
APEL Service Association

National Network

73, Regina Elisabeta Blvd., 1st floor, apt. 2, 5th district, 050016

+40 21 311 61 42
+40 21 311 61 43
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+40 747 01 58 54
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
APEL has 12 permanent employees in two office, Bucharest and Timisoara and more than 10 volunteers. The available budget ranges between 100.000 - 120.000 Euros per year, sources of funding being European Social Fund, European Integration Fund, European Return Fund, EuropeAid Program, private funds (corporate) sponsorships and donations. Main APEL's partners are national and international CSOs, LAs, international organizations and corporations working in the same fields of development.
Mission and Objectives

APEL was established in 2006 as an organization working in the field of social inclusion, development, migration and human rights. With a professional team based on young people and two offices in Bucharest and Timisoara, APEL fights effectually against poverty and the phenomena of social exclusion and for improving the capacity of institutional and economical players of adaptation and action in the complexity of the community in which they intervene.

Main Projects / Activities

a) AMITIE - Awareness on MIgration, developmenT and human rIghts through local partnerships”, March 2011 - March 2013, along with Comune di Boligna (applicant), implemented in Romania in the Bucharest area, financed through Europe-Aid Program
b) Network of information centers for third country nationals (TCNs) - November 2010- June 2011, implemented along with the International Organisation for Migration, Mission in Romania (applicant), in Bucharest and Timisoara areas; APEL was establshed as a permanent Information Center for Foreigners.
c) Helpdesk platform and support to New Member States (NMS) Non State Actors/Local Authorities in the Development sector (January 2009-December 2010) – along with punto.sud Italia (applicant) implemented in Bucharest and Timisoara area and financed through EuropeAid program
d) The vocational integration of the 18 year old young people enrolled in the child protection system (April 2008-May 2009) – implemented in Bucharest-Ilfov area and financed through PHARE 2006 program with the goal of facilitating access on labour market for 60 care leavers over 18 years through active professional measures
e) Vocational training and local development in urban areas Bucharest and Timisoara (2006-2009) - financed by Unidea Italia Fundation with the aim of gradual reducing excluzion and marginalization of youth in difficulty
f) Concretized programme for local initiative addresses to Eastern Europe children (PROCOPIL)- (2006 -2009) - financed by French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Firstly, as an ALF network member, APEL will provide the possibility of interacting with the local community, on subjects regarding migration and community development. Secondly, being established as an Information Center for Foreigners both in Bucharest and Timisoara, APEL will contribute to the development of the migration related component of ALF, with insights and national studies. Last but not least, our organization will exchange good practices and debates along the network with the possibility of further structuring regional and national policies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF will establish a better cooperation in the field of dialogue and
mutual support between people of different background. For APEL a network like ALF will give better possibilities of exchanging ideas and good practices regarding common projects and last but not least will be able to promote future strategies and policies for the region in which the organization is active.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ana Maria Oteanu - Office Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Francesco Aloisio - President

ARCADIA - Romanian Association for International Cooperation and Development

National Network

Susita Street, no 8/10

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
ARCADIA is an independent non-profit organization focused on international cooperation and development. It offers a neutral space for interaction and analysis of international development related issues at the same time emphasizing Romania’s engagement with its international partners and debating on it’s potential role as an international donor. ARCADIA counts more than 100 members: academics, practitioners, researchers, students, policy-makers, representatives of NGOs and business field working in Romania or abroad. Our members are engaged in projects/activities with UN (agencies), European Commission and European Parliament, World Bank, World Vision International, TRIALOG, FOND, Universities and Governmental institutions. They are former students of University of Chicago, London School of Economics, Tufts University, Brunel University, CEU, Harvard, University of Colombia, Edinburgh University, ASE, Universidad de la Coruña, West University of Timisoara, University of Bucharest, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cape Town University, and Vanderbilt University. Main partners: Romanian universities running a Master in International Development and Cooperation, UNDP Romania, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Association of Development Institutes, European Commission DG Development, Romanian Representation at the EU, PATRIR
Mission and Objectives

ARCADIA is a membership based organization with focusing on building a community of Romanian development professionals. Our mission is to bring a genuine contribution to the evolution of Romanian professionals and along with other actors, promote the field of international development at the national and international level facilitating the transfer of knowledge between leading experts and young graduates in the field.

