
IG Alpbach Romania (IGAR)

National Network

Vasile Lascar nr.100
020506 Bucharest

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The Initiative Group Alpbach Romania’ has been founded in 2013 by a group of students and young professionals. Its main goal is to facilitate, through scholarships, the participation of young Romanians in the annual conference organized by the European Forum Alpbach in Alpbach, Austria in the period from the middle of August to beginning of September of each year.    
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of the ‘Initiative Group Alpbach Romania’:
    To promote EFA in Romania, on the basis of equity, tolerance and spreading of new ideas.
    To make EFA’s values and principles known to Romanian citizens.
    To offer scholarships to young Romanians in order to enable their participation in the annual events taking place at the European Forum Alpbach and their encounter with outstanding personalities from across the world.
    To enable the youth to benefit from the multicultural environment offered by the EFA and encourage the exchange of youth’s opinions (ideas) and projects in fields such as economics, politics, health, natural and life sciences, arts, humanities and social sciences and European studies.
    To inform students and graduates about opportunities of professional development in an international framework.
    To encourage cooperation at an educational level between Romania and other European countries.
    To promote and encourage dialogue among young people on topics of European relevance.
The EFA Network is spread throughout Europe, by the Initiative Groups and Clubs founded by former scholarship holders.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activity:
- send scholarship holders to the Forum each year
- participate and organise events during the Forum in Austria ( e.g Romanian cultural night, fireside talks)
Other activities:
- organise local projects and events that promote education, culture, arts and european debates

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to see how our members can get involved in the network, we are active, always look out for new challenges and way to learn and enhance our intercultural experiences.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be part of this amazing network as one of our main goals is also to improve communication between cultures and to support civil society. We have projects on education, arts and culture, and we are part of a network that starts in Austria and spreads across Europe.
We are very much looking forward to your answer and we are available for further details.

Contact (1) Full Name
Olivia Ioana Dejeu
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Olivia Dejeu

Inclusive Media Literacy Curricula for Youth

Disinformation impacts our daily lives. It sparks polarization, it acts to confuse us and it ultimately affects our ability to make informed decisions, with direct consequences for our democratic societies. It poses an even greater threat when it weaponizes our...

Individual member: Alexandra Mateescu

National Network

Bucharest, Romania

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Research
General Information
International Relations Economist specialized on EU’s institutions since 2005 and focusing on the EuroMed developments since 2007. Master of Geopolitics and Geostrategies (International Relations),Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
Mission and Objectives

Follow-up on the Euro-Med process for my PhD.

Main Projects / Activities

Research programs with the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest.
Member of the Romanian Geopolitics Association “Ion Conea”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Alexandra Mateescu

Institutul de Științe Politice și Relații Internaționale "Ion I.C.Brătianu"/ ISPRI

National Network

061071 Bucuresti

+40 21 316 96 61
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The "Ion I. C. Brătianu" Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations (ISPRI) of the Romanian Academy was founded in January 1990 under the name of the Institute of Social Theory and Political Science, with the main objective of developing scientific research in the field of social philosophy and political sciences. The institute initially undertook research on the fundamental political changes in Central and Eastern Europe, including Romania.

Mission and Objectives

The main activities of ISPRI, organized in two departments and two laboratories, consist in carrying out fundamental research in the following directions: political sciences (modern and contemporary political theories, history of political ideas, political philosophy, sociology and political communication); international relations (the study of Euro-Atlantic integration processes on all levels – political, economic, strategic, identity, social; the issue of Romanians everywhere; the extended Black Sea region and the Balkan region; the realization of the new European architecture and the role of NATO and the EU within the system of international relations, global developments with regional impact, etc.; sociology and geopolitics of religions and analysis of information war and strategic communication.

Main Projects / Activities

ISPRI edits and prints two of its own journals: Journal of Political Science and International Relations (www.revista.ispri.ro) and Romanian Journal of Political Science and International Relations (www.journal.ispri.ro). These two magazines continue, since 2004, the series of the Revue de Teorie Socială and the Revue Roumaine de Théorie Sociale in new formats and with an enriched theme. ISPRI has its own Publishing House accredited by CNCSIS, established by the Decision of the Ministry of Culture no. 1835 of February 25, 1993 (www.librarie.ispri.ro). ISPRI has a rich Library containing 300,000 titles (approximately one million volumes) in the field of socio-human and political sciences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mara Stroescu
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dan Dungaciu

