
Sharing Perspectives Foundation

National Network

Bosboom Toussaintstraat 29-2, 1054AN Amsterdam

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Sharing Perspectives Foundation (SPF) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation based in Amsterdam, founded in 2012. Currently, SPF staff is composed by five full-timers, three part-timers and three interns. The budgetary resources available to SPF come prevalently from EU tenders and funding. The SPF current project on the Euro(pean) Crisis has been funded by the EU program of the EACEA ‘Europe for Citizens’. The SPF also receives support from the Lutfia Rabbani Foundation for its work in the Mediterranean region. SPF mainly operates through concrete projects revolving around the concept of Virtual Exchange, conceived as the ideal platform for people to acquire critical thinking, cross-cultural communication and collaboration skills. The main partners supporting the SPF in the realization of its projects are Soliya ( for the online video conference technology and the partnering universities providing academic content to our programs.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to initiate, stimulate and facilitate international cross-cultural dialogue and collaboration to foster knowledge and understanding of each other’s perspectives by utilizing new online communication platforms. The Sharing Perspectives Foundation’s innovative Virtual Exchange concept takes place through web-based online video-conference technology. Our programs directly bridge academia and civil society by stimulating students and professors to cooperate academically through new media technology and social networks, while bringing in the voices of the communities participants live in through survey research. This way, the classroom itself becomes an opportunity for intercultural dialogue and encounter where knowledge of the ‘other’ is fostered. The SPF wants to contribute to a world where communication creates mutual understanding and respect, where people take the time to explain their thoughts and opinions, and listening becomes part again of the way people communicate.

Main Projects / Activities

Presently, the SPF has one ongoing project titled ‘Perspectives on the Euro(pean) Crisis’ (PEC), which started last October in collaboration with eight universities across Europe. It addresses graduate students who want to learn more about the deep causes of and possible solutions to the Euro(pean) economic, political and socio-cultural crises. The SPF has designed its second program for next spring titled ‘Perspectives on Changing Societies in the Euro-Mediterranean’ (PCS), which will revolve around the unprecedented challenges that have been investing the Euro-mediterranean region over the last three years. In order to generate a feeling of ownership and inclusiveness in decision making processes in the participants and, on the other hand, give stakeholders the possibility to reflect on their policies, SPF programs entail a final summit that gives the best students the possibility to present the findings of their research to policy makers and institutions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The SPF would be able to contribute to the goals of the Anna Lindh Foundation network through the implementation of programs that foster intercultural dialogue, peaceful coexistence and respect for diversity. Moreover, given the strong research component of our Virtual Exchange programs, the whole network will benefit from collected data concerning relevant economic, political and socio-cultural aspects in the region. Such data can definitely serve as a solid foundation for following research, working papers and recommendations to institutions and policy makers. Finally, thanks to its access to web-based online video-conference technology, the SPF will be able to provide members of the network not only with the opportunity to meet regularly without necessarily travelling - thus cutting the costs and strengthening the network itself - but also with our professional UN-certified facilitators we can stimulate effective cooperation and increase mutual understanding.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Like the Anna Lindh Foundation, the SPF aims at bringing people together across cultural and national borders and promote mutual understanding and respect between cultures. With our programs, in fact, we foster intercultural dialogue and the overcoming of those stereotypes that too often lead to identity claims and xenophobic rhetoric, thus undermining the possibility to engender positive common change in the respect of diversity. Moreover, by allowing the participants to its programs to present their findings and research to policy makers, institutions and stakeholders, the SPF also aims to reestablish a sense of ownership on the future and spark hope on the possibility to have an influence on the solution of crises they face. Being part of the Anna Lindh Foundation network would be a very important accomplishment for the SPF, inasmuch as it would undoubtedly facilitate the development of common actions with other member organizations at a regional level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Casper van der Heijden
Head of the organisation
Casper van der Heijden

SIVE Stichting Intercultureel Vrouwencentrum Enschede

National Network

Molenstraat 27
7514 DJ


053 - 4347442
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
06 - 10143388
Mobile Phone (other)
06 - 22669104
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
SIVE is the intercultural Womens Center of Enschede, a non-profit, non governmental organization. Her mission is to empower women and to enhance integration and intercultural dialogue. To realize this we organize all kinds of activities, like workshops, educational programs, debates, International Womens Day celebration. SIVE has two staffmembers in subsidized jobs and is completely run by volunteers. We have an annual budget of 40.000 euro, a subsidy from the local government. To organize extra activities we raise extra funds.
Mission and Objectives

SIVE has as a mission to empower women and to enhance integration and intercultural dialogue.
• Enhancing intercultural dialogue
• Raising awareness of the richness of eachothers cultures and heritage
• Stimulating women’s empowerment through literacy and speaking in public
• Increasing the integration of minority groups in the Dutch society and culture
• Enriching Dutch culture with international elements

Main Projects / Activities

- weekly Dutch as second language courses
- computer and internet courses
- monthy debate on women & politics, women & islam, women & health
- annual International Women's Day celebration
- weekly radioprogram on the local radio
- regular arts exhibition in the centre
- involved in local policy debate and partner of the municipality on integration policy

Contact (1) Full Name
ms. Khadija Amrani
Head of the organisation
ms. Remke van Marle
Contact (2) Full Name
ms. Marielle Stoelinga


National Network

Piet Heinstraat 12
7511 JE Enschede


053 4840 840
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
SLO is a National Institute for Curriculum Development and has a public task in the triangle of policy, practice and science.
Mission and Objectives

SLO aims to (both longitudinal and horizontal) content consistency in education and focuses on the sectors of primary education, special education, secondary education and vocational training. The activities of SLO cover in general all disciplines.

