National Network

Viale B. Rizzo G. & S. Asta 10
91100 Trapani TP

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

TNTEG, non-profit NGO registered on September 24, 2021,recognised as an APS (“Association for Social Development”) on July 4, 2022, began in 2014 with the Trailblazers, a group of Erasmus students promoting internationalisation in Trapani, Sicily. TNTEG evolved through experiences in the European Solidarity Corps (ESC), managing numerous Erasmus+ projects since 2021, including the first KA153 “Mobility for Youth Workers” in Trapani. TNTEG stands for Development through Empowerment, Heritage, and a Vision for the Future, focusing on formal and non-formal education. With a Sicilian and Mediterranean emphasis, the organisation fosters intercultural dialogue, celebrates historical heritage, and connects local communities with global opportunities. Growing from seven founders to around 70 members, TNTEG collaborates with associations, educational centres, municipalities, and companies, making a significant impact locally and internationally. The main financing comes from memberships. So far around 500-1000 Euros available (when not counting the resources from projects)

Mission and Objectives

(extracts from the Constitutive Act) (Principles) We are guided by the idea of unity in diversity and diversity in the unity, because the different backgrounds do not stop from sharing common aims and goals, thanks to a passionate commitment of ourselves in activities for the benefit of everybody. In this way we can responsibly contribute to the positive transformation of the communities, locally and globally, investing energies and resources to set up high-quality activities. (Vision) We share a holistic vision of lifelong learning, “from cradle to grave”, where learning is not limited to formal education: it also integrates non-formal/informal methods of learning which aim to strengthen the capacity, the independence and develop the personality… (Goals) We want to promote the present and the future generations: socially, culturally, educationally, sportively, and economically: … Our main focus is Sicily as a centre of the Mediterranean Sea and its people: ideal place of junction between the melting pot of European and Mediterranean cultures, already synthesised, in the past, in the peculiar Sicilian Culture; which we commit ourselves to: keep, promote, resurrect again and progress; that for all the generation of the past, the present and the future. (How) Cooperating and supporting: organisations, centres, and companies, etc.; that see value in having international, multicultural and multilingual teams working together; enhancing international exchange, mobility for learning and formation; the different typology of education, the consciousness and the cooperation. Organising and supporting: innovative and learning experiences, courses, seminars, conferences, camps, workshops, cultural, artistic, sportives, recreational, educative events, with formal methods-based activities or in the sphere of education non-formal/informal; informing the people, especially the youngsters, of opportunities in the educational, cultural and social fields; promoting European and international projects; All of this making meaningful contributions to society and showing solidarity, cooperation, mutual understanding and ecology.