KULT-ART Association

National Network

Teodor Robeanu street, No. 2, posta code: 720018

0040 742804401
Telephone (other)
0040 749384407
0040 230524128
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
0040 742804401
Mobile Phone (other)
0040 749384407
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We are an cultural association from North-east part of Romania, more exactly from Suceava County. Our NGO its young, he start his activities from 2011. The members of the Associationa re individual persons. The Association’s objectives are: providing high quality and honest cultural products honest, based on the principle of non-discrimination in order to ensure equal access and participation of all citizens to education and culture, regardless of race, nationality, age, gender, ethnicity or religion. The KULT-ART Association has in his supports a group of pantomime and is supporting them in every activities which they want to do. This year the Association is partner in a Grundtvig project named "E-GAME" and partner in the project "Lead your Way to Business" in the Cross Border Cooperation Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova Programme. The Association was involved in the organization of the Social Firm Europe CEFEC Conference which take place in Suceava, Romania in 20-22 Setember 2012.
Mission and Objectives

The KULT-ART Association’s mission its to: provide high quality and honest cultural products honest, based on the principle of non-discrimination in order to ensure equal access and participation of all citizens to education and culture, regardless of race, nationality, age, gender, ethnicity or religion.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to achieve its goal, the activities of the Association are:
a) Professional development, training and improvement in the cultural, social, youth area.
b) Increasing access and participation of citizens in cultural life;
c) Organizing cultural events
d) Creative Workshops (hand made and design), and cultural events on topics
e) Introductory courses in drama and acting
f) Organizing events to support Human Rights
g) Develop educational materials, magazines, brochures, books and leaflets etc.
h) Facilitating cross-border dialogue and cooperation on human rights and cultural life
i) Organization of courses, seminars, conferences, campaigns, round tables, symposiums, parties, receptions, book launches, plays
j) Establishing of theater troupes, mime troupes and puppeteers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To the Network we can contribute with our involvement in any activities regarding the developing of the ALF Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join in the ALF Network to create a cultural relations with all countries both European countries and Mediterranean and more. Our aim is to increase access and participation of citizens in cultural life.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicoleta Robciuc
Head of the organisation
Nicoleta Robciuc
Contact (2) Full Name
Anisia Simionov

Laboratorul pentru analiza razboiului informational si comunicare strategica/ LARICS

National Network

1-3 Iuliu Maniu
061071 Bucharest

+40 21 316 96 61
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

LARICS lansează o serie de campanii de informare publică și o serie de cursuri pentru jurnaliști dedicate “războaielor informaționale” (acțiuni de propagandă, dezinformare, manipulare publică, identificarea acestora, metode și strategii de contracarare etc.) cu scopul de a avertiza opinia publica și de a contracara efectele nocive ale acestora.

Mission and Objectives

Pune în dezbatere analiza conceptelor, a metodelor și a tehnicilor de manipulare/comunicare publică, a componentelor principale ale războaielor informaționale și este o o resursă unică pentru decidenți politici, presă de specialitate, cercetători interesați de fenomen, studenți etc.

Main Projects / Activities

- Studii despre sclavia moderna si traficul de persoane din Romania si din regiunea Euro-med -Traininguri de formare a tinerilor specialisti - Studii privind viata religioasa, interculturala din Romania - Barometru Securitatii Energetice

Contact (1) Full Name
Mara Stroescu
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Radu Cupcea


National Network

Iuliu Maniu 1-3, Corp A, et. 7, sector 6
061071 Bucharest

+40 21 316 96 61
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+40 76 916 30 62
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

LARICS operates within ISPRI as a constituent part of the Institute but with a specific separate agenda. The main purpose shall be to analyse/assess the internal and external events, the international press with specific reference made to Romania and Republic of Moldova in the context of discussions on media sector that in certain assessments have reached the dimension of „information warfare”

Mission and Objectives

LARICS launched a portal specifically dedicated to these issues (www.larics.ro), in order to initiate public debates on everything related to this field: analysis of the concepts, methods and public manipulation/communication techniques of the main components of information warfare. The portal is the first of its kind in Romania and will be a source and unique resource for the policy makers, specialized press, researchers interested in the phenomenon, students etc. LARICS aims, through the portal relating thereto, to become also a source of “early warning” (avertizare timpurie) concerning possible public disinformation campaign started on the territory of the two states. In addition, LARICS will begin public information campaigns and a series of courses for journalists dedicated to these issues (actions of propaganda, disinformation, public manipulation and their identification, methods and counterstrategies etc.).

