
Stichting Layan Foundation

National Network

Dennenweg 17
3735MP Bosch en Duin

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Foundation working with volunteers
Just started, at this point low resources
Funding out of donations
Partnership; Care

Mission and Objectives

The key sentiment of the Layan Foundation are the children that are being affected on both sides of the conflict.

Layan Foundation empowers children and youth in Gaza, the West Bank and Israël by providing them with the tools to build more open, inclusive and resilient communities together.
We need more inclusive and empathetic societies to combat lack of trust and intolerance.
Better educational opportunities effectively contribute to new perspectives for our youth.
Our main two objectives
Engage with and build Faith and Hope for children in Gaza, West Bank and Israel.

Organizing or supporting emergency relief actions for the purposes referred to in paragraph children and young adults in question, and to promote their ability whether or not to train or study outside Israel or Gaza to follow or complete a study or training;
raising gifts and donations, or raising other funds and/or subsidies with which the foundation supports existing projects or initiatives can support financially or new projects or initiatives to set up;
setting up and maintaining one – where necessary by professionals

Main Projects / Activities

Layan Foundation is only just getting on the map. The initiative to establish the Layan Foundation was taken long before the outbreak of violence on October 7.

Layan Foundation has its roots in the Netherlands, but aims to expand its board with members who can bring other countries closer to the heart of its objectives.
Join hands with Layan Foundation to make a difference!
At this point your donation goes directly to the active and present aid organizations in and around Gaza. With your donation, you support the immediate import of medical supplies, water and food to Gaza through Care.
We are working to expand projects requiring financial and structural support

Contact (1) Full Name
Rob Meijer
Job Title
President of the board
Head of the organisation
RPJM Meijer

Stichting Los Bewegingstheaterwerkplaats - Movement Theater Los

National Network

Postbus 914 ; Postalcode: 6200 AX, Maastricht

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Staff consists of director, two assistants and bookkeper. The director is also one of the four members of the Board of Trustees. Funding is on project basis. Sources include the Netherlands Ministry of Culture and allied semi-governmental funds, municipal sources, private funds and sponsors, depending on the nature of individual projects. Current activities consist of urban dance projects and research in the field of urban juvenile culture. Partners include welfare organizations, youth centres and schools.
Mission and Objectives

Originally a workshop for young modern dancers and choreographers to develop ideas as artists in residence, Los now focuses on urban arts, especially urban dance (hiphop, breakdance, streetdance) and rap. Stressing the global nature of urban juvenile culture, Los investigates its reception by cultural institutions, art schools and the responsible authorities and politicians in the Netherlands and adjacent European countries and in Morocco and Turkey (homelands of most of the immigrants who dominate the urban scene), with the objective of arriving at an understanding of the artistic potential of international juvenile culture and means of promoting it. Research is carried out in a continuous dialogue with practice in the form of projects with young urban artists.

Main Projects / Activities

Between 2002 and 2006 Los has realized a number of projects with breakdancers, streetdancers and rappers throughout the Dutch Limburg, with the aim of enhancing their skills and broadening their horizon by working together in staging shows and introducing them to elements of modern stage dance. A documentation in print and on dvd is in course of preparation, and the series is shortly to be continued in the adjacent province of Brabant. Simultaneously, research is being done on the opportunities offered to young urban dancers to develop their skills in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, England, Germany, Spain, Morocco and Turkey, according to the cultural and social conditions prevailing in each country. This is to result in a publication illustrating ‘best practices’ from different countries and formulating general conclusions and insights.

