
Asociatia Tinerilor cu Initiativa Civica

National Network

Str. Aurel Vlaicu, nr. 6
800508 Galati

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Asociația Tinerilor cu Initiativa Civica (Association of Youth with Civic Initiative) is a youth organization, apolitical, Non-gouvernamental Organization. A.T.I.C. was established in 2016 in Galați by a group of young people in order to contribute to the social and personal development of local youth. Despite the fact we are a young organization, the key staff is very experienced in the NGO zone, Erasmus plus and Euromed program, working in the field for more than 4 years, with very good results, in different positions and departments, among the local NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

ATIC aims to drive the development of the Romanian society attracting young people towards active citizenship and promoting the local and national cultural values.
We are active in our community - working with children and youth from placement homes, poor families, old people, unemployed and facing other social problems.
In order to realize our objectives, we cooperate with families, local authorities, primary schools, high schools and universities and we develop projects with them.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our activities include: 
Local activities:
- Do it for community, do it for your family, do it for yourself - local seminar with the participation of the local community, students and teachers regarding volunteering and active citizenship;
- Human Rights with no exceptions - Seminar on Human Rights education, specially on gender and LGBTQ issue.
- Play with your hearth - charity show meant to help with funds the kids from the orphanage in Galati;
- Campaigns in local schools about the abuse of legal and illegal drugs;
- Be cool, clean your neighbourhood - ecological event, meant to make young students and volunteers be more aware of having a cleaner environment;
- Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainability - seminar aiming to explore the concept of social entrepreneurship as an innovative way to solve social problems in youth work using entrepreneurial skills
- First Aid knowledge is life-saving knowledge - first Aid course for organization’s volunteers with the support of local Ambulance staff
-  Students Agora - seminar meant to make volunteers more confident in their speech, accommodate them with the idea of public debate;
- Sporty life is a healthier life - event that encourage youngsters to add more sport into their daily lives
International activities:
Our volunteers participated in more than 50 Erasmus plus and Euromed projects, they are very open minded and active youngsters.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have access to a vast network of youngsters, some of them with low possibilities. as we have partnerships with most of the local highschools and local University.
Our goal is to give opportunities to the local youth to experience at list one international event and give them the possibility to interact with other

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our goal is to give opportunities to the local youth to experience at list one international event and give them the possibility to interact with other youngsters from different nationalities and  break the barriers of cultures, language and stereotypes, lso give them the chance to improve their language skills, learn from good practices of other organizations around the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laurentiu Petrea
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Laurentiu Petrea
Contact (2) Full Name
Alice Nina Petrea
Job Title (2)
International project manager


National Network

Asociatia Vector (c/o Matei Bejenaru)
Of. Postal 7, Post restant, 700730, Iasi, Romania


+40 232 251134
+40 232 225333
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+40 723 508738
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Vector Association is a non-profit organization founded in Iasi, Romania by a group of visual artists and philosophers. The 2008 budget was around 80.000Euro which came from a grant from Romanian Commercial Bank, Romanian Ministry of Culture and Municipality of Iasi. Other small budgets came from international cultural institutions.
Mission and Objectives

The mision of Vector Association is to promote contemporary art in local, national and international context. Also Vector promotes regional cultural cooperation.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects are:
- Periferic Biennial for Contemporary Arts
- Vector Magazine - arts and culture in context
- Studio fro Arts practices and debates (in collaboration with "G.Enescu" Arts University in Iasi, Romania

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Asociation of psychologists and psychopedagogists PROCIVITAS

National Network

1, Horia Agarici St., Bl.23A, Ap.39

+40.241 61 55 22
+40.241 61 55 22
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+40.722.27 10 14
Mobile Phone (other)
+40.766.42 43 42
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Psychologists and Psychopedagogues Association (APP) „PROCIVITAS” is an socio-profesional association, of consulting and social services for children, family and society. 1. 100 – subscribe members, President-1, Executive Director-1, department coordinators-4. 2. About 15,000 Euro 3. Members' subscription, trainnings, projects, seminars etc. 4. National Conferences,workshops, seminars, sociological research about educational needs etc. 5. Holt Romania Foundation, Youth National Autorities, Carmen Sylva Association, Social Assistence Department of Constanta
Mission and Objectives

