
Danish Center for Conflict Resolution

National Network

Fællesvej 12
2200 København N

0045 35200550
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution (DCCR) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization founded in 1994 on the initiative of Ms. Else Hammerich, a former member of the European Parliament. Since then, the Centre has been a forum for courses, educations, counselling and projects on and about conflict resolution and mediation. Besides courses for private and public organizations the Center hosts a variety of voluntary activities including free conflict counseling and a youth department named CfK Youth. CfK-Youth is an initiative started in 2010 as the Centre needed a younger generation to work with its methods and applied conflict resolution skills. This youth group, aging from around 20-35, has now increased to a number of 15 people. The work we do mainly involves facilitating free courses and workshops for other volunteer-based organisations throughout the country. This year alone we have been facilitating workshops for around 400-500 volunteers coming from different danish organisations. Further we are engaged in international work and in 2015 and further in 2016 we have been arranging workshops with a syrian civil society network. We are based in Aarhus and Copenhagen but we travel to other cities as well to facilitate workshops. Besides facilitating workshops, we offer free counselling to any youth who is in conflict and in need of supervising and guidance. The DCCR is run by 4-6 temporarily employees and partners with a variety of organizations such as the Red Croos and municipalities. THe DCCR has a gross revenue amounting to approximately 800.000 euros a year. Funding is recieved from among other the danish Research Fund, Action Aid, Kvinfo, and Danmission.
Mission and Objectives

To promote knowledge of, and to work for, peaceful conflict resolution in Denmark and internationally.
To provide education in conflict resolution for individuals and organisations.
To assist organisations and groups in solving collaborative difficulties.
To develop and disseminate theories and methods of conflict resolution.
Our view of conflicts
Conflicts are disagreements that lead to tensions within and between people. They are an integral part of life, they are inevitable and they are dynamic.
Conflict and change are inextricably linked, and conflicts thus possess a positive potential. They can lead to social  development and to more honesty and understanding, but they can also lead to hostility, stagnation and crippled relationships - depending on how they are handled and experienced.
Peaceful conflict resolution
The Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution exists to promote peaceful conflict resolution. This involves the dissemination of tools that can get people in difficult situations back on speaking terms, and the dissemination of techniques to enhance constructive communication.
The Centre is occupied with conflicts on many levels and exists in an historical and political reality that influences us, and which we want to influence. Conflict resolution is a conscious, active and peaceful effort to create conditions where
the basic needs of everyone involved can be met. Thus, our work may be characterised as peace politics and remains independent of party politics.

Main Projects / Activities

Course activities (commisioned work) and open courses. Voluntary activities such as facilitating free courses and workshops for other volunteer-based organisations throughout the country. Seminars about different topics within our main objectives.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The ALF Network is interesting for us because it provides a platform for sharing, developing and diversify the approach about peaceful conflict management. Hence, we think that valuable projects could be made nationally as well as transnationally with regards to conflict resolution, active citizenship and dialogue - important themes to be developed, explored and promoted around especially youth in europe and in the MENA region and specifically in crossnational projects. Already now we have the possibility to invite people from the ALF network to our open Dialogue Zones: short seminars about different areas of conflit management.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network is interesting for us because it provides a platform for sharing, developing and diversify the approach about peaceful conflict management. Hence, we think that valuable projects could be made nationally as well as transnationally with regards to conflict resolution, active citizenship and dialogue. Already now we have the possibility to invite people from the ALF network to our open Dialogue Zones: short seminars about different areas of conflit management.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ane Marie Nord
Job Title
Association coordinator
Head of the organisation
The Board

Danish Center for Culture and Development (CKU)

National Network

Nytorv 17, 1. 1450 København K - Denmark

+45 33 17 97 13
+45 33 17 97 01
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
CKU is a self-governing institution under the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In close cooperation with Danish embassies and representations, CKU manages culture and development programmes in The Middle East, Asia, West Africa, and East Africa. CKU implements the Danish strategy for culture and development, ‘The Right to Art and Culture’, approved by the Danish Parliament in May 2013. CKU’s priorities We support art and culture following five strategic priorities: 1. Empowering people through active participation in art and cultural activities 2. Ensuring freedom of expression for artists and cultural actors 3. Enhancing economic growth through creative industries 4. Strengthening peace and reconciliation in post-conflict areas through art and cultural activities 5. Promoting intercultural dialogue and intercultural collaboration. CKU works to strengthen cooperation within the field of art, culture and development between Denmark and countries in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Mission and Objectives