Contact (1) Full Name
Janny Donker
Head of the organisation
Janny Donker
Contact (2) Full Name
Jan Van Der Hoeven

Stichting Nes Ammim Nederland

National Network

Nes Ammim Nederland Contact Person 1: Gerard van der Klis
Looiersdreef 805 Rigantstraat 30
7328 HZ Apeldoorn 3813 BR Amersfoort


Telephone (other)
Israel - 049950037
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Nes Ammim is a village in North-Israel with an international, ecumenical Christian community. The members (40 people) strive to be a community of people who live and work together - mainly on a voluntary basis - alongside other Israeli inhabitants, Jews and Arabs. Encounter, dialogue, learning and hospitality are the keywords. Founded in 1963 the pioneers tried to break with the old ‘christian’ antisemitism. Nowadays the mission has been widener: to live and study with all the inhabitants of Israel, Jews and Arabics. The village is being support by European christians and churches. The European volunteers stays 9 months in N.A., most of them are young people, just the first year after school. They works in the Guesthouse that generate the incomes for maintenance the village. They follow a studyprogram about land, history, cultural and religious diversity, and the Israel-Palestinian conflict. In the village is the Centre of Learning and Dialogue, with 5 European volunteers. The Centre is being support (financially) bij de Stichting Nes Ammim Nederland and bij churches in the Netherlands and Germany. Their budget is € 40.000. The Centre facilitate, subsidize and co-organize dialogue-projects for Galilee-inhabitants, especially young people and teachers of bilingual schools: dialogue-seminars, summercamps, studies.
Mission and Objectives

Stichting Nes Ammim Nederland supports the volunteersvillage Nes Ammim in Israel and the Centre of Learning and Dialogue in the village. In Nes Ammim live, work and study European volunteers inspirated by their ecumenical Christian believe, with lessons learned from the history and challenged by the complexe political situation today, in solidarity with all the inhabitants of Israel: Jews, Palestinians, Druses and others.

Main Projects / Activities

See above

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Perhaps there are possibilities to make connections between organisations with simular missions?

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We suppose that the ideals and the mission of Nes Ammim arre matching with the mission of the Anna Lindh Foundation as it is written in your website: "ALF promotes dialogues between cultures in the Euro-Mediterranean Region". The Nes Ammim Centre of Learning and Dialogue is specialized in organising such dialogues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gerard van der Klis
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Gonny Smeets / voorzitter, president
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Pieter Dronkers / Centre of Learning and Dialogue, Nes Ammim

Stichting New Vision Solutions

National Network

Egeldonk 100w
1103 AK Amsterdam


Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
NeViSo stands for the improvement of socially - economic position of young people, with special emphasis on young migrants in the surroundings where we operate. Because we started in Amsterdam Southeast, the activities are very much focussed in this area. Our activities create a platform for young people to develop their potentials and provide an outlet for young people to manifest their skills in a positive way. Moreover the projects we undertake must contribute positively in the lives of young ones in their process of becoming responsible adults. At the moment we have more than 5 dedicated young professionals who are working (on volunteering basis) for the foundation each for a minimum of 15 hours a week. We believe we are capable of completing this project, as we all have done a lot of international volunteer work, as project managers or coordinators. Moreover we have a lot of experience in hosting groups from different countries. The past period a lot of young people have applied to work for our organisation, so we believe with this team we will be able to bring this project to a successful end. We only receive project funding. In 2008 we received funding about 50.000 euro. We organise 4 seminars every 2 months, minimum of 1 international exchange per year. We have partners in Rusia, Poland, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Ghana, Surinam, Sierra Leone and UK. In the Netherlands we work with vocational schools, universities, local goverments, job agencies, youth organisations.
Mission and Objectives

NeViSo is a migrant youth organisation that aims to improve the social economical position of young migrants. To realise this we have the following mission:
"NeViSo wants to be an indispensable social partner in its surroundings, the largest provider of social - economic stimulating projects for the youth (young migrants) in the field of culture, education, integration, leisure activities and employment.
To achieve our mission the following objectives are formulated:
1. Offering possibilities for young people (young migrants) to exploit their talents;
2. Initiating, developing and implementing projects that promotes active participation of young people (young migrants);
3. The promotion of interaction between businesses and young people (young migrants) and offering relevant development possibilities (work experience).
4. To reinforce and professionalize mentorship for young people (young migrants) within several communities
5. To stimulate and supporting entrepreneurship under young people (young migrants) by providing training and facilities

