja advocates for the respect, integrity, and dignity of Roma women. Our focus is on working for images of Roma women to reflect the diversity and reality of their lives. Over time, negative images of Roma promoted by media, literature, and even art have had a major impact upon the lives of Roma women,making them invisible and marginalized.They’re voices have yet to be documented – from their experiences as slaves, their inferior position inside their communities and/or families, or the patriarchal system which kept them illiterate, economically dependent, and subjugated to cultural traditions. But most importantly,their invisibility as women has had a major impact upon the policies and programs adopted to improve their situation, which over time reflects the role that they are allowed to have in community and society. This is why we believe that it is important for Roma women to be reflected as they are and to be represented on the public agenda as a first step in asserting their rights. We are part of a Coalition for Gender Equality along with other three ngo’s Centre for Equal Partnership, Front and ALEG We are part of a coalition against sexual violence along with other seven organizations - coordinated by ALEG We have also partnerships with: Romano ButiQ, Centre for Juridical Resources and Human Rights, Centre for Juridical Resources and Human Rights, Centre for Juridical Resources and Human Rights, National Agency for Roma, Sastipen - Roma Centre for Health Policy, National Democratic Institute, E-Civis, We also developed partnerships with schools from Mizil, Spantov and Margineni de Jos and the Office’s mayor in Spantov We are beneficiary within a project run by Resource Centre for Public Participation (CeRe) Projects in partnership     EEA Grants- ONG Fund,’’Women’s participation is EQUAL’’- April 2014 - June 2015     EEA Grants- ONG Fund, ’’I am a model for community’’ -January 2014 - August 2015     Foundation Open Society Institute–Roma Initiative Office,’’Get involved and change perspective’     EEA Grants- ONG Fund,’’Coalition for Gender Equality - April 2014 - August 2015     EEA Grants- ONG Fund, ’’Break the silence about sexual violence: strengthening the capacity of NGOs to integrate sexual violence on public agenda’’- April 2014 - March 2015     Open Society Institute – Human Rights program,''Protection order – advocacy and litigation     Mama Cash Foundation –''Roma women consolidate local democracy’’ project implemented during June 2013 – August 2014 in Mizil and Spantov   Our activities will have two levels of intervention: the local (at the level of communities) and national. Our local level of activities will focus on:     Implementing projects to support Roma women's interests.     Supporting local initiatives for women.     Advocacy at local/county authorities to address Roma women's issues on their agenda.     Creating networks to give women the possibility to affirm and promote their own interests.     Address sensitive subjects in communities, such as early marriages, girls education, women's health, access to jobs, etc.     Develop social and juridical services necessary to protect women's rights.     At the national level our activities will focus on:     Creating a communication bridge between Roma and non-Roma women as a important factor for the success of our campaigns (lobby for different causes found at a local level, partnerships, etc.)     Creating or being a part of national and international networks who support women's initiatives.     Developing campaigns to combat the negative images and stereotypes related to Roma women.     Elaborating shadow reports/research/materials that document Roma women as in a vulnerable position in Romania.     Developing programs to integrate Roma women on the labor market.
Mission and Objectives

    E-Romnja mission is to affirm, promote, advocate, raise up, and make visible Roma women's involvement in society and community. Our activities will be targeted on the involvement and consolidation of Roma women's position in Romanian society, in the community, and in the workplace. We are seeking through our activities to:
    Advocate for programs that address Roma women's issues
    Introduce gender perspective in all programs designed for Roma
    Become a "watch dog NGO" demanding that images of Roma women must be respectfully represented, and defending their image in the public opinion.
    Improve policies and measures undertaken in the fields of the labor market, education, health, justice, or any other field that could bring safety and protection.
    Implement programs to achieve our mission.
Our vision is to raise fairness and justice for Roma women in all of Romanian society and at more basic, community levels.
We believe in:
    Universality of human rights.
    Equal opportunities.
    Partnership and involvement.
    Civic engagement.
    Transparent decisions and the right to public information.
    Local participation and women's involvement in decisions that concern community issues.
    Protection of women’s interests and representation.

