
Sisterhood is Global Institute Jordan (SIGI) جمعية معهد الدولي لتضامن النساء

National Network

Tala` al-`ali, Wasfi Tal Street- building #145- 4th floor
PO Box 4716
Amman 11115

962 6 5543894/67
Telephone (other)
962 6 5543867
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
General Information

(SIGI Jordan) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization established in 1998. Its founders include lawyers, jurists and human rights activists working to support and promote women's rights through education, developing skills, training and presenting modern technology. SIGI Jordan is a member of the coordinating committee of NGO's under Jordan national committee for woman affairs headed by her highness princess Basma Bint Talal. SIGI Jordan) seek to empower women to play a more meaningful role in the Jordanian democratic transition in the areas of human rights, democratic participation and empowerment. Through manuals, workshops, trainings and other educational publications, the SIGI Jordan works with a diverse constituency of Jordanian women to increase their political awareness, communication and advocacy skills, and overall works on women's and human rights education through: 1) Conduct research and distribute information about human rights abuses against women in Jordan. 2) Educate and inform women of their rights. 3) Empower women through education and training. 4) Expand and facilitate participation of women's human rights networks locally, nationally and globally. Our message: The Global Women's Movement: Anytime, Anywhere creates a space for an "always on" global Women's Movement. Harnessing the power of online social networking and communications technology, serves as an online, virtual launching point, empowering women's groups and organizations to contribute to and participate in the global Women's Movement anytime, from anywhere.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission & Vision: Through empowerment, friendship, Awareness and education, The Global Sisterhood strives to change the culture that allows sexual abuse continue. The Global Sisterhood envisions a world where children are safe and a respected part of the community; where girls feel good about themselves for who they are and we, as a global community, actively support them in all of their endeavors

Main Projects / Activities

Objectives & Goals 1- Increasing the youth's knowledge in women's rights. 2- Encouraging the youth to defend women and human rights issues. 3- Concentrating on violations and negative practices to stop it and deal with its negative effects. 4- Strengthening the spirit of volunteer work between the youth and increase their attention to their community issues. 5- Encouraging discussion and team work between the youth to improve their knowledge in modern social issues and human rights. 6- Paying attention to the youth's issues in order to help them gain important skills to improve their lives and to increase their participation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs Maisoon Al Amarneh
Head of the organisation
Mrs Maisoon Al Amarneh

Space for Sustainable Development

National Network

Ajloun, Anjara, Queen Rania St.

+962 7 8822 9987
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Space for Sustainable Development is a Jordanian non-profit, non-governmental organisation. Since
2018, Space SD has been a partner organization of the Service Civil International SCI movement which
is an organization founded in 1920.

Space SD is an organisation that works for youth and with youth, particularly those living in
marginalized areas, to promote gender equity and achieve the change that the youth from the local
communities aim to create. Space SD contributes to the long-term socio-economic and cultural
development of society, and works to enhance social and environmental justice, and sustainable

Space SD also strives to protect the health and sustainability of the environment, and advocates for digital
youth work

Mission and Objectives

Develop spaces in which young people can be supported, guided, and given the opportunities, they need to overcome the challenges they face in their communities.

- To stimulate the youth to take their individual and communal responsibilities.
- To develop skills among youth and digital technologies.
- To advocate for a sustainable environment and sustainable lifestyles.

Main Projects / Activities

- Digital youth work
- Environment and climate change
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Intercultural dialogue

Contact (1) Full Name
Hamza Al-Shayeb
Job Title
Communication Officer
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Albooel

Studio 8

National Network

24 Husni Fareez Street
Jabal Al Weibdeh
Amman 11140

+ 962 7888 13606
Telephone (other)
+ 962 7888 73649
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+ 962 7888 13606
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 962 7888 73649
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Studio 8 is a Jordanian not-for-profit performing arts theatre company. It was founded in 2014 by 3 young artists aiming to shape and humanize the dance art through innovation, experiment, development, exchange, education, and research. For the past 9 years, Studio 8 has collaborated with more than 600 people of 43 nationalities in creating 10 original dance productions, giving more than 60 performances, and organizing more than 160 classes and workshops. Studio 8 has also made dance videos and facilitated art incubations, artistic residencies, dance-inspired exhibitions, dance discussions, community art walks, and street art fairs. For the first 5 years, Studio 8 had little budget and in 2019, it partnered with Drosos Foundation, and Prince Claus Fund, and has an annual budget of 80,000 USD, mostly through proposal writing and international grants.

