
Društvo Jasa - Jasa Association

National Network

Kopitarjeva 1
2000 Maribor

00386 1 52 11 262
Mobile Phone
00386 41 787 228
Mobile Phone (other)
00386 41 333 891
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
We work as volunteers, only 1 person is employed through public works fund. Annual budget is around 100.000 EUR. Sources of funding: sponsorships, donations, public funds and market sources Actions, exchanges, seminars: Yes, we perform all these activities -as described in details further on and evident in attachments. Jasa has received quite a few recognitions: for innovation in teaching techniques from Finance magazine and ASI (Slovenian Inventors’ Centre); for voluntary work a commendation from the President of the Republic and from Viva magazine; for the Grundtvig mobility in 2013 an Apple of Quality and the first prize from The Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes (CMEPIUS). Main partners involved: Ministry of School and Education, Ministry of Environment, local communities, schools and kindergartens, different business entities.                                            
Mission and Objectives

The main area of work is raising awareness and finding solutions to important social, development and environmental problems. Jasa's field of expertise is in information dissemination and two-way communication through narrative literature, strengthened by high artistic illustration. Jasa cooperates with the most established Slovenian experts in the field of education, writing and art of painting. The transfer media, which Jasa uses for raising knowledge and awareness, is high quality art book.
Jasa is cooperating with more than 500 Slovenian companies, more than 100 Slovenian municipalities, with most important Slovenian Ministries and development institutions as well as with all Slovenian primary schools (451), all kindergartens (402) and high schools (183)– in the last project more than 7700 pupils were involved. These strong national contacts make Jasa not only a reliable partner for achieving high project results, but also guarantee a wide dissemination effect from a low to the top level. Jasa has also cooperated in specific international projects with Croatia, Serbia, Monte Negro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy and Austria through various projects, financed mainly from the National Ministry’s funds.

Main Projects / Activities

List of implemented projects:
- Company and Life, project focusing on ethically acceptable behaviour of SMEs
- Soul of Slovenia, project focusing on Slovenian culture and intangible heritage
- Where do you go, Europe? – project focusing on European values
- Being Human is our Job – project  focusing on the main moral values that every citizen should have      
- Earth has a Heart – project for children about protecting the environment
- Children and Fashion – project on children’s fashion, how it should be understood
- You are my Heart – project for children on human values, respect for others, moral values
List of the most important books:
-  CHILDREN AND FASHION (helps children to properly understand what to wear and to resist the   
   consumerism’s logic -
-  CLOTHING AND FASHION (the culture of dressing for adults; it accentuates the importance of
    aesthetics and functional features of how to dress, at the same time it exposes the manipulative
    purpose of fashion -
-   FREEDOM AT THE EXAM (Is my freedom restricted? Is it limited by your freedom? The book also
    contains a Declaration of Children’s Rights -
-  THE STORY OF THE BOOK (wisdom for children; proven to strengthen reading habits -
-  EARTH HAS A HEART (a bookguide of ecology for all generations; created by literati and photo
   artists, children and ecology experts -
-  GENTLE HEART (a dramatic story about a girl Neža who is fair and responsible; she is constantly 
   knocking on the conscience of classmates and adults and is gradually changing them - this
   suggests the possibility of changing the world -
-  SOUL OF SLOVENIA (beautiful features of the Slovenian nation through literary works of the best
   writers: from Primož Trubar and other literary giants as Prešeren, Cankar, Kocbek, Gregorčič,
   Kosovel … to a contemporary women-poet Maja Vidmar – and thirty living art painters. The book
   is truly a personal card of Slovenia's soul. It is also translated to English by expert literary
   translators  -

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Jasa Association's efforts:  helping to overcome the stereotypes and misunderstandings in social relations throughout all our regions in the country, building intercultural dialogue and respect of differences. Our main contribute could be preparing a unique multi-lingual book and introducing it through reading activities to the people of Mediterranean.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our reason to become a member of ALF is to actively inter-connect with a web of equal-thinking people to achieve better and more effective cooperation, to be involved in exchange of good practice and in mutual applications for suitable open tenders.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mateja Jamnik
Job Title
President of the Association
Head of the organisation
Mateja Jamnik, M.Sc.