Main Projects / Activities

ARCADIA has developed and implemented several projects and initiatives aiming to strengthen the network of Romanian experts who are active in the international development field, enhancing the knowledge and expertise transfer between members contributing to their development as experts in the field.
2009 Brussels Round table debate: Opportunities and challenges for Romania’s engagement in international development – with focus on Africa and launching of the online platform www.arcadianetwork.ning.com.
2010 First Conference: Development, Trade and Foreign &Security policies: How can emerging donors make a difference? This conference aimed to bring together the main actors active in the field of development in Romania in order to explore the ways in which Romania can build its donor identity by making the most of the lessons learnt during the transition period.
2011 Issuing the monthly professional newsletters (with information on jobs, conferences, fellowships, etc), promoting ARCADIA within the Romanian NGO environment.
2012 Launching the online
review: The Romanian International Development Review.
2013 Annual Conference: New EU member states as new donors: capacity, discourses and practices - The conference aimed to open a debate concerning the achievements and challenges encountered the new EU Member States in their quest for becoming established donors./ A.I.D Review Romania Conference – discussions on current trends in ODA

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ARCADIA can contribute to the promotion of this network among its members and students interested in the field of international cooperation and development who would be very interested in participating in projects developed by the network. Moreover, ARCADIA as a body of experts aims to encourage the knowledge-transfer of lessons learnt by Romania during the transition period towards other countries that are witnessing political and social transformations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ARCADIA aims to build o community of Romanian professionals working in development, thus we would like to open up the possibility for our members to get involved in international projects, especially in the Mediterranean area. We do not want to build a close community but rather to stimulate its openness to the world around it and to encourage trans-national collaboration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Rusu
Head of the organisation
Stefan Cibian
Contact (2) Full Name
Madalina Pruna

Asociatia "Centrul pentru Dezvoltarea Instrumentelor Structurale"

National Network

BD. A I Cuza, NE 11, bl CAM3, sc B, ap 5, Slatina, Olt

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Our NGO is a young youth organization established in 2018, but which has already successfully implemented 2 youth projects. In these projects we have involved youth from the local community, but with special focused on youth with fewer opportunities and those who have not participated so far in the Erasmus + projects. Within CPDIS we focus on non-formal education and combining non-formal education methods with games. Our goal is to involve Romanians and foreign youth in developing key competences and mentoring them after the project, which represents the sustainability of the organizational activity. We are trying to attract as many youth from the community as well as from the region to benefit from the implemented projects. We involve youth in the writing stage of projects, which helps us to streamline activities and identify the needs of youth by doing youth projects for youth.
Mission and Objectives

Asociatia CPDIS is a non-profit organization founded in the fall of 2012 with the aim of promoting understanding and cooperation between people. Pursuing this aim, we encourage and promote all those initiatives that, in terms of solidarity and on the cultural-educational field, allow the interchange of ideas among different cultures, favour the easing of economic imbalances and promote the creation of a true culture of universality and peace. Among these actions, there is a reflection on consumerism, interculture and peace with non-formal education methodologies. Our goals are to involve young people into youth people on local, national and international levels, to support youth in creating and implementing their own small-scale community-based projects. CPDIS members had participated in many youth projects in local, national and international level, together with partners our coordinators had implemented youth exchanges and youth trainings. Our staff got their competences and experience through the non-formal education and learning methods.
Our objective are:
ablishment and facilitation of socially beneficial activities, having a direct and indirect impact on developing the youth potential.
- Helping the youth in their efforts to formulate a complete, long-term and sustainable vision for the development of young people in Romania.
- Development of unpopular tourist destinations in Romania and popularization of Romania historical and cultural heritage among the young people.

