
Diversity Development Group

National Network

Lukiškių g. 5, LT-01108 Vilnius

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information
NGO ‘Diversity Development Group’ (DDG), founded in 2012, is a non-profit organisation with an objective to carry out scientific, applied and infrastructural projects in the fields of human rights, education, equal opportunities, diversity, migration and integration. The main aim of organisation is to improve and manage diversity towards a sustainable, tolerant and socially responsible society. DDG activities include the following areas: Monitoring of contemporary processes of migration and integration of migrants in order to accumulate, develop and disseminate the theoretical and empirical knowledge about contemporary migration processes in Lithuania; The development of equal opportunities for migrants and other vulnerable groups: monitoring of living and working conditions, human rights and social inclusion, social mobility and networks; Promotion and consolidation of fundamental rights and freedoms: equal rights for migrants and other vulnerable groups in areas of employment, housing, health care, social services and education; policy analysis and recommendations; Preventative actions against xenophobia, racism and intolerance; Fighting against human trafficking.
Mission and Objectives

Inform and educate the society about the various minority groups: dissemination of research results, seminars, conferences, trainings, social actions. Active participation in shaping public attitudes;
Actively participate in the development and implementation of social policies to ensure the protection of vulnerable groups in the society (including prevention of discrimination, promoting tolerance, improving equality and human rights);
While aiming for a harmonious, tolerant and fully integrated society, to create and develop mechanisms for intersectional cooperation: to include governmental institutions, non-governmental organisations, academia, independent experts and business sector in shaping social policies, political debates and discourse;
Raise awareness about human trafficking in contemporary societies.
Diversity Development group has implemented or is still in progress more than 20 different projects, trainings and researches in the field, carried out in partnership with more than 70 entities from almost 30 different countries. More information on the projects  can be found on the website

Main Projects / Activities

DDG team is actively involved in researches and project-based activities on national and international levels. It has been working in the field of migration and human rights for more than five years. Its experience covers qualitative and quantitative research, evaluation of migrant integration indicators and monitoring tools of migration policies. Experts of DDG contributed to the conceptualisation of migrant integration policy model in Lithuania and Lithuanian Migration policy guidelines. For the moment the team consists of  9 members - director, 2 experts, 3 projects managers/researchers, 1 training organizer, 2 research assistants. ALF National Network team will be supported with all possible intellectual support and expertise as well as  necessary facilities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Rolanda Sliaziene
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Mr. Karolis Žibas


National Network

Dociškių 7-66, Vilnius, 06154, Lithuania
06154 Vilnius

+370 615 14401
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+370 615 14401
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
NGO ‘Diversity Development Group’ (DDG), founded in 2012, is a non-profit organisation with an objective to carry out scientific, applied and infrastructural projects in the fields of human rights, education, equal opportunities, diversity, migration and integration. The main aim of organisation is to improve and manage diversity towards a sustainable, tolerant and socially responsible society. DDG activities include the following areas: • Monitoring of contemporary processes of migration and integration of migrants in order to accumulate, develop and disseminate the theoretical and empirical knowledge about contemporary migration processes in Lithuania; • The development of equal opportunities for migrants and other vulnerable groups: monitoring of living and working conditions, human rights and social inclusion, social mobility and networks; • Promotion and consolidation of fundamental rights and freedoms: equal rights for migrants and other vulnerable groups in areas of employment, housing, health care, social services and education; policy analysis and recommendations; • Preventative actions against xenophobia, racism and intolerance; • Fighting against human trafficking.
Mission and Objectives

By these activities, DDG aims for the following results
• Inform and educate the society about the various minority groups: dissemination of research results, seminars, conferences, trainings, social actions. Active participation in shaping public attitudes;
• Actively participate in the development and implementation of social policies to ensure the protection of vulnerable groups in the society (including prevention of discrimination, promoting tolerance, improving equality and human rights);
• While aiming for a harmonious, tolerant and fully integrated society, to create and develop mechanisms for intersectional cooperation: to include governmental institutions, non-governmental organisations, academia, independed experts and business sector in shaping social policies, political debates and discourse;
• Raise awareness about human trafficking in contemporary societies.
In order to achieve these results, in its activities DDG intends to include various social partners, which represent different groups in the society.