Main Projects / Activities

The team can count on a very strong heritage, also locally speaking, since most of it has been since long dedicated to development and promotion, locally and abroad, of: international connection, social development and cultural preservation, etc. and in the field of: education, training, information services, international cooperation, etc. Examples of that are: In 2015 the collaboration to make the first video ever made about Erasmus opportunity in Trapani: "ERASMUS TRAPANI? WHY NOT?!"; In the same year, the webradio programme: The Trailblazers - Generazione Erasmus; In 2017 the collaboration to make a new promo video about Erasmus: "Erasmus Trapani - Just Immagination?"; In 2019 the conference: “Il continente delle opportunità” (“The continent of opportunities”) to promote international mobility for the first time in Trapani at the local University, involving highschools of all the Province of Trapani; In the same year, the activities to create the Erasmus Student Network Candidate Section of Trapani; Etc. Therefore the team constantly contributes to the development of international mobility providing consultancy and assistance to many institutions and organisations, as well as, through them, to local and international people. Examples of these collaborations are with/for: University of Palermo: conferences, consulting, promotion, hosting and recreational assistance for international students, project assistance: Erasmus+ for studying; Kandinskij Academy of Fine Arts: conferences, consulting, promotion, hosting and recreational assistance for international students: project assistance: Erasmus+ for studying and Youth Exchange; Conservatorio di Musica di Trapani: promotion, hosting and recreational assistance for international students, consulting, project assistance: Erasmus+ for studying; Consorzio Universitario della Provincia di Trapani - Laboratory of marine biology: hosting and recreational assistance for international trainees, project assistance: Erasmus+ for traineeship; ARCES - Collegio Universitario di Merito: promotion, project assistance: Erasmus Plus KA1 Istruzione Superiore Mobilità di studenti universitari per traineeship Project n. 2019-1-IT02-KA103-061263: S.MO.C.STUDENT MOBILITY CONSORTIUM; ASSOCIAZIONE V ATENEO - UNIVERSITÀ' del MEDITERRANEO: promotion; Association Strauss (Aps): promotion, networking; SEND Mobility Consortium: conferences, promotion, project assistance: Erasmus+ KA.103 Mobillità degli Individui_Higher Education, Project: n. 2018-1-IT02-KA103-047795: “Universities for Eu projects'' II Ed.; Association SEND (Associazione di Promozione Sociale, Agenzia per il Lavoro e la Mobilità Internazionale): conferences, promotion, project assistance: ERASMUS PLUS KA1 Istruzione Superiore Mobilità degli studenti per traineeship, Project n. 2017-1-IT02-KA103-035677: “Universities for Eu projects'' III Ed. Association New Horizon (Aps): promotion, networking and project assistance: Erasmus+ KA1 2019 , Project n. Project n. 2018-3-LT02-KA105-006072: “BYOB- Be Your Own Boss”; Municipalities of: Trapani, Erice, Marsala: consulting, promotion, project assistance: scholarship for students of the territory to facilitate international outgoing mobility; GaragErasmus Foundation: promotion; Erasmus Student Network Palermo: promotion; Erasmus Student Network Italia: promotion; Etc. More recently: High school Liceo Scientifico “ Vincenzo Fardella ” Liceo Classico “ Leonardo Ximenes ”: conferences, promotion, collaboration for projects: Youth Exchange, Small-scale partnerships in adult education; Kore University of Enna: collaboration for projects: Youth Exchange, Small-scale partnerships in adult education. Etc Since 2021, TNTEG has successfully managed two KA210 projects (Youth and Adult Education), four KA152 projects, and four KA153 projects. Notably, they hosted the first KA153 “Mobility for Youth Workers” in the entire Province of Trapani. Members of the team took part for the organisation (NOT OFFICIAL PARTNER!) 2020-2-PT02-KA105-006990 - Seminar: Good Practices On Youth; Global Ecovillage Network of Europe e.V, & “Yes to Sustainability Network” (results of a Strategic Partnership funded by the German National Agency) - Online course: Create your Sustainability Youth Exchange - (CYSYE); 2020-1-PL01-KA105-080989 - Mobility of youth workers: See me Through; SALTO-YOUTH: International Project Challenge, Partnership-building Activity; SALTO-YOUTH: More than thoughts - Youthpass workshops for trainers #II: Tools for engaging reflection moments: Workshop 3: Tools for meaningful online learning in training. 2022-1-IT03-KA153-YOU-000066771 - Mobility of youth workers: Culturize your project: euromed youth work - CYP; 2022-1-PL01-KA153-YOU-000053661 - Mobility of youth workers: Smart youth for smart cities; 2021-2-FR02-KA153-YOU-000039386 - Mobility of youth workers: Yes to Sustainability - Creating youth exchanges; As partner organisation (OFFICIAL PARTNER): 2021-2-TR01-KA210-ADU-000050028 - Small-scale partnerships in adult education: Learning in difficult times - LEAD; KA210-YOU-DBEB02D7 - Partenariats simplifiés dans la jeunesse: Youth cooperation heritage and environment - YCHE: KA150-4B0E580E - Échange De Jeunes: Youth cooperation heritage and environment - YCHE. 2022-1-DE04-KA153-YOU-000057795 - Mobility of youth workers: Do_cument it Yourself - DIY; 2022-1-LV02-KA152-YOU-000067043 - Mobility of young people: From city back to Farm - FCTF; 2023-1-SI02-KA153-YOU-000143856 - Mobility of youth workers: Just Listen; 2023-1-CZ01-KA152-YOU-000118265 - Mobility of young people: Body & Mind; 2023-1-ES02-KA152-YOU-000131980 - Mobility of young people: DigiLab; 2023-1-CZ01-KA152-YOU-000118214 - Mobility of young people: Seeing Beyond; 2023-3-PL01-KA153-YOU-000184046 - Mobility of youth workers: QUEST-ON. As Project Coordinator: 2023-1-IT03-KA153-YOU-000145992 - Mobility of youth workers: Li Social Filmaturi / The Social Directors - LISOFI; More to come!