Our mission: to increase the quality of the human life through intensification of consciousness and to protect the liberty of conscience.
Our objectives are:
- to promote the respect regarding all human beings and livind environment;
- to promote teh family values and children’s rights;
- to create a climate of tolerance between citizens without any differences of rasial identity, nationality, religion or sexual orientation a.s.o.;
- to offer consulting, moral and material support for members and unfavourized persons;
- informative and trening campaigns for the population;
- to promote the relations and cooperation with and between organizations and similar associations from country and abroad;
- to promote and defend the dignity, interests and psychologists and psychopedagogues’ prestige;
- to promote the voluntariate.

Main Projects / Activities

National Psichology Conference, Workshop - International Day for School Non-Violence, Civic education in Action, Sociologic Research about the educational needs, Seminars - Transfrontier and Intercultural Collaboration, Constanta's Interculturality Events.
Editting "Soul's meaning" psichologist magazine
- According psychological, psyopedagogical, moral and material assistance to persons and disadvantaged groups
- Analysis, studies, reports, synthesis, relevant literature regarding human life quality
- Editting of scinetific, informative materials
- Informing world opinion, all wide, about human needs

Contact (1) Full Name
Ludovic Fraico
Head of the organisation
Ludovic Fraico

Association for Intercultural Dialogue

National Network

Elena Cuza Street, No.9
Curtea de Arges

004 0248727433
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
004 0741104347
Mobile Phone (other)
004 0721536337
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The members of our association are trainers, activists for human rights, teachers, artists who work voluntary. In our organization, many volunteers belong from vulnerable groups such as: unemployed people, emigrants groups, Roma people, LGBT who are actively involved in all the Association’s activities. As sources of funding for developing project activities are the projects grants from : “Empowerment Against Discrimination” –YIA, “Dare to be Yourself” –YIA, “The Art of Fire” – AFCN, “Core”- Grundtvig project. We’ve also developed many activities such as: The First March of Tolerance, The Affirmative Action, My Language is Humanity etc using volunteering work and natural contribution. We are collaborating with authorities and other NGOs such as: The Romanian National Commission for UNESCO, The Romanian Institute for Human Rights, The National Museum of Romanian Peasant, National Colleges,“Immediate Theatre”- UK, “ “Society for the Promotion of Social Initiatives Alpi”- Poland, “Manai mazpilsētai Aknīstei”- Latvia, etc.
Mission and Objectives

The Association For Intercultural Dialogue offers and supports education in the spirit of the European values by promoting values of democracy and tolerance, fighting against any kind of discrimination and understanding the role of diversity.
Our expertise is based on developing partnerships projects, European projects, working with young people groups as well as vulnerable groups, exchanging experience, organizing workshops and trainings .

Main Projects / Activities

We’ve developed projects : “Empowerment Against Discrimination” -YIA, in order to empower young people from vulnerable groups , “Dare to be Yourself” –YIA in order to dismount stereotypes and prejudices regarding the LGBT community, “The Art of Fire” – AFCN : in order to rise the inclusion or young rroma people and now we are implementing Grundtvig project “Core” for gender equality and against domestic violence. We’ve also achieved activities such as: The First March of Tolerance, My Language is Humanity, The Affirmative Action, Arising Awareness Campaign or we have celebrated – developing a partnership with National Romanian Commission for UNESCO – UNESCO international days.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Being a part of this network I could increase its visibility and I think that I could create a little network part of that network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is one of the most important network which will offer a lot of opportunity sharing the experience and support in the field of human right education and combating any sort of discrimination.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tania Nicolau
Head of the organisation
Tania Nicolau
Contact (2) Full Name
Lucretia Baluta

