
Center for Promoting Sustainable Development

National Network

Unirii street, bloc 16 I, ap.10,

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
- Structure: 3 founders with expertise in the field of sustainable development and a number of 6 volunteers with specific expertise. - Budgetary resources: we cannot provide a specific amount available in an year. - Sources of funding: we plan to apply for funding from the EU funds and other organisations. Moreover, we count on attracting funds from various donors. - Modalities of action: we envisage a variety of actions in order to reach the goal of our organisation.For example in the field of youth programs we will focus on exchanges, multilateral initiatives, seminars, campaigns. - Partners: We want to collaborate with all key players involved in developing and promoting sustainability-related competences including educational institutions, local communities, civil society and employers in order to develop partnerships to integrate education for sustainable development into training, vocational education and workplace learning. We are members of the Earth Charter network and the Social Responsibility Research Network.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is:
-to promote the principles, values and practices of sustainable development in Romania.
-to provide citizens with the key skills needed for achieving sustainable development.
Our objectives are:
-to ensure the opportunities which allow everybody to meet fully its potential.
-to develop activities which have a positive contribution to the protection and development of the environment.
-to ensure the opportunities to provide everybody with the necessary abilities in the present and their correlation with the future needs.

Main Projects / Activities

-Education for sustainable development has a key role in promoting behavioral changes and providing to citizens the key skills needed for achieving sustainable development. Our website and monthly newsletter will be the first sources of information on this topic.
-projects aimed at increasing public awareness and understanding about the challenges of sustainable development and the relationship with education.
-projects focused on solving environmental problems.
-positive actions in favour of socially excluded persons in order to facilitate their integration in the society and their access on the labour market.
-actions aimed at encouraging entrepreneuship and the social responsibility of enterprises
-formation in the field of new technologies.
-projects aimed at improving the managerial expertise in order to deal with the challenges of sustainable development.
-research in the field of sustainable development and dissemination of the results through seminars, workshops.
-consulting in the area of expertise of the members of the Association.
Please indicate if we should provide with specific documents in order to detail our activity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Milena Moraru
Head of the organisation
Milena Moraru

Center for Sustainable Community Development - CSCD / Centrul pentru Dezvoltare Comunitara Durabila CDCD

National Network

Giubega - 913, Dolj, 1244, Romania
Giubega Village

0040 - 351 433 819
Mobile Phone
0040 - 741075409
Mobile Phone (other)
+90 5062847643
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Center for Sustainable Community Development (CSCD) is a youth, apolitical and nongovernmental organization that militates in favor of Romanian society development. CSCD started in 2007 as an initiative group and in2010 had been legally constituted as an NGO. The activities are based on volunteering – having active 5 youth leaders and trainers and over 50 volunteers – from the rural and urban areas – in the SW Region of Romania and has partnerships with over 15 local actors – public sector – local authorities and private actors. The main activities are related to youth empowerment and active youth participation, using different tools and methods – non-formal education context: workshops, mentorship programmes, youth exchanges, round table, but also capacity building support for the local authorities aiming at setting youth strategies – in the rural areas. These activities are financially supported through the cooperation with the local actors – private and public sectors and through the granting provided by the granting schemes.
Mission and Objectives

- Mission
• to promote the developing activity of creative capacity, the development of youth scientific, technical, artistic, cultural and intellectual creation;
• to develop educational and mentorship programmes for youth leaders and trainers,
- To assist the local authorities to design and implement local youth strategies and youth programmes – capacity building
• to encourage the managerial abilities and organizational aptitudes among youngsters at local, national and international level;
• to promote equal opportunities and youth empowerment through creating access programmes
• the association contribute to the development of Romanian society through promoting youngsters, the values of democracy and the human rights;
The association carries out the following activities:
• organization of seminars, conferences, round table discussions, conferences;
• initiation and participation of projects and programmes in partnership with local and central public administration and other nongovernmental organizations;
• trainings for the members;
• exchanges;
• participation in the events of civil society