Main Projects / Activities

Our Activities
1. General
a. Training
b. Dissemination of information
c. Consultation & Advice
d. Coaching
e. Research
2. Project development
Stimulating educational projects for young people (young migrants) in the field of:
1. Empowerment
2. Entrepreneurship
3. Employment
4. (youth) culture participation
5. Useful free time spending
6. Sport stimulating activities
Moreover we envision creating a platform where we will be able to:
A. Develop and improve the capacity and effectiveness of African & Caribbean Diaspora youth-serving organizations to affect youth empowerment & employment;
B. Facilitate the interaction between businesses (SME’s) and the Diaspora youth within the European, Caribbean and African context.
C. Develop innovative and effective youth empowerment & employment initiatives.
D. Raise awareness of issues that affect the Afro- Caribbean Diaspora youth, such as Education, Employability, Employment Creation, Entrepreneurship, and Empowerment.
E. To improve the leadership and staff capacity of Afro-Caribbean Diaspora youth-serving organizations;
F. To influence migration and development policies through research, information, advocacy and coalition building;
Although we have a special focus is on young people from the Diaspora community, we are open for everybody as we believe that every young person needs assistance. As such we help every young person who comes to us. Moreover learning from other culture will help us to help our youngster and prepare them to be able to succeed in a diversified community as we are living now

Contact (1) Full Name
Richard Yeboah
Head of the organisation
Richard Yeboah
Contact (2) Full Name
Orville Goedhart

Stichting Pera

National Network

Stichting Pera
Weteringschans 6-8
1017 SG Amsterdam


+31 (0)20 6268790
Telephone (other)
+31 (0)20 6222721
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information
The Pera foundation was set up in april 2007. Serdar Manavoglu is the Producer/Programmer of the foundation. Pera is supported by the Paradiso Foundation in Amsterdam. Pera is making use of the expertise, premises and staff of Paradiso to furher develop as an organisation. Financial sources of Pera are project based funds from the municipality of Amsterdam, Stichting Doen en AFK fund. Furthermore the main part of the finances comes from ticket revenues. Pera organizes festivals, exhibitions, Concerts, debates and conferences and strongly focusses on exchange between the Pera networks in Holland and Turkey, bringing these networks together in unique coproductions. Network partners are in Istanbul: Ghetto, Babylon, Doublemoon, LambdaIstanbul, OtherSide, Garajistanbul etc. In Amsterdam our network partners are: Paradiso, Melkweg, De Balie, COC Amsterdam, COC Netherlands, HTIB, 33 events,
Mission and Objectives

- Linking artistic Amsterdam and Istanbul (with a focus on stage art, youth culture, audio-visual arts),
- Creating a mixed audience for music and dance from Turkey (bringing Turkish and Dutch youth together)
- Offering a stage for Turkish artistic talent in the Netherlands,
- Offering an artistic programme that focusses on socio-political issues in the Turkish/Dutch community in both countries. Art as an input in the discours on freedoms, rights, equality and democracy within the Turkish community.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects of Pera are: Pink Istanbul (gay art and dance event focussing on gay rights in Istanbul and Amsterdam, with debates, films, music and dance performances) The Istanbul-Amsterdam Festival, focussing on contemporary art and socio-political life in both cities with special focus on the Turkish youth culture in both cities and what comes out of this bi-cultural background of Turkish/Dutch youth. And The Club Pera nights in Paradiso focussing on contemporary Turkish and Dutch artist from both cities who blend audio-visual art, music and dance to an Amsterdam/Istanbul club night breaking all prejudices and expectations!

Contact (1) Full Name
Serdar Manavoglu
Head of the organisation
Serdar Manavoglu
Contact (2) Full Name
Agnes Salverda

Stichting Pink Sweater Production

National Network

Winselingsweg 41 6541AH

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation is run by it's three employees with apporval by the board of the foundation. The organisation receives funding on project base by the local municipality, the European Commission, national private funding institutions. The organisations organises audiovisual projects, international multimedia exchanges and also local community art projects. Our partners are widespread from international NGO's to local neigbourhood representatives.
Mission and Objectives

Foundation Pink Sweater productions (Pink Sweater) aims to provide a platform for anyone that wants to work with open expression within the diciplines of literature, media, audiovisual and other arts. This is reflected, among other things, through the development of artistic, cultural and educational activities. In addition Pink Sweater produces audiovisual productions for third parties.

