
Stichtin Amazigh

National Network

Javakade 602
1019 SE


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Foundation Amazigh was established in 1998 by theatre director Chaib Massaoudi with the aim to produce theatre and organise exchanges between Morocco /North Africa and Europe. The foundation depends on funds and other contributions per production. Chaib Massaoudi has directed a number of theatre plays in the Netherlands, Spain and has received several awards in Morocco at Amazigh art festivals for his plays. His latest theatre project was a collaboration with a foundation based in Spain, led by Moroccan immigrants. His work is dedicated to the development of culture in the Northern part of Morocco, the so called Rif area. In the Netherlands, his plays are staged at festivals and events in theatres. The Foundation Amazigh also collaborates with socio-cultural Moroccon / Dutch organisations in the Netherlands. As an individual artist, Chaib Massaoudi also is an actor and has played various roles in films and theatre plays. He is also the organiser of debates about issues like the Moroccan law the Muduwana, cultural heritage projects like the Mestassa project he scouted for the Prince Claus Fund and debates about Amazigh culture and arts, like the lecture of Prince Claus Fund laureate Mohamed Chafik in 2003. He is the founder of theatre groups in several cities in North Morocco.
Mission and Objectives

Theatre production and cultural exchange; development of culture in the Northern part of Morocco, the so called Rif area; create positive exchange through culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Theatre plays
His latest theatre project was a collaboration with a foundation based in Spain, led by Moroccan immigrants. His work is dedicated to the development of culture in the Northern part of Morocco, the so called Rif area. In the Netherlands, his plays are staged at festivals and events in theatres. The Foundation Amazigh also collaborates with socio-cultural Moroccon / Dutch organisations in the Netherlands.
As an individual artist, Chaib Massaoudi also is an actor and has played various roles in films and theatre plays. He is also the organiser of debates about issues like the Moroccan law the Muduwana, cultural heritage projects like the Mestassa project he scouted for the Prince Claus Fund and debates about Amazigh culture and arts, like the lecture of Prince Claus Fund laureate Mohamed Chafik in 2003. He is the founder of theatre groups in several cities in North Morocco.

Contact (1) Full Name
Chaib Massaoudi
Head of the organisation
Chaib Massaoudi

Stichting AIESEC International - Dutch

National Network

126 Teilgerstraat, 3032 AW

+31 10 443 4382
Telephone (other)
+ 31 10 443 4374
+31 10 265 1386
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 31 65 214 6343
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 31 61 005 3914
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. AIESEC International employs 22 Management Board members and one administrative manager. AIESEC International is responsible for the management and development of the Association on behalf of the Global Plenary. The Global Plenary consists of the Presidents of all Member Committees and has all powers for the performance and execution of the purposes of the foundation. AIESEC International is accountable towards the Global Plenary and to the Supervisory Group. 2. 1.143.472 Euro 3. Member countries’ fees 355.073 Euro Funding from International Organisations 55.063 Euro Funding from private sector 661720 Euro Other 71616 Euro 4. Exchange, Leadership experiences, Conferences and seminars, Learning Networks, Regional projects 5. ABN Amro, UBS, DPWN (DHL), Holcim, ING, Alcatel, EU DG EAC, UNESCO
Mission and Objectives

Vision - “Peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential”.
Role - Our international platform enables young people to discover and develop
their potential to provide leadership for a positive impact on society.
AIESEC is a global, non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by
students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Its members are
interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not
discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion,
national, ethnic or social origin.
AIESEC’s core-work is to provide its members with an integrated development
experience comprised of leadership opportunities, international internships and
participation in a global learning environment.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ildiko Kostyak
Head of the organisation
Edyson David Dos Santos Games
Contact (2) Full Name
Petroula Karagianni

Stichting Arab Film Festival (Foundation Arab Film Festival)

National Network

Postbus 218
3000 AE Rotterdam

010 244 48 15
Telephone (other)
010 225 09 52
010 476 99 15
Mobile Phone
06 22 800 825
Mobile Phone (other)
06 14 233 013
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