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are related to youth participation and youth empowerment. Thus, in the last 3 years, as informal group, CSCD assisted over 40 youth leaders through the mentorships programmes, trainer over 40 youth workers and social workers for the non-formal education field and offered them support for the facilitation sessions, assisted the local authorities from Giubega Village to design the local youth policy, established partnerships with over 40 youth associations from abroad (including partnerships with 2 organizations leading the ALF Networks in France and Lithuania – In Actio), assisted the students’ associations in Craiova to establish international cooperation departments and to implement projects granted through Youth in Action scheme.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adina Marina Calafateanu
Head of the organisation
Adina Marina Calafateanu (President )


National Network

Babes-Bolyai University, Str. Universitatii 7-9, Office 307
400084 Cluj-Napoca

+40264405300 int. 5275
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Came into light in the year 2016, the Centre for Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Studies is a research and teaching structure, within the Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, which is comprised of 19 members. The financial resources are guaranteed, on one hand by the university, and additionally by the grants and the research programs which will take place. The main activities embody both the scientific and didactic research, as well as the most active engagement into the collective projects and network in the Mediterranean region and the Middle Eastern area. At present, the Centre for Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Studies holds contacts and collaborations with universities and research institutions in Europe (France, Belgium, Italy, Great Britain, Switzerland, Holland, Germany), in the Middle East (Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan); and in North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia).
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Centre for Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Studies is to group, in the frame of a specialized research unit, the scholars, the researchers, the PhD candidates, at national and international levels, who will be elaborating research and teaching activities assigned to the historical, political, cultural, religious and economic realities in the Middle Eastern and the Mediterranean regions, since Antiquity to the present.

Main Projects / Activities

• Elaborating research and teaching activities assigned to the historical, political, cultural, religious and economic realities in the Middle Eastern and Mediterranean regions, since Antiquity to the present time. • Participation to both national and international research programs, encompassing the fields of archeology, history, political history, international relations, cultural studies, etc, assigned to the region, and accessing grants and financing. • Organizing conferences, symposiums, workshops and summer schools with national or international participation. • Initiation of contacts with universities, specialized institutions, teaching entities at both national and international level in order to facilitate academic, scientific exchange. • Developing research regarding the Euro-Mediterranean relations inside the Romanian scientific milieu and the further improvement of their visibility to the large public. • Developing research programs regarding the political, cultural, diplomatic and religious relations between Romania (its historical provinces) and the Southern Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions. • The center aims to present a specialized expertise and consultancy in relation with the tertiary parts, as well as to become an informative and documentation space with reference to the Middle East and Maghreb realities, especially to the touristic, educational, business, media, civil society, etc. opportunities. • The organization of thematic exhibitions in order to have the public familiarized with aspects related to the aforementioned civilizations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the dissemination of the Anna Lindh Foundation projects among the scientific and university milieus (scholars, researchers, students) as to raise their interest and their engagement, and furthermore through the collaborations with other actors (culture, media, civil society, tourism, government) through which they will go towards a more effective implication in the Mediterranean region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Center’s objective is precisely the research and the valorization of the Southern Mediterranean area; henceforth, there exists an essential opportunity to collaborate with partners from the region and to participate most effectively to the Euro-Mediterranean cultural and social dynamics.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Lecturer PhD, Faculty of History and Philosophy
Head of the organisation
ALEXANDRU DIACONESCU, Professor PhD, Faculty of History and Philosophy
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Associate Professor PhD, Faculty of History and Philosophy

Centre for Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue

National Network

Str. Vidra 25 B
200444 Craiova

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The Centre for Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue was formed in 2015 to support the development of a coherent, practical, and relevant research-based perspective on domestic and international intercultural relations. The Centre for Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue is an independent non-governmental, non-denominational and non-political organization whose mission is to build a world where the cultural diversity is respected and valorised, where people from different cultural backgrounds work hand in hand for solution of global problems and for sustainable development. Aiming a culture of peace, the Centre promotes the use of dialogue globally to prevent and resolve conflict, to enhance understanding and cooperation. The promotors seek to reach common and harmonious cooperation and a genuine desire to lay the foundations of world peace.
Mission and Objectives