Main Projects / Activities

Pink Sweater is a foundation that focuses on audiovisual productions and projects mainly within the cultural and social sector. Pink Sweater works in assignment for museums, art cinemas, governments and NGO's but also develops own independent cultural, educational and artistic projects. Oddstream ( is the name of our international multimedia projects. At the moment we are developing and implementing several local commuity art project and

Contact (1) Full Name
Doeko Pinxt
Head of the organisation
Doeko Pinxt and Guus Witjes
Contact (2) Full Name
Guus Witjes

Stichting Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (RMO)

National Network

Papengracht 30
P.O.Box 11114
2301 EC Leiden

071 5163143
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Research
General Information
The Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (RMO)/National Museum of Antiquities was founded in 1818. Since 1995 the museum has been an independent foundation, with the primary objective of managing the Dutch national archeological collection and making it accessible to a wider public. The RMO’s world-famous archeological collection contains over 180,000 antique objects from Ancient Egypt, the Classical World (Greek, Roman, Etruscan), the Ancient Near East and the Netherlands. Highlights are the Egyptian and Etruscan collections, which rank among the top ten in the world. The RMO’s curators are actively involved in scientific research at the national and international levels, publishing scientific articles and books, holding university professorships and leading archeological excavations in Egypt and Jordan. The RMO is considered a Center of Excellence in the field of Archaeology, and has close ties with the internationally renowned Leiden University.
Mission and Objectives

Through exhibitions, education, public activities, scientific study and national and international exchange, we tell stories that highlight the relevance of the ancient world to our past and present. Growth

Main Projects / Activities

The Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (RMO) brings archaeology and the ancient world to life. At our museum, everyone can discover the age-old civilizations of Egypt, the Classical World, the ancient Near East, and the Netherlands – in prehistoric, Roman, and medieval times. Collection: The RMO has some 180,000 objects in its collection, divided into four areas: 1.Egypt 2.Classical Antiquity (Greeks, Romans, and Etruscans) 3.the Ancient Near East 4.the Netherlands (prehistory, the Roman period, and the Middle Ages) Recently, the annual number of museum visitors has ranged from 150,000 (in 2011) to 210,000 (in 2014). Temporary exhibitions: You can see the highlights of the museum collections all year round in our permanent departments. We also organize temporary exhibitions that are related to our permanent collection. These usually involve a combination of objects from our collection and loans from other organizations, varying from specialized Dutch museums and collections to world-renowned institutions. Egyptian collection: The RMO has one of the world’s top ten Egyptian collections. The absolute highlight is a complete 2,000-year-old Egyptian temple from the village of Taffeh. This temple was a gift from Egypt to the Dutch people, in gratitude for the country’s role in a UNESCO rescue operation in the 1960s. In the entrance hall you can view this impressive monument from all sides. Activities for everyone: The museum organizes year-round activities for the general public and for people of all ages. These range from an extensive programme of lectures to children’s activities during school holidays and a variety of concerts. Education: Every year, many groups and classes from primary and secondary schools visit the museum. We develop new museum lesson plans for them each year, along with teaching materials for classroom use. In 2014, more than 24,000 schoolchildren visited the museum. Scholarship: The curators at the RMO are actively involved in scientific research at both the national and the international level. A few examples: •Three of our staff members hold endowed professorships at Leiden University. •Two of our curators lead archaeological digs in Egypt and Jordan. •Our curators, conservators, and other staff members regularly publish scholarly articles and books about topics in their fields of expertise. History of the museum: The RMO was founded in 1818, originally as Leiden University's 'archaeological cabinet'. Its first director was Caspar Reuvens, a pioneer in the field of archaeology. In the nineteenth century, many objects from classical antiquity and ancient Egypt were added to the collection. Until the Second World War, the museum was the only official Dutch institution to conduct archaeological excavations. On 1 July 1995, the museum became an independent non-profit organization that manages the archaeological part of the Dutch national collection. Its mission is to make these objects accessible to a large public. The museum today: The current director of the RMO is Wim Weijland. The museum has about 70 staff members (the majority working on a part time basis), who work with a large number of trainees and volunteers. A variety of freelancers and independent businesses also work with the museum.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The RMO has been working in the field of archaeology and antiquities with museums, cultural and academic institutions in the Mediterranean for many years. It has a strong and extensive network of experts and partners. The RMO has organized multiple exhibitions with master pieces from Egypt, Italy, Jordan, Spain, Syria, Tunis and other countries in the Mediterranean region. The yearslong experience and valuable network will be beneficial for other organizations in the Anna Lindh Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The RMO primarily works on a bilateral basis with its partners in the Mediteranean region. We are interested to learn more about cross-cutting and cross-border issues between Norther Europe and the Mediterranean region, as well as establishing contacts with organizations outside our regular network. The RMO combines exhibiting cultural artefacts and archeological masterpieces with telling the story behind the objects and with shedding light on social, technological and cultural developments that took place over time in certain regions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna de Wit
Job Title
Project manager Nineveh Exhibitions
Head of the organisation
Wim Weijland
Contact (2) Full Name
Wim Weijland
Job Title (2)