1- Foundation Arab Film Festival has a board of 3 members and a staff of 25 workers (3 full time, and 22 freelancers) and around 50 volunteers. 2- The AFF budget is € 250.000, a year. 3- The main sources of funding are governmental organisations and Dutch cultural funds 4- The AFF organise film festivals, seminars, workshops and debates. 5- The main partners of the AFF are: Municipality of Rotterdam, VSB funds, Doen Foundation, Thuis Kopie Funds, and The Euro med of the EU

Mission and Objectives

The Arab film Festival – Rotterdam is a yearly cultural activity organized by the FAFF, the object of the festival is to support the Arab cinema and the Arab filmmakers, to promote better understanding among the Arab and European people, and to be a means for developing the art of film industry. The festival take place for 24 days during the month of June from every year, in Rotterdam and four other Dutch cities.

Main Projects / Activities

- Organisation of the yearly Rotterdam Arab Film Festival - Organisation of Caravan Euro-Arab Cinema in The Hague, Amsterdam, Utrecht, and other Dutch cities - Organisation of workshops - Organisation of debates, seminars…

Contact (1) Full Name
Khaled Chouket (Director)
Head of the organisation
Rosh Abdelfatah
Contact (2) Full Name
Wafaa Boubnad

Stichting Arab West Foundation

National Network

's-Gravenweg 400
2905LC Capelle aan den IJssel

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Organisation structure: 3 persons as an executive board, 4 persons, including our Arab World advisor, as a general board. Budget: €2000 from individuals and organisations. Modalities of action: promoting intercultural dialogue, meetings between peoples of different convictions to promote dialogue in the Middle East and the Netherlands. Main partners: Centre of Intercultural Dialogue and Translation in Cairo - Egypt for database building for dialogue and Centre for Arab-West Understanding in Cairo for intercultural student internships. 

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Encouraging intercultural dialogue in Egypt and the West. Aims: To advance the mutual understanding, in the widest sense of the word, between the Arabic World and the Western World

Main Projects / Activities

Activities: establishing and maintaining contacts in Egypt and in Europe to promote dialogue in the society and establishing a network of organisations which are willing to work with us for our aim.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In the last week of June 2024 we were elected Head of Network in the Netherlands and aim to develop projects in good consultation with all members of the network,

Contact (1) Full Name
D. van der Steen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Koen Vliegenthart
Contact (2) Full Name
Kees Hulsman
Job Title (2)
Name of Organisation
Stichting Arab West Foundation

Stichting Chi Sono

National Network

lucas gasselstraat 7A
5611 ST Eindhoven

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We are a foundation which is working on non-profit base and working with non-commercial artprojects mostly with porjects in public space involving lots of people in it.
Mission and Objectives

To create a possibility for artists and non artists to merge, to work together on themes like, communication,exchange, rethinking of values, and showing parts of human interestst.

Main Projects / Activities

Videoprojects in public spaces, in commision of housing-companies in areas which are problematic. Working together with people who are living in the problematic neighbourhoud in order to come to a sence of communication between people. Through artprojects trying to create some space between people and to confrontate them with borders, possibilities and public spaces.

Contact (1) Full Name
Toos Nijssen
Head of the organisation
toos nijssen
Contact (2) Full Name
Ron Eijkman