The goals of the Centre for Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue are::
a) promoting cultural dialogue and intercultural, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally;
b) promoting religious dialogue, inter-Christian and inter-religious, nationally and internationally;
c) promoting cultural values ​​and spirituality Romanian and European and European historical memory;
d) promoting democracy and active European citizenship and volunteering;
e) promoting the fundamental values ​​of the European Union and fundamental human rights and freedoms;
f) implementing programs and projects promoting tourism and public awareness about the need to preserve and protect the environment;
g) developing projects and student and youth programs;
h) implementing projects and health education programs;
i) conducting charitable activities;
j) the conduct of courses, trainings and training programs and personal development;
k) partnerships and cooperation agreements with public institutions and NGOs in Romania and abroad;
l) promoting and encouraging academic excellence through conferences, symposiums, roundtables and other activities of this type, and by offering prizes and scholarships for students and teachers in higher education;
m) publishing scientific papers, publicity and promotion.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to achieve the above goals, the association will conduct a series of activities such as:
a) organization of symposia, conferences, roundtables and other cultural-artistic and scientific events;
b) fundraising campaigns;
c) educating the public on intercultural issues and the results of research in intercultural development
d) publishing books, magazines and other publications;
e) development and maintenance of websites, blogs and other online platforms;
f) conduct awareness campaigns among the public;
g) organization of trainings and information sessions;
h) various international youth programs

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our main goals are to build bridges between different NGO-s and between people with different cultural backgrounds.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

  We intend to raise awareness of decision makers and of the large public to understand the interdependence of diversity and collaboration between peoples and cultures on the one hand and the consolidation of democracy, sustainable development and social welfare on the other hand. Joining ALF Network will help us enormously. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Vladimirescu Mihai Valentin
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Mihai Valentin Vladimirescu
Contact (2) Full Name
Ciurea Mihai
Job Title (2)

Centre for Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue

National Network

Str. Vidra 25 B
200444 Craiova

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
The Centre for Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue was formed in 2015 to support the development of a coherent, practical, and relevant research-based perspective on domestic and international intercultural relations. The Centre for Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue is an independent non-governmental, non-denominational and non-political organization whose mission is to build a world where the cultural diversity is respected and valorised, where people from different cultural backgrounds work hand in hand for solution of global problems and for sustainable development. Aiming a culture of peace, the Centre promotes the use of dialogue globally to prevent and resolve conflict, to enhance understanding and cooperation. The promotors seek to reach common and harmonious cooperation and a genuine desire to lay the foundations of world peace. 
Mission and Objectives

The goals of the Centre for Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue are::
a) promoting cultural dialogue and intercultural, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally;
b) promoting religious dialogue, inter-Christian and inter-religious, nationally and internationally;
c) promoting cultural values ​​and spirituality Romanian and European and European historical memory;
d) promoting democracy and active European citizenship and volunteering;
e) promoting the fundamental values ​​of the European Union and fundamental human rights and freedoms;
f) implementing programs and projects promoting tourism and public awareness about the need to preserve and protect the environment;
g) developing projects and student and youth programs;
h) implementing projects and health education programs;
i) conducting charitable activities;
j) the conduct of courses, trainings and training programs and personal development;
k) partnerships and cooperation agreements with public institutions and NGOs in Romania and abroad;
l) promoting and encouraging academic excellence through conferences, symposiums, roundtables and other activities of this type, and by offering prizes and scholarships for students and teachers in higher education;
m) publishing scientific papers, publicity and promotion.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to achieve the above goals, the association will conduct a series of activities such as:
a) organization of symposia, conferences, roundtables and other cultural-artistic and scientific events;
b) fundraising campaigns;
c) educating the public on intercultural issues and the results of research in intercultural development
d) publishing books, magazines and other publications;
e) development and maintenance of websites, blogs and other online platforms;
f) conduct awareness campaigns among the public;
g) organization of trainings and information sessions;
h) various international youth programs

Contact (1) Full Name
Vladimirescu Mihai Valentin
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Mihai Valentin Vladimirescu

Centrul de Asistenta pentru Dezvoltare Durabila si Resurse umane - C.A.D.D.R.U.