    Our Goals:
    To affirm, promote, advocate, raise and make visible Roma women's involvement in society and community. We will achieve our goal through the following objectives:
    Dismantle stereotypes and perceptions about Roma women in ethnic identity.
    Promote role models among Roma women.
    Advocate professional training for Roma women in different areas related to the NGO’s mission.
    Advocate partnerships with human rights institutions to protect their rights.
    Increase involvement in national, and international networks and coalitions to protect women's rights.
    Implement programs to empower women in Roma communities by informing them of their rights and bolster their civic participation.
    Partner with businesses or corporations in order to develop projects on social corporate responsibility together.
    Promote projects regarding cultural heritage of ethnic Roma in Romania and abroad.
    Develop documents/papers to improve public policies for Roma and women.
    Advocate to include a focus on gender and ethnic dimension in school curricula in elementary education, high schools, and universities.
    Provide support to local NGO’s and women's NGO’s, both Roma and non-Roma, in activities such as: human rights, entrepreneurship, local development, and cultural awareness.
    Increase involvement in international networks for women; lobby and advocate for Roma women's cause.

Main Projects / Activities

    Projects in implementation
    EEA Grants- ONG Fund,’’Women’s participation is EQUAL’’- April 2014 - June 2015
    EEA Grants- ONG Fund, ’’I am a model for community’’ -January 2014 - August 2015
    Foundation Open Society Institute–Roma Initiative Office,’’Get involved and change perspective’

   Projects in partnership
    EEA Grants- ONG Fund,’’Coalition for Gender Equality - April 2014 - August 2015
    EEA Grants- ONG Fund, ’’Break the silence about sexual violence: strengthening the capacity of NGOs to integrate sexual violence on public agenda’’- April 2014 - March 2015
    Open Society Institute – Human Rights program,''Protection order – advocacy and litigation
    We are part of a Coalition for Gender Equality along with other three ngo’s Centre for Equal Partnership, Front and ALEG
    We are part of a coalition against sexual violence along with other seven organizations - coordinated by ALEG
    We have also partnerships with: Romano ButiQ, Centre for Juridical Resources and Human Rights, Centre for Juridical Resources and Human Rights, Centre for Juridical Resources and Human Rights, National Agency for Roma, Sastipen - Roma Centre for Health Policy, National Democratic Institute, E-Civis,
    We also developed partnerships with schools from Mizil, Spantov and Margineni de Jos and the Office’s mayor in Spantov We are beneficiary within a project run by Resource Centre for Public Participation (CeRe)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Creating a communication bridge between Roma and non-Roma women as a important factor for the success of our campaigns (lobby for different causes found at a local level, partnerships, etc.)
Creating or being a part of national and international networks who support women's initiatives.
Developing campaigns to combat the negative images and stereotypes related to Roma women.
Elaborating shadow reports/research/materials that document Roma women as in a vulnerable position in Romania.
Developing programs to integrate Roma women on the labor market.
To whom do we address our activities?
    Roma women.
    Local community members.
    Local Roma communities.
    Local authorities.
    Unions and business associations.
    National and international NGOs.
    Academic organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are a group of activists aiming on the one hand to increase the participation an visibility of Roma women to all spheres of economic and social life, and on the other hand, we aim to do this using mainly grass roots tools. Important steps have been made in terms of representation at different levels, but their efficiency is limited also due to the low level of awareness at community/national/international level on the importance of culture exchange, tolerance, social justice
Since the topics of roma and migration, raciest and hate speeches are rather hot subjects among media at international level (European space but not only) these subjects tends to be ignored by national states whose members are roma.
We want to take part at this network in order to increase  awareness on the threats of these phenomenon and also to encourage roma voice at international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carmen Gheorghe
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Cosmin Serban
Job Title (2)
Founding member
Journal Cover

EFOR Annual Report 2024

2024 is the year when we redefine the European Union and the Romania we want to live in. The upcoming elections across the EU, along with our ability to hold politicians accountable, will significantly influence the policies and institutions that...