Main Projects / Activities

In the last years we have managed and implemented youth exchanges and youth workers mobilities such as:
In 2019: #Best ,#H(E+)lp - First aid for youth workers (http://cpdis.ro/project/help-first-aid-for-youth-workers/),
In 2018: ActivE+ Youth (http://cpdis.ro/project/active-youth/), UpDatE+ your CV (http://cpdis.ro/project/update-your-cv/)
In 2017: NE(E+)T-working (http://cpdis.ro/project/384/), Fri(E+)nd (http://cpdis.ro/project/friends/), Empowering youth workers: youth focus (http://cpdis.ro/project/empowering-youth-workers-youth-focus/)
In 2016: Youth Support for Youth Development, 5 asi cu Joker (http://cpdis.ro/project/5-asi-cu-joker-youth-exchange/)
Our NGO have more than 10 youth workers and 25 volunteers that are involved and help us when we have projects ot local actions. We have a profesional team and our main competence is in nonformal education. The most used methods are:
World café
Flash Mob
Forum Theater
Other skills of the project team members:
Managerial and organisational skills
Group managing skills
Materials, tools, products and software
Cognitive skills and problem-solving abilities
Social and communication skills and competences
Artistic skills and competences
Business skills

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Useing our experience and our youth NGO that we have we can contribuite to the network in Romania

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To have the opportunity to make projects for youth form our local community

Contact (1) Full Name
Florescu George Cristian
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Florescu George Cristian
Contact (2) Full Name
Stefan Besu
Job Title (2)
Coordinator of the projects

Asociatia "Tinerii Secolului XXI"

National Network

Unirii 89 str, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Mehedinti, Romania
Drobeta turnu Severin

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Our organization is conducted by a elected president, togehter with a board of 5 people. The general assembly is the superior entity who decide the future of the organization. In order to achieve his objectives our association is organizing conferences, seminars, workshops, public campaigns, training courses, symposia and debates, is communicating with the state institutions and civil society. Our primary sources of funding are coming from European Comission, Council of Europe, private donours and national institutions. The budget for 2009 until this moment goes up to 35000 euros (only for the first part of the year.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to increase the involvement of young people in the public life. Our objectives are to promote the basic needs of Romanian young people, to educate them in the spirit of democracy, to promote the relations between youth organizations from Romania and abroad.
Association aims:
• To inform the young people about civic education, health programs, community organization, community development;
• To promote the Romanian values in the country and abroad;
• To create equal opportunities in accessing the information to all young people;
• To educate the young people in the spirit of the democracy, tolerance and diversity;
• To develop national and international youth project collaborating with local, regional, national and international youth structures;

Main Projects / Activities

In order to achieve his objectives our association is organizing conferences, seminars, workshops, public campaigns, training courses, symposia and debates, is communicating with the state institutions and civil society. Since 1999, we have conducted: 42 non-formal education workshops on various topics; more than 100 public campaigns aimed to raise awareness about various topics like: democracy, youth involvement in public life, drug and alcool consumption, etc; more than 150 debates and round tables; we have produced for 2 years a TV show for the youngsteers living in Drobeta Turnu Severin; we have been involved in organizing a lot of dancing, music and movie workshops or youth festivals.:

Contact (1) Full Name
Mihailescu Catalin
Head of the organisation
Mihailescu Catalin