We believe that art, culture and creativity are central parameters for sustainable human and social development. And we believe that art, culture and creativity are determining factors for democratization, respect for human rights and enhancement of economic growth.
CKU works with development based on human rights that helps strengthening a vibrant, free and inclusive cultural life.
In Denmark, CKU promotes art from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East in three different ways:
By promoting art in education by bringing artists from all over the world to facilitate workshops about art, culture and creativity for Danish students.
By facilitating Images Festival – the largest event in Denmark promoting contemporary art from developing countries.
By supporting artists from low income countries who wish to perform or show their art to a Danish public in cooperation with Danish artists or cultural institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

CKU builds its work on four platforms: Culture and Development, Arts Fund, Youth Program and IMAGES festival.
Culture and Development
For more information on specific countries and collaborations please contact: 
Program manager of Asia, Signe Leth: +45 33 17 97 09 / sl@cku.dk
Programme consultant of the Middle East, Muna Bur: +45 33 17 97 15 / mb@cku.dk
Program manager of West Africa, Louise Friis Pedersen: +45 33 17 97 17 / lfp@cku.dk
Program manager of East Africa, Christoph Ludemann: +45 33 38 97 36 / cl@cku.dk
IMAGES festival
Through 8 festivals the Images festivals have built a strong brand as a unique festival that introduces Danes to the latest cultural forms of expressions and contemporary art from the developing countries. Previous festivals are Images of Africa, 1991, 1993 and 1996 Images of the World 2000, Images of Asia 2003, Images of the Middle East 2006, My World Images 2010 and Uccupy Utopia in 2013. The next festival will be in 2016, yet a new concept for the Images festival is in the making. For more information on the festival, please contact our national director, Thomas Henriksen: +45 33 17 97 11 / th@cku.dk
Youth Education Program – World Images in Motion
The Youth Education Program is CKUs latest initiative to bring arts and artists from developing countries to youth and to students in Denmark. The aim of the program is to introduce and create awareness about developing countries amongst the younger generations in Denmark through the presentation and use of artistic expression and by creating a dialogue between Danish students and artists from developing countries on a personal and creative level. For more information please contact Gavin Clarke +45 33 17 97 10 / gc@cku.dk
Arts Fund CKU’s grants programme gives money to the exchange of culture between Denmark and the developing countries. Its standards are based on quality, innovation and the setting-up of new partnerships. CKU prioritises projects that are able to create new reflections and break down stereotypes and prejudices, projects that are artistically innovative, and projects that are rooted in partnerships with a potential to generate new collaborations and knowledge sharing in the future. For more information please contact Peggy Lund-Sørensen: +45 33 17 97 08 / pls@cku.dk.

Contact (1) Full Name
Janne Louise Andersen
Job Title
Editor of the Newsletter for the Danish-Arab Partnership Programme
Head of the organisation
Elsebeth Krogh
Contact (2) Full Name
Jakob I. Myschetzky
Job Title (2)
International Director, CKU

Danish Institute of International Studies

National Network

Strandgade 56
Copenhagen K

+ 45 32698948
Telephone (other)
+ 45 32 69 87 87
+ 45 32698700
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information
DIIS is one of two institutes under the Danish Centre for International Studies and Human Rights, DCISM. DCISM was established with the aim of strengthening research, analysis, and information activities in Denmark concerning international affairs, i.e. the fields of foreign, security, and development policy; conflict; holocaust, genocide and political mass murders; and human rights in Denmark and abroad.
Main Projects / Activities

Research and dissemination

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Helle Malmvig

Danish Minorities Center for Human Rights and Development (DMC-HRD)

