
United Nations Association of Bulgaria

National Network

12 Vassil Aprilov Str.

+359 878 955 311
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
United Nations Association of Bulgaria is a national NGO, established in 1948 in order to assist the process of Bulgarian membership into UN which becomes a fact in 1955. UNA-BG is a member of the global family of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) – the civil support of the UN. The United Nations Youth Association was established in 2003 and is respectively a member of the World Youth Federation of the United Nations Associations. The members of the Association are usually diplomats, university professors while the members of the Youth Association are predominantly students in International Relations and Law studies.. UNA of Bulgarian works in a partnership with United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign affairs - Direction UN, Red Cross, UNHCR and other NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of UNA-BG is to attract the support of the Bulgarian society for the United Nations and for the international peaceful coexistence and respect to the main human rights and freedoms. The Association promoted and applies the UN ideas, principles and decisions in Bulgaria. UNA develops alternative methods for civic education in the spirit of UN. It has a national network of over 30 UN school clubs.
The Youth Association works for the fulfilment of this mission mainly among university students. Its strategic aims are to raise the civil awareness of Bulgarian youth and to contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in Bulgaria. Its activities are primarily related to education and awareness raising, namely it is organising Model UN simulation games on national as well as international level and raising awareness among students and youth about the UN, its goals and activates and main campaigns to access youth on various occasions.
Human Rights, Intercultural dialogue and Peace education are areas of a great priority for us.

Main Projects / Activities

We actively work in the frame of EC Programme "Youth in action" and we recently became a sending EVS organization; In the past we carried projects in the frame of PHARE Programme concentrated on work with refugees and Peer-to-Peer education.
We are working to become a Resource center for Human Rights education; Since last year we carry the project International Bookstore where university students meet school students and discuss with them different topics as cultural diversity, peace and war, identity, there are presentations of different countries in an interesting for the puppils way.
Last year we were a partner in a project which took part in Palestinian Authority "Explore, understand and promote understending in the Mediterranean region"; Our volunteers took part in a Training Course of Council of Europe "Youth in intercultural dialogue and Euro-Arab Cooperation" etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mila Begova
Head of the organisation
Ivan Garvalov
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Izvorska

United Nations Association of Bulgaria

National Network

str.prof. N.Mihaylov
1000 Sofia

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
United Nations Association in Bulgaria is an organization that works in the public interest for decades. It was founded in 1948 to help Bulgaria’s membership in the UN,  which happened in 1955. UNA is a member of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) together with over 160 national associations. Members of the    Society are mostly diplomats, academics and students. Chair is Ambassador Ivan Garvalov.  The association participates actively in  alternative methods of civic education in the spirit of the United Nations. This is done through a network of school and university clubs that receive status of associatied groups and work by choice in one or more of the core business areas of the world organization – human rights, environmental protection, shares to maintain public health, campaigns in support of regional and world peace. Since 2003, the assiciation is the national coordinator for the Eastern European region within the global program Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC)
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the associaton is to work for the unity of the Bulgarian community  in support of the United Nations and to strengthen international peace and security, development of international understanding and respect for fundamental rights and  freedoms. It disseminates and applies through its activities and publications ideas, principles and decisions of the United Nations.

Main Projects / Activities

United Nations Associaton' s school and university clubs
Model United Nations on national, regional, international level 
UNA NEWS Bulgaria - online youth media - www.unanews.una.bg
Bulgaria Youth Delegate to UN
Project " Human Rights", " Culture of peace"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

United Nation Association of Bulgaria can contribute to the Network with toolkits and handbooks relating to training on human rights in school, culture of peace, tolerance.
  Also can contribute expertise on these topics and trainers who can help with preparation and trainings. UNA NEWS -  a youth media of the organization can promote the best practices in the field in the country

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For us, networking helps increase the capacity of the organization and to the partners and that provide stability and sustainability in the work on the topics of the network

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilina Moutafchieva
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Ivan Garvalov

United Societies of Balkans Bulgaria

National Network

kv.Sever, bl.103, vh.A, ap.2
2161 Pravets

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
We are organization working on a lot of feilds such as human rights, arts, media, youth ect. We are dreaming about a world creat from peace and equality, and we are trying to make it real. We know that we are young and everything depends on us. 
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to creat a communication bridges betwine the counrties, to promote the human rights and to fight against the unequality and injustice. 

Main Projects / Activities

 ÜNONA is a project for impowering women and supporting their activities for equality in our society 
TheWalls is a media project teaching the young people how to use the web tools and the social networks, to upgreat their knowledge for writing, photography, video making, ect
We are sending a lot of young people for Youth Exchanges and Traning courses with Erasmus+ program
We have a couple of regular workshops for ARTs, Creative Writing and English Language

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will share our skills and knowledge and we will help to build more strong conections. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network, to creat new partnerships, to gain new knowledge and to exchange ideas with other people and organizations. We know that we will teach new things that we can share with our community for better 

Contact (1) Full Name
Lazar Georgiev Vasilev
Head of the organisation
Lazar Vasilev

URI Europe Interfaith Youth Camp “Seeding the Peace” - an exciting journey towards multicultural friendships and interfaith dialogue

URI Europe Interfaith Youth Camp “Seeding the Peace” - an exciting journey towards multicultural friendships and interfaith dialogue

URI Europe "Seeding the Peace" interfaith youth camp, held in early August in the Hague, the Netherlands, brought together 20 participants aged 14-17 and six youth facilitators from different parts of Europe for an unforgettable five-day experience. The aim of the camp was to foster intercultural friendships, explore interfaith dialogue and promote environmental justice.

It was supported by URI Europe and co-organised by 4 organisations (CCs), part of the URI network in Europe: BRIDGES from Bulgaria, Voem from Belgium, Udhetim I Lire from Albania and Colorful Segbroek from the Netherlands, who hosted the camp in the city of peace and justice, the Hague. Sarah Oliver, URI Global Coordinator for Youth and Director Global Programs, played an important role in supporting and training the youth facilitators.

From BRIDGES, Bulgaria went a group of 10 people - 8 young people from 4 cities of the country, representatives of 3 religious traditions and two leaders of the organization - the youth leader Silvia Trifonova and the chair of the association Angelina Vladikova.


Day 1: Building Friendships of Trust

The camp started with an official opening at the Broeders van Sint-Jan Den Haag monastery in the centre of The Hague, where participants from Bulgaria, Albania, Belgium and the Netherlands were accommodated. The ice-breaking games helped the young people to get to know each other and bond. The youth leaders presented the camp's programme, dividing everyone into groups by elements - air, water, fire and earth. These groups took turns throughout the days to motivate their peers, maintain order and document their experiences.


Day 2: Creating Cultures of Interfaith Dialogue

On the second day, participants visited the Peace Palace where they learned about its history and importance in promoting peace and international justice. The visit was followed by an interfaith dialogue workshop on the Golden rule: "Treat others as you want to be treated." Through interactive games, participants deepened their understanding of each other's cultural and religious backgrounds, setting the stage for meaningful interfaith discussions.


Day 3: Environmental and Social Justice

The third day was a mix of cultural exploration and environmental education. Participants visited a Hindu temple (New Mandir) where they gained insight into the rich cultural and spiritual traditions of Hinduism. This was followed by an environmental workshop where they discussed the importance of sustainability and practical steps they can take to protect the environment. Guest speaker for the eco-justice workshop together with youth facilitators was Dimitar Borumov. The day ended with a self-reflection activity in which participants wrote postcards to their future selves reflecting on their goals and aspirations.


Day 4: Peace and the Arts

A day full of energy, participants explored The Hague, visited famous landmarks and enjoyed a fun activity on the beach. The afternoon session was led by His Highness Prince Boris of Bulgaria, who came to support and contribute to the idea of intercultural and interfaith dialogue among young people. As he is the same age as the youth facilitators. He accepted with great joy the invitation of BRIDGES Association to be part of the leading team and to deliver a workshop. "Seeding the Creativity" was the title chosen for the session. The idea of peace and environmental justice was beautifully translated into a work of art made by all participants under the guidance of the Prince. The day ended with a lively evening of cultural exchange where participants shared their cultures through music, dance and food, creating lasting memories and deepening their bonds.

Day 5: Celebrating Peace in Action

The last day of the camp was marked with a visit to a Liberal synagogue where participants engaged in meaningful dialogue with the rabbi. The day continued with a creative workshop entitled "Express Your Freedom" led by Carol Goodwin. Through painting, the youth expressed their understanding of freedom and human rights, culminating in an impressive exhibition of their artwork. The camp ended with a special dinner, reflection on the experience and discussion for future.


The interfaith camp in The Hague "Seeding the Peace" ended successfully. The past 5 days, filled with an intensive program, intercultural exchange and new dialogue skills acquired, ended with a special certificate ceremony. All 20 participants received their certificates of active participation and URI badges personally from HRH Prince Boris Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and the chair of Bridges Angelina Vladikova. Young Facilitators from 4 countries from partnering organizations were also awarded with certificates by URI Director of Global Programs Sarah Oliver and URI Europe President Duncan Welsen. As a token of appreciation for their participation in the youth camp, certificates and badges were also presented to our guest speaker Dimitar Borumov and HRH Prince Boris Saxe-Coburg Gotha.




National Network

6 Mutkurova St. 7000 Ruse, Bulgaria

00359 82834 859
00359 82834 859
Mobile Phone
00359 894 406 421
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The association consists of a president, Managing Body – 3 persons, 5 fee-paid trainers, accountant. The budget for 2010 is 12 500 euro. The sources for financing are donations, membership fees, organization of culture events, co-financing at winning a project. The association has a running project for an informational and consulting youth centre – MIKC – Ruse (www.ruse.mikc.bg) – this is its 3rd year of implementation. It includes trainings for the youngsters, cultural events, informational campaigns. And it also had a project “Danube rhythms” – in 2009 – for getting to know the different Bulgarian folk districts. Our common partners are the Municipality of Ruse, the Ministry of education in Bulgaria, civil associations and NGOs dealing with youth activities, the schools and university in the region.
Mission and Objectives

Supporting the social, cultural and sport development of the young people in Ruse district and in Bulgaria; development of civil society and encouragement of the civil initiative among the youths; reconsideration of the young people’s free time by providing them opportunities for development and manifestation of their skills and capabilities in the fields of sport, culture, education and arts, together with their coevals from other countries; creating conditions for development of intercultural cultural youth exchanges; exchange of experience through international youth exchanges. Creation of conditions for full integration of the youths from minority groups in our modern society; cooperation for defense of the human rights; encouragement of public discussions on problems of the civil society in national and international context. Participation of young people in public life. Support for the socially disadvantaged young people for their social adaptation, undertaking measures, directed to restoration, preservation and reproduction of nature.

Main Projects / Activities

The association “Vdahnovebie” was created by idea of the team which realized the project “Via Regia” (Youth informational and consulting centre – MIKC – Ruse, 2007). The association realized also project “Via Regia 2” (MIKC-Ruse 2008-2009) and is now implementing “Via Regia 3” (MIKC-Ruse 2010). By means of this project the range of young people was increased who took advantage of the services offered by the centre. We increased the target group and the services offered by the centre. We made trainings in the small towns and villages where there is a lack of information on youth activities and opportunities which the young people have to realize their own ideas, helped by the existing youth programs. We realized various campaigns, sport and culture events for the young people in Ruse.
The association has a project “Danube Rhythms” on which the activities were realized in 2009. The aim was the young people to get to know and learn the characteristic for each folklore district in Bulgaria – songs and dances, to preserve the folk wealth of the Bulgarians and in this way to reconsider their free time occupations. The project was financed by the Program for youth activities of the State Agency for Youth and Sport (ДАМС).

Contact (1) Full Name
Teodora Trayanova

Veridas Foundation

National Network

Gorazd 78
3700 Vidin

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

"Veridas" Foundation is a private non-profit cultural organization established in 2013, and in the last 4 years it has successfully developed and implemented projects in the field of promotion of educational creative programs/type of studios, as well as provides performance and demonstration of artists and artisans - amateurs in front of an audience of forgotten authentic techniques and crafts from all ages. It supports and provides alternative spaces of a residential type in a non-urban environment for the realization of cultural innovative production by independent artists and authors.

Mission and Objectives

To support the public, economic and social development of the region and the country in the processes of European integration and the strengthening of the democratic foundations of civil society; - To support the preservation of the national and cultural heritage and build a highly developed national self-awareness combined with a pan-European cultural identity; - To support the spiritual and intellectual realization of citizens through tolerance, mutual understanding, freedom of thought and speech, justice and equality, respect for human rights, exchange of experience and development of communication between different public groups in society. - To support young and enterprising people in their desire for educational and professional realization, employment and qualification improvement; - To support the social cohesion of different social groups to overcome social differences and isolation; - To support the implementation of activities related to the rational use of natural resources, ecology and development of tourist destinations in the region and the country; - To expand social, economic and cultural cohesion through the use of diversity

Main Projects / Activities

The regular activity of the organization is related to maintaining a creative space in Gomotartsi, Vidin municipality and creating conditions for creative provocation and inspiration for amateur artists, local craftsmen and self-made people and independent established authors in the creation of innovative and attractive cultural production by applying spatial innovations to attract audiences in non-urban environments, in open spaces and residential-type spaces. The experience of the organization in creating successful educational programs, holding creative workshops and presenting street performance was upgraded through the implementation of the "Danube Airarium" project, and the current project proposal is a continuation of the achieved results in terms of implementing mechanisms for expanding and attracting public through new cultural production, maintaining and developing the creative potential of art lovers, including refugees. Innovations and new cultural production: Innovations created with an interactive approach provided more targeted solutions that were easier to implement, as the process is conducive to accelerating the introduction and adoption of new ideas. The interactive model that was used relied mainly on collaboration, knowledge sharing and brokered methods of imparting knowledge and skills between amateur creators, artisans and established authors. This approach helped to develop the initial results of creative inquiries into practical applications and generate new ideas through cross-fertilization between participants. The audience had the opportunity to participate in the outdoor performances, which encouraged the creation of a community of those who participated in the outdoor stage events. The public sees the conquest of new spaces, including outside the city, as a demonstration of how art can be made anywhere. Their relationship to art and to space and nature changes, the audience had the opportunity to explore their own talent, so that the audience gains a connection to the culture and space, because the audience develops when they are inspired. The same goes for artists. The creative space itself became an experimental stage for testing with approaches and methods during the art studios, during the residency program, the creation of a joint stage product by a newly formed creative team without disturbing the authentic environment, which attracted a new audience, turned the space into a creative destination for reflection and free experimentation, exchanging radical moments, breaking the barriers between creator and audience. The new stage production "Danube Airarium" was created in an alternative residency, combining the aesthetic achievements of puppet theater art and authentic local craft techniques in the field of intangible cultural heritage. The main theme is the powerful connection between art and nature. Neither overshadows the other: each piece is placed in harmony with its surroundings to create an incredible synergy in the environment. The advantages of applied innovation are achieving a creative balance in terms of interdisciplinary cultural experimental innovation, a prototype that can be tested and upgraded over time, which will increase its reliability, organizational skills and team support capacity, economy and providing easy access of artists and audiences to cultural products, scenes, spaces. Innovative approaches were used in the creation of the educational program / creative workshops of the residential type / which offer the trainees the opportunity to get acquainted with authentic and forgotten techniques, which will be significantly improved for the creation of new modern creative products, with elements of decoration in the field of fashion design, interior and exterior design and others and presenting them to the public. The foundation's resident education program and shared space will foster long-term audience interest in cultural products, while helping the organization adapt to the need for new ways to engage with today's and future audiences. Innovative approaches support amateur and independent artists and the sector to develop the new skills they need by learning from each other, building networks and collaborating to contribute to the development of new methods and new sources of income. Audience development is an important new focus in this context. It is decisive for the post-crisis recovery of the sector. In order to achieve short-term and long-term results, emphasis is placed on improving the conditions and quality for presenting to an audience / physical and virtual / the rich cultural heritage through the application of interactive and modern techniques, digital products and methods of combining achievements in theatrical production and authentic techniques from everyday life and folklore

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To support cultural exchange and maintanance if cultural heritage and production of modern art performances of artists. The organization currently maintains a creative space "Veridas" in Gomotartsi and successfully works together with established creatives and amateur artists to create attractive forms of performing arts and production, to expand and attract new audiences in non-urban cultural centers and by offering alternative spaces for a resident type creation. Project "Cultural-creative space - Veridas" is a project that started 6 years ago, the main goal of which is to create conditions for professional development and experimental space for artists - actors, directors, designers, set designers, artists and other representatives of the creative industries. Until now, the main building "House for Creative Meetings" and partially other spaces have been renovated with private funds from the Foundation and donors. A significant part of the repair work was carried out with voluntary labor. In 2020, NFK financed the project "Danube AERARIUM - a shared cultural space for creative and stage performances", within the "ONE-YEAR PROGRAM FOR SUPPORT OF PRIVATE PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS IN THE FIELD OF THE ARTS". The project was successfully implemented and renovation activities were carried out on open and closed spaces, which are provided free of charge for the implementation of the activities of the current project. The program helped the long-term financial stability of the organization, because through the renovated spaces, a residential-type material base was created, which will attract artists all year round. The art studio with adjacent open stage and support spaces provide the necessary conditions for a shared creative process, which will undoubtedly generate financial income and deepen local and international partnerships. Link to materials and channels www.veridas-artspace.com; https://www.facebook.com/watch/artveridas/. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzwNWthqheR2BlGr8g5v8SA https://bnr.bg/vidin/post/101545594 - Bulgarian National Radio broadcast live the performance "Danube Airarium" and the filming of the event on 22.10.2021 in Vidin, as well as published news about the event on its Facebook page.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To cooperate in international plan with organizations and diseminate the know-how of our organziation as follows: The activities of the organization include local craftsmen, self-made people and children of different ages, as well as established authors and artists. Access is free, without restrictions. Main directions in which the organization works: The project "Educational creative programs and workshops and presentation to the public" was implemented with own funds during the period from 2017 to the present. Within the framework of the project, educational programs were developed for art studios for the preservation of intangible cultural heritage, such as various authentic techniques in the field of artistic crafts and folk traditions. The main educational creative workshops are held in the city of Vidin and in the creative space "Veridas" in the village of Gomotartsi, where the participants learn on the spot the forgotten skills of knitting with corn cobs, hemp, weaving, creating a new design of clothing through folk ornamentation , creation of household items through ecological materials and decoration, renovation of old furniture, reconstruction and restoration of outdated elements of national costumes and customs, etc. As part of the project, more than 70 participants have been trained so far, and the foundation also provides the opportunity to perform in front of the public with participation in the defile of authentic folk costumes, bazaars, demonstrations and restoration of folk customs, etc. All materials, consumables and public appearances of the participants within the project are provided free of charge by the foundation. Participants in educational creative programs have the opportunity to experiment with different techniques, materials, work together with other participants in a different environment and shared space, exchange ideas, under the guidance of a mentor, as well as have the opportunity to present their creative products to an audience - thematic cultural events , such as bazaars and festivals, fashion shows, to present folk customs. There are no age restrictions regarding the participants. Within the framework of the educational programs, visits were organized to DCT-Vidin, where the participants / children / on the spot got acquainted with the process of creating a stage product, as well as participated in creating elements of puppets and sets. One of the most attractive workshops for adults is Corn Heart. Participants have the opportunity to become familiar with basic techniques and elements in the field of weaving, as well as acquire the skills of corn cob knitting of various household items. "Cinnamon Cones", is an educational demonstration program through which participants have the opportunity to create their original minimalist gift ideas using organic waste pine cones and bark, fimo, potpourri /dried flowers and cotton leaves, herbs and spices/. "Old Painted Bottles" - is a creative educational program that includes the decoration of old glass bottles to serve again as a convenient kitchen accessory, as well as a demonstration of design ideas for a kitchen arrangement for storing products, spices and liquids "Ecological decoration workshop" for adults and children, in which they participate in a demonstration of techniques for creating and decorating objects from ecological and recycled materials - knitted objects from hemp, wall panels from wood waste, decoupage and decoration of old objects and their reuse use in everyday life, reconstructing old elements of folk costumes and creating a new contemporary design for clothing. "The Color of Abandoned Schools" is an initiative of the Veridas Foundation, which supports young creative artists by providing creative grants for materials, supplies in order to ennoble outdoor and indoor spaces and to attract the public and institutions to take care of these spaces and buildings. Every single space has a story, a human story that is part of the school of life. One of these authors is the young talented artist Teodora Obretenova, who participated in a number of projects in the summer of 2020, as well as created and implemented a creative concept for a mural on a site around the building of the country's first wine school in Vidin.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miglena Georgieva Todorova
Job Title
Chairperson of Management Board
Head of the organisation
Miglena Georgieva Todorova


National Network

Bulgaria, 2700 Blagoevgrad, 7 "Andrei Lyapchev" St

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
We are a non-profit organization, which was recently recorded - in July 2011. We, the founders, are people of different ages and different professions, but we are united by the desire to work for social understanding, the media, intercultural dialogue and regional development. President of the Association Veneta Marina is a clinical psychologist, board members PhD Rosinka Prodanova - journalist, and Valery Kamburov - lawyer. Among our founders are still lawyers, students of European and international law and in economics and business. We know your foundation from the work of the National Coordinator for Bulgaria "International cooperation initiatives" in Razlog with chairman Kostadinka Todorova. We declare our desire "VEROS GROUP" to become part of the network "Anna Lindh" because we believe that our goals are in harmony with the mission of the "Anna Lindh".
Mission and Objectives

We are motivated to work for civil society development in Bulgaria, to strengthen democratic values ​​and for realization of the intercultural dialogue and partnership with the media. We hope to activate the citizenship of more young people.

Main Projects / Activities

We are looking for partners for joint activities in the moment.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because of the prestige of the Anna Lindh Foundation and of the opportunities provided by it for partnership.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rosinka Prodanova
Head of the organisation
Veneta Marina
Green Go! project video book

Video book within the “Green Go!” project

The video book was developed within the “Green Go” project which was a short-term volunteering project, financed by European Solidarity Corps Programme on European Commission. The project was entirely focused on working to acquire and upgrade the skills of volunteers...