
Planet Citizens Union

National Network

Laisvės pr. 71B-2 (for correspondence)
Laisvės pr. 125 (VšĮ "Trys brangenybės")
07189 Vilnius

+370 611 39866
Telephone (other)
+370 641 74495
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+370 699 67983
Mobile Phone (other)
+370 612 96007
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
General Information
We are a community-based organization which aims at gathering honourable and good-natured people who care about establishing peace on the Earth, helping humanity to shift towards healthy, organic sustainable lifestyle. We aim at preserving virtues common to all people as well as uniqueness and identity of different cultures.  Joining this Union as an associate member, you’ll find many congenial people who, just like you, care to preserve the earth, pure water, and clean air.You become an associate member right after you register. Structure of the organization - Head of Organiztion, Board (14 people), Associated Members (paying tax), Free Members (without tax). Sources of funding  - member tax, voluntary support. Main Partner - filial in India. Modalities of action - social projects ,,Hug the Earth (environmental management)'', Happy Water (cleaning banks of the rivers, lakes..), Sunday meditations (prayingfor peace in the world), ,,Run, Dance, Liberate''(project for happy, healthly life without alcohol).
Mission and Objectives

Mission: We want to establish peace, morality, and consciousness in humanity. We seek to preserve virtues common to humanity and Earth. We think that if humanity wants to remain a reasonable, successful race and civilization, we have to develop and establish morality in all main spheres of human activity.
Isn’t it obvious that to solve the aroused great and complex challenges of modern civilization it’s necessary to join light people, honourable intellectuals, prominent and honourable cultural, society, ethnic consciousness and spiritual leaders, to gather simple honourable people who care about the Earth and humanity. This still hasn’t been done, but do we still have time to delay?
It’s time to take responsibility for our planet – to become citizens of the entire Earth and not only of separate countries.
We want to act globally and effectively on level of the Earth – after all, ecologic and social problems cover the entire Earth.We want to establish peace, morality, and consciousness in humanity. We seek to preserve virtues common to humanity and Earth. We think that if humanity wants to remain a reasonable, successful race and civilization, we have to develop and establish morality in all main spheres of human activity.
Isn’t it obvious that to solve the aroused great and complex challenges of modern civilization it’s necessary to join light people, honourable intellectuals, prominent and honourable cultural, society, ethnic consciousness and spiritual leaders, to gather simple honourable people who care about the Earth and humanity. This still hasn’t been done, but do we still have time to delay?
It’s time to take responsibility for our planet – to become citizens of the entire Earth and not only of separate countries.
We want to act globally and effectively on level of the Earth – after all, ecologic and social problems cover the entire Earth.
To organize
light people of the world for active cooperationTo cherish and spread
peace, cooperation, understanding, democracyEstablish
consciousness, morality in all spheres of human activityTo preserve
family, humanity, traditions, various life formsTo stop
consumer and debauching culture, aggressionTo create
conscious and successful model of human evolutionTo develop
spirituality and spiritual covenantTo promote
a wise and ethical use of resources

Main Projects / Activities

The projects which you see here are very simple, understandable and common to all people.
They are very valuable for us. Taking part in them sincerely and selflessly, we see how little actions done constantly and with love change the world for the better.
They are:
Hug the Planet ( ) - It’s a social project aiming to express peace, fellowship and to increase self-awareness of people and nations. Embrace sacred places, heritage or what is most important to You together with others.
Happy Water (,
„Happy Water“ is a social-ecological project, that aims at cleaning foreshores, to express gratitude to water and earth, to re-establish a connection with nature and restore love and respect to it.
,,Run, Dance, Liberate'' ( - the objective of this social project is to create a common atmosphere where you can express your citizen attitude peacefully, soberly and joyfully.
Sunday Meditation - - praying for peace in the world.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by email, skype, video conferences and by visits in Network countries. We can contribute legally - by contracts and co-operating.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network, because:
• We are ready to start and develop new projects and activities which will help to preserve healthy and peaceful Earth and humanity.  We do not seek political goals or power. Our goal is healthy planet and peaceful, moral, evolutionary successful humanity, capable of solving posing problems.
• We are ready to act selflessly for the embodiment of these fundamental for the Earth and humanity objectives and we are already taking actions by organising simple, understandable events which can be joined by everyone willing to.
• We want people of different nationalities, age, education would become Planet citizens. People from big cities, small villages or residents from the farthest corners of the Earth, different organizations which have the same objectives as we do. We seek that both the rich and the most poor would become Planet citizens. We care about common interests and virtues for whose preservation we call to unite.
• We think that only by joint efforts, by focusing unified efforts of many good-natured and honourable people we will be cope with scores of ecologic and evolutional threats that are currently posed to the Earth and humanity.
• We are ready to search together for ways how to reach the mentioned goals as effectively as possible.
• Our desire is to unite honour and intellect of the planet to deal with the major evolutional tasks of the Earth and humanity. After all, this is still not done.
• We seek to preserve the culture and identity of different nations, to protect the interest of humans and other life forms, to do everything we can to heal our beloved planet and to encourage humanity to use the Earth’s energy resources ethically.
Let’s create a new world, new humanity, new Earth together!

