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Türkiye’de Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarında İletişim: Kadın Hakları Odaklı STK’ların İletişim Düzeyi Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Kadın Hakları Odaklı STK’ların İletişim Düzeyi Üzerine Bir Araştırma
Filiz Balta Peltekoğlu , Kübra Karapınar Eyve
Gurkan Akcaer

In today's world where communication is accelerating and communication channels are diversifying every day, conducting effective communication activities has become both an opportunity and a necessity for organizations. With the aim of establishing long-term relationships based on trust with stakeholders, organizations can effectively utilize the internet and its opportunities. While these platforms provide organizations with the opportunity to communicate their missions, visions, policies, and services to the public, the public can also convey their demands, complaints, requests, and expectations to organizations. Especially non-governmantel organizations engaged in close relations with the public should adopt a current, dynamic, and transparent communication strategy for effective and efficient communication. In this context, it is necessary for organizations to have corporate websites that meet users' information requests, facilitate donation and support processes, and most importantly, encourage interaction. This study examines the websites of non-governmantel organizations focused on women's rights operating in Turkey. The dialogic communication criteria developed by Kent and Taylor (1998) provide the fundamental criteria used in the analysis of websites. These criteria form the basis of studies analyzing organizations' websites. In this context, the analysis method used in the study is based on the dialogic communication criteria identified by Kent and Taylor, aiming to examine how these criteria are applied on the websites of civil society organizations.