Mission and Objectives

It is at the heart of the Studio’s mission to increase access to dance, to increase opportunities for cultural expression and awareness. In the past 10 years, the founders of Studio 8 have been working at different levels of dance performance and dance transmission and have witnessed the rapid disappearance of dance encounters of international, regional, and local dance performances and training, the struggle of local choreographers, performers, dance makers to sustain their individual or collaborative creativity. In direct response to feedback from dance artists who expressed a need for more in-depth support for the education, development, and dance professionalization of Amman, Studio 8 was born to tackle this creative crisis in the art of making dances. Besides producing thoughtful and ambitious dance productions for the international stage, organizing training programs in dance and theater, and running artistic residencies that celebrate and embrace many forms of diversity, Studio 8 also organizes a bi-annual international multi-disciplinary dance festival based in Amman, Jordan, with the aim of the festival to put Jordan in the global dance scene. It creates bonds between dance professionals from Jordan and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

Generally, Studio 8 is an independent space trying to build an infrastructure for dance creation in Amman. It produces original dance works, and runs education projects for local emerging artists, together with a network of international and regional partners, serving as a platform for innovation, experimentation, and continuous development of dance culture in Jordan and beyond. It has also organizes an Amman-based biannual festival ( Furthermore, since 2021, it started an artistic residency program that is capable of hosting 7 artists all year long to create new artworks that tell stories through movement and human body that are compelling and relevant to the land and the people, taking human themes further – embracing and collaborating with different cultures and disciplines.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We organize residencies, co-productions, training projects, and festivals and most of them focus on alternative narratives, diversity, inclusiveness, empathy, and exchange. For example, our festival started in 2019, and happens every two years in the Autumn of Jordan. Last year, the 3rd edition of the festival brought more than 50 artists from 25 different countries to Jordan with a carefully curated program that includes 22 events, such as live performances, artistic residencies, workshops, dance jam, open lab, and round-tables, with the consideration that our research, capacity-building, and international exchanges as essential as our own creative productions. In 2024, we plan to travel more and organize various exchange projects that bring more young voices together. One project we have is to have a creative lab in the desert of Jordan with a group of multi/interdisciplinary artists from the global south for 2 weeks at the beginning of May and another one is to travel to different parts of the world to tell our story inspired by our experience in Jordan during Covid pandemic through dance in festivals. We see ourselves contributing to the Network in many ways, in the short term and in the mid and longer terms, at the project level, partnership-building level, and perhaps policy-making level if we could be more connected to more partners at home and abroad.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We heard of ALF Network through our project partner, Al Balad Theater in Jordan a few years ago. We had always wondered how could we join the largest Network of civil society organizations involved in the promotion of intercultural dialogue across the Euro-Mediterranean region. It was our fault that we never took action till very recently when a festival shared the application form with us and encouraged us to apply. It is good that now we are taking the first step to apply! As an independent dance platform with its founders who are mostly children of refugees, we always feel we are quite alone on a journey for social change, for a more inclusive, free, and happy future. This is very sad. We often just want to dance with our eyes closed, to no audience at all, in a spacious room, listening to our heartbeats, following our internal rhythms. Yet that rarely happens. The reality is that we dance in Jordan where we are constantly reminded that art and advocacy rarely have a clean relationship. We do not want to leave Jordan. We do want to be alone. We ask ourselves why there are so few performing arts platforms, collectives or organizations from our part of the world who can tell their stories through their bodies in live experiences through the interaction between themselves, audience members, and the environment. Deep down, we always see ourselves as part of a bigger picture, part of generations of rebels who rallied, and continue to rally, to reclaim their body, land, and memories, to replace the system with reform, with change, with dreams of freedom, with demand of their essential rights, and despite the non-fulfillment, intimidation, and reprisals, one thing is clear: the energy of the people has still not yet waned and it is natural for people to stand up for their rights and freedoms. To be honest, we don’t know exactly what I seek in ALF Network. In core, we just seek a safe “space” or “network” to be connected with a group of people, perhaps in some way just like us, and search for solidarity and exchange stories and share recourses.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Abd Al Hadi Abunahleh
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Abd Al Hadi Abunahleh
Contact (2) Full Name
Xiaoman Ren
Job Title (2)
Creative Manager