The month of May was full of productive activities in Câmpina! 😎🤓 
First of all, we finished writing the first draft of the Youth Strategy of the city, putting together all the information gathered so far and the identified needs. 🧐
We hosted the Turkish coordinator of the "emPOWER YOUth" project, who gladly visited us in Câmpina. We participated in a class discussion about the youth strategy we have been writing on! The meeting took place in Câmpina at Colegiul Național ”Nicolae Grigorescu”, where she met the young people who helped write the strategy and together with the other students in the class they discussed the objectives proposed. It was a great opportunity to practice some English speaking skills while deciding the future of the youth! 🙌
Then we had a meeting with the mayor who was glad to hear we have a first draft of the strategy to discuss! So we're excited for next week, when we have set a meeting to do exactly this, have the young people of Câmpina debate their future together with the authorities keen on helping them in this endeavour!
Wednesday marked our visit to Bucharest, where together with the Turkish coordinator and the young people in the project, we visited FNT, Fundatia Nationala pentru Tineret, an amazing youth centre where we had a lot of things to learn and we took a lot of notes in order to bring them home and implement them for our young community in Câmpina! 
🇹🇷 The afternoon was more official, with our visit to the Turkish Embassy in Bucharest, where we met with the Turkish Ambassador and had a discussion about bilateral relations between Romania and Turkey, we learned about scholarship opportunities offered to students wanting to study in a Turkish university and even got some ideas of Turkish dramas we could watch to learn some basic words for our visit in Ankara in a couple of weeks!
"EmPOWER YOUth" is a project organized under the framework of THE:PLACE programme, managed jointly by ALDA and MAD, funded by Stiftung Mercator and implemented jointly with the Development Workshop, Ankara and promoted by ALF Romania.

EUROLINK - House of Europe Foundation

National Network

Floreasca, Cap. Gheorghe Bulugea Str. no. 9, apt. 5, district 2

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
The Foundation is lead by governed by an Executive Board composed from five persons. The Executive President is Mr. Sever AVRAM and the Honorary President is Mr. Ambassador Liviu BOTA. The foundation's annual budget was an average of 40000 Euro, coming from own fundraising, donations, contribution fees, grants etc. The foundation is specialised in organising national and European public events, training sessions, courses, research projects, advocacy and lobby campaigns. The projects, studies and events of the foundation were largely recognised/patronize by leading international organisations: the Presidency of the European Union, the Presidency of Romania, OECD, OSI, USAID, Freedom House, ministries and embassies from various EU Member States, as well as banking/financial groups and multinational companies.
Mission and Objectives

The EUROLINK-House of Europe was founded as an advocacy-training and lobby non-governmental agency (think-tank) in March 1997, part of the international network of Europe houses and academies, active in the field of European and trans-Atlantic integration since 1962.
Our non-governmental organisation is an independent and non-partisan educational/ information foundation, aimed to deepen and to promote the European Idea, the aspirations of a United Europe, a new type-security system through a specific Romanian and Central-European contribution to this unique process.
Main Objectives:
• to provide all levels of information/educational programmes, professional training and highly qualified consultance in all fields of European Integration;
• to open public debates, as well as to launch information, promotion, advocacy and lobby campaigns dedicated to the acceleration of the EU integration process;
• to support social and humanitarian aid actions in order to alleviate the effects of the economic transition on disadvantaged groups.

Main Projects / Activities

• European Joint Task Force (2012) - working/supporting structure in favor of a radical improvement of the implementation of the EU funded projects;
• Black Sea-Danube Regional Network for Social & Economic Innovation (2011) - involved in the consultation for the implementation of the Danube and Black Sea EU Strategies;
• Regional Centre for Innovation in the Black Sea Basin - Danube Region “FuturICT Bucharest” (2011) - Socio-Economic Innovation Hub for complex IC&T projects;
• Knowledge Management Community (2009) - network of KM Specialists & Experts, following the series of events on KM techniques for EU projects;
• EU-RO Clearing Funds (2007) - Platform for Action & Rapid Intervention of the Civil Society in favour of stimulating the absorption of European Funds
• CEFTAC Platform (2004) - Central European Advocacy for a Fair and Transparent Competition;
• REGENT Centre (2001) - South Eastern European Platform aimed to promote the public-private partnership in the field of local/regional development;
• Centre of Excellence (1998) - career counselling and training program for Romanian students and young graduates;
• Interdisciplinary Reflection Group (1997) - responsible for Think-Tank activities and Research Studies & Papers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Thanks to our previous institutional partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, especially with the National Coordinator of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, we could contribute to the extension and the deepening of further identification of concrete tools and adaptive projects in order to improve the entire role of the network and to strengthen the cooperation between public authorities and the concerned Romanian NGO sector.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We aim to better collaborate in cooperative projects with other foreign partners and promote in this way common objectives already assumed together with the Black Sea University Foundation. Also, we estimate that we could increase in this way the impact of the initiatives and projects coordinated by EUROLINK-House of Europe via the Black Sea - Danube Regional Network and its Regional Excellence Centre.