Contact (1) Full Name
Daiva Markauskienė
Job Title
Public relations, communication
Head of the organisation
Nijolė Gabija Wolmer
Contact (2) Full Name
Birutė Gudelienė
Job Title (2)
Public relations, communication

Ploksciai school- multifunctional centre

National Network

Mokyklos st. 4 Ploksciai
Ploksciai Sakiai District

+370 345 42772
Telephone (other)
+370 345 42768
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Ploksciai school- multifunctional centre is situated in the south-east of Lithuania. It's a kindergarden, comprehensive school and local community centre in one. There is also a library and a gym. The school is located in the middle of a nice small village. (population 1000) The students at school are from 3-17 years old. We have grades from 1-10. There are about 100 students. There are about 22 teachers. The staff and the students are friendly and motivated. We have also adult classes for community. We have folk groups for songs and dances, art club, sports classes, drama and etc.   The school- centre building has been rebuild in 2013. Now we have excellent modern facilities, classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboards, ICT classroom and a modern gym with fitness equipment. We would like to use it not only for our local projects but for international ones as well.
Mission and Objectives

to provide kindergarden, primary and basic education and various evening courses for adults
- to be open to other cultures religions and traditions and to respect our language, culture, traditions and heritage
- to learn foreigner languages( English, Russian, German)
- to use ICT
- cummincation skills among various age groups- from young to elderly

Main Projects / Activities

- have experience in Erasmus+ projects; local and regional projects ( Creative Partnership, Non-smoking, Tolerance Day and etc.);
- we are actively involved in various social and national actions- Cake Day, Clean-up compaings, charity and etc. ;
- are motivated to take part in various local and international projects;
- we have great resources for various events (staff and equipment);
- we are surrounded by green environment and are interested in eco-friendly issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By publishing the information about the activities we are involved in.
By sharing experience, practical material and knowledge.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to present our school community to other organisations and to find partners for collobaration in various projects and events.  We are open for your ideas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dovile Kazakauskiene
Job Title
English teacher
Head of the organisation
Nijole Bitiniene
Contact (2) Full Name
Neringa Motiejaityte
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator


Event Asian Arts Center

Just like last year, this September, as the leaves begin to turn yellow, we invite you to the second edition of the "Poetry from the East" readings! Here, you will have the opportunity to meet translators and specialists of various Asian languages and cultures, listen to their translations, and hear the poetry in its original language. This poetic event will be enhanced with the subtle infusion of other art forms, adding additional colors to the experience.


Image removed. September 27, 6:00 PM at the Vilniaus literatų namai (Šv. Jono St. 11, Vilnius)
You will hear Taiwanese, Tibetan, and Bengali poetry.

Balys Astrauskas (ATSI, VU)
Tadas Snuviškis (ATSI, VU)
Kristė Šlajė

Image removed. September 28, 6:00 PM at the House of Marija and Jurgis Šlapeliai (Pilies St. 40, Vilnius)
You will hear Turkish and Palestinian poetry.

Skaistė Keršytė
Ina Kiseliova-El Marassy (LKTI)
Noura Al-Mawed

Ebru painting demonstration by Karina Baltaduonytė-Kriaupė.
Image removed. Turkish coffee and tea will be offered by lecturers from the Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies, Natela Statkienė and Akın Gürbüz.

Image removed. The events are open to all Image removed.

Organizer: Asia Arts Center
Project funded by: Vilnius City Municipality
Partners and supporters: Yunus Emre Enstitüsü, Hubris Publishing house, Vilnius University Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies, the Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania, Turkish Embassy in Vilnius, Taiwan Resource Centre for Chinese Studies

The "Poetry from the East" readings were born from the observation that direct translations of literature from Asian and other less common languages in Lithuania are still not very widespread, and translations often rely on English or other more popular languages. Therefore, with this project, we aim to encourage experts in various Asian languages and cultures to engage with poetic thought and use their knowledge to contribute to presenting linguistic and poetic diversity to our society. 


