
Non-Governmental Organization

Association Tuniso-Euro-Méditerranéenne des Jeunes (ATEMJ)

Association Tuniso-Euro-Méditerranéenne des Jeunes (ATEMJ) est un ONG qui a été récemment crée par un groupe de jeune hautement qualifié. Elle est présidée par Mr Med Issam Khemakhem, Juriste et Directeur Général d'un Bureau d'Audit et de Gouvernance. L'équipe comprend...
Non-Governmental Organization

Association Vision et Action de Charité (AVAC)

AVAC is a non-governmental organization (NGO), founded in Grombalia-Nabeul (Tunisia) right after the Tunisian revolution of January 14, 2011, by young volunteers motivated for acting and resolutely engaged in fields of sustainable development, culture and charity.
Non-Governmental Organization

association voix de sud culturelle artistque de tozeur

a cultural association Established in 2013 with its own Executive Office consists of seven members d it has more than 50 engaged and 20 volunteers The association several activities the most important one Film Festival in Tozeur And several other...
Non-Governmental Organization

ATAP«L'association Tunisienne Pour L'art De La Photographie»

أهداف الجمعية : * تكوين وعي بصري وثقافة بالصورة . * إحتضان كلّ هواة ومحترفي الصورة الفوتوغرافية قصد تكوينهم ومساعدتهم على التعريف بإبداعاتهم . *تنظيم معارض وتظاهرات فيها الصورة الفوتوغرافية تكون مرآة واقعنا الجغرافي والتاريخي والثقافي .
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation


BAC Art Center, Tunisia, is an independent non-profit cultural association, located at the BAC Art Center, Sabelet Ben Ammar, 2032, on the road of Sidi Thabet, Tunisia. Vision The BAC association aims at promoting the contemporary art and its young...
Public Institution

Centre of Arab and Mediterranean Music

- Public administrative establishment endue of civil personality and financial autonomy, non -profit organization , ] - Direction / administrative and financial under-direction / Record library under -direction / documentation service / musical animation service / research and studies services...