Asociatia Adamos

National Network

6th Cpt. Nicolae Licaret street, Bl. PM43, sc. 2, Ap. 57, sector 3

0040 371 061 210
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Asociatia Adamos (The Adamos Association) is a nonprofit and nongovernmental organization founded by a group of four people, with backgrounds in training, diplomacy and project management. The Adamos Association is aimed at spreading and promoting European values such as democracy and human rights, support cultural and historical education among young citizens of Europe (including shaping attitude of active citizens and volunteers), acting for tolerance, peace and understanding between nations, familiarizing mechanisms of EU and promoting self-development by non-formal learning methodology. These activities are financially supported through the cooperation with the local actors – private and public sectors and through the granting provided by the granting schemes. Our main partners are regional and national authorities in youth and education fields, other NGOs from Romania and EU.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to support the development of young people into responsible citizens by focusing on the strengthening of the European Idea and democratic values.
1. Contribute to the development of skills and raising awareness of the future, moral, ethical, and socially responsible individuals in response to the increasing social challenges.
2. Achieve a basic social agreement on mutual intergenerational support.
3. Develop a system of values that will contribute to a lasting sustainable development of socially responsible civilization.
4. Connect various stakeholders in the functioning of the Adamos Association.
5. Create a meeting place for the excellence of mind, spirit and taste to achieve the objectives of the Adamos Association.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects are:
diplo - trainings in diplomacy and negotiations for young people;
"Ce Se Discuta?" - networking events for students who are interested in diplomacy, international relations, security studies.
The association carries out the following activities:
• organization of seminars, conferences, round table discussions, conferences;
• trainings;
• exchanges;
• initiation and participation of projects and programmes in partnership with local and central public administration and other nongovernmental organizations;
• participation in the events of civil society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dragos Apostu
Head of the organisation
Dragos Apostu

Asociatia Centrul pentru Dezvoltarea Instrumentelor Structurale

National Network

Bd Alexandru I Cuza, nr 11, Bl CAM3, sc B, et. 1, ap 5
230015 Slatina

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
General Information

Asociatia CPIDS is a youth, apolitical and nongovernmental organization that militates in favor of Romanian society development. CPDIS had been legally constituted Iin 2012 as an NGO. The activities are based on volunteering - we have 7 youth workers, 5 trainers and more than 33 volunteers– from the rural and urban areas – in the Oltenia Region of Romania and has partnerships with over 35 local actors – public sector – local authorities and private actors. The main activities are related to youth empowerment and active youth participation, using different tools and methods – non-formal education context: workshops, mentorship programmes, youth exchanges, round table, but also capacity-buildings support for the local authorities aiming at setting youth strategies – in the rural areas. We are active in the last year- we have. coordinate more than 35 projects. We support youth from our NGO and local community implementing projects on different youth education programs.

Mission and Objectives

- Mission
• to promote the developing activity of creative capacity using non-formal education methods
• to develop educational and mentorship programmes for youth leaders and trainers,
• to encourage the youth from our local community to develop their key competence
• to promote equal opportunities between boys and girls and also to different ethnic people
• to develop. the civic society by doing different projects for them
The association carries out the following activities:
• organization of Youth Exchanges, EVS and training courses
• workshops, seminars, conferences, round table discussions, conferences;
• initiation and participation of projects and programmes in partnership with local and central public administration and other nongovernmental organizations;
• support local authorities in their actions using our volunteers to helo people in need

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are related to youth participation and youth empowerment. Thus, in the last 6 years, we have made more than 35 projects involving almost 200 youth form Romania and 1100 from EU. Our activities are based on developing key competence and to prepare youth from Romania to be better prepare for labour market. Also our topics are:
- cultural
- discrimination and inclusion
- first aid
- civic society
- photography and video editing

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will promote ALF by:
- workshops
- round tables
- informing volunteers and youth form our NGO that AFL financed our projects
- involving youth in educational projects
- making visibility to ALF in our activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join to ALF Network because this program gives us a chance to help youth from our NGO and local communities to develop their key competence an also to learn new things about other cultures. We would like to brake stereotypes and to help youth to develop themself.

