


2 employées 10 bénévoles Budget 2015 : 32 144 euros Financements : adhesions, Région PACA, aides à l'emploi, ventes Importation et vente de produits de terroirs méditerranéens Appui aux organisations de producteurs/ices Partenaires techniques : Migrations et Développement, Inter-Made, ACIM...

East European Film Bulletin

The East European Film Bulletin (EEFB) is an Association registered in France. All staff members (7 regular and 5-10 irregular contributors) currently working for EEFB are volunteers. Our editorial team consists of four members from Germany, New Zealand, Poland and...
Non-Governmental Organization

ECUME-Cultural Exchange in the Mediterranean

1. Staff members : . Omar Daniel BELLI : General Secretary . Estelle RENAVANT : Assistant .Frédérique CHARTRAND : responsible of communication . . Budgetary ressources available in a year : 450 000 €. .Financial ressources : European commission...
Individual Person

Editions Caractères

Association loi 1901, avec 4 personnes au bureau. Cette Association soutien la perennité et le rayonnement des Editions Caractères.
default image

Elisabeth Guigou

President of the Anna Lindh Foundation since 2015, was born in Marrakesh, Morocco. She served as French Minister of European Affairs (1990-1993), and was elected in 1994 as a Member of the European Parliament. In 1997, she became member of...

Individual Person

ERIAmed (Espace de Rencontres Internationales d'Art en Méditerranée

Association loi 1901:3 personnes qui constituent le bureau, 4 conseil d'administration, 2 dirigeants, partenariats avec deux associations. Organisation d'un cycle de conférences sur la diversité linguistique Partenariat avec la structure DIVERS-CITES subventionnés par l'état Marocain (ministère des MRE)crédit de 8000€...
Non-Governmental Organization

Errance en Aéa

The association is composed of 20 members and works yet with other european associations (Spain, Italy : Vagabunde Art, Arci Ragazzi). We got on our first year of activity, a European Grant and local subventions (Region, Departement, towns...). We only...