Vilnius, Lithuania

Politikos tyrimų ir analizės institutas

National Network

V.Žalakevičiaus 4A-34

+370 686 26260
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Institute for Policy Research and Analysis is an independent, autonomous, non-political, non-profit organization based in Lithuania. Our board consists of three qualified professionals. Main source of funding - based on projects and State procurement. Main partners: Lithuanian Council of Youth NGOs, youth NGOs and NGOS working in the field of Human Rights education, State department of Youth affairs, numerous municipalities in Lithuania, Research Institutes in Finland and Flanders (Belgium).
Mission and Objectives

Our mission - to contribute to development of public policies and it's actors (stakeholders). Fields of our activities - research, policy analysis, operational performance improvement.

Main Projects / Activities

As listed above, we conduct research and analysis of public policies (main areas: youth policy, education, social welfare, democratic institutions), at the moment we conduct research on Cross-sectoral cooperation in the youth policy (National level). We also offer educational courses for politicians, public servant and civil society organizations

Contact (1) Full Name
Marius Ulozas
Head of the organisation
Marius Ulozas
Contact (2) Full Name
Nerijus Miginis


National Network

Laisves pr. 79e-39, LT - 06122

+ 370 68236056
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation being recently established is entering into international partnerships for the open calls on Development Education, Youth in Action and Nordic Council. Partnerships are composed with organisations based in Europe and/or EU Eastern Partner Countries. We are launching contacts with hte Mediterranean region NGO too.
Mission and Objectives

The mission is to spread the Development Education conception and thus make people aware about the growing interdependence in the world. Development Education we understand being composed of different areas: climate change; agriculture; water; health; hunger; culture and others.

Main Projects / Activities

We are composing partnerships with international NGO's. We see for being approved by the contracting authorities (be it European Commission its programmes; Nordic Council; other). As organisation we enjoy the human recources who have extensive experience in project management, composition of partnerships.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Being involved into the network give possibility to share the isdeas and the experience in project management , ideas generation, trainings.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Wishing to contribute to the activities of the national ALF network and seeking to expand connections in the NGO area and finding trustful partners for common activities and project realisation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kristina Sutkaityte
Head of the organisation
Maldeikis Eugenijus

Public institution "Meno forma"

National Network

Savanoriu ave. 166

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Public institution "Meno forma" was established on 2013 as organization working with contemporary Lithuanian and foreign artists, young artists from different countries providing very nice, big, clear, modern space for them in Kaunas to establish exhibitions. Also we are working with partners in Poland, Latvia, Spain, France and other countries creating common projects and collaboration establishing modern, contemporary art exhibitions, symposiums, conferencies, etc. Staff employed permanently - director and bookkeeper Budgetary resource of the 1st year (2014) - 50.000 euros Sources of funding - Culture Council of Lithuanian Republic, Kaunas City Municipality, private sponsors Actions - exhibitions (12-13 per year), symposiums, conferencies, other cultural events (music performancies, presentations of books, etc.) Main partners - gallery "Stalowa" (Warsaw, Poland), gallery "Meno parkas" (Kaunas, Lithuania), Vilnius Art Academy, arts schools in Kaunas, students of Arts facucties
Mission and Objectives

To give space to the interesting contemporary Lithuanian and foreign artists who need modern space of gallery (500 sq. meters, 5 meters high), to spread news about culture and arts, to create new networks and possibilities to show artworks, make connections, show and sell artworks.
To involve public into creative work and movement, to show to the public (citizens, quests) ways of creativity and create possibilities to try different art materials during educational projects.

Main Projects / Activities

International Watercolour Biennial "Baltic Bridges"
International projects "The other Thinking" , "Strange stories",
Personal and group exhibitions (

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

to provide space for exhibitions and other cultural events
consulting and teaching of watercolour and other arts
(E. Nalevaika is professional artist, watercolourist, member of Lithuania Artists'Association since 1990)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to create a network of art galleries, to find new partners for common projects, to widen and spread informations about contemporary Lithuanian professional artists and young professionals

Contact (1) Full Name
Eugenijus Nalevaika
Job Title
establisher, director
Head of the organisation
Eugenijus Nalevaika

Public institution "VIRTUS LT"

National Network


Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Research
General Information
Public institution „VIRTUS LT“ was established as a mediator between the representatives of public, non-governmental and private sectors to ensure consistency of efforts and to maintain political momentum in serving public needs, with particular attention to public education in healthy lifestyle, prevention of disease and harmful habits. Budgetary rezources available in a year - 6000 EURO. Sources of funding - private funds. Modalities of action - living with cancer and cancer prevention projects. Main partners - public organizations, medical instutions, mass media. Number of staff - 4 persons.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission: To reduce the discrimination of cancer patients and integrate them into the society, to initiate public actions with the purpose to draw the society's attention to healthy way of living and cancer prevention.