Main Projects / Activities

Research projects, implemented by the ‘Diversity Development Group’
1. Situation of Roma people in comparison with other inhabitants of the country funded by the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman (2015). The main aim of the project – to collect representative data on the situation of Roma people, according to indicators taken from ‘The Action Plan of Integration of the Roma People into Lithuanian Society for 2015-2020’, and compare the data with the survey of Statistics Lithuania on Incomes and Living Conditions. Eventually, the study will collect the missing data of the situation of the Roma population in different areas: household, financial conditions, educational attainment, economic activities, living conditions and health status. The study surveyed 521 people of Roma nationality.
2. The Trajectories and Evaluation Mechanisms of Integration of Third-country Nationals funded by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals, annual program 2012 (2013–2014). Project implemented by the Institute for Ethnic Studies (LSTC) and the ‘Diversity Development Group’. The main aim of the project – to reveal integration needs of non-EU immigrant groups and organisations in Lithuania, disclose patterns of migrant representation and integration, create the system of indicators to monitor and measure migrant integration processes. The main aim includes different levels of the analysis: 1) systematisation of the data available in Lithuania on the needs of third country nationals; 2) monitor integration processes and their evolution; 3) development of the system, which will enable to monitor, collect, analyse and evaluate data, related to immigration and migrant integration in Lithuania.
3. The Strategic Document for Integration of Third-Country Nationals funded by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals, annual program 2013 (2014–2015). Project implemented by the Institute for Ethnic Studies (LSTC), Centre for Equality Advancement, Lithuanian Red Cross Society, ‘Diversity Development Group’, Social – educational initiatives centre PLUS, Social partnership foundation Magnum Bonum. The main aim of the project is to prepare strategic policy document of integration of third country nationals. The relevance of the project was measured considering the absence of migrant integration strategy and the need of such document in Lithuania, the obligation of the Government to prepare migration policy guidelines in 2014, previous policy documents, regulating immigration/migrant integration processes in Lithuania and migration/migrant integration policy developments in the EU. The project ‘The Strategic Document of Integration of Third-Country Nationals’ aims to encompass a consortium of organisations with many years of experience in an area of migration and migrant integration and develop the strategic document of integration of third country nationals.
4. Living and working conditions of labour migrants in Lithuania funded by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals, annual program 2013 (2014–2015). Project implemented by the Institute for Ethnic Studies (LSTC) and the ‘Diversity Development Group’. The main aim of the project is to create an index of indicators that would allow to evaluate integration and labour migration policy and to monitor process of labour migration in Lithuania. During the project, an empirical research of living and working conditions of labour migrants in Lithuania (N=300) was conducted. The results of the research are being used to prepare recommendations for the development, improvement and implementation of labour immigration policies.
5. European Website on Integration funded by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-country nationals, under Community Actions (2014–2015). Coordinator – Migration Policy Group. Project coordinator in Lithuania – ‘Diversity Development Group’. This Web Site is an initiative of the European Commission under the responsibility of the Directorate-General Home Affairs. The Web Site is designed to act as an EU-wide platform for networking on integration, through exchange about policies and practices. In particular, the Web Site is a documentation facility; an on-line data collection tool for good practices; and a platform for the direct exchange of information between stakeholders. It provides policy makers and practitioners working on integration in Europe with a tool for the exchange of information and good practice.
6. Strategic Partnership in Adult Migrant Education: Perspectives from Mediterranean and Baltic Sea Regions (MEDBALT) funded by the Erasmus+ Grudving (2014–2016). Project coordinator – ‘Diversity Development Group’. Partner organisations: Uninersidad de Salamanca (Spain), Tamat Centro Studi Formazione e Ricerca (Italy), Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology LTD (Cyprus), Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali (Malta), Fundacja Osrodek Badan nad Migracjami (Poland). The aim of the MEDBALT project is to prepare a methodology for the adult migrant education policies based on good practices from different partner organisations. Objectives: each partner organisation develops a case study on the adult migrant integration and education policies and prepares political recommendations in the field of migrant integration and education. Project coordinator organises the final conference of the project. Key activities of the project: study and good practice visits, analysis of adult migrant education and integration programmes, the development of the methodology for adult migrant education in Lithuania, recommendations for implementation of adult migrant education policies.