Main Projects / Activities

- Conference: Appropriate perspectives in practice
- Conference: Culture in the mirror

Contact (1) Full Name
Theo Beker

Social Impact Measurement International Report

The pandemic brought significant changes to our social and cultural life. In this and similar crisis situations, there is an increasing need for cooperation and communities helping each other. In the framework of the “CRESTART - CReative rESilienT leARning communiTies...

Solar World Cinema

National Network

Jan Aartestraat 7-08
5017EC Tilburg

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Solar World Cinema is an international network of Mobile Cinemas with all audiovisual equipment (inflatable screen, sound and projection) 100% powered by solar energy; a sustainable open-air cinema. The Solar World Cinema network strives to create a worldwide network of solar powered mobile cinemas, that reach out to electricity and culturally deprived areas, bringing unseen films to unusual places.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Solar World Cinema is to democratize the access to cinema, creating a special platform to screen films with social matters for free, turning public spaces into self-sustainable open-air cinemas. The solar cinema brings unseen films to unusual places.
Our objective is to raise awareness and stress the importance of switching to renewable energies. This awareness is embedded in the daily life of the audience by organizing free screenings, workshops and cultural activities.
Furthermore we are an alternative distributor of independent cinema that reaches an audience in remote places that are normally difficult to reach. We go beyond the borders of the traditional cinematic world.
Not only the Solar Cinema itself is an innovative tool that brings sustainable solutions in people’s daily life, but also bringing inspiring content is an important mission. Therefore we program inspirational and artistic short films in our ongoing Go Greener Shorts film program: a selection of inspiring, fresh, non moralistic short films that have a green or sustainable message or theme.

Main Projects / Activities

Open air film screenings

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute in the Dutch network with our experience of working internationally. We can find partners and connect partners to collaborate with us or with local projects. We can join a lot of initiatives. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are always looking for interesting projects working in the same region to collaborate with
We are looking for grant opportunities
We are always interested in sharing experiences and learn from others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stien Meesters
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Stien Meesters
Contact (2) Full Name
Maureen Prins
Job Title (2)

Spanda Foundation

National Network

Frederik Hendriklaan 200
2582BK The Hague

+31 70 3467625
+31 70 3467625
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Board of Trustees composed of four members, 1 Director, 4 volunteers and 5 interns. Budgetry resources: € 70.000 yr (2009. Sources of funding: individuals, public and privite organizations, institutions, corporation, governaments. Modalities of action: concrete projects. seminars, workshops etc.
Mission and Objectives

Spanda Foundation (Spanda) is an international Civil Society Organization (ICSO) for development to catalyze sustainable long-term systemic change in culture, education, health & environment, economics and research. Spanda aims to promote creative solutions and strategic resources for the attainment of a higher individual and collective state of consciousness, and to foster social, economic and global development by pursuing initiatives that serve the common good and add social value.
The Foundation was established in The Hague, the Netherlands, in 2005 under the Dutch law as a legally independent non-profit tax-exempt organisation for the common good (ANBI), and is in Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

Main Projects / Activities

The Jubilo Project: conflict prevention and transformation, ethnic integration and peace building trough the intercultural and interfaith dialogue.
The Mantra Project: green microfinance and renewable energies for the empowerment of women.
The Musiké Project: conservation and dissemination of the ethnomusicological heritage.
The Lila Project: a virtual community-driven global think-thank platform.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Sahlan L. Momo
Head of the organisation
Dr Sahlan L. Momo

Sphinx Art Productions

National Network

Van Hogendorpstraat 199 hs

+ 31 20 486 8008
+ 31 20 486 8009
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1- Six co-operator 2- 100.000 Euro 3- different national and private funds. 4- organizing Arabic cultural events like Film Festivals and fine art exhibitions. 5- The Dutch Film museum
Mission and Objectives

Sphinx Art Productions is a cultural foundation that aims to promote a link between the Dutch and Arabic cultural scenes, with special focus on Arabic culture.
The Sphinx uses various cultural channels to realize this aim, such as making theatre productions with topics that are on the cutting edge of multicultural society, and by organizing Arabic cultural events such as film festivals and fine art exhibitions. Always in interaction with and relation to the Dutch cultural scene, and by promoting collaborations between artists from different cultural backgrounds.