Main Projects / Activities

The establishment has created and administrated the website (Iveik liga in Lithuanian means overcome the illness.), also organizes public events on living with cancer and cancer prevention, VIRTUS LT cooperates with public organizations, arranges and conducts living with cancer and cancer prevention seminars.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tautvydas Vencevičius
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tautvydas Vencevičius.
Contact (2) Full Name
Dalia Vencevičienė
Job Title (2)
project manager

Public Institution Theatre Projects

National Network

Laisves al. 97
44291 Kaunas

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Structure of the organization: Theatre Projects consists of three divisions: administrative, artistic and technical parts. Administration department has a permanent  staff: managing director, accountant and marketing manager. The size of personnel in artistic and technical departments depends on the project and its structure. On average, the artistic department staff consists of 8 employees, technical department  - 5 employees. Volunteers are participating in the projects as well.   Budgetary resources available in a year: 30 000 - 40 000 EUR / year Sources of funding: city municipality and private companies (media companies: printing, televizion, radio). Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Municipality of Kaunas city The Ministry of Culture JSC "Energosa" Lithuanian Radio and Television Broadcasting JSC "SMS - Eligita" Others
Mission and Objectives

Public institution THETRE PROJECTS is an energetic non-governmental, a non-profit organization taking part in the various republican and international art festivals. It propagates scenic art, develops the new art forms and encourages cultural diversity.
1. To meet public interests implementing useful activity for society and looking for self-expression means, solving relevant cultural development and educative issues with the help of artistic projects.
2. To make certain the spread of professional art in society shaping and educating artistic attitudes of growing audience.
3. To strive to bring art as close as possible to each person.
4. To use untraditional spaces for the spread of art.
5. To make certain the prolongation of professional projects
6. To encourage cultural tourism.

Main Projects / Activities

Most successful implemented projects:

IDIOT'S MASS play by F. Dostoyevsky's novel "The Idiot" which scored a great success in international theatre festivals in Lithuania, Estonia, Turkey. Premiere in 2003. Director of the play - Rolandas Atkociunas. Composer: Antanas Jasenka. Scenographer: Arturas Simonis. Main actors: Petras Venslovas, Vytautas Anuzis, Margarita Ziemelyte, etc.

SEVEN SOLITUDES by Oscar Milosz. 2005. (in french: Oscar de Lubicz Milosz Vladislas Les Sept Solitudes). A joint Literary musical project with French artists.

THEATRE MAKER play by Thomas Bernhard. Premiere in 2006. Director of the play: Sigutis Jacenas. Scenographer: Andrius Kavaliauskas. Main actors: Petras Venslovas, Ramunas Simukauskas, Ieva Zelionkaite.

CASTLE AKORDS. Chamber Art Festival. 2006 - 2012.

LIGHT AND TRUTH play by Gediminas Jankus. Premiere in 2008. Director of the play: Petras Venslovas. Composer: Mindaugas Urbaitis. Main actors: Jurate Onaityte, Dainius Svobonas, Henrikas Savickis.

MARBLES play by Joseph Brodsky. Premiere in 2010. Director of the play: Arturas Simonis. Composer: Antanas Jasenka. Main actors: Vytautas Anuzis, Petras Venslovas

THE WIND IN THE TOPS OF POPLARS play by Gérald Sibleyras (in french: Le Vent Des Peupliers). Premiere in 2013. Director of the play - Rolandas Atkociunas. Composer: Vidmantas Bartulis. Scenographer: Kotryna Daujotaite. Main actors: Petras Venslovas, Gintaras Adomaitis, Albinas Keleris.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To present company's main activity more wider via the internet and to collaborate with companies, institutions, artists from all over the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agne Venslovaite
Head of the organisation
Petras Venslovas

Radviliškio miesto kultūros centras

National Network

Maironio g. 10
82133 Radviliškis

+ 370 422 51 085
+ 370 422 51 085
Mobile Phone
+ 370 656 36 199
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The structure of Radviliškis Center of Culture is hierarchic: Head of organization is Violeta Jasiūnienė, Deputy Head - Danutė Gulbinienė, Senior Director - Edmundas Leonavičius, Senior Accountant - Laima Senulienė, Project Manager - Mantas Aliukonis, and etc. The total number of staff of  The Radviliškis Center of Culture - 30. The budget of The Radviliškis Center of Culture is approximately 266 000 Eur. Sources of funding: municipal funding, private funding. Main projects of The Radviliškis Center of Culture in 2015: The Fest of Tulips in Radviliškis district; The International Organ Music Festival in the Northern Lithuania; The International Sock Knitting Championship in Radviliškis; The International Folkdance Festival of Seniors in Radviliškis. Main partners: Municipality of Radviliškis District, The Center of Culture in Gnezno (Poland), The Bauska's Center of Culture (Latvia)
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Radviliskis Center of Culture is to represent European, Lithuanian  culture and arts for local population groups in the Northern Lithuania.
The main objective is to organize various  cultural, social, arts projects, programmes and events for local population groups, including social and national minorities groups in the Northern Lithuania.