National Network

C/o Emmanuel Kamwi, Montebello Alle 3, 1th
3000 Helsingør

+45 267916101
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
General Information
While a number of NGOs in Denmark may focus on ethnic minorities as a target group for their activities, few are led or are inclusive of ethnic minorities in their decision making structures. The Danish Center for Human Rights and Developed (DMC-HRD)  was specifically established as a space for ethnic minorities to initiate and coordinate their own activities aimed at promoting human rights, fostering social cohesion,  and encouraging the participation of ethnic minorities in political affairs and local development.  DMC-HRD is a relatively new organisation, it is run by volunteers; funding to the organisation comprises membership subscription and donations from members . DMC-HRD is a member of CISU, a network of civil society organisations in Denmark. 
Mission and Objectives

i) To conduct trainings and civic education activities for ethnic minorities with the view of supporting their full integration in the Danish society
ii) To provide ethnic minorities with a platform for engaging in development projects aimed at promoting human rights, peace, democracy and sustainable development in their countries of origin or in developing countries

iii) To support and strengthen the capacity of local NGOs in selected developing countries to effectively facilitate the participation of ethnic/racial minorities in local governance and socio-economic affairs of their society

Main Projects / Activities

i) Conducting trainnngs for ethnic minorities 
ii) Embarking on projects related to  Human Rights, Social Cohesion, Sustainable Development Goals and Local Governance
ii) Facilitating ethnic monorities to develop project proposals and run their own activities
iv) Providing space for ethnic minorities to engage in Election Observations 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Sharing our experience in facilitating the participation of minorities in becoming active citizens.
Providing training on topics related to Human Rights, Social Cohesion, livelihood and election observation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

i) To be part of a group of  linkminded organisations, and through the group,  increase our chances of effecting social change at national, regional and global level 
ii) To exchange ideas and share best practices with other netwotk members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emmanuel Kamwi
Job Title
Board Secretary
Head of the organisation
Emmanuel Kamwi
Contact (2) Full Name
Mirriane Holst
Job Title (2)
Board Member

Danish Mission Council

National Network

Peter Bangsvej 1
2000 Frederiksberg

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Religion
  5. Research
General Information
Danish Mission Council is an umbrella organization for 32 Danish Christian Missions. The council's secretariat is placed in Copenhagen, and member organizations spread through out Denmark. Staff at the council consists of general secretary, communications secretary, administrative secretary, and book keeper. Annual budget is 1,3 million DKK, funded by member organizations.  
Mission and Objectives

The council is engaged in network activities, capacity building, and acts as a center of knowledge for faith based organizations. Part of our focus is on intercultural relations and interrelgious understanding, especially in relation to freedom of religion and belief.

Main Projects / Activities

Network activities, capacity building among member organizations, and advocacy. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Knowledge and expertice in working with faith based organizations and their partners globally. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To strengthen our contacts with secular ngo's, working with dialogue and relation building. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Jonas Adelin Jørgensen
Job Title
Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Jonas Adelin Jørgensen

Danish Red Cross Youth (DRCY) // Ungdommens Røde Kors (URK)

National Network

Hejrevej 30, 2 sal
2400 KBH NV

+ 45 35 37 25 55
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
DRCY is an independent youth organisation under DRC. DRCY is organized in a number of volunteer-driven steering and thematic committees. The volunteer-driven activities are supported and facilitated by a secretariat, including 18 full-time advisors. The youth volunteers are the core force of the DRCY activities, a concept which underline the capacities of both the volunteers as the staff and their ability to engage support youth in their active involvement as volunteers. Our budgetary resources and sources of funding can be found through the following link: https://issuu.com/ungdommensroedekors/docs/aarsrapport_2015 In our international activities the DRCY acts as one Red Cross society with the Danish Red Cross and our efforts always aim to support the national Red Cross/Crescent partners and other partners to sustainably carry out the work in their own territory. In addition to local reach, being part of the International Federation of The Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) gives DRCY a global potential. Partnering with the IFRC, our effort to strengthen youth capacity and involvement is global. Aligned with and in support of the IFRC strategy 2020 attention on Youth action, DRCY strive for youth influence and inclusion within the entire Red Cross/Red Crescent movement and beyond.
Mission and Objectives

The DRCY work towards supporting the most vulnerable children and youth. This mission stems from the seven Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement:
The 7 fundamental principles of the Red Cross are:
Voluntary service
Since 2008, the international activities of the Danish Red Cross Youth (DRCY) have proliferated and grown in several new directions. From a focus on cultural exchange youth programmes, new activities have increasingly engaged in youth-focused development projects, gradually building a competence in working with ever more vulnerable youth groups in Africa, the Middle East, Greenland and Europe
The priorities od the DRCY international activities aims to further expand international activities while developing core competencies in working with the most vulnerable youths and in strengthening youth influence on their own lives, their communities and the global Red Cross Movement. This builds directly on the strategic ambitions in the general DRCY’s Strategy on expanding activities, targeting more vulnerable groups and enhancing quality and social impact of DRCY’s programmes in Denmark and abroad.
The Danish Red Cross Youth apply a holistic approach to enable youth to pursue healthy viable lives and seek influence upon and inclusion within their societies. Doing this, we will advocate for a strengthened attention to youth development, showing that youth can act as key partners in development, if only we invest in their potential.