Stichting COME

National Network

Morsweg 38
2312 AE Leiden

0031 71 5142807
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0031 6 4624 2511
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
COME Foundation is a private Dutch foundation that organizes annually an 11 day dialogue seminar for young Palestinians and Israelis (20-35 years old), providing them with the opportunity to encounter, dialogue, and familiarize with each other. Such seminars have been organized by the COME foundation since 1976 under the name Midden Oosten Communicatie Project, which became ‘Stichting COME’ in 1993. A group of 30 young adults participates yearly in the seminar. Participants are comprised of three groups of origin: Jewish Israelis, Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinians residing in the occupied Palestinian territories. COME Foundation has a Dutch board, which guarantees the continuity of the organization of the seminars and raises financial resources for this. The board members are involved on a voluntary basis. Two advisers, connected to the foundation for years, can help determine the vision. One Dutch paid project leader (0,3 fte, hired on a freelance basis) carries out the actual organization of the dialogue seminar and other connected tasks. The resources available yearly are around € 45.000, received from churches, private donators, and funds (like Solidaritietsfonds, Haëlla stichting, Alexander & Otto and stichting Mundo Crastino Meliori). The project leader is the chair of a committee with Israeli and Palestinian members. These ‘local committee members’ are former seminar participants. The committee is responsible for preparing, implementing and evaluating the program and for recruiting, selecting and preparing the participants of the three groups. Every couple of years, a meeting takes place between the Dutch board and the Israeli and Palestinian committee members, sometimes in The Netherlands and sometimes in Israel/Palestine. Through the website and a two-yearly newsletter the Dutch supporters are being informed about the work.
Mission and Objectives

The main objective of the foundation is to organize dialogue seminars on neutral ground in which Israeli and Palestinian youth can meet and get to know each other, based on equality and without any political purpose. COME Foundation wants to facilitate an open dialogue between the participants.
With the organization of these seminars, we hope to give Israeli and Palestinian youth six opportunities, which can be seen as the six sub-objectives of COME Foundation. We wish to provide them a safe space in which they will have:

the opportunity to meet, which in daily life is difficult and not always possible;

the opportunity to express what people are really concerned about;

the opportunity to experience and see the human side of the conflict and to look differently at  the other and at the situation;

the opportunity to hear and understand the interests, impact and motives of the other;

the opportunity for self-examination and reflection;

the opportunity to broaden one’s perspectives, which can be applied in daily life.
The seminars create safe spaces for participants to develop a more hopeful perspective on their often difficult situation, in a crucial stage of their life and in which there is nearly no significant mutual contact between Jewish Israelis and Palestinians. By organizing these seminars, COME wants to convey its multiple commitment to both sides.

Main Projects / Activities

Yearly the foundation organizes an 11-day dialogue seminar on neutral ground for 30 Israelis and Palestinians. The seminar takes place in Cyprus. The Dutch project leader has the end responsibility for the seminars, but content-wise the Israeli and Palestinian committee members (former participants) determine the program and conditions for participation. The Palestinian and Israeli committee members also recruit and select participants, who are recruited by word of mouth. Participants become ambassadors of the seminars. During the intensive 11-day program, participants get to know each other, learn about the different narratives, discuss what is on their mind, reflect on their own position, and sometimes become friends. The program consists of different activities, developing from personal acquaintance to national and political knowledge, and using several techniques like small group discussions, big group discussions and personal appointments for 2 or 3 people.
Every two or three years, a meeting takes place between the Dutch board and the Israeli and Palestinian committee members, to get to know each other and discuss in what direction the organization should develop.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

COME Foundation will contribute to the network by sharing our experience and knowledge that we have developed in more than twenty years of organizing seminars and meetings for groups that are hostile towards each other.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

COME Foundation wants to join the ALF Network to develop and expand our experiences and knowledge, to share it with other members, and to learn how other organizations deal with certain issues. Workshops or instructions about fundraising will be very useful as well.

Contact (1) Full Name
Japke van Malde
Head of the organisation
Casper van Dongen
Contact (2) Full Name
Maaike Hoffer

Stichting De Levante / Foundation De Levante

National Network

Hobbemastraat 28
1071 ZC Amsterdam

+ 31 (0) 20 – 671 54 85
Telephone (other)
+ 31 (0) 20 673 06 97
Mobile Phone
+31 (0) 6 43 96 95 11
Mobile Phone (other)
+31 (0)6 51 52 62 04
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1) Structure is a private non-profit foundation. The board consist of 3 persons, the rest of the team (20 people) are volunteers. 2) 2005-2006: 30.000, euro (money given by the sub-city council (stadsdeel) of Amsterdam Zuid. 3) sub-city council (stadsdeel) of Amsterdam Zuid. 4) Expositions, debates, films, seminars 5) Rialto, Foundation MECART, Een Ander Joods Geluid
Mission and Objectives