Main Projects / Activities

1998 Film Festival Egypte Mon Amour
2001 Cinéma Nagieb Mahfouz
2003 Film Festival Omar Sharif le Grand Charmeur
2004 Cinéma Arabe
2005 Cinéma Maroc
2005 Moroccan fine art exhibition in Amsterdam

Contact (1) Full Name
Adel Salem
Head of the organisation
Adel Salem

Spotted by Locals

National Network

Sluisstraat 15
1075 TA


Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
Spotted by Locals was started by two married Amsterdam locals and travel addicts, Sanne & Bart van Poll. They handpick all Spotters in all cities, only after having had a face to face meeting. Sanne & Bart are the only Full-time employees. The people who do the "real" work, are 110 contracted handpicked local bloggers ("Spotters") in 21 cities in Europe. Spotted by Locals is privately financed. Our budget is around Euro 50,000 a year. We are currently actively looking for sponsors for our project.
Mission and Objectives

Increasing intercultural understanding, by encouraging travelers to experience cities like a local.

Main Projects / Activities is a series of cityblogs that offers travelers the opportunity to experience cities just like a local, by offering local tips through a new network of blogs on European cities.
On the (currently) 21 cityblogs real locals write about the spots they regularly frequent in their city, and update this information regularly. All Spotters are presented prominently on the site with their real names, a picture and a detailed personal profile.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bart van Poll
Head of the organisation
Sanne & Bart van Poll
Contact (2) Full Name
Sanne van Poll-Bakker

St. Sultans Trail - A European Cultural Route

National Network

Hagestraat 10
2011 CV Haarlem

+31 23 7070047
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+31 650 890696
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
General Information
Sultans Trail is a foundation according the Dutch law. We have no paid personnel yet. All work is done by volonteers. Funding: Donations mainly by volonteers. Project: Creatíng a hiking trail in 9 countries connecting countries, people, cultural heritage. Projects: Marking of the trail, marketing of the trail, cultural exchange, annual academic meeting Partners: Tourism offices of the related countries, local entrepreneurs, local hiking societies, universities
Mission and Objectives

Sultan’s Trail is a route of walking, biking and cultural tourism which follows the footsteps of Sultan Süleyman, the magnificent through the Eastern Europe and Balkan to Turkey. The story of Sultan Süleyman’s journey, which has been kept alive for some five hundred years in the landscape and memory of this region, records the origin of a tradition shared by millions of people in the world today. In total 2200 kilometers Sultan's Trail passes 9 countries; Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey. By retracing this journey, provides a place of meeting and connection for people of all faiths and cultures, inviting us to remember our common origins, to respect our cultural differences, and to recognize our shared heritage. The Sultan’s Trail also serves as a catalyst for sustainable tourism and economic development; a platform for the energy and idealism of young people; and a focus for positive media highlighting the rich culture and hospitable people of the Eastern Europe and Balkan.

Main Projects / Activities

The Sultan’s Trail Initiative is a global nongovernmental organization, with offices in Haarlem, Berlin, and Istanbul, whose mission is to facilitate travel along Sultan’s Trail. Founded by Sedat Çakır , the Sultan’s Trail Initiative is endorsed and assisted by the local tourism offices and the local people. The Sultan’s Trail Initiative is a non-profit, non-political, non-sectarian organization honoring all cultures and faiths. Source of Funds Policy The Sultan’s Trail Initiative is a global non-profit organization that has no political or religious agendas, while honoring all people, cultures, and faiths. As such, the Initiative does not accept funds from sources seeking to advance political or religious agendas via their gifts. Moreover, the Sultan’s Trail Initiative does not accept money from governments that are intended to advance political purposes. Governments in countries along the Trail are strongly encouraged to support the development of the Trail in their nation, and advance local community ownership of their specific segments of the route. Any funds donated by host-country governments stay in their country and accrue directly to local projects. A conscious choice has been made to reflect the qualities of inclusiveness and equality associated with Sultan’s Traıl when dealing with such sensitive issues as financial support. Under the rubric of inclusion and equality, the Initiative strives for diversity in its income sources and does not accept monies that would divide this unity. As testament to the diversity of sources, the Initiative has sought and garnered support from a wide array of foundations, organizations, and individuals from 7 countries around wor

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We like to widen our network and create a added value to the Sultans Trail society and have an added value to the ALF Network in the Netherlands and in the 9 countries we develop the trail.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We like to widen our network and create a added value to the Sultans Trail society and have an added value to the ALF Network in the Netherlands and in the 9 countries we develop the trail.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sedat Cakir
Head of the organisation
Sedat Cakir

STET Stichting The English Theatre

National Network

Nassaulaan 17
2243 HJ Wassenaar

06 30050018
Mobile Phone
+31 (0)6 30050018
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Board and Director Volunteers Project workers
Mission and Objectives

To promote and produce English language theatre performances

Main Projects / Activities

Theatre Productions from around the world in English

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By offering interesting and sometimes challenging productions
see for more information

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Theatre is wonderful way of exchanging culture and it widens cultural awareness and understanding through art.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elske van Holk
Head of the organisation
Elske van Holk
Contact (2) Full Name
Sharyn van Ees