Study Visit on Resilience and Youthwork in Jordan


Desert Bloom, a member of the Jordanian network, is hosting a Study Visit on Resilience and Youthwork in Jordan from the 4th till the 12 of June 2023, co-funded by the European Union under Erasmus Plus. Thirty-three social workers, youth leaders, educational and career counsellors, teachers, general educators, trainers, mentors, coaches from ten countries (Jordan, Poland, Georgia, Portugal, Romania, Latvia, Tunisia, Palestine, Germany and Lithuania) are gathering to contribute to healthier and more resilient communities through the five factors for developing resilience which are connection, communication, confidence, competence, and control.

This study visit aims to raise awareness of the increasing demand for mental health services caused by current global issue; provide support for individuals and communities to access their resilience in addressing mental health issues; highlight the significance of psychoeducation for youth workers in improving mental health and building resilience; establish a consortium to gather resources, knowledge, and expertise to improve the health and resilience of communities and advocate for the five key factors that foster resilience in individuals and communities.

The first visit was to The Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS “, where they learnt about their best practices in the field of Mental Health in schools and communities, they provide safe places for people to express themselves. The second visit was to “Souq Fann”, the largest online market place for handmade products in the Arab world. Creative artists come together to make, sell and buy their unique pieces. This social enterprise has economically empowered thousands of young people and families.

Support Youth Leaders

National Network

Fuhais, Amanah Center
P.O Box 1289 Amman Tariq 110947 Jordan

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Support Youth Leaders is an organization created to support and development of activities on the local, national and international level in area of non-formal education, using free time, cultural-social and volunteering practice for community of youth people.   National level: combating online hate speech project and campaign, countering violent extremism, structured dialogue between youth and municipalities, Social entrepreneurship.   Regional level: inter-religious dialogue, intercultural dialogue, youth employment, entrepreneurship, sustainable development and other themes.   we do training courses, youth exchanges, study visits, projects, and campaigns.   
Mission and Objectives

Our mission are to support and to raise the education level of young people from different social groups, help youth to achieve their goals, unite active youth together and create better conditions for their experience and knowledge exchange.
Our Objective:
1. Building Institutional and individual capacity through development and change by way of peaceful and creative tools.
2. Building local and international networks in support of women, youth and world peace issues.
3. Empower youth gender to improve their social, economic, health and political status.
4. Enhance dialogue within society and with other societies.
5. Organize and coordinate firm voluntary works, which serve human society
6. Create a network with leaders and decision-makers of the future
7. Prepare students, recent graduates and young professionals to maximize their capabilities in their personal and professional lives.
8. To offer Arab youth ways to freely express and have constructive conversations with each other and their communities about contentious topics.
9. Increase the quality of youth active participation in the society through local action and international exchange; and to focus on youth initiatives as a base for development; and to promote our visions of coexistence, diversity and pluralism