7. National Integration Evaluation Mechanism. Measuring and improving integration of beneficiaries of international protection, funded by The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) (2015–2021). Project implemented by UNHCR Regional Representation for Centras Europe; UNHCR Representation for Poland (Poland); Migration Policy Group (Belgium); Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants (Bulgaria); Multi Kulti Collective (Bulgaria); People in Need Foundation (Czech Republic); France terred'asile (France); Berline Institute for Integration and Migration Research (Germany); Menedek – Hungarian Association for Migrants  (Hungary); Centre for Public policy PROVIDUS (Latvia); Diversity Development Group (Lithuania); Maastricht University, Faculty of Law (Holand);  The University of Oxford, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (UK); CIDOB, Barcelona centre for international affairs (Spain); Peace Institute (Slovenia); Open Society Foundation (Romania);  Centro de Estudos Sociais  (Portugal); University of Warsaw, Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialisation (Poland); Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (Poland); Institute of Public Affairs (Poland). The main aim of this project is to mainstream an integration evaluation mechanism into the integration policies for refugees and beneficiaries of international protection at the national level in the respective project countries.
8. Testing EU citizenship as “labour citizenship”: from cases of labour rights violations to a strengthened labour-rights regime, funded by Europe for Citizen (2015–2016). Project implemented by MKC Prague (Czech Republic), Polnischer Sozialrat (Germany), Universita di Padova (Italy), Diversity Development Group (Lithuania), Ado Sah Rom (Romania). The project brings together 12 partner organisations who collect migrant workers' testimonies of serious labour rights violations in the EU. The testimonies become basis for discussions on role of EU and national labour related institutions (labour inspection, labour offices, etc.) and laws (ex. public procurement directives, seasonal workers directive). The project is based on normative position that decent wage and working conditions are necessary in order to promote democratic participation of EU citizens. The objective of the project is to grasp EU citizens' mobility both from perspective of economically weak regions as a source of work migration and places of destination where migration influences labour and broader social milieu. We emphasise concrete experience of migrant workers and seek to translate it to broader discussion on labour related future of Europe.
9. Identity and Diversity Picture Book Collections (IDPBC), funded by the Erasmus+ Grudving (2015–2017). Project coordinator – ‘Diversity Development Group’. Partner organisations: Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology LTD-CARDET (Cyprus), Universitatea Din Pitesti (Romania), Doukas School (Greece), INNOVADE LTD (Cyprus), Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (Portugal). IDPBC is a transnational effort to compile international picture book collections, approaches and activities that address three issues of great importance to contemporary students and teachers across the globe: Inclusion, Diversity and Identity. Forming one’s identity and finding one’s place in increasingly diverse communities are central preoccupations of children from the very first day they begin to attend school. A strong sense of identity that coexists with a healthy sense of belonging and accepting are even more important for children with disabilities or marginalised, minority and migrant backgrounds. Identifying and valuing one’s self-image is crucial in a student’s academic and social success. In many countries, an increasing number of picture books deal with these issues in innovative and engaging ways, potentially enabling children to explore and negotiate identity, inclusion and diversity in deep and productive manners. These are the picture books the IDPBC consortium aims to collect and place into the hands of teachers and students across Europe and the globe. Evidently, the transnational aspect of the project will substantially enrich the diversity of visual stories, activities and languages to be included, as well as enhance the collective wisdom, capacity and expertise of the consortium.
10. Energising mobile citizens' participation, funded by Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme, 2014–2020 (2015–2016). Project coordinator: Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS (Latvia). Partner organisations: ‘Diversity Development Group’ (Lithuania), Institute of Public Affairs (Poland), European Latvian Association, Forum Polonia. Objectives of the project: to assess the extent of and limits of participation of mobile EU citizens in Ireland, with particular focus on EU-13 citizens, and to analyse how the efforts to stimulate mobile citizens’ participation can be improved; to develop more effective ways of stimulating participation among EU citizens in Ireland and to pilot these new approaches at local level with representatives of Latvian, Lithuanian and Polish citizens; to develop recommendations for improving participation of mobile EU citizens in host countries and to present these recommendations to stakeholders and EU policy makers. Activities: analyse current practices in promoting participation in political life (e.g. local elections) among EU-13 citizens living in Ireland, and identify barriers and opportunities; promote participation by directly addressing Latvian, Lithuanian and Polish communities in Ireland (training for community leaders, pilot shadowing programme, brochure, interactive online test); develop and present a policy brief with recommendations on how to improve participation of EU-13 citizens in EU-15 countries to EU policy makers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By these activities:
• Inform and educate the society about the various minority groups: dissemination of research results, seminars, conferences, trainings, social actions. Active participation in shaping public attitudes;
• Actively participate in the development and implementation of social policies to ensure the protection of vulnerable groups in the society (including prevention of discrimination, promoting tolerance, improving equality and human rights);
• While aiming for a harmonious, tolerant and fully integrated society, to create and develop mechanisms for intersectional cooperation: to include governmental institutions, non-governmental organisations, academia, independed experts and business sector in shaping social policies, political debates and discourse;
• Raise awareness about human trafficking in contemporary societies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Karolis Žibas
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Vija Platačiūtė
Contact (2) Full Name
Vija Platačiūtė
Job Title (2)