Stichting SeeS

National Network

Rechtboomssloot 64-4, 1016 CV Amsterdam, The Netherlands

0031 6 17969911
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
SeeS is an organization that aims at connecting people globally with artistic means, mainly (location) theatre and (documentary) film. The organization is a foundation without employees. The board decides to hire people on a per project basis. The budgetary resources differ according to the needs of the project, summing up to about one hundred thousand euro on average. The foundation has different sources of income varying from revenues of ticket sales to gifts, cultural funding and development cooperation resources. Partners of the organization range from universities to production houses, festivals and television broadcast companies.
Mission and Objectives

SeeS lives to explore and experience how people can foster curiosity for each other and see the world through different eyes. In a globalized, shrunken world, xenophobia is a natural human reflex. Curiosity and meeting 'the other' does help. Art is our passion and our means to accomplish just that.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Sven Olav Jense
Head of the organisation
Sven Olav Jense

Stichting smARTroots

National Network

Dr. Kuyperlaan 25
1181 VJ Amstelveen

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

• we develop International cultural exchange, tourism programs; • we promote cultural identity and national traditions; • we engage in fundraising (developing professional skills in cultural economy); • we create partnerships in International and EU programs (Grundtvig Lifelong learning partnerships); • we create an advertisement, social media networks and new crafts; • we teach and pass on our experience to the participating group of people; • we provide non-formal adult education in the field of cultural identity and arts among Lithuanians as well as migrants of other nationalities, youth with eyesight or hearing disabilities; • we organize traditional International program “Art Baltica” (started in Lithuania by NGO "Kultūros artelė") including artists management, masterclasses, workshops, concerts, exhibitions, symposiums, training courses, forums, discussions etc.

Mission and Objectives

* Cultural bridges between The Netherlands and The Republics of the Baltic States; * Social integration and identity; * Cultural Digital Heritage; * Education; * Arts, crafts and traditions.

Main Projects / Activities

* 2012 - 2014 | | Grundwig | Art, crafts and traditions; * 2014 - 2018 | * 2019 - 2021 | Lockdown with new challenges has open an new opportunities; * 2020 - 2021 | I am personally became a member of the Self-Isolation Choir (Soprano) for the Peace and joy in pandemic World.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

* I am supporting talents and gifted people with my time to their promotion on my large networks on social media; * I am looking for a possibility to became stronger in partnerships with local NGO's and governmental organisations; * I am developing networks; * I am looking for work mates, which want to make difference in those dark days. * I am daily keeping contact with Baltic States and sharing a nice projects, ideas, experiences, motivating young people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

* Because only together we are stronger; * Because I am looking forward to combine my dreams as my main work to survive being of 50+ ... * Because I don't want to loose the best of me and my the best skills. * Positivity, kindness, support, helpfulness, cheering up people surround us now became our new mission.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Odete Abromaviciute
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Odete Abromaviciute

Stichting The Dutch Organization for Inclusive Nurtured Growth ’’DOING’’.