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organisation, TNTEG, is uniquely positioned to make significant contributions to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network, as located in Sicily and due to our deep commitment to promoting intercultural dialogue and regional cooperation in the Mediterranean area. Moreover, in consideration of our experience, we can contribute: Enhancing Intercultural Dialogue: TNTEG has a strong track record of fostering connections and dialogue within the Mediterranean region. Since our founding in 2014, we have worked to bridge cultural gaps through various Erasmus+ projects and local initiatives. Our experience managing projects like KA210, KA152, and KA153, including the first KA153 “Mobility for Youth Workers” in Trapani, demonstrates our capability in facilitating intercultural exchange and professional development. By joining the ALF Network, we can leverage this experience to further enhance dialogue and cooperation within Italy and across the Mediterranean. Building Cross-Border Partnerships: We have faced challenges in extending our reach beyond Europe due to a lack of trusted connections outside the European framework. As an organisation that aims to connect local communities with international opportunities, joining the ALF Network will enable us to build valuable partnerships with non-European Mediterranean countries. This will help us address the historical and cultural barriers that have limited cross-border engagement and foster more inclusive and diverse collaborations. Promoting Education and Heritage: Our mission emphasises development through empowerment, heritage, and education. We are dedicated to preserving and celebrating cultural heritage while promoting educational initiatives that contribute to personal and professional growth. By participating in the ALF Network, we can contribute to educational programs and projects that align with the Foundation’s goals, ensuring that both formal and non-formal education initiatives receive the support they need to thrive. Addressing Historical and Cultural Disconnects: Sicily, our base, is a region that exemplifies the paradox of being geographically close to North Africa yet culturally distant. We aim to overcome these historical and cultural disconnects by fostering greater understanding and collaboration across the Mediterranean. The ALF Network provides a platform to address these issues and work towards bridging cultural gaps, making us well-suited to contribute meaningfully to this goal. Expanding the Network’s Reach: Our organisation’s growth from its founding group to around 70 members, including associations, educational centres, municipalities, and companies, reflects our ability to mobilise and engage diverse stakeholders. By joining the ALF Network, we can help expand its reach and impact within, creating new opportunities for collaboration and dialogue at both local and regional levels. In summary, TNTEG’s dedication to intercultural dialogue, educational empowerment, and regional cooperation aligns closely with the Anna Lindh Foundation’s objectives. We believe that by joining the ALF Network, we can contribute to fostering greater unity and understanding across the Mediterranean, leveraging our experience and resources to benefit the broader community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are eager to join the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network because our organisation’s mission of fostering connections and intercultural dialogue across the Mediterranean aligns seamlessly with the Foundation's objectives: it is deeply embedded in our organisation’s identity. Our efforts are constrained by the lack of trusted connections outside Europe, which effectively limits us from achieving at least 60% of our goals. While Europe, through projects like Erasmus, has provided substantial support, the resources and opportunities we can access are managed predominantly within a European framework. This creates challenges for us when trying to engage in meaningful actions at the broader Mediterranean level, despite the existence of Euro-Med policies. Intercultural dialogue within the Mediterranean area is severely limited by historical divisions and a lack of mutual understanding, which have persisted for centuries. There is a specific paradox in Sicily, where despite our geographical proximity to Tunisia and, by extension, Africa, there is a significant cultural disconnection. We lack even basic knowledge of the Arabic language, illustrating how close we are geographically yet how distant we remain culturally. The Mediterranean Sea, which should serve as a 'sea between the lands' and a connector of cultures, has instead become a barrier—more formidable than any political boundary, contributing to this disconnect. This is a lost opportunity in time that we believe must be corrected. We believe that joining the ALF Network would be transformative for our organisation and for the communities we serve, facilitating genuine intercultural dialogue and collaboration through its trusted network. We would like to gain access to valuable partnerships with non-European Mediterranean countries, enabling us to develop and implement projects that truly reflect the diverse cultural landscape of the region. This would not only enhance our organisational capabilities but also create new opportunities for a broader audience that can greatly benefit from increased cooperation and understanding across the Mediterranean. We are confident that our commitment to fostering intercultural dialogue, combined with the unique perspective we bring from Sicily—an island at the crossroads of Europe and Africa—would make us a valuable addition to the ALF Network. Our deep-rooted passion for reconnecting the Mediterranean through education, heritage, and cooperation drives our desire to contribute actively to the Foundation’s mission. We believe that, together with the ALF Network, we can overcome the historical and geographical barriers that have divided the Mediterranean and work towards a future of greater unity and understanding. Therefore, we respectfully ask for the opportunity to join the Anna Lindh Foundation Network, so we can fully realise our mission and contribute to the shared goals of the Mediterranean region.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Federico Maria CHIARELLO
Job Title
LEAR, President, Project Director
Head of the organisation
Federico Maria Chiarello
Name of Organisation