Association of Consultants and Experts on Social Economy Romania

National Network

Aleea Valea Viilor Street no. 2, district 6

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Association of Consultants and Experts on Social Economy Romania (ACE-ES RO) is an association (NGO, non-profit organization) founded in 201. The members of association are active in development innovative instruments of social economy – a social brand of inclusion, training on social entrepreneurship, professional standards pertaining to the domain’s jobs etc. In 2013 ACE-ES Romania became a formal member of FAR - Federation for the Accessibility of Romania. In 2014 the association has been accredited as private training provider according to the VET national legislation for the certified training program ”Manager of Social Enterprise”. The Association works with different sort of experts on volunteering basis: psychologists; sociologists; marketing experts; trainers; financial experts; ITC experts, business consultants etc. (15 volunteers). They have extended experience and skills in implementing projects for vulnerable groups mainly on LLL and employability supported by ESF funds (especially within the Human Resources Development Operational Program 2007-2013 (HRDOP), PHARE Program, ERASMUS+ and World Bank.
Mission and Objectives

ACE-ES Romania aims to support and promote social economy (social entrepreneurship) seen as viable tool for innovation and flexibility within the economic and social environment, for sustainable development and active citizenship, for cooperation, solidarity and social inclusion.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects of ACE-ES Romania are:
1. Free Support Program for Sustainable NGOs – so far we are providing free consulting services for 8 NGOs, located in Bucharest, Arges, Ilfov county, Constanta and Neamt. Areas covered: structural funds (writing grant applications), social economy, organizational development, fund raising and development programs for vulnerable groups.
2. "Social Economy, which way?" – ACE-ES Romania has launched an online Working Group in order to bring together specialists and organizations interested in developing the field of social economy in Romania. Main topics are the following: Certification Models of social economy structures; Social impact assessment; Non-traditional businesses as a tool for employability; Human Resources/Training; Support structures in social economy.
3. ”YES for Entrepreneurial Youth NGOs, YES for Millennials Changers” – ERASMUS + Strategic Partnerships for Youth - The general aim is to stimulate transnational exchange of good practices and relevant experiences in developing modern and challenging action-based learning contexts for professional people of the youth NGOs (with a focus on youth workers) based on social enterpreneurship so that they could stimulate sustainable development of their organisations and their target groups.
This project is implemented with bbw gGmbH from Germany and CESUR - CENTRO SUPERIOR DE FORMACION EUROPA SUR from Spain (September 2015-November 2016).
4. FUN Studio – is a complex project for children, youth and adults/parents in order to develop practical transversal skills for a positive life based on self-esteem, laughing/personal development and positive thinking.
5. ”START Social Entrepreneurship for Women!” - To increase awareness about social entrepreneurship as a tool of economic empowerment and to support educated young women with a precarious status on market labour to become financially independent. It has 2 components: A. a complex support program for women (psychological and vocational counseling; training in social entrepreneurship) B. free consultancy for starting their own social business. (June 2016-may 2017). The project is supported by VGIF Foundation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ACE-ES Romania could contribute to the Network by exchanges of experience, collaborations, developing partnerships and promoting sustainability of non-governamental organizations through social business.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF network is a very large network having different sort of members from many countries and it could be an important resource for international collaboration, transnational projects and organizational development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Viorica Ghinea
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Viorica Ghinea

Baraka social cultural association

National Network

str. Ghiocei, nr. 30, bl. 30C, sc. 1, et. 1, ap. 6, sect.2

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Baraka social cultural association has been founded in June 2002 by a group of young youth workers and artists. The organization is currently managed by the coordination group of 5 persons, supported by 25 volunteers involved in various activities. General work in the organization is done on a voluntary contribution, however within specific projects paid staff is ensured. The association has divided its work into 4 main directions: Human Rights Education with Young People, Support for Participation, Intercultural Dialogue, and Training & Development within Youth Organizations. The association has run various projects within the 4 main actions lines, funded by various institutions such as: European Commission, Council of Europe, Schuler Helfen Leben, VDAY, private donors. A broad set of actions has been used: training, seminar, youth and cultural exchanges, awareness raising campaigns, theatre and performance with social message, e-learning. Baraka is a founding member of Human Rights Education Youth Network, and has stable partners at local and international level: highschools and universities in Bucharest, youth and art organizations as well as various artists.
Mission and Objectives