Main Projects / Activities

The main product offerings in Support Youth Leaders for both sending and receiving are as following:
• Trainings
• Exchanging Programs
• Leadership Programs
• International Programs
• Conferences
• Seminars
• Youth Meetings
• Volunteer (local and international EVS)
• Networking and Cultural Experience abroad
• Awareness Campaign
• Work Shops
Local level:   Our NGO organizes different social and educational events, provide the information about the up-coming volunteering events abroad, collaborate with other NGOs.
International level: We act as a sending and hosting organization for training courses and youth exchanges.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

*Our team have previous experiences in Youth in Action programme, Erasmus Plus, Euro Med Programee, and USAID programs as participants and coordinator support staff.
*We will provide training based on our experience and knowledge 
*We will support cultre and youth projects through our organization. 
*Host international trainings in Jordan. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1*The first project that we have atteneded as indvidual was with Young Arab Voice and under ALF, as part of that and as a reason we have founded Support Youth Leaders. 
2* we support the mission and the objectives of ALF
3*We do beleive in netwirking 
4*We have a a good list of partners that we can do or join projects with.  
5*it will be a great chance to meet different people across the Mediterranean. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayat Qteshat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ayat Qteshat

Support Youth Leaders

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Support Youth Leaders is an organization works to inspire youth by connecting them to new life experience and support the self-expressing & sharing. Proving the opportunity to watch and support community building, as well cultural & interfaith dialogue actions. Working to break stereotypes, promote the concept of non-violence education through a diversity of non-formal technique and actions related to Democracy / Active Citizenship, European Citizenship, Human Rights, Intercultural Dialogue Peace, and Conflict Unemployment / Employability, Entrepreneurship, Youth Policy, Integration of Minorities, Empowerment, Leadership Gender Equity, and Entrepreneurship. Support Youth Leaders is committed to betterment and personal development of its members, through providing the opportunities to demonstrate their talents and capabilities, as well as presenting them with challenges to develop their existing portfolio of skills. We organize management and leadership seminars for our members, conducted by experienced professionals from some of the leading universities in the world. By joining Support Youth Leaders (SYL), you will become part of a family cohered in the promise to serve our motherland. Indeed teamwork is the key to the success of Support Youth Leaders. Themes Social Empowerment Political Empowerment Democratic Empowerment. European Citizenship Human Rights Women Rights Intercultural Dialogue Peace and Conflict Unemployment / Employability Entrepreneurship Youth Policy Integration of Minorities Leadership Gender Equity Entrepreneurship Volunteerism.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Our commitment is to gain knowledge and understanding of different cultures, their people, and to promote Jordan and Jordanian issues globally.

Building Institutional and individual capacity through development and change by way of peaceful and creative tools.

Enhancement of human morality and religious values.

Building local and international networks in support of women, youth and world peace issues.

Empower youth gender to improve their social, economic, health and political status.

Enhance dialogue within society and with other societies.

Organize and coordinate firm voluntary works, which serve human society

Create a network with leaders and decision-makers of the future

Prepare students, recent graduates and young professionals to maximize their capabilities in their personal and professional lives.

To offer Arab youth ways to freely express and have constructive conversations with each other and their communities about contentious topics.

Increase the quality of youth active participation in the society through local action and international exchange; and to focus on youth initiatives as a base for development; and to promote our visions of coexistence, diversity and pluralism

Builds the capacity of young people and promotes social cohesion among youth.  In addressing social development issues in the Middle Eastern and Europe Leaders,

Empowers youth to become well-rounded, socially responsible citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

The main product offerings in Support Youth Leaders for both sending and receiving are as following:


Exchanging Programs

Leadership Programs

International Programs



Youth Meetings

Volunteer (local and international EVS)

Networking and Cultural Experience abroad

Awareness Campaign

Work Shops

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Empower youth through scientific, culture, sports, and entrepreneurial activities and projects for purposes of developing their skills to improve their standard of living.

Provide support to youth across Jordanian governorates.

Contribute to development and charity work as well as to the enhancement of social, philanthropy, and volunteer work.