Društvo Jaz Sem Otrok Vesolja

National Network

Trubarjeva 13

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
For the time being we don't have any employees, work is carried out on the voluntary basis of the representative of the association called I'm child of Universe. We do not have for the time being any available budget for year 2010, cause we have been established association in the beginning of September 2010. We plan to fund our activities and volunteers from the funds which are offered from Republic of Slovenia and EU funds. For the time being we do not have yet partners.
Mission and Objectives

To rise awareness among people in the field of environment and sustainable development, social tolerance and equality among people, sharing cultural similarities and differences among people.

Main Projects / Activities

Rising awareness among people in the field of environment and sustainable development by organizing workshops, working camps and other events where we can share experiences of good practice with people.
Rising social awareness and social tolerance and equality among people by organizing different social and cultural events where we share experiences of good practice with people. Events which we would organize: cultural festivals with social topics, Migrant film festivals.
Cultural festivals where we would present cultural and social similarities among different nations, ethnic groups as well as differences which should be seen as enrichment of social and cultural diversity of life in place where they live.

Contact (1) Full Name
Medea Meden

Društvo kreativnih ljudi Loesje

National Network

Rožna dolina, Cesta 9/45c

+386 64 189 182
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Loesje is an association registered in Slovenia, but also part of the international network of Loesje organisations globally. We have about 50 active members. We have our resources from public calls, sponsorship and purchasing our products and programs.
Mission and Objectives

Loesje is encouraging creative approach in thinking and active citizenship. We do taht through workshops and campaings with slogans and other means.

Main Projects / Activities

We have regular workshops of creative writing around Slovenia. We organize exhibitions and campaigns with our creative approach. Regularly we cooperate with other organisations among Loesje family globally.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will share our contacts and knowledge and take active part in all activities among Slovenian network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have many new contacts in the Euromed region and we want to develop our presence in the MENA region. We have good practices in our work which can help to bring differences in the new Arab world closer to people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dejan Klasinc
Head of the organisation
Dejan Klasinc

Društvo Mladi zeleni slovenije

National Network

Gregorčičeva 19, Maribor.

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Founded in 1997 in Maribor, we started working for better environment. We get founds from memberhip fees, sponsors and office for youth in Slovenia. Our main projecst: Campaign against AIDS - 1. December Campaign for better food - 16. October Campaign for better environment - 5. June Campaign against climate changes - 15. May World day care for animals - 4. October World day of Earth - 22. April World day of water - 22. march
Mission and Objectives

- Education about environment - Care for environment - Intercultural dialogue and cooperation

Main Projects / Activities

We organise meny projects on special days, which care about environment. We also prepare some campaigns. We want to give a society a huge watning about or future on this planet.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to be more active on the field of international cooperation, we want bo cooperate in Euro-Mediterranean place.

Contact (1) Full Name
Damjan ljubec
Head of the organisation
Damjan ljubec

Društvo mladih iz manj razvitih regij Slovenije

National Network

Bunčani 49, 9241 Veržej.

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
We have more than 200 members from all regions in Slovenia, aged between 15 - 29 years. We get founds mostly from sponsorships, membership fees and we are volounters. We organise mostly educational projects for youth from bad developed regions and places in Slovenia, as also, we are very active on the field of fair regional development.
Mission and Objectives

We want to promote democracy and better regional development of Slovenia in future.

Main Projects / Activities

- Summer camp in Metlika and Ptuj
- Motivational and educational projects
- Youth in action programme

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to meet new people and partners for our project, as also new knowledge.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to meet new people and partners for our project, as also new knowledge.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dominik Štrakl
Head of the organisation
Dominik Štrakl

drustvo plesni center Samba

National Network

Igriska ulica 19a
drustvo plesni center samba
2000 Maribor

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Dancing klub , sport club, cultural club
Mission and Objectives

Education and training of youth and others of beaty of dancing.