National Network

O.P. 77, C.P. 8, sector 3

+4 0737139591
Telephone (other)
+4 0746 061806
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
THE DIRECTION, ADMINISTRATION AND CONTROL STRUCTURES of C.A.D.D.R.U. are: a) The General Assembly; b) The board; c) The President/ The Executive Director; d) The Censor. C.A.D.D.R.U. has no employees. Main financing sources: Youth in Action program, sponsors, European Youth Foundation OBJECTIVES. In order to accomplish its mission, C.A.D.D.R.U. has the following objectives: - Forming: developing activities of formal and non-formal education of forming/training on: sustainable development, civic education, active citizenship, social implication, personal development, civic and social responsibility, project management, fundraising, intercultural dialogue (activities with interethnic and intercultural character) and other fields of interests for the mission of C.A.D.D.R.U. - Informing: raising the level of information and awareness regarding civic and social responsibility, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, entrepreneurship and financing sources; lobby and advocacy in the fields mentioned; scientific research in the mentioned fields. - Performing: counseling and assisting people and organizations that want to get involved or develop projects/programs More details in the document attached.
Mission and Objectives

MISSION (SCOPE). C.A.D.D.R.U. has as mission the sustainable development of human resources.
VISION: We will develop human resources through formal, informal and non-formal education by stimulating civic and social responsibility, active citizenship, social entrepreneurship, active involvement, the growth of project management and of intercultural dialogue on these themes.
TARGET GROUP: C.A.D.D.R.U. addresses young people, adults, public and private bodies.
More details in the document attached.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects:
“E.U. Comunic” was born in the context of Intercultural Dialog Year 2008 in order to further express the need for intercultural communication in our society.
D.I.A.L.O.G.U.E. is a training project within Action 4.3 Training and Networking targeting participants from nongovernmental organisations active in the field of intercultural dialogue and/or media and communications, more specifically a Training Course on a dual theme “Management of Intercultural Projects”.
"Euro-Partners" - developing an open space for structured dialogue, to stimulate new partnerships and collaboration between youth organizations from European countries.
"Incommunicado" - development of training skills in the area of intercultural dialogue for 24 youths from 8 different countries.
More details in the document attached.
More details in the document attached.

Contact (1) Full Name
Silvia Ghioc

Centrul de Studii Sino-Ruse (CSSR), Institutul de Științe Politice și Relații Internaționale "Ion C.Brătianu"

National Network

Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu 1-3, București
061071 Bucharest

+40 21 316 96 61
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

The Sino-Russian Studies Center is created within the "Ion I. C. Brătianu" Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations of the Romanian Academy and aims to observe and put into academic and media debate the rise of China, the world's second superpower. The main partner of the project is the "Mircea Maliţa" Foundation, which, through the annual Mircea Maliţa Scholarships, made it possible for the researchers who receive these scholarships to become ISPRI associate researchers and to be part of the China up-to-date project. The projects that CSSR experts are working on at the moment are: the first (geo)political encyclopedia of China of the 20th century published in Romania, the "China today" project, the annual Mircea Malița international conferences - with guests from the Euro-Med space, a collection of research volumes dedicated to Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, etc.

Mission and Objectives

The main objective of this Center is to observe and put into academic and media debate the relations between the Euro-Mediterranean space and Asia, especially China.

Main Projects / Activities

The projects that CSSR experts are currently working on are: the first (geo)political encyclopedia of China of the 20th century published in Romania, the Mircea Malița annual international conferences – with guests from the United States, China, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, etc. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Toma Paula-Sorina
Job Title
Scientific Research Assistant
Head of the organisation
Toma Paula-Sorina

Collaboration agreement between FUMN, ALF Romania and Yunus Emre Enstitüsü Türkiye

Collaboration agreement between FUMN, ALF Romania and Yunus Emre Enstitüsü Türkiye

A delegation of the Black Sea University Foundation formed by the Executive Director Anna Lindh Foundation Romania, Ioana Constantin-Bercean and the President of FUMN Dan Dungaciu met with the Director of the Yunus Emre Enstitüsü - Bucharest (Turkish Cultural Institute), Mr. Mustafa Yildiz. On this occasion, extensive exchanges of views regarding bilateral cooperation took place, including joint actions to present the Romanian public with the complexity of the evolution of Romanian-Turkish relations.

Front and back covers

Colouring Book for Kids - World Religions

Have fun learning about the world's major religions with creative designs and simple challenges! For kids age 5+. O f the thousands of colouring books available for children, only a few deal with religion, tending to depict only one religion...

Creators for Change

Creators for Change

Station Europe organized an information session for young people on the importance of voting.


Creators for Change event brought inspiring content about the European Elections!

We’ve got reels, stories, and videos coming your way that highlight the importance of voting and how you can make a difference! ✊💬