Contact (1) Full Name
Contact (2) Full Name

European Association for the Defence of Human Rights

National Network

Sos. Pantelimon, nr.225, bl.66, sc.6, ap.236, sector 2

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
European Association for the Defence of Human Rights - AEPADO is a youth NGO with 3 members of staff employed and all the others working as volunteers. The structure is focused on projects so that the ideas from volunteers to become part of the project management. We have more than 100 partners from all the stakeholders we work with: public authorities, companies, media, civil society and other NGOs. In 2008, our budgetary resources were about 3500 EUR and in 2009 shall be over 6000 EUR. The main sources of funding are the autofinancing from founders members and the sponsorships obtained from private companies and public authorities. Our main projects are: "Dialogue without borders" (http://interculturalitate.blogspot.com) and "Be aware, NOT addicted!" (http://antidrog.blogspot.com), the both offering an intercultural dimension to youth creativity. We generally organize contests, debates, seminars, conferences and different types of online networking.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: to defend youth rights in an European perspective
* to promote youth initiatives;
* to defend human rights;
* to promote European values in a national context;
* to promote national values in an European context;

Main Projects / Activities

"Be aware, NOT addicted!" is the most important project of AEPADO. It was an international project for preventing and reducing drug abuse among highschool students.
Components: an international contest with more than 560 entries in three sections: journalistic materials, slogans and posters: "It's my life, it's MY decision!"; public debates and promoting events;
Focus on: creativity, intercultural dialogue, new media;
Period: 01.01.2009 - 31.12.2009
Website: http://antidrog.blogspot.com
Results: launch of the first online guide of good practices
A project under the aegis of European Commission in the European Year of Creativity and Innovation - 2009 and Europe Action on Drugs
"Dialogue without borders" was a contest for Bucharest's youngsters from 10 to 19 years old in 12 field concerning intercultural dialogue.
Focus on: intercultural dialogue, creativity, diversity;
Period: 01.08.2008 - 28.02.2009
Website: http://interculturalitate.blogspot.com
Results: about 200 eligible participants and 500 applicants;
A project under the aegis of European Commision in the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue - 2008

Contact (1) Full Name
Gabriel Brezoiu
Head of the organisation
Catalin Ungurasu
Contact (2) Full Name
Laurentia Mereuta

Făgăraș Research Institute

National Network

Str. Ghe. Doja, Nr. 23
505200 Făgăraș

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

We were founded in 2017 in order to develop knowledge, science, and research infrastructure in Făgăraș area, Romania. We are a membership based organization, having at the moment more than 70 members in our network, one employee and 9 volunteers. Our budget in 2019 was 35.000 euros coming from the European Commission and private foundations. We focus in our activities on research, conferences, events, courses, summer school, etc. Our main partners are local, national, and global stakeholders.

Mission and Objectives

We envisage a community that is well informed and that understands both – the challenges it confronts and its own potential.

The Făgăraș Research Institute supports the development of innovation, knowledge and science in the Țara Făgărașului area by conducting research, policy analysis and delivering educational programs.

Our objectives include contributing to our understanding of how knowledge impacts development, connecting our region to national and global knowledge networks and building premises for interdisciplinary activities as well as interconnections between researchers, practitioners, policy-makers, and communities.

Main Projects / Activities

We are developing within the Institute an International Center for Global Affairs and Postdevelopment driving our activities on international relations and international development.
We are currently implementing projects focused on youth and research, COVID-19 and its impact on society, human rights and freedom of speech, civil society sector sustainability, and migration, diaspora and development.
We are in process of developing further projects on Turkey-EU relations, Africa - CEE and EU relations, and others.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are an Institute focused on research and on bringing together different stakeholders that use knowledge in their work. We can, therefore, contribute by generating analysis, doing research, organizing courses, contributing to policy initiatives and other civil-society partnerships.
Furthermore, we see ALF Network in Romania being key in building on the political, business and historical relations Romania has with MENA countries, in order to strengthen links and partnerships between MENA and Romanian civil society and research organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We aim to join ALF Network in order to contribute to strenthening the relations between Romania, EU and MENA countries.
Furthermore, we are interested in meeting organizations with similar interests and building partnerships and joint projects, especially in areas of research, policy, youth and communities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefan Cibian
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Stefan Cibian