Contact (1) Full Name
Florescu George Cristian
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Asociatia Centrul pentru Dezvoltarea Instrumentelor Structurale
Contact (2) Full Name
Bebelea Adriana
Job Title (2)

Asociatia Centrul pentru Dezvoltarea Instrumentelor Structurale

National Network

Bd. A I Cuza, nr 11, bl CAM3, Sc B, ap 5, OLT
230015 SLATINA

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Asociatia CPDIS is a non-profit organization founded in the fall of 2012 with the aim of promoting understanding and cooperation between people. Pursuing this aim, we encourage and promote all those initiatives that, in terms of solidarity and on the cultural-educational field, allow the interchange of ideas among different cultures, favour the easing of economic imbalances and promote the creation of a true culture of universality and peace.
Our aim is to help youngsters develop their transversal competences (life skills) by using nonformal learning tools. We try to educate youngsters to a peaceful co-habitation with people coming from different cultures, countries and social conditions by giving them the opportunity to confront themselves with others in an intercultural environment which stimulates the development of a social conscience.
Our main activities are:
- educational activities (educational projects in schools and on an extra-curricular basis throughout a non-formal education method focused on active citizenship, European conscience, against racism and xenophobia, human rights principles);
- cultural events (conference, seminars, CineForm, concerts, art exhibitions);
- intercultural activities (programs and projects for youth mobility, education on international topics, promotion of different cultures in Romania and abroad, welcome activities of tourists and foreigners, promotion of Erasmus+ Programme);
- Territorial promotion (promotion of its typical aspects, its artists, tourism, sport activities)
- The mission of education activities consists of providing non-formal education opportunities for young people involving as many as possible, and trying always to widen our reach.

We have around 15 active youth workers and more than 40 volunteers working with us.
In our NGO there are many volunteers that have different experience in the field of non-formal education. They are keen to learn and share their experiences with others. Our volunteers are experienced in international projects being group/team leaders or/and facilitators. We are sending in projects one participant that is actively involved in our organization in order to disseminate results on behalf of our NGO. Our members are experienced in social communication using social networks and other tools of dissemination

Our budget resources are from projects and donations. In 2019 we have administrate more than 90 000 EUR for implementing projects.

We have organised more than 40 projects under Youth in Action, Erasmus+ and EEA Norway Grants.

Mission and Objectives

Asociatia CPDIS is a non-profit organization founded in the fall of 2012 with the aim of promoting understanding and cooperation between people. Pursuing this aim, we encourage and promote all those initiatives that, in terms of solidarity and on the cultural-educational field, allow the interchange of ideas among different cultures, favour the easing of economic imbalances and promote the creation of a true culture of universality and peace. Among these actions, there is a reflection on consumerism, interculture and peace with non-formal education methodologies. Our goals are to involve young people into youth people on local, national and international levels, to support youth in creating and implementing their own small-scale community-based projects. CPDIS members had participated in many youth projects in local, national and international level, together with partners our coordinators had implemented youth exchanges and youth trainings. Our staff got their competences and experience through the non-formal education and learning methods. Also in our team are more people who have graduated the management and economics bachelor degree. There is also one person experienced in project management. Some members have finished training courses in field of work with youth and as seminar facilitators, local level youth trainers. Our project team has these skills and expertise and experiences:
- Networking for youth education activities,
- Promoting of youths at entrepreneurship,
- Sharing experiences,
- Creating educational materials together,
- Promoting a good communication between project partners and related organisations
- Disseminating the results very actively

We are working with young people with fewer opportunities and have good practical experience integrating them in our projects. Many of our international events take place in rural areas where we include marginalized youth like unemployed young people, young people from geopgrahically isolated areas and young people with a hard social background (orphans, from broken families, with immigrant background, etc). Furthermore, when we are a sending organization for projects taking place abroad, we are trying to have in the team consisting of young people with fewer opportunities because we understand the importance of the positive impact these projects has on them.
Asociatia CPDIS has youth workers with solid practical experience concerning all the aspects of the project cycle in a youth exchange: need assessment, proposal writing, implementation, evaluation, follow-up activities, reporting. Such key-staff can help the applicant organization in whatever aspects they see fit.