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Founded in the Netherlands in 2018, head quarter Eindhoven. The Netherlands. Our work is dedicated to creating better communities through the integration of newcomers in the host communities and also equip the hosting communities, businesses and organizations with the tools, knowledge and connections to understand the refugee needs and invest in their potential to make them active members in the host community. Connection and understanding are that newcomers needs. We at doing commit to provide social guidance to newcomers to facilitate their integration and build with them a better future and facilitate the communication with the hosting authorities to enhance the integration policies and invest in the newcomers. we contribute to solving some of the leading problems facing the targeted groups today – helping to find local solutions to their challenges and sowing the seeds of lasting change.

Mission and Objectives

• Provide support and Guidance to Asylum seekers, refugees, stateless, to become self-sufficient through Job Training, Education & other vocational training courses to help them become self-sufficient. • Provide social guidance for newcomers to understand the hosting community norms, culture, system and help them build their new life. • Provide legal support through partner organization. • Improve and support educational programs, including education literacy, afterschool programs, career programs for the youth and empowerment programs for women and children. • To reduce the chance of developing a mental disorder as well as increasing public awareness. • Empower women to become more integrated and active within the host community, through dedicated programs that provide the opportunity to learn and be creative. • All women and girls live a life free from all forms of violence. Improves the heath of women and children, improves economic productivity and educational attainment, and reduces risks of mental illness and substance abuse, among other benefits. • Prepare and assist highly educated refugees and link them with companies that can invest in their experience. • Build effective partnerships through participatory planning involving all stakeholders, comprehensive assessment of needs, and formulation. • Improve policy and operational response to situations of mixed flows of asylum-seekers and migrants. • Address situations of statelessness more effectively. • Bring more awareness about the illegal people and try to find solution for them.

Main Projects / Activities

Integration Programs: Job Training and Vocational Courses: Provide job training and vocational courses to asylum seekers and refugees to enhance their skills and make them self-sufficient. Social Guidance and Support: Social Integration: Offer social guidance programs to help newcomers understand and integrate into the hosting community, including cultural orientation and community engagement activities. Legal Support: Collaborate with partner organizations to provide legal support for newcomers navigating the legal aspects of their status. Highly Educated Refugee Placement: Linking Program: Assist highly educated refugees by connecting them with companies that can utilize their skills, promoting their integration and contribution to the community. Partnership Building: Stakeholder Involvement: Build effective partnerships through participatory planning involving all stakeholders, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of needs and collaborative formulation of solutions. Policy Advocacy: Policy Improvement: Work towards improving policies and operational responses to mixed flows of asylum-seekers and migrants, addressing situations of statelessness, and advocating for the rights of refugees. Training and Workshops: Regular training sessions and workshops for both newcomers and the host community to enhance understanding, empathy, and effective communication.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

1- Collaborating with other NGOs and forming partnerships. 2- Joining advocacy networks and influencing policies. 3- Participating in local events and forums on migration and integration. 4- Establishing educational and corporate partnerships for job opportunities. 5- Engaging with government agencies for policy advocacy and collaboration. 6- Creating community engagement programs for newcomers and locals. 7- Utilizing media for outreach and sharing success stories. 8- Conducting research on refugee integration and sharing findings. 9- Offering training programs to enhance support from various sectors. 10- Launching public awareness campaigns to inform and educate.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being a part of the ALF Network could prove advantageous for DOING, as it aligns with our commitment to fostering cross-cultural understanding, peace, and collaboration within the Euro-Mediterranean context. Membership in this network offers opportunities for valuable collaborations, access to resources, and the exchange of ideas and best practices related to intercultural dialogue and cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Chirin Abbas
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Chirin Abbas
Contact (2) Full Name
Nader Al Awa
Job Title (2)
Operation Coordinator
Name of Organisation
Stichting Doing for Inclusive Nurtured Growth