Establishing associations and non-profit companies, assisting, or participating in, in according with the applicable legislation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayat Qteshat
Job Title
Co - Founder
Head of the organisation
Ayat Qteshat
Contact (2) Full Name
Aya Tarawneh
Job Title (2)
Co Founder

Support Youth Leaders

National Network

Amman, Tala Center
Amman 11180

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Support Youth Leaders (SYL) is a Jordanian Institute intercultural leadership organization that aims to lay a foundation for dialogue, mutual understanding and knowledge sharing among young leaders from the Middle East, and Europe. SYL is designed to provide the participants with new skills, networks and innovative tools to strengthen their work to drive social change in their respective contexts.
Mission and Objectives

Our commitment is to gain knowledge and understanding of different cultures, their people, and to promote Jordan and Jordanian issues globally.

Main Projects / Activities

Trainings, Seminars, Youth Exchanges Programs, Youth Voluntary Services, Conferences, Youth Meetings, Networking and Cultural Experience abroad.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Building Institutional and individual capacity through development and change by way of peaceful and creative tools.

Enhancement of human morality and religious values.

Building local and international networks in support of women, youth and world peace issues.

Empower youth gender to improve their social, economic, health and political status.

Enhance dialogue within society and with other societies.

Organize and coordinate firm voluntary works, which serve human society

Create a network with leaders and decision-makers of the future

Prepare students, recent graduates and young professionals to maximize their capabilities in their personal and professional lives.

To offer Arab youth ways to freely express and have constructive conversations with each other and their communities about contentious topics.

Increase the quality of youth active participation in the society through local action and international exchange; and to focus on youth initiatives as a base for development; and to promote our visions of coexistence, diversity and pluralism

Builds the capacity of young people and promotes social cohesion among youth.  In addressing social development issues in the Middle Eastern and Europe Leaders,

Empowers youth to become well-rounded, socially responsible citizens.

Support Youth Leaders Working Direction
Our work is on different pillars:

Democracy / Active citizenship

European Citizenship

Human Rights

Women Rights

Intercultural Dialogue Peace and Conflict

Unemployment / Employability


Youth Policy

Integration of Minorities



Gender Equity

Involving youth in Society, Culture, Knowledge, – that carry the weight of our work on youth empowerment and social development in the world.

What We Do

Community Service Projects

Humanitarian Service Projects

International Understanding Projects

Educational Service Projects

Fundraising Projects (which are essential to cover the costs of community & humanitarian projects)

Services and Activities
The main product offerings in Support Youth Leaders for both sending and receiving are as following:


Exchanging Programs

Leadership Programs

international Programs



Youth Meetings

Volunteer (local and international EVS)

Networking and Cultural Experience abroad

Awareness Campaign

Work Shops

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Empower youth through scientific, culture, sports, and entrepreneurial activities and projects for purposes of developing their skills to improve their standard of living.

Provide support to youth across Jordanian governorates.

Contribute to development and charity work as well as to the enhancement of social, philanthropy, and volunteer work.

Establishing associations and non-profit companies, assisting, or participating in, in according with the applicable legislation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayat Qteshat
Job Title
Co Founder
Head of the organisation
Ayat Qteshat
Contact (2) Full Name
Ayah Tarwaneh
Job Title (2)
Co Founder

Support Youth Leaders

National Network

Talaa Al Ali

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Support Youth Leaders is an organization created to support and development of activities on the local, national and international level in area of non-formal education, using free time, cultural-social and volunteering practice for community of youth people. Our mission are to support and to raise the education level of young people from different social groups, help youth to achieve their goals, unite active youth together and create better conditions for their experience and knowledge exchange.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission are to support and to raise the education level of young people from different social groups, help youth to achieve their goals, unite active youth together and create better conditions for their experience and knowledge exchange.
Our Objective:
1. Building Institutional and individual capacity through development and change by way of peaceful and creative tools.
2. Building local and international networks in support of women, youth and world peace issues.
3. Empower youth gender to improve their social, economic, health and political status.
4. Enhance dialogue within society and with other societies.
5. Organize and coordinate firm voluntary works, which serve human society
6. Create a network with leaders and decision-makers of the future
7. Prepare students, recent graduates and young professionals to maximize their capabilities in their personal and professional lives.
8. To offer Arab youth ways to freely express and have constructive conversations with each other and their communities about contentious topics.
9. Increase the quality of youth active participation in the society through local action and international exchange; and to focus on youth initiatives as a base for development; and to promote our visions of coexistence, diversity and pluralism

Main Projects / Activities

Local level: Our NGO organizes different social and educational events, provide the information about the up-coming volunteering events abroad, collaborate with other NGOs.