Some of our other priorities include:
- Establishment and facilitation of socially beneficial activities, having a direct and indirect impact on developing the youth potential.
- Helping the youth in their efforts to formulate a complete, long-term and sustainable vision for the development of young people in Romania.
- Development of unpopular tourist destinations in Romania and popularization of Romania historical and cultural heritage among the young people.

Our NGO have more than 10 youth workers and 25 volunteers that are involved and help us when we have projects ot local actions. We have a professional team and our main competence is in nonformal education. The most used methods are:
- World café
- Theater
- Flash Mob
- Forum Theater
- Albatros
- Pitching

Other skills of the project team members:
- Managerial and organisational skills
- Group managing skills
- Materials, tools, products and software
- Cognitive skills and problem-solving abilities
- Social and communication skills and competences
- Artistic skills and competences
- Business skills

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities are:
- educational activities (educational projects in schools and on an extra-curricular basis throughout a non-formal education method focused on active citizenship, European conscience, against racism and xenophobia, human rights principles);
- cultural events (conference, seminars, cineforum, concerts, art exhibitions);
- intercultural activities (programs and projects for youth mobility, education on international topics, promotion of different cultures in Romania and abroad, welcome activities of tourists and foreigners, promotion of Erasmus+ Programme);
- Territorial promotion (promotion of its typical aspects, its artists, tourism, sport activities)
- The mission of education activities consists of providing non-formal education opportunities for young people involving as many as possible, and trying always to widen our reach. Our aim is to help youngsters develop their transversal competences (life skills) by using nonformal learning tools. We try to educate youngsters to a peaceful co-habitation with people coming from different cultures, countries and social conditions by giving them the opportunity to confront themselves with others in an intercultural environment which stimulates the development of a social conscience.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to make new projects with Arab culture and to develop new nonformal education methods with NGOs and youth. We are an open-minded to exchange experiences and knowledge. We can share our knowledge and experience in all of the above-mentioned aspects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF because we would like to learn from others' knowledge and experiences and find suitable partners for social inclusion projects including youth with few opportunities.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Florescu George Cristian
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Slatina, Romania
Contact (2) Full Name
Bebelea Adriana
Job Title (2)

Asociaţia Centrul pentru Politici Publice (CENPO) - Public Policy Center

National Network

21 Decembrie 1989, nr. 108/22
Cluj Napoca

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The decisions regarding CENPO’s strategic directions are made by the members of the board. Decision related to the everyday activities of the organization are made by the executive director, whereas decisions related to the implementation and activities of our projects are made by the project managers. CENPO has 4 full-time employees. In addition to the permanent staff, the organization works with experts and consultants based on the needs of each project, as well as with volunteers who support us in our day to day activities. CENPO has implemented various projects financed both from public and private funds, in line with our mission, ranging from publications on various issues, to training sessions for local civil servants and projects that aimed to increase citizens’ participation and consultation in local policymaking. Our partners are both national and European (Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Latvia, Austria, Czech Republic)
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Public Policy Center is to contribute to the improvement of public policy by conducting independent research, enhancing the information flow, and facilitating policy debate among various policy stakeholders.
To achieve this mission, CENPO has set the following objectives:
• to facilitate, develop and make available policy relevant scientific research and analysis on various policy issues;
• to promote and support the transfer of information, know-how and expertise regarding the policy making process;
• to initiate, develop and facilitate partnerships for the improvement of policy practice;
• to develop and support actions encouraging direct citizen participation in policy-making.