BARAKA is a non-governmental, apolitical and non-profit youth organization based in Bucharest, Romania. It has been founded in June 2002 to help in building co-operation network among young people from the Balkans and Europe through social and cultural activities, inspired by values of volunteerism, peace and tolerance.
Why ''BARAKA''?:
Within the entire Balkan region, the meaning of baraka is similar; it represents a limited, poor space for living. As each of us is the heir of a significant bundle of stereotypes, which determines us to often refuse to leave our own “barrack”, our association’s aim is to challenge the validity of these pattern images by experiencing the difference through social and cultural programmes. Hence, BARAKA Association’s undertaking to open the pathways to and from our own “barrack”.

Main Projects / Activities

Current projects include:
"Europe for all?" a long term project, coordinated by ANCE (Greece), aims to involve young people with fewer opportunities (2nd generation immigrants) in the organization of an information campaign and cultural events addressed to other young people, exploring and dealing with the issues of cultural diversity and European citizenship.
V Day Bucharest 2009 within the frame of the V DAY global campaign against violence against women we are organizing representations of the collective play "A memory, a monologue, a rant and a prayer" (ed. Eve Ensler and Mollie Doyle) with non-professional actresses and actors, followed by an awareness raising campaign on violence against women and the need of activism and community action.
Trainings on role of art in social change, realised in partnership with Hajde da (Serbia) include "Get their message heard", training for youth leaders, contemporary dancers and persons with disabilities on how to use contemporary dance in work with mixed-ability groups and "Performance as a tool for social action", designed for youth and social workers as well as artists who are interested in using performance in their work.
Together. Human Rights Education with Young People, is a program run by the organization since its begining, curently we're developing training for students and teachers in human rights based on Theatre of the Oppressed, Sensorial and Labyrinth theatre.
Baraka is also partner in various exchanges around Europe and not only with different youth and art organizations, and undertakes work within Human Rights Education Youth Network to promote and develop HRE.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ruxandra Pandea
Head of the organisation
Ruxandra Pandea, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Vlad Atanasiu

BEST Bucharest

National Network

Splaiul Independenţei 313 A, Rectorat Bucuresti

+40 745 340 090
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+40 745 340 090
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
BEST Bucharest (Board of European Students of Technology) is one of the 83 local groups scattered across Europe . Since 1995, we are present in the POLITEHNICA University from Bucharest. Today, more than 50 active volunteers are very eager to contribute to the personal development of students by delivering educational and career events. Our activities would have not been possible without the financial support and encouragement of our main partners: POLITEHNICA University, BRD Groupe Societe Generale, Procter&Gamble, Renault. So far we organized: Engineering Competitions, Job Fairs, Academic Courses for students from technical Universities, seminars and trainings based on soft-skills for students.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to develop students by helping students achieve an international mindset, to reach a better understanding of cultures and society and to develop the capacity to work in culturally diverse environments.

Main Projects / Activities

Providing Complementary Education-Bringing a significant added value to the education provided by the universities.
Providing career support - Connecting students with their future employers.
Increasing educational involvement - Increasing the awareness of students on issues related to engineering education and improving engineering education through the input of those students.

Contact (1) Full Name
Georgiana Nenciu - President
Contact (2) Full Name
Cristina Grosu

Black Sea University Foundation – Head of Network

National Network

str. Romeo Popescu
013136 Bucharest

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Black Sea University Foundation under the aegis of the Romanian Academy, UN consultant status. Black Sea University Foundation (FUMN) was established in 1992 as governmental and non-profit organization. Prilejul a fost dat de crearea organizaţiilor, guvernamentală şi parlamentară, ale Mării Negre. The opportunity was given to the creation of organizations, governmental and parliamentary Black Sea. La reuniunea de vârf de la Istanbul, iniţiativa unui „grup de profesori români” a fost anunţată oficial, ceea ce a dat drept de întâietate României, determinând celelalte ţări să aleagă iniţiative în alte domenii. At the Istanbul summit meeting, the initiative of a "group of Romanian teachers" has been officially announced, what right has priority of Romania, leading other countries to choose initiatives in other areas. FUMN a rămas astfel şi prima organizaţie din domeniul societăţii civile care îşi propunea să susţină în acest plan ideile de cooperare urmărite de forurile oficiale ale ţărilor membre (România, Bulgaria, Turcia, Georgia, Rusia, Ucraina ca ţări de coastă, la care s-au alăturat Armenia, Azerbaijanul, Grecia, Moldova şi Albania). FUMN remained as the first organization in the field of civil society that aims to support the ideas of cooperation plan pursued by official bodies of member countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine as coastal countries, which have joined by Armenia, Azerbaijan, Greece, Moldova and Albania). With experience gained in 1991 and 1992 the organization initiated by five European Summer School in collaboration with the European College in Bruges, training and continuing education component took first place in defining FUMN activities.