We are an organisation of Arab-European women who have set up an Oriental Institute for art and culture in Amsterdam. The philosophy is not only to show the beautiful side of the culture of the Oriental world (North Africa, Middle East, Turkey and Iran). But also to stimulate comprehension, cooperation and friendship between people no matter what age, culture or religion they may have. We wish to develop a secular centre which is aware of the past and focused on the future. A place where artistic freedom will allow for cultural expression of both the Oriental and European community.

Main Projects / Activities

Having created the first gallery at the Museumplein for the culture of the Oriental world.
Viewing of & debate about the movie Paradise Now regarding the relation between art and censure with Een ander Joods Geluid (a Jewish organization) and Rialto (movie theater).
In future: debates, workshops, lectures about artists in exile, eroticism, Iranian art et cetera.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Dalila Nemla-Zahaf
Head of the organisation
Ms Dalila Nemla-Zahaf
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms Sara Galli

Stichting FONDEMA

National Network

P.O.Box 491, 2501 CL The Hague
The Hague

00 31 6 54 30 48 41
Telephone (other)
00 31 35 6237 667
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Structure de l'organisation:Conseil d'Administration 5 personnes internationales; Conseil Scientifique & Artistique. Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles: FONDEMA a été crée en november 2011; Mécénat et apports personnels. Sources de financement: idem. Modalités d'action: projets concrets basés sur des échanges internationaux dans le domaine artistique, culturel, économique ( conférences, débats d'idées, exposition...) ainsi que l'appui à des initiatives locales dans le domaine de la promotion des droits de l'homme. Partenaires principaux associés aux projets/activités de l'organisme: associations locales( Rotary, association de promotion des droits des femmes...)ainsi que des organisations culturelles et scientifiques.
Mission and Objectives

Apolitique et non réligieuse, la fondation FONDEMA oeuvre au rapprochement des cultures en promouvant le dialogue Nord-Sud.
Dans ce but elle mettra en oeuvre de multiples activités: organisation de colloques, débats d'idées, échanges culturels et artistiques et économiques entre l'Europe, la zone rive sud de la Méditerranée/Afrique noire par voie de conseil et mise en relation.

Main Projects / Activities

Organisation de colloque, débats d'idées, expositions: bref, toute programmation culturelle et scientifique.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Le mettre en valeur en l'associant à nos diverses activités et en lui faisant profiter de notre réseau.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

-Travailler sur les traces de Mme. Anna Lindh qui sont les traces de FONDEMA.
-Faire une programmation en commun, s'épauler, et profiter de l'expertise réciproque.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Eveline J.A. van Tinteren-America, Directrice
Head of the organisation
M. Ahmed Saouli-Dehili, Président
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Ahmed Saouli-Dehili

Stichting Humanity in Action Nederland

National Network

Keizersgracht 177
1016DR Amsterdam

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Humanity in Action is an educational non governmental organisation that seeks to connect, educate and inspire young future leaders on an international level.  The Dutch office is located in Amsterdam, with 1,4 FTE staff and 2 interns.  The office is run by the national director who resides under a board, with at least a chair, treasurer and secretary. Our budget is annually estimated at 170.000 euro. Funding comes from funds, institution and individual donors. Our main project is the annual 4-week summer program for students from the Netherlands, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Greece and the US. We organise events to strengthen the network of senior fellows, f.e. an annual conference and annual workshop on tools for social change. We organise a 4day junior program for high school students from the Netherlands and coorganise several events.  We cooperate closely with our international partner organsations in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Poland, Germany, France, Denmark and the US. Besides we cooperate with the Anne Frank House, municipalities, Humanity House, ProDemos, Amnesty International, and several local organisations in the anti-racism and anti-discrimination field.  