International level: We act as a sending and hosting organization for training courses and youth exchanges.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Working on the common actions.
Improving the situation of the current network.
We have extensive experience in Mediterranean countries so we can bring partnerships to the country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Support Youth Leaders believes in networking and we can add to the network. Also, we have rich expereince and network in the Euromed region and we want to capitalize on that.
We also support the mission and the objectives of ALF Network and the reasons behind founding it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayat Qteshat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ayat Qteshat

Support Youth Leaders

National Network

Al Abdai, Amman

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Support Youth Leaders is an organization created to support and development of activities on the local, national and international level in area of non-formal education, using free time, cultural-social and volunteering practice for community of youth people. Target group are teenagers and youth people from 13 – 40 years old. Support Youth  Leaders is committed to betterment and personal development of its members, through providing the opportunities to demonstrate their talents and capabilities, as well as presenting them with challenges to develop their existing portfolio of skills.  
Mission and Objectives

Our mission are to support and to raise the education level of young people from different social groups, help youth to achieve their goals, unite active youth together and create better conditions for their experience and knowledge exchange.
Our Objective:
1. Building Institutional and individual capacity through development and change by way of peaceful and creative tools.
2. Building local and international networks in support of women, youth and world peace issues.
3. Empower youth gender to improve their social, economic, health and political status.
4. Enhance dialogue within society and with other societies.
5. Organize and coordinate firm voluntary works, which serve human society
6. Create a network with leaders and decision-makers of the future
7. Prepare students, recent graduates and young professionals to maximize their capabilities in their personal and professional lives.
8. To offer Arab youth ways to freely express and have constructive conversations with each other and their communities about contentious topics.
9. Increase the quality of youth active participation in the society through local action and international exchange; and to focus on youth initiatives as a base for development; and to promote our visions of coexistence, diversity and pluralism

Main Projects / Activities

The main product offerings in Support Youth Leaders for both sending and receiving are as following:

• Trainings
• Exchanging Programs
• Leadership Programs
• International Programs
• Conferences
• Seminars
• Youth Meetings
• Volunteer (local and international EVS)
• Networking and Cultural Experience abroad
• Awareness Campaign
• Work Shops
Local level: Our NGO organizes different social and educational events, provide the information about the up-coming volunteering events abroad, collaborate with other NGOs.

International level: We act as a sending and hosting organization for training courses and youth exchanges.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Working in a business service company and NGO, gave me the ability to be flexible and completely productive in all that I do.  I am hoping to join a team where I can use my skills and knowledge to contribute to the utmost efficient program system, and I believe ALF is the perfect place to "Support Youth Leaders".

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayat Qteshat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ayat Qteshat


National Network

Jabal Amman, 2nd Circle, St. Zaid Bin Harethah, Building Number 48, 1st Floor
Amman 11181

+962 777252052
+962 6 5528 125
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+962 775511001
Mobile Phone (other)
Mohammad AlNasser +962 788 615 620
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