Diversity Development Group (DDG)

National Network

Lukiškių g. 5-527
01108 Vilnius

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Research
General Information
NGO Diversity Development Group (DDG) is a non-profit organisation with an objective to carry out social (scientific, applied, and infrastructural) projects and research in the field of human rights, education, equal opportunities, diversity, migration and integration. DDG is an small NGO with 9 employees, most of them are working on a permanent labour contract. However, in addition to those we also hold several sub-contract with an experts. Anual turnover 100,000-200,000 eur. Projects and research are mostly funded by European Union foundations (Erasmus+, PMIF, AMIF ).  
Mission and Objectives

DDG aims for the following results :
Inform and educate the society about the various minority groups: dissemination of research results, seminars, conferences, trainings, social actions. Active participation in shaping public attitudes;  
Actively participate in the development and implementation of social policies to ensure the protection of vulnerable groups in the society (including prevention of discrimination, promoting tolerance, improving equality and human rights);  
While aiming for a harmonious, tolerant and fully integrated society, to create and develop mechanisms for intersectional cooperation: to include governmental institutions, non-governmental organisations, academia, independed experts and business sector in shaping social policies, political debates and discourse; 
Raise awareness about human trafficking in contemporary societies.  

Main Projects / Activities

DDG activities cover the following areas:  
Monitoring contemporary processes of migration and integration of migrants in order to accumulate, develop, and disseminate theoretical and empirical knowledge about contemporary migration processes in Lithuania; 
Developing equal opportunities for migrants and other vulnerable groups: the monitoring of living and working conditions, human rights and social inclusion, social mobility and networks; 
Promoting and consolidating fundamental rights and freedoms: equal rights for migrants and other vulnerable groups in areas of employment, housing, health care, social services, and education; policy analysis and recommendations; 
Taking preventative actions against xenophobia, racism, and intolerance; 
Fighting human trafficking. 
More about projets:

Contact (1) Full Name
Karolis Žibas
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Karolis Žibas
Contact (2) Full Name
Artūras Rudomanskis
Job Title (2)

Education Centre of Sirvintos

National Network

81 Vilnius street
19121 Sirvintos

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Education centre of Sirvintos is an institution supplying non-formal education for children and adults, founded in 2004. Its work contains several spheres: events for children (foreign language teaching, contests, etc), adult non-formal education (foreign language, computer literacy teaching, art workshops, etc), adolescent trainings (leadership trainings, drug prevention, etc), pedagogical qualification development.
Mission and Objectives

The main objectives of Education Centre of Sirvintos is to supply non-formal education for children and adults. The centre organises events for children (foreign language teaching, contests, etc), adult non-formal education (foreign language, computer literacy teaching, art workshops, etc), adolescent trainings (leadership trainings, drug prevention, etc). Also, the centre is responsible for pedagogical qualification development, supplying techers in the district with important information and help working with children with speacial needs.   

Main Projects / Activities

Every year Sirvintos District Education Centre implements from 5 to 20 projects of various levels for non-formal adult and children education. We work with youngsters quite a lot. We had many projects for youngsters such as “Motivation of young and active people, leaders of young people’s organizations, teachers education and sociality in Sirvintos district” (leadership, project management, public relations trainings, 2012), “Incentive of citizen” (incentive of public spirit iniciatives, 2011-2012). “From stage to screen” (creativity workshops for film making and life skill development, 2011). Also, we train facilitators, who later volunteer in various camps. Also, Education center prepares and implements qualification programs for teachers, the institution is accredited to develop pedagogical qualification. It is obvious that we have practice working with young people (developing their life skills and encouraging their self-reliance, independence), organizing various workshops devoted to art developmet (film making, plein-air painting), developing pedagogical qualification.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lada Kizina
Head of the organisation
Daiva Vinciuniene

European Humanities University

National Network

Tauro st. 12

+3705 2639650
+3705 2639651
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
EHU employs a total of 293 staff members. It's managed by eleven-member Governing Board representing seven countries, including Belarus, three-member international body of founders, General Assembly of Part-Owners, rector, 21 year-experience advancing EHU, assisted by cross-cultural higher management team, twenty-member Senate representing academics and students from Belarus and Lithuania. Annual budget is about 5,000,000 EURO, 75% of which is donors' support, and 25% - student tuition fees.
Mission and Objectives

EHU mission: the University exists to facilitate and deepen the contribution that its students, graduates, and faculty can make to the quality and potential of their own lives and to their respective civil societies. By so doing, they contribute to Belarus and its integration into the European and global community. The University seeks to educate students through the traditions of a liberal education to be creative and humane contributors to and citizens of their respective civil societies

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects: Visual studies of Immediacy (OSF), Social Transformations in the Western Eurasia Border Regions (Carnage Foundation), Media Education for Democracy in Belarus (EC), Institutional Development and Distance Learning (Eurasia Foundation), Support for the Advancement of Higher Education and Research in Belarus (OSF), Election Observation: Theory and Practice (Norway Government). Main partners: Belarus and Lithuanian NGOs (BY Watsh, Freedom House, Galeria Y, PACT, NDI Belarus, Belsat TV, etc.), different universities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Host and partner in international meetings, exchanges, seminars and provide volunteering placements for young people, carry out international and national training courses, seminars, conferences and partnership building activities for the staff of NGOs

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Implementing our mission and being European University, we seek for involvement and participation in the international networks developing a sense of responsibility, initiative and motivation for active participation as European and global citizens in young people, promote Intercultural Dialogue and Human Rights education in NGOs as well as through social and cultural projects for society in general, stimulate transnational cooperation in order to strengthen mutual understanding of an open and tolerant society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Igor Ivenkov
Head of the organisation
Prof. Anatoli Mikhailov
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrej Vankov

Europos Judėjimas Lietuvoje

National Network

Didžioji g. 10A-35

+370 611 46 211
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The organisation consists of the Board of Administration, one Secretary-General and an elected President. In addition to this a General meeting of members can be held in the need of changing the statute, electing the President or implementing other changes that are regulated by the statute itself. European Movement Lithuania was founded by 12 natural entities and its legal form of organisation is an Association.  The usual source of finance - membership fee. Main partners involved: European Movement International, European Commissio, Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, Partners for Value, Lithuanian Inovation Centre.  
Mission and Objectives

Main objective of the association is to represent and coordinate its’ members activities, as well as to advocate their interests.
Other objetives include bringing together Europe and European entities: countires and citizens. As well as fostering and developing European values: liberty, democracy, unity, peace and respect for human rights and freedom.
European Movement Lithuania is seeking to provide sufficient information to the Lithuanian society about the European union and is stimulating to keep this dialog as open as possible.
Nonetheless, EML is spreading the European Union values and ideas outside the Union as well and is looking forward to a close collabarotion with its neighbouring countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Regular activities involve: encouragement of deeper comprehension of citizen rights, liberties and democrasy as a whole, seeking for partnership in the NGO and other eastern countries.
Promoting mutual interaction among EU member countries and their surrounding neighbours.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Being a multicultural European organisation in Lithuania relates to ouspreading information and democratic ideas into the Lithuanian society and contributing to the wellbeing of the nation and its surrounding neighbours.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining a vast ALF Network would help endorse and support the main ideas of European Movement Lithuania. As there is much to be done by both organisations, the joining would mutually benefit them both.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dovilė Baškytė
Head of the organisation
Giedrius Kalninis

From the Margins: Positionality in Area Studies

This article analyzes the positionality of the researcher in the field of area studies, taking as an example our engagement with African and Dalit studies and issues of race and caste. We present an autoethnographic essay on our own historically...


From the Margins: Positionality in Area Studies

This article analyzes the positionality of the researcher in the field of area studies, taking as an example our engagement with African and Dalit studies and issues of race and caste. We present an autoethnographic essay on our own historically...

Future Society Institute

National Network

M. Valančiaus str. 3-11

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
General Information
Future Society Institute - a non-profit organisation, established in 2012, geared towards improving the overall welfare of the society.  Future Society Institute carries out scientific research linked to various disciplines that range from social sciences to technological innovation. While collaborating with governmental authorities, universities, non-governmental organisations and business sector, institute aims to publicize research results, provide consultations and educate the society in general. 7 well-qualified people are currently working in the Institute.  Main sources of funding: EU Structural Funds, National funds (Lithuanian Council of Culture, etc.), private clients. Main social partners: Arts Factory LOFTAS (, National Tourism Business Association (, Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (, Association of Lithuanian Printing Industries (, Verslas ar menas ( and others.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Future Society Institute - to carry out research of inter-disciplinary scientific studies and uses the results to contribute to overall well-being of the society. 
Institute prioritizes the research that: 
- Fosters inter-sectoral cooperation;
- Focuses on the results that can be applied in practice;
- Generates benefits to the society of different social groups.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities:
- Inter-disciplinary research, analyses, forecasts and feasibility studies;
- Consultation and training;
- Initiation and organisation of inter-institutional discussions, forums, science symposiums, conferences;
- Education of civil society and promotion of political activity.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Future Society Institute aims to increase inter-sectoral and inter-institutional cooperation in Lithuania. Organization’s objectives go in alignment with Anna Lindh Foundation mission – bringing together civil society and citizens as well as improving a mutual understanding between them. While focusing on culture and arts (cultural and creative industries), institute seeks to carry out interdisciplinary research, which results can be applied in practice. Being part of the network, organization can contribute to mutual goals by encouraging the dialogue between different sectors and promoting individual consciousness. We believe an active community is one of the main ingredients for a holistic and consistent path to sustainable development. Cultural development is particularly dependent upon an open and inclusive participation of all social and civic actors. Therefore, we believe that we can increase well-being of overall society by fostering regional development, promoting social innovation and developing cultural project across different Mediterranean countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being a member of ALF Network would contribute to achieving the goals of the organisation:
- Exchanging good practice would help to initiate changes and apply innovative practices in Lithuania.
- Establishing closer international links would help to develop projects that contribute to the development of a national culture. 
- Being in a network that has similar values and goals would increase organisation's capacities to initiate international research related to civil society, sustainable development as well as culture and arts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Auksė Statauskienė
Job Title
Deputy Directo
Head of the organisation
Erika Furman
Contact (2) Full Name
Aistė Paškevičiūtė
Job Title (2)
Communication Specialist