Main Projects / Activities

The Implications of Public Funding Regulation for the Service Delivery Agenda of CSOs (2010-2012) – the goal is to initiate a national debate on the implications of the increased willingness of public institutions to finance CSOs to provide public welfare services. Financed by CEE Trust.
Grassroots Europe for Local Wellbeing (2011-2012) – the main aim was to identify mechanisms allowing European citizens to develop civic competencies and seeks to enhance the dialogue between citizens and the institutions of the EU. Financed by EACEA
The Development of Wellbeing Indicators for Participatory EU Strategy Planning for Europe 2020 (2010-2011) – the main aim was to carry out context and policy analysis in order to develop an assessment on the implications for CSO engagement in development planning and community actions by the adoption of social indicators to measure prosperity and wellbeing. Financed by EACEA.
Training Program for Participatory Development of Local Policies for Civil Servants (2009-2010).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

There are many ways in which CENPO can contribute to the Romanian ALF Network:
• increased visibility for the network through our many dissemination channels, discussion lists and forums we are members of.
• vast know-how in project development, management of public, private and European funds
• expertise in public policy development and analysis
• enabling learning and development for network members through our accredited courses on Public Policy and Strategic Planning

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

With it’s great reach and numerous members in the countries of the Union for the Mediterranean, we believe being part of such a prestigious network would benefit our organization tremendously. First of all because of the diversity of civil society organizations members the Network represents.
Second, because our organizations shares the same values the Network is based on: respect for democracy and diversity, strengthening and respect the rule of law and fundamental rights and freedoms.
We also believe we will benefit of the shared knowledge of all the members in the network and would be able to develop further projects in partnership with new organizations and with resources and information available to an ALF network member.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andreea Suciu
Head of the organisation
Daniel Pop
Contact (2) Full Name
Diana Moraru

Asociaţia Clubul Media Corbul Alb (White Rawen Media Club)

National Network

Str.Nirajului nr 14/20, Cluj, Romania
400599 Cluj-Napoca

0744 405 618
Telephone (other)
0264 555 718
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The association has 3 founder members, a team of 15 co-workers and 6 volunteers for maintaining and promoting the Romanian-Hungarian Contact Portal  - Portal de Contact Român-Maghiar "Corbii Albi" (www.corbiialbi.ro). The association does not have employees. The Asociaţia Clubul media Corbul Alb (White Raven Media Club Association) has operated on a very tight self-funding, generated from selling our books, published by our own publishing house in the White Raven series. We, the editors authored these books (together with our colleagues who are not on the editorial board). For now, we use these funds for renting a part-time office head for the portal. Sources of funding are institutions of the state, institutes of local administration, regional autorities, foundations.Budgetary resources available in a year is a rough amount of 20,000 RON (4500 Eur). Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities  are the county Council of Cluj, the city Council of Cluj-Napoca and the Ratiu Foundation. Our main activity is maintaining and promoting the Romanian-Hungarian Contact Portal  - Portal de Contact Român-Maghiar "Corbii Albi" (www.corbiialbi.ro). We ar looking for those people, who wants to actively do somthing good for establishing ties between the Hungarian and the Romanian community in Romania, and particularly in Transylvania.    
Mission and Objectives

The asssociation helps establishing ties between the Hungarian and the Romanian community in Romania, and particularly in Transylvania, maintaining and promoting the Romanian-Hungarian Contact Portal  - Portal de Contact Român-Maghiar "Corbii Albi" (www.corbiialbi.ro).