"Tajalla" it is a non-profit association, non- governmental, but registered under the supervision of Ministry of Culture in Jordan. "Tajalla" board consist of seven members, and so many volunteers, for being new in the field, we still have no source of fund. The funding for the time being is only through own founders’ fund (board members). So kindly, find below a brief about Tajalla members. Russol AlNasser: President worked on many stations that started as teaching music, artistic management for live events, Program consultant at Jerash International festival for Arts & Culture, board member at "Al Balad Theater", producer and director at ART TV, managing director at Rum Tareq Al Nasser group for 15 years. Ghyia Irshedat: Founder Member Film-scorer, composer and pianist with compositions and soundtracks performed locally and internationally. Holds the BA, LRSM, & DEM degrees in musicology and performance, Ex-Program Manager at "Al-Balad" theater. Huda Qwasmi: Vice President Marketing Expert. Mohammed Al Nasser: General Secretary Lawyer masters degree holder in intellectual property Abdalla khaldi : Board Member Co founder and creative "Basha" at the Arab Independent online music store and Ex-CEO of online music streaming website Bandoora.Com, a musician, and a hip hop artist. Salma zakria: Treasurer Customer service at Global Investment House-Jordan, artistic social and political initiatives activist. Rand Wahbe Architectural and artistic social and political initiatives activist, ended a bachelor's degree from the University of Jordan in the field of architecture 2009.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission: To ingrain the artistic and musical culture, to raise the public artistic perception, to resolve arts straits in Jordan, focus of genuine artistic visions that are worth to be supported, and to really actuate theatre stages in Amman and provinces to create art history for audience. and provinces to create art history for audience. Our Objectives: -Commitment towards creating a factual musical arts environment to generate a cultural and sensible history for emerging musicians and the public audience. -Planning events basically to enhance the artistic concepts, and creating an outlet for both artists and audience, by inviting and hosting “quality” performances to Jordan, periodic and random schedules. -Establishing a factual, balanced and mature form of fund, based on the serious crucial need to provide financial and proper support for local musicians. -Networking between government and private institutions, and draw the attention to the meaning of cultural movement in society and the role that such networking could contribute for both parties. -To work harder on provinces for a better integration within the cultural and arts movement.

Main Projects / Activities

- Objects of Music : Establishing a recurrent, live and open music lab by creating a long term partnership with a brilliant musician "from Australi" by conducting a number of workshops with musicians, children and audio technicians by making musical instruments out of very simple and natural objects with diverse cultures and musical traditions, aiming to enrich the musical knowledge and awareness for the Audience and participants. - Radio Music Program: A weekly musical show, where a narrator will surf the listeners through different tracks of music of different genres, the smooth narrative transition between tracks will tell their stories, their cultural-historical backgrounds, followed by a simple musical analysis, all in a modest street man chat dialogue. The show will be prepared and produced by musicians and music experts who will put their experiences in the most relaxed and simple form in order to serve the cause of this project in deepening the popular understanding of music, the show will be a combination of (Music info, social, fun, Local spirit, world musical heritage as well as modern European, Arab and international music) therefore a listener who would follow the program for a while would conceive a deeper knowledge and understanding of the broadcasted tracks (how they were made, what were the popular reactions, certain relevant historical events…etc). - Elwatar Hassas: "Musical Statements" about the present future, it's Music Video Production & Live Performance In our troubled region everybody had a say and everyone made a statement what happened in our region these days. * Please note that we are still working in previous projects. * Please do not hesitate to write or more info and clarification about any project above.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Due to our comprehensive experience, understand our society, basically, the need to enhance the concepts of Music and Arts culture through different channels, such as live concerts, workshops, television and radio shows, that are programmed and undertaken at ease, fulfilling what it should aim to. We are trying to change our cultural sector for the place it should be ; For the artists, they deserve more opportunities to know their substances, develop their projects, ideas and present themselves in a professional way. The society must begin to accept "artists" as a profession and having real artistic experiences not only in Amman "the capital", also other cities "which need more effort to work on". As for the audience, they need to experience what new and different, but not bizarre for them so they can interact with. The institutions in both private and public sectors need to know the importance of their roles in this movement, and the importance of the movement itself.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Convergence between our goals and ALF's and the presence of many common denominators

Contact (1) Full Name
Russol Al Nasser
Head of the organisation
Russol Al Nasser
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammad AlNasser