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to create an international network of future leaders with a strong sense of human rights.  We do so by connecting young people in a summer program with each other and key figures in the field of academia, anti-racism and anti-discrimation, we educate young people by providing high level lectures, workshops and activities on human rights, diversity, democracy, history. we inspire them by bringing in examples of good practices and developing opportunities for meaningful internships.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main project is the annual 4-week summer program for students from the Netherlands, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Greece and the US. We organise events to strengthen the network of senior fellows, f.e. an annual conference and annual workshop on tools for social change. We organise a 4day junior program for high school students from the Netherlands and coorganise several events. - Strategic advice & consultancy on projects / business in the region (Gulf and broader Middle East) for NGOs, government, and businesses. - Gender awareness workshops - Lectures, Workshops, and Roundtable Meetings on Middle East affairs See also  

Contact (1) Full Name
Inger Schaap
Job Title
National Director
Head of the organisation

Stichting If I Can't Dance I Don't Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution

National Network

Westerdok 606 - 608
1013 BV Amsterdam

+31 20 3378711
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+31 6 21554931
Mobile Phone (other)
+31 6 11903015
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The foundation has 5 administrators. Frederique Bergholtz - Financial and Artistic Director Annie Fletcher - Artistic Director Maaike Gouwenberg - Production/Curator Hans Schamle - Finances Marcel van den Berg - Communication Flora Lysen - Research Budgetary resources: Euro 350.000 Funding: EU Culture Programme 2007 - 2013, Mondriaan Foundation, SNS Reaal Fonds, Prins Bernhard Culture Foundation, Amsterdam Foundation for the Arts See for further projects and partners our website:

Mission and Objectives

If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution is a rolling curatorial platform, departing from a spirit of open questioning and long term enquiry with artists. The undercurrent is its interest in visual art practices related to performance and performativity. From there it investigates topics relevant in both art and the cultural and societal sphere. Inspired by the quote of the anarchist Emma Goldman, the platform explores the critical and celebratory implications of this statement in artists’ work, curatorial and theoretical practice. If I Can’t Dance… works along the systematic of collaboration. It doesn’t have a ‘house’, but instead produces and develops projects and programmes that have different manifestations in different institutions within the Netherlands and abroad. Each edition, defined by a certain field of investigation, engages a set of partners and unfolds along a travelling trajectory. If I Can’t Dance… believes in this unique potential of art, being both critical and celebratory. Emma Goldman’s statement we like to embrace, as it suggests that the search for agency and the potential for empowerment lies in all elements of life and cannot be regulated to a firmly cordoned-off arena named the political. Thus it is embedded and reflected in art too.

Main Projects / Activities

IF I CAN'T DANCE TONIGHT: The monthly event If I Can’t Dance Tonight functions as a zone of experimentation and as a recurring element within the various, moving activities of If I Can’t Dance... as a rolling platform. Hosted by Frascati Theatre in Amsterdam, If I Can’t Dance Tonight offers a programme of performances, instantaneous exhibitions, conversations with artists, screenings, readings, music etc. The Tonight events desire to provoke new ideas in the field of performative art practice in general, and to investigate notions of the masquerade in particular. EDITION III - MASQUERADE If I Can't Dance, I Don't Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution presents in 5 different cities in Europe of Edition III, Masquerade The aim of If I Can’t Dance… is to explore an alternative conceptual framework of the masquerade. This can be read in the light of If I Can't Dance...'s continuing exploration, since its inception in 2005, of paradigms such as theatricality (Edition I, 2005) and feminism(s) (Edition II, 2006-2007). Edition III - Masquerade will touch on aspects such as ritual, gesture, normalized as opposed to transgressive behaviour, covert as well as manifest action and differing approaches to role playing, power positions and appearance.

Contact (1) Full Name
Frederique Bergholtz
Head of the organisation
Frederique Bergholtz
Contact (2) Full Name
Annie Fletcher