Main Projects / Activities

LARICS shall consist of a group of experts (Council of Experts) that will produce, based on raw materials supplied and published on the portal www.lacrisro, analyses or editorials dedicated to the phenomenon. LACRIS appeals to those interested (institutions, individuals, etc.) to support and join our project. We are open and promote partnerships and collaboration with other institutions or individuals who share the same concerns. We also wish a fruitful effective partnership with the press in Romania and Republic of Moldova for the dissemination of our research results to a wider public.

Contact (1) Full Name
Radu Cupcea
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Radu Cupcea


National Network

4 Domneasca Street

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Foundation was set up in 1998 and is an organization dedicated to conduct innovative, objective, innovative, multidisciplinary development, setting the standard for excellence in education that improves the human condition. The Foundation turns knowledge into practice in the fields of career orientation, decision support systems, education and training and on the realities of the day. Decision: Board of Administration Management: CEO Staff: 5 Volunteers: 8 Funding: Sponsorships and contributions Yearly Budget: 25000 EUR Partners: national and international NGOs, 2 national experts, 3 regional organizations Membership: 2006 Euro Med Network for Youth Trafficking Prevention, Greece 2006 United in Intercultural Action Network ,The Netherlands 2007 Cities for Youth Organizations, Greece 2008 Mediterranian Instituite for Gender Studies Belgium
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:
Founded in 1998, “Leonardo da Vinci” Foundation is a fully registered Romanian non-profit, non-governmental, private voluntary organization.
Dedicated to training and consulting, the Foundation is overseen by a functioning board of program coordinators. All trainers, board members and staff are Romanian. Its mission is to strengthen democratic processes by supporting the development and sustainability of the non-profit, government and private sectors.
We strongly believe that:
- the individual is the ultimate source of creativity and action in an organization
- everyone is a manager in some way
- education is a life-long process
- one of the best way for an organization to increase its effectiveness is to develop its people
Successful organizations value their people and facilitate their professional development. Such organizations will survive in our fast-changing society and will contribute more significantly to improving society.
Our projects are about seeding cultural change in the school system thought the young generations of communities engaged in integration process.
Develop their understanding of the place of intercultural dialogue in the context of globalization and of the ways in which youth non-governmental organizations and networks can promote it;
Our Objectives:
- To strengthen the Romanian training capacity through a long term, locally designed and based training of trainers program;
- To establish a network of Romanian professional trainers involved in solving critical public problems;
- To promote a new generation of leaders and encourage them to view training as a potential career path;
- To develop partnerships between the non-governmental, private, and public sectors.
- To develop the understanding of the place of intercultural dialogue in the context of globalization and of the ways in which youth non-governmental organizations and networks can promote it.

Main Projects / Activities

The entire activity is dedicated to support the youth offering a proper conditions for education and learning, for access to science and culture, national and international values, promoting the human right and peace.
In the same time our programs are dedicated to all other age categories with the declared purpose to offer equal chances to information and education, to develop the capacity to act and react, to be involved on local, national and regional level by partnership and communication, to develop the associative behaviour and volunteer stimulation.
We did perform:
• languages training: English, French, Italian, Spanish
• management training (general management, project management, quality management, stress and time management, conflict management, team building, negotiation handling, ethics in business);
• organizational communication and intercultural education
• training in safety matters: protection of people and property, Intellectual Property Protection
• peace education, post – conflict peace building process
• arts: theatre, painting and photography
• visual arts, decorative design
• entrepreneurship education
• ecological education
• leadership, law and diplomacy
• human rights, racism, migration, youth trafficking prevention
• transforming violence
• spiritual perspectives of globalization: religion and global culture
• Enlargement of European Union, Stability Pact
• Local sustainable development
Our main projects focus on:
• Seminar on Intercultural Business Culture, 2009
• Day of Tolerance in High- schools of Galati and Bucharest, 2008
• Education in Human Rights – Malta 2007
• Information and presentation of our report on UN Session in Geneva, 2006
• Education in HR and youth trafficking prevention of students, parents, teachers, 2005-2006
• Leadership, law and diplomacy in solving conflicts, 2005
• Transforming violence, solving and mediation the conflicts, 2005
• Peace education, post – conflict peace building process in Balkans, 2005
• Assessment of entrepreneurial skills of the high – school graduates (2003-2005).
• Globalization and Regional Partners (2004)
• Professional and career orientation, education in HR and youth trafficking prevention of students, parents, teachers (2003)
• The importance of professional training to find and keep a job (2003)
• Leadership – leaders of new millennium (2003)
• Pictures on pollution themes – Special Award of the Regional Jury/2001-2002

Contact (1) Full Name
Camelia Gogoasa
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Camelia Gogoasa