Science League

National Network

P.O. Box: 2208 Sweileh 11910
Amman 11910

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Science League was previously under the name of the Scientific Culture Society. The Organization is run by a Board of Directors: 5 members. - Each project is held by Project Manager who reports to the Chairman of the Board of Directors: 6 Project Managers. - Funding is through private donations or project-based-funding from international organizations. - Although the organization does give seminars, our main focus on concrete projects mainly focusing on public schools and are generally long term. - Partners and affiliates: American Councils for International Education, International Youth Foundation, Amideast, (Full list available in attachment).
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission Improve science education in Jordan, and raise awareness of the importance of science’s role in addressing national challenges, and foster social and cultural growth through scientific understanding.
The Society’s Objectives are:
- Introduce society to the scientific method and scientific achievements
- Achieve social development through science based projects
- Communicate scientific theories and knowledge to society in a simple, fun and interactive manner - Encourage scientific research and scientific writing in Arabic
- Conduct scientific studies and surveys

Main Projects / Activities

Fun Science "حك راسك" : The aim of the Fun Science program “حك راسك” is to provide an interactive and fun environment for kids to explore scientific concept and develop their understanding of the world and the scientific method. The Portable Lab project: works to provide a science kit to these schools with the basic science equipment a teacher needs to communicate his ideas effectively. This kit will be accompanied with a month-long workshop for teachers that provide them with creative teaching method and training on use of the kit.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are able to provide non-financial support through other networks as well as provide experts and specialized training in educational methods, project management and proposal writing. We are also very interested in creating new collaborations and work with other organizations and initiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The AFL Network would help provide new resources and connections needed for the expansion of the organization and would help in creating new collaborations for future projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hamza Arsbi
Head of the organisation
Hamza Arsbi