Main Projects / Activities

Maintaining and promoting the Romanian-Hungarian Contact Portal  - Portal de Contact Român-Maghiar "Corbii Albi" (www.corbiialbi.ro).The portal helps establishing ties between the Hungarian and the Romanian community in Romania, and particularly in Transylvania.
Day by day one or more articles are posted on the website; most of them illustrate the cultural, scientific, and technological accomplishments of the two ethnic groups. The goal of each posted article is to help people realise that there are long lasting historical ties between the two nationalities, which yielded, over centuries, significant achievements. In addition, these articles are intended to alleviate the untrue and often chauvinistic statements in today's media.
Given that our team consists of professional journalists and former school teachers, we moderate every comment prior to being posted on our portal (some are very mean), and do our best to educate people, while urging them to open up their minds.
For the youth, we translate verses of popular Hungarian rock music to Romanian, which make them understand that differences between Hungarian and Romanian adolescents is not significantly different, after all.
For those, who admire sports, we write about joint Hungarian and Romanian successes. After every article, both Hungarian and Romanian authors open a debate about the information conveyed by a given material.
The portal takes position, when Romanian and Hungarian ultra-nationalist news are disseminated in the media. As a recent example, during the Romanian-Hungarian handball game, several Hungarians whistled rudely while the Romanian anthem was played. We took this seriously, and took position. We were the only Hungarians who did so.
Also, to the best of our knowledge, we have been the only ones to publicise and to promote in the Hungarian sphere the activity of the Romanian representatives from Harghita and Covasna counties.
This portal teaches about the importance of co-existance, without harming each other.
As far as we know, this is the only interethnic portal in Europe, which tries to educate people, extending help with these often difficult to handle issues. This helps people to figure out by themselves how to solve such problems, and helps them solving similar problems that may arise in the future.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can publish articles, which can show the interethnic relations anywhere in the world, bringing to the foreground the positive examples of cohabitation. The publised articles on the portal reaches thousands of people, especially the romanian readers. We would assume promoting certain assossiations who are fighting for minority rights, because we can learn from it. We'd recruit those jurnalists, presenting them the most important questions in the Hungarian-Romaninan relationship,who are willing to write about civil work in romanian or even in english. We would also like to secure communication options for those young people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The main reason why we want to join the ALF Network is because we looking for ne relations, partnerships. We would like to evolve, also having the urge to see how others react and handle the interethnical problems, issues. We`d also like to help others, because the articles on the portal reacher a wide amount of importan people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Szabó Csaba
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Csaba Szabó
Contact (2) Full Name
Szabó Csaba
Job Title (2)

Asociatia D.G.T.

National Network

Strada Intre Garduri, Nr. 3, Corbeanca, ILFOV
077065 Corbeanca

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
D.G.T. Association is a non-governmental organisation which officialy started it’s activity in March 2011. The base activity and the main reason why we started this is an idea that is a couple of years old. This idea was born from the will and passion to take attitude and change something, first of all, in the community of each of our members and afterwards at a national and european level. Also, at the base of D.G.T.’s coming to life, stays the wish of the founding members to give back all the beautiful things that they learned and experienced in the period of the previous years of volunteering. The name, „ D.G.T. „ represents the acronym from:  „Do Great Things” and the motto is: „Do Great Things and leave your mark...”. Our members are young, dynamic, ambitious and they come from different academical environments, such as, for example The Academy of Economic Studies – Bucharest (the largest economics university from the South-East Europe), Polytechnic University – Bucharest, Bucharest University, Technical University – Cluj Napoca, National School of Political and Administrative Studies – Bucharest. D.G.T. works, for now, as a one united block, in the way that all the members contribute at the realization of the project in the making. In the future, once we will increase our number of members and projects, we are planning to create coordinated departments, each of them having their own projects: Human Resources, Communication, International Relations, Local Projects. Among our local activities we can enumerate intercultural workshops, various social events, round-tables and conferences.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of D.G.T. Association is centered on the creation and setting-up of a national and international network of youngsters, students, trainers and teachers of various nationalities and backgrounds.
This network tackles topics like getting to know other cultures and cultural exchange, non-formal education, ecology and climate change, sustainable development, european citizenship and, not the least, geopolitics.
Among all of these we add facilitation of the youngsters to accumulate, through voluntary activities, the necessary experience to efficiently adapt to the labour market, and also by offering the possibility to students to practice the theory learned in university.

Main Projects / Activities

We have a vast experience regarding international projects like Youth in Action Programme, Action 1.1. Youth Exchange, Action 3.1.a, Action 3.1.b and Action 4.3., and we are also involved in local projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrei Daicer
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Andrei Daicer
Contact (2) Full Name
Alexandra Ionescu
Job Title (2)
Vice President