Main Projects / Activities

Dance workshops, promotion of art, particularly dance, as tool for empowerment and integration, sport club , cultural club, youth events.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our more than 10 years of experineces organizing dance and other cultural events. Active participoation in all activities of Slovenian network and of Foundation in general.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand our network, share good practices dance as a tool for integration and social empowerment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Donald Keranovic
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Donald Keranovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Donald Keranovic

Društvo prijateljev glasbe (The Friends of Music Association)

National Network

Gallusova 2
6000 Koper

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Friends of Music Association (DPG) is a concert agency that organises classical music concert seasons in Koper and surroundings. In collaboration with the Koper music school it organizes also other musical events such as masterclasses, workshops, seminars, summer music schools for young musicians. DPG was established in 1963 and still is the most important organizer of concert activities in the Obalno-kraška region. Although it has no employees and has very low fundings (from local Municipalities, Ministry of culture, sponsors), DPG active members are highly qualified and manage to organize events at professional level with internationally acclaimed musicians.
Mission and Objectives

By organizing and producing events of high quality with an appropriate presentation, our mission is to break the stereotypes and mitigate the apprehensiveness towards artistic events with classical music, as it is an important part of our rich and common heritage. We believe we should be touched by Music, for which it is not necessary to be musical experts. Our events try to offer more than quality in the performance; there is a meaningful content beyond the music, that enriches the soul and might allow shifts in human consciousness.

Main Projects / Activities

The mail DPG activity is to organize the concert cycles "Amabile" and "Vivace". Beside this the association activities include the coproduction of the International Biennial of Contemporary Music Koper and the organization or coproduction of seminars, workshops or master classes for young musicians. The newest project, which will be extended into a summer festival "Musical rests", will include thematic artistic events featuring various arts, science and cuisine in order to join high level culture with relaxing presentation to show the audience the beauty, values and importance of our common cultural property.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have the know-how with a lot of experiencess in the field of organizing music events. We are open to collaborations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to share our ideas with related and open-minded organizations in order to realize them together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Helena Filipčič Gardina
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Helena Filipčič Gardina
Contact (2) Full Name
Borut Novaković

Društvo prijateljev mladine Izola

National Network

Gregorčičeva 21

+386 40385529
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
There are three people currently employed in our organisation. We have 9 board members and the president, who runs the Društvo. We are 70% founded by Občina Izola, this year this means 59.195,46 EUR, the rest we have to get ourselves by fundraising etc. We have everyday program for children, which includes free workshops, free help for children with learning disabilities, holiday day care center, street work. Our main partner is Občina Izola.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to provide a safe and secure place for children and youth to come to, to help them to get the education, to provide different ways to spend their free time and to help families with financial difficulties to still be able to afford their children the best they can

Main Projects / Activities

- holiday day centre
- free tutoring
- free workshops
- children parliament

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To get in the contact with similar organisations around the world and to get a chance to apply for the founding.

Contact (1) Full Name
Barbara Bračanov
Head of the organisation
Ana Jamnik

Društvo stezosledcev / Pathfinder Club Slovenia

National Network

Njegoševa 15
1000 Ljubljana

00386 41 476 910
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Društvo stezosledcev / Pathfinder Club Slovenia is a national organisation of pathfinders in Slovenia. It is a part of many networks with aim to futher connect to organisations and individuals in achieving common goals. Društvo stezosledcev / Pathfinder Club Slovenia is a youth organisation, with local clubs in many Slovenian cities that provides activities for children in youth in varios fields with aim to provide opportunities for the development of new attitudes and skills that produce personal growth, team and community spirit, involvement of local community (intergenerational cooperation). It was officially registered in 2003, although activities were implemented for decades prior to formal registration.
Mission and Objectives

The Pathfinder Club is centered in the physical-mental-spiritual tripod, which develops activities to meet the needs and interests of children and adolescents. Much of the Pathfinder Club program is built around physical activities. According to the philosophy of the club activities involving action, adventure, challenge and group activities provide opportunities for the development of new attitudes and skills that produce personal growth, team and community spirit, which yet according to philosophy of the program, part of the tripod of citizenship and loyalty that preaches respect for God, His creation, and His church.
While the Pathfinder Club exists primarily for the youth, one of its primary purposes is to also meet parents and local community through an active involvement with the club. The purpose of this involvement is correct (or suppress) the gap between generations approaching youth and adults to work and have fun together in a bond of common experience.
The whole philosophy Pathfinder is built on the premise that juveniles and children learn best by example, instead of the precepts. The way they see the leaders and parental values is used as a spiritual and social role model. With this is expected to develop high moral principles, attitudes of love, care and determination, these startling in all the activities. The educational philosophy of the club, also emphasized that youth learn more effectively in a positive, happy and secure atmosphere.