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

REGIONAL INITIATIVES: FUMN initiated the creation of a network of Universities of the Black Sea is based on exchange of experience with Baltic University (Uppsalla) and Mediterranean University (Rome). A preparatory meeting and a constituent conference held jointly with the University of Constance whose rector, became the first president of the network was created BSUN.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ioana Constantin-Bercean
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Ioana Constantin-Bercean

Center for Civic Resources / Centrul pentru Resurse Civice

National Network

108 Unirii Street, Bl. U1, Apt. 65

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information
1.The association started working effectively this year, so this is the first financed project. The association is structured as follows: board, then staff (only one paid staff member). We have about 40 registered volunteers. 2. As this is the first year of effective work, we estimate this year resources will be around 50,000 EUR. 3. Private major companies and public authorities 4. We intend to focus both on concrete projects, as well as on developing think-tank related activities (seminars, debates) 5. For the ethno-cultural festival we intend to involve the county council, as well as the Romanian Govermnent (minorities department)
Mission and Objectives

Mission: to support, promote and develop civic awareness and initiative, in the spirit of participative democracy at individual, regional and community level.
Objectives: to defend human rights and the democratic values of the citizen and the community; to develop the skills to use the democratic tools of public participation; to develop the communication within the community, among communities, and between communities and public authorities; to support and promote youth and their initiatives, as well as environmental programmes; to develop associative activities; to involve the community in voluntary activities; to develop entrepreneurship skills; to develop education and information programmes; to exchange volunteers, programmes and projects with other NGOs from Romania and abroad; to promote social tourism; to promote cultural, spiritual and European values; to organize and support cultural and sport events; to organize and support forums, debates, seminars; to create studies and researches.

Main Projects / Activities

As the association is just in its first year of effective activity, we can speak only about future projects :):
1. 'Rebranding Constanta' focuses on shaping the core identity values of Constanta city, as a multicultural area, together with the citizens and the authorities;
2. 'Speak Up!' focuses on creating Citizen Committees in each neaighborhood, to enable as many people as possible to speak up their minds related to the future of the region. These committees will be invited to the local council meetings and their opinions will be taken into consideration

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Cosmin BARZAN - president

Center for Nonproliferation Unconventional Threats - NEXUS

National Network

7, Pincota Street, Ap. 18, Sect 2
P.O. BOX 71-88


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Area of Interests: - Biosecurity - Environmental Security - Human Security - Energy Security - Transnational Organized Crime - International Terrorism - Nonproliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Partners: - Information Resource Center of the Public Diplomacy of the US Embassy in Bucharest, Romania (Lili Stoian - StoianL@state.gov) - Regional Center of High Studies for Prevention of Bioterrorism, Bucharest, Romania - The Information Center for Security Culture, Bucharest, Romania (Adelina Palade - ladelina@ati.pcnet.ro)
Mission and Objectives

- To study and research the security environment focusing on the unconventional threats
- To create a thematic virtual library in Romanian language related to the unconventional threats against the human security
- To organize a Resource Center on unconventional threats, adressing to students, teachers, researchers and/or any other interested persons or groups
- To organize conferences, seminars, trainings and any other forms of education adressing to the young generation and specialized persons and/or groups
- To publish newsletters, reports, evaluations and prognosis related to the area of interests

Main Projects / Activities

- International activities
- Human Security Culture
- Research
- Education and Training
- Publishing

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation