
Qendra Youthful

National Network

St. Budi/Petraq Xhacka, Nr.8, Tirane

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  8. International/Cultural relations
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

The structure of the governing bodies of the organization consists of: the board of directors, the executive director, the departments, and the administration. The Board of Directors is the governing body of the organization. His role is decisive and managerial for the progress of the continuous activity. Board members meet periodically to discuss and vote on organizational issues. At the same time, it monitors and evaluates the work of the Executive Director, but also provides him with mentoring during his tenure. The CEO has a strategic organizational vision, is in charge of creating and implementing the vision of the organization; maintaining a productive relationship with the board of directors. He is also involved in planning and ensuring the sustainability of the organization for which he should have the following qualities: excellent skills in strategic planning, fundraising, financial management issues, public relations and human resource management. The project manager and other staff members comprise the organization's human resources who work full-time and part-time and coordinate work based on the various activities undertaken by the organization. Our main sources of funding are grants provided by donors, after the approval of project proposals and the signing of contracts for the implementation of activities. At the same time, the organization also provides services to third parties, in the form of expertise. The organization operates in accordance with principles and standards of financial management, which are based on donor guidelines and relevant field national legislation. It has its own fiscal code, pays its taxes regularly and prepares balance sheets in accordance with accounting standards. The main expenses of the organization include salaries, expertise fees, publications, travel, administrative expenditure (office rent, electricity, water supply, telephone, internet, repairs and maintenance, office amenities, equipment, banking commissions, etc.). The organization’s accountant records data and prepares financial reports in accordance with instructions provided by the donors. The organization performs a financial audit at the end of each calendar year. However, it can be performed at any time as per request (i.e., when a project’s timeframe has ended and a final audit is provided by the contract). The organization employs transparent procurement procedures. Youthful have organized and participated in a lot of national in Albania. Our organization has a great interest in the topic of the project and we consider that we can contribute greatly in its success. Youthful is also involved in processes regarding increasing the quality and recognition of youth work. The program that we mostly work on is social inclusion. Youthful works with young people coming from the coming from difficult social and economic background. We lead different activities with them. We mostly offer youth work on local level: workshops, events, trainings, counselling, non-formal gathering etc. The target group of our Organisation are young people, mostly students from high schools and university. We try to include as many people possible and to work on different levels and activities. Usually we work inside of the institution (leading workshops in schools) and in our offices-the youth center offering long term youth programs. Partnership with civil society organizations is a key approach of our organization to fulfill its mission and objectives. Our organization is oriented in the tripartite partnership, namely Local Government - Civil Society - Business Community, where these three actors regulate the socio-economic life in society.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Improving the quality of life of young people and strengthening their status, through the development of opportunities in education, employment, health, culture and increasing the full participation of young people in society and decision-making. Vision: Empowering youth as the main promoter of local development. The purpose of the organization is to empower the youth as the main promoter of the country's development. We aim to contribute to strengthening the active role of citizens and especially young people by bringing them closer to civic and democratic values. Through projects we will contribute to the empowerment of young people in every region of Albania, in taking an active role for their lives, family, society, education, economy, environment

Main Projects / Activities

Youthful have organized and participated in a lot of national in Albania. Our organization has a great interest in the topic of the project and we consider that we can contribute greatly in its success. Youthful is also involved in processes regarding increasing the quality and recognition of youth work. The program that we mostly work on is social inclusion. Youthful works with young people coming from the coming from difficult social and economic background. We lead different activities with them. We mostly offer youth work on local level: workshops, events, trainings, counselling, non-formal gathering etc. The target group of our Organisation are young people, mostly students from high schools and university. We try to include as many people possible and to work on different levels and activities. Usually we work inside of the institution (leading workshops in schools) and in our offices-the youth center offering long term youth programs. Projects developed by the organization 1. Young Environmental Ambassadors”, within the framework of the Regional Program on Local Democracy in the Western Balkans 2 (ReLOaD2), which is financed by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). This project aims to increase the awareness of the youth of the Municipality of Saranda on environmental protection issues. 2. “Active Youth” ", Financed by Agency for Dupport of Civil Society. The project is an initiative to train youth on career counseling, professional training, drafting business plans, etc. This project aims to contribute to the promotion of entrepreneurship among the youth, serving as a catalyst for the creation of new jobs. 3. Smart tourism 4 All, Financed by Ministry of Tourism and Environment. The project aimed to improve innovative skills in the tourism sector, relying on innovative products and services that can complement nature and cultural offers. 4. “Young people as active participants in environmental protection” Financed by National Center for Environmental Movement, This project aimed to increase awareness of the community of the Municipality of Kukës on issues regarding the protection of the environmentm 5. External Expertise for organization of events for FOOD4HEALTH project, Financed by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in framework of the programme Interreg Programme Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro. 6. "Youth to business enterprise", Financed by Center for Economic Development. The project aimed to help youth to discover and develop entrepreneurial skills, knowledge and know-how and to give them the chance to be part of the real business world. 7. "Youth action for change" Financed by Institute for Consultancy and Research . The project aimed at the promotion, employment and socio-economic integration of young people - inhabitants of Kucova municipality, who had deficiencies in inclusion in employment, education or vocational training through life skills, skills and self-empowerment services.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Some possible ways to contribute to the Anna Lindh Network (ALF) in Albania. 1. Organization of local activities: We can organize local activities related to the goals of the Network. These events can be meetings, seminars, or other actions designed to promote intercultural dialogue and social engagement. 2. Information dissemination: We can help disseminate information about the Network's projects and activities on social media and in the local community. Creating informative materials and articles can help raise awareness about networking topics. 3. Supporting Youth Projects: By enriching and improving youth programs, we can help youth organizations to be active and help achieve the goals of the Network. 4. We will also contribute to the construction of local partnerships that can strengthen the presence and influence of ALF in Albania. This can strengthen cooperation and help increase the influence of the Network in Albania. Through cooperation with local organizations, we will seek to create a common front to challenge polarization and build an environment where intercultural dialogue is essential for the development of civil society. Through these concrete steps, we aim to contribute to strengthening and expanding the impact of the Anna Lindh Network in Albania, promoting an open climate for dialogue and intercultural cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1. Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue: Joining this network will help Youthful in defining projects and activities that promote intercultural cooperation in Albania. 2. Sharing of Experiences and Resources: Joining ALF can bring the opportunity for Youthful to share experiences and resources with other organizations from the region. This can lead to new collaborations and knowledge sharing. 3. International Impact and Funding Opportunities: By becoming part of a recognized international network like ALF, Youthful will have better opportunities to partner with international donors and secure funding for their projects. 4. Increase Local Knowledge and Experience: By connecting with other organizations and initiatives in the region, Youthful can gain new knowledge and experience, taking into account the local context and adapting their projects to better address needs. of the community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lude Taqe
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Lude Taqe

Refraction Association

National Network

Rr. Isa Boletini, Pall PlanetX, Kati 6

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Refraction Association is a registered Albanian Non-Profit Organization in the court and tax offices since 2000. It has 5 permanent staff and there are involved well-known experts and consultants in the activities. The decision – making within the organization is initiated by the Assemble of association members and the Board of Refraction. The board is composed by five members that can be re-elected. The Executive Director of the organization is appointed by the Refraction Board, and the number of staff is based on the projects that the organization is implementing. The staff capacity is improved through the participation in different trainings, organized within the organization structures, and other trainings organized by other organizations in Albania and abroad. During the last years Refraction established and managed in cooperation with organizations in Macedonia, Kosovo and Sweden the network 'Art network of social sculpture'.

Mission and Objectives

Refraction Association is a non-profit Albanian organization. It is established in November 2000. From the beginning it has been an active voice defending Human Rights of marginalized persons deprived by freedom, especially women and children. The vision of the organization is a safe society, building programs that improve skills and compose an infrastructure of services for rehabilitation and re-integration of persons in conflict with law. Mission of Refraction Association is to guarantee Human Rights for offenders, to promote the use of alternative measures and to contribute in reducing criminality, through rehabilitation and re-integration of persons in conflict with law in the community. Main objectives of Refraction Association are: • Reducing criminality through Crime Prevention programs on local and national level and through involving community in these programs. • To promote using of alternative measures of imprisonments and pre-trail especially for young persons. • To support persons deprived from freedom with rehabilitation and education programs for the reintegration of them into society. • To help the projects beneficiaries with counseling, trainings, employments programs and other activities for returning them in a normal life. • To assist specialists and staff that work in the penitentiary and crime prevention field with trainings, seminars, workshops, publications for their professional capacity building.

Main Projects / Activities

• Promotion of Alternative measures to imprisonment and effective implementation of these measures. Effective implementation of these measures and by specialized professionals were issues addressed by the trainings organized during the implementation of a project. • Crime prevention activities – Refraction have organized activities for the groups that have a great probability to be involved in criminality and also it has organized awareness campaigns within community for security issues as: antisocial behaviors, crime, drugs use, human trafficking, etc. The organization aims to prevent the criminality through increasing and promoting community participation on crime prevention and problem solving. Refraction aims to promote community based policing and rehabilitation integration and treatment of sentenced persons with imprisonment of other security measures. • Realizing trainings, giving expertise and capacity building – Near Refraction is established a pool of trainers and experts who are specialized on organizing trainings and workshops with different groups, especially students. • Researches and studies – These activities were about community development and security issues; penal sentences and their effectiveness on juveniles; situation of imprisoned persons; situation of Human Rights in prisons;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Refraction will brings its experience, projects organized, active participation in the network activities, regional focus of the network and an active voice to promote ALF mission and objectives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Refraction Association aim to join ALF network is to organize other activities in regional level, finding partners and implementing projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marinela Sota
Head of the organisation
Marinela sota
Contact (2) Full Name
Entela Kaleshi

Regional Development Agency

National Network

Rryga" Sadik Zotaj", Pallati" CONAD", Kati6/1, Vlore

+355 43 279665
+355 33 228467
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+355 693834994
Mobile Phone (other)
+355 694209618
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
We have a board with 5 member , 2 ful-time staff and 3 part-time - our RESOURCES coming fron donors , our budgetary is about 30.000-40.000 EURO/year -Donors - We are working with projects. - USAID, EU, GTZ, UNDP, ITalian project, TDH etc
Mission and Objectives

"To contribute as co-leader, working alongside the local business community, international donors, and local authorities and NGOs, to improve the business climate and encourage economic development in the region through the implementation of joint-effort coordination programs, and to act as a cross-sector resources center.”

Main Projects / Activities

I.June 2006 - March2008, World Bank. The Project was implemented by Vlora RDA
Title :Social-Economic services Center for vulnerable groups .
Terre Des Hommes’s “Income generating” on Roma Community Vlore
USAID’s Small Business Credit and Assistance (SBCA) ProjectimplementedbyChamonics International.
SORROS implemented by Vlore RDA.
Title: Increasing Women’s Representation in Local Government Structure
.USAID’s –MSI, Civil Society Reduction of Corruption in Albania Project.
Activities: As a local consultant to MSI, Vlore RDA completed the following activities:
• Preparing a variety of publicity materials for the Vlore Municipality;
• Preparing information on taxes;
• Updating Vlore’s community profile; and,
, USAID’s Training on Building NGO and Local Government Cooperation.
The Project was implemented by IDRA through the USAID and South East Europe Municipal Training Program. Vlore RDA was local consultant and project coordinator
Activities: The main purpose of the Project was to helped municipal officials and NGO representatives to understand the role of the Vlore Municipality in local economic development by:
• focusing on understanding the conditions of the city;
• developing partnerships among stakeholders in the community; and,
• Involving citizens in economic development issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ylldize Brahim
Contact (2) Full Name
Ermal Xhelili

Research Report "The Journey of the Anna Lindh Foundation in Albania 2008 - 2022"

Research Cover

"The Journey of the Anna Lindh Foundation in Albania" is now published! 

This Report is the result of the research that was conducted during February - March 2022 by the Albanian Media Institute, the Head of the Network in Albania.

The report is based on data gathered via 30 questionnaires and 12 in-depth interviews, including interviews with Mr. Besnik Mustafaj former Minister of Foreign Affairs and the previous Head of Network Coordinator with the Albanian Forum for the Alliance of civilizations;  Ms. Admira Jorgji, Director of Europe, at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs; as well as interviews with members of the Albanian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation.

The research is insightful and sheds light on the evolution of the Albanian Network over time. Most importantly, it highlights that members still believe in the importance of strengthening the Network in Albania, as it generates new opportunities, enhances cooperation and promotes dialogue across the Mediterranean. 

The research was supported financially by the Anna Lindh Foundation under the Global Price Contract. 

RT (Radio Tirana)

National Network

Rruga: "Ismail Qemali", Nr.11

+355 04 222 84 44
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Director of RT 3 Directors of Programs 1 Director of Production 1 Artistic Director Member of staff: 160 Budgetary Resources: Tax/Publicity/Rent/State Budget

Mission and Objectives

Mission: To inform, educate and entertain the Albanian public, serving the nation and all the groups of society including minority groups.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Without limits: A project in cooperation with Radio Kosovo and Radio Shkupi on Regional Politics, economics, cultural exchange etc... 2. how to use energy. A radio project involving different European radios for sensationalizing the listener on the use and the saving of energy. 3. I live in the Balkan: European Project and cooperation on the nations of the Balkan. 4. An exchange and cooperation between RT & DW. 5. RT & EBU exchange and cooperation. 6. Toward Tomorrow: A cooperation with different European Radios on the future of a Global World. 7. Mythic Ports. A program on the mythic ports of the Mediterranean since the ancient times. 8. And many others project and activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zamira Koleci
Head of the organisation
Zamira Koleci
Contact (2) Full Name
Englantina Tafa

Science and Innovation for Development Center

National Network

Address: Rr. Muhamet Gjollesha, Ap.9, Last floor, Tirana

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

SCiDEV is a Tirana-based think tank that works to contribute to sustainable social and economic development and democratization, primarily through policy and action-oriented research that can inform decision-making processes, influence policy development, and drive advocacy efforts. To achieve its mission, SCiDEV collaborates with academia, civil society, media, private and public institutions in several key areas. SCiDEV works to strengthen innovation and scientific research, advocate for evidence-based legal and regulatory initiatives, and undertake capacity-building activities to empower diverse communities, including youth, researchers, activists, informal groups, higher education institutions, government institutions, local CSOs, and media. Their team of highly motivated professionals and network of external collaborators with complementary competencies and expertise bring added value across these areas.

Mission and Objectives

Contribute to sustainable social and economic development and democratization, primarily through policy and action-oriented research that can inform decision-making processes, influence policy development, and drive advocacy efforts.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Cultural exchange between youth, mobility programs, empowerment and promotion of girls and women in STEM.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are committed to working in social inclusion and youth as well as intercultural dialogue and empowerment and the network offers us an opportunity to meet other partner NGOs and enhance our network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jesmina Sengla
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Blerjana Bino
Contact (2) Full Name
Irisa Veizaj
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Shpallja e rezultateve për thirrjen për organizim aktivitetesh


Instituti Shqiptar i Medias në rolin e Drejtuesit të Rrjetit të Fondacionit Anna Lindh Shqipëri, ka mbledhur dhe shqyrtuar të gjitha aplikimet e marra në kuadër të thirrjes për organizim aktivitetesh, të financuar nga Fondacioni Anna Lindh.  

Në total ka pasur 15 aplikime, prej të cilave 5 aplikantë nuk kanë qenë anëtarë të Rrjetit në momentin e aplikimit dhe si të tillë janë përjashtuar nga vlerësimi, pasi thirrja ishte ekskluzivisht për anetarët e Rrjetit.

10 aplikime të tjera kanë qenë nga anëtarë të Rrjetit të Fondacionit Anna Lindh Shqipëri. Propozimet e anëtarëve janë shqyrtuar dhe pas vlerësimit që iu është bërë, janë përzgjedhur për financim në vlerën e përcaktuar prej 250 EUR lump sum.

Aktivitetet e përzgjedhura përfshijnë fushata ndërgjegjësuese, trajnime për ngritje kapacitetesh, konkurse/debate dhe tryeza diskutimi.  Aktivitetet e propozuara i mbulojnë të gjitha fushat tematike, të thirrjes: kultura dhe dialogu ndërkulturor, media, të rinjtë, barazia gjinore, mjedisi dhe ndryshimet klimaterike.

Aktivitetet e propozuara do të zhvillohen gjatë muajve Janar-Mars, 2023. Për të parë listën e plotë të dhe statusin e financimit të aplikimeve, shiko dokumentin bashkëlidhur. 

Students in Albania gain insights on media information literacy and challenges in the digital age

Students sitting , listening to the discourse on media literacy

Students in Albania gain insights on media information literacy and challenges in the digital age

UNESCO and its partners celebrated Global MIL Week 2023 with a series of events organised in Albania to promote Media Information Literacy and journalism in classrooms.

This year marked the 13th anniversary of Global Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Week, a major occasion where stakeholders reviewed and celebrated the progress achieved towards Media and Information Literacy for All. Global MIL Week 2023 focused on digital spaces and gave the opportunity to explore paths for strengthening multilateral cooperation with digital platforms and other stakeholders.

The EU-funded project ”Building Trust in Media in South-East Europe: Support to Journalism as a Public Good” aims – amongst other things – to adopt MIL policies and integrate them into formal education to support the MIL skills of women and men, and notably youth, to think critically. Within its framework, a series of events were organised by the Albanian Media Institute (AMI), HoN Albania, in partnership with the Agency for Quality Assurance in Pre-University Education (ASCAP) and the support of the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA). 

"Global MIL week highlighted some promising action in connection with media and information literacy in the last year and how it helps to nurture trust and counter mistrust. "Think, before you click!" emphasises the importance of critical thinking, one of the key competencies of media and information literacy, and a much-needed skill in today’s environment marked by the digital revolution." - Remzi Lani, Executive Director, AMI

Click here to read full article on Global MIL Week:,Literacy%20and%20journalism%20in%20classrooms