Main Projects / Activities

1. The Fest of Tulips in Radviliškis district;
2. The International Organ Music Festival in the Northern Lithuania;
3. The International Plen Air of Wood Sculptors and Blacksmith  in Radviliškis district;
4. The International Sock Knitting Championship in Radviliškis;
5. The International Folkdance Festival of Seniors in Radviliškis.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Radviliskis Center of Culture  organizes up to 100 events of culture, arts and etc. in the Northern region of Lithuania every year.  Professional team of specialists work hard to represent the best of European, Lithuanian culture and arts for different local population groups, including social and national minorities groups in Northern Lithuania.
If we could become a part of the Network, our team would make everything what could be done to improve mutual respect between cultures and to support civil society in the Northern Lithuania.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1. To organize new and extraordinary cultural, arts, social projects, programmes or events in cooperation with new partners from abroad or in Lithuania;
2. To improve mutual respect between cultures and to support civil society in the Northern Lithuania.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vaida Norkevičienė
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Vaida Norkevičienė

Raseiniai Saltinis Progymnasium

National Network

Ateities St 23
60154 Raseiniai

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Raseiniai Saltinis Progymnasium was established on 1th September 1989. In 1994 the school was given the name Saltinis. In 2012 the school was reorganised by changing it's type - from secondary school to basic school and then to progymnasium. Progymnasium is a budgetary institution which purpose is to organize and carry out educational programs and the issuing of student learning achievements enacting the documents. Language of instruction: Lithuanian. Ongoing formal education programs: pre-school education, primary education, basic education program. Progymnasium's main goal is not only to provide formal education but also to develop an independent, responsible person wanting and being able to lifelong learning, improve the skills, to help him gain a personal, civic and social competences necessary for successful further education, anchoring in the world of work, work and creative participation in the civic, cultural and social life of the country. The school is administrated by a headmaster who reports directly to the Mayor of Raseiniai District Municipality and is accountable to the Raseiniai District Municipality Council. The following municipal institutions operate in the gymnasium: the progymnasium's council, the teacher council, the methodological council, the pupil council and the committee of the class parents. There are 83 employees. The school's annual budget in 2019  1 156 961,37 €. Financial sources: teaching funds 826 445 €, state budget funds for implementation of projects - 6 045.03 €, municipal funds - 247 129.42 €, municipal funds for implementation of projects -  4 928.81 €, municipal funds for implementation of programs -  2 450 €, European Regional Development Fund resources for implementation of projects - 68 510.40 €, special program funds - 1 452.71 €.   School's administartion made a presentation in a international-practical conference "Similarities and Differences between Lithuanian and Georgia Educational Systems and Opportunities for Cooperation" in Georgia in 2019.  

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Highly qualified educators who implement pre-primary, elementary, and first-cycle basic education programs for city and district children and enable everyone to grow and function in a humane and safe environment. Objective: An innovative progymnasium that continues and builds traditions, educates every student to his or her abilities and learns to live in the modern world.

Main Projects / Activities

249 pupils of class 6-8 and pupils from France, Poland, Finland, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Croatia, Albania, Greece, Spain participated in the European Union Erasmus + program for education, training, youth and sport and in 13 eTwinning projects. Three third grade students participated in the eTwinning project, "The Beginner's Online Lab - 2". These projects, through the use of information and communication technologies, have established collaborative relationships with schools in European countries, improved pupils' English communication skills, broadened horizons and subject knowledge, and developed creativity. 18 projects involving 358 students and 18 teachers were prepared and implemented the projects. Progymnasium became one of the winners of the contest "Best Lithuanian eTwinning School 2019" with the eTwinning project " Young Biography Writers " and English teacher Albina Abromaviciene was granted a one-week training in Cannes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through student and teacher exchanges and seminars.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to participate in the intercultural events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vaiva Zubrickiene
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Vaiva Zubrickiene
Contact (2) Full Name
Akvile Daujotaite
Job Title (2)
English teacher