Main Projects / Activities

- regular meetings of local clubs in different cities in Slovenia
- international cooperations
- trainings for youth on national and international level
- at least two summer camps (children and youth) yearly
- regular meetings of youth workers, leaders of local clubs
- community involvement
- organisation and participation in sport, culture, arts, health programmes and activties on local, national and international level
- Non-formal education of youth in local area
- global education / intercultural education workshops for youth workers and children, youth
- awareness raising events
- humanitarian actions
- sustainable developlopment goals - raising awareness, promoting, activities on personal, local and national level

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pathfinder Club Slovenia is keen to be a part of the ALF Network, with aim to find synergies with other members, especially those who work in the field of youth, global education, intercultural citizenship education, arts, culture ...
Being a part of established and renowed network such as ALF will enable us to futher connect with other organisations from the region. As a youth organisation we also want so connect to similar organisations in order to implement joined activites. This way we can work together to achieve Sustainable Development Goals.
And lastly, it would show our children and youth a practical way of how we can work and connect with organisations in the region to jointly persue common goals.
Pathfinder Club Slovenia wants to be part of the ALF network with the aim of finding synergies with other members, especially those working in the field of youth, global education, intercultural civic education, arts, culture ...
As part of an established and renamed network, such as the ALF, we can continue to connect with other organizations in the region. As a youth organization, we also want to connect with similar organizations in order to carry out joint activities. In this way we can work together to achieve the goals of sustainable development.
Finally, we would show our children and adolescents a practial way of how we can work and connect with organizations in the region to follow together our common goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nataša Kostanjevec
Head of the organisation
Andrej Zelenko

Drustvo za ekoloske in prostocasne dejavnosti ZOJA

National Network

Ilceva ulica 17
2250 Ptuj

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Drustvo za ekoloske in prostocasne dejavnosti ZOJA in non governmental and non for profit organization from town Ptuj in Slovenia. We are structured according to the law for NGOs. Since 2009 we always have one or two regular employed persons. Other members work as volunteers. Our yearly budget started with several hudreds EUR at the beginning to max budget around 200.000 EUR. The main sources of fudings are local and international funds. Part of the budget represent commercial srvices. Our actions consist of educational, promotional and awarenss raising activities, where we use differenet kinds of non formal education methods. Among others we organize activities like study visits, seminars, conferences, youth exchanges, job shadowings ... At our work we cooperate with different partners and stakeholders. Partners are usually other NGOs, stakeholders come from different sectors like industry, R&D, educational insitutions, public utilities etc.

Mission and Objectives

Association ZOJA is a non-profit and non-governmental organization, established in 2005. Our first projects and activities were focused on the environmental issues. Later we spread our activities to a wider aspect of the sustainable development. We believe that the sustainable solutions are those which contain aspects from all three main pillars of the sustainable development. Environmental, economic and social aspects. Therefor we also started to carry out project also on other topics than environment.
After more than ten years of regular work and appearance at the international level, we gained also experiences in field of development and capacity building of NGOs as well as in the area of supporting entrepreneurship and developing business ideas.
With our international work we accepted intercultural learning and intercultural dialog as something usual.

Main Projects / Activities

As mentioned, our main financial sources come from successful applications for grants. Among our grant donnors are institutions like Us Embassy, Norway and EEA grants, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Ministry of Agriculture, EACEA, Movit (Slovenian NA for Erasmus), EuropeAid, local Municipalities and others.
We work at local, national and innternational level. By now we worked or participated in projects and educational activities in fifteen countries of Euro-Mediterranean region. Among them in eight Mediterranean countries. till now we also managed international projects in four different continents. In Europe, Asia, Africa nad South America.
Implemented projects are mainly related to sustainable development topics, capacity building and entrepreneurship and employment of young people. With our Lebanese partner we also implemented two projects related to refugees thematic.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to our national network in different ways. One of them is sharing our knowledge and experiences in sustainable development topics, especially in the environmental topics. For sure we can join to common activities organized by network memebers, we can share good practice cases among ALF network as well as we can shere ALF good practice cases among out established international network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that joining ALF Network can improve our work, we can expand our activities, find new partners and we can also contribteto ALF with our knowledge and experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miran Kojc
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Miran Kojc