Main Projects / Activities

DRCY has vast experience with the coordination and cooperation with local stakholders and authorities through national activities such as summer camps, mentor projects, telephone hotlines, sport and health projects, support for children at asylum and women crisis centers and so on. DRCY has substantial experience within international projects, dating back to 1986 and currently working on youth projects in Palestine, Jordan, Zimbabwe, Greenland and Europe. Within the technical field of youth work DRCY has a strategic focus on youth engagement and development. DRCY works through a multidimensional approach addressing youth as leaders, as volunteers, and as beneficiaries by employing participatory and evidence-based methodologies. DRCY's core competencies are life skills, peer-to-peer support and gender responses, vital in responding to the needs of young people as volunteers, leaders and beneficiaries. In addition the DRCY has a great deal of experience and expertise in organisational youth development that encourages youth engagement and influence, youth leadership development as well as ensuring a special attention to youth as beneficiaries. In DRCY projects nationally and internationally there is a focus on sustainability of the activities. In Denmark, DRCY has been one of the leading and innovative civil society organizations in collaborating with local authorities. The DRCY also have a yearly Leadership Academy every August with a focus on training International NRCS's in different psychosocial methods. Currently the DRCY is developing g global platform for youth volunteers in which they can find resources, engage in youth dialogue and undergo online training on topics such as Life Skills, Youth Leadership, Psychosocial Support and Innovation in social inclusion work with refugees and migrants.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

At the DRCY we believe that we can contribute to the network with the many years of experience with international youth work as well as with new and innovative ideas and approaches to cooperation across sectors, organisations and institutions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is an important part of the DRCY strategy to broaden the cooperation with other stakeholders in the field of youth, who work in Europe and the Mediteranean. By joining the Anna Lindh Foundation Network the DTCY hopes to broaden the scope of potentiel partners, associated partners and alliances in the global youth work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maj Vestergaard Navntoft
Job Title
International Advisor
Head of the organisation
Anders Folmer Buhelt
Contact (2) Full Name
Kara Djuurhus
Job Title (2)
Head of International Department

Danish Red Cross: Fundraising Event


In a remarkable display of solidarity and generosity, another esteemed member of the ALF Danish network recently spearheaded an event aimed at supporting health clinics in Somalia. With a heartfelt commitment to making a tangible difference in the lives of those in need, the event organizers rallied supporters and donors from all corners of Denmark to contribute to this noble cause.

The event, held on a crisp winter evening, served as a beacon of hope for the Somali people grappling with the challenges of accessing adequate healthcare. With unwavering determination, the organizers spared no effort in ensuring the success of their fundraising endeavor, leveraging their networks and resources to maximize impact.

From passionate speeches to captivating performances, the event was a testament to the power of community coming together for a common cause. Attendees were moved by the stories shared, shedding light on the urgent need for medical assistance in Somalia and the profound impact that even the smallest contribution could make.

As the evening unfolded, the generosity of the attendees shone through, with donations pouring in from individuals and organizations alike. Each contribution, no matter the size, represented a beacon of hope for the vulnerable communities in Somalia, signaling a collective commitment to alleviating their suffering.

The culmination of the event brought with it a moment of profound gratitude and celebration, as the organizers announced the staggering total raised: 102,130,401 Danish kroner. This monumental achievement surpassed all expectations, serving as a testament to the unwavering compassion and generosity of the community.

The funds raised will play a pivotal role in providing much-needed support to health clinics in Somalia, ensuring access to essential medical services for those who need it most. From lifesaving treatments to critical medical supplies, each donation will contribute to building a brighter and healthier future for countless individuals and families in Somalia.

As the event drew to a close, there was a palpable sense of pride and accomplishment in the air, knowing that together, the Danish community had made a tangible difference in the lives of others. The success of this fundraising effort serves as a powerful reminder of the profound impact that collective action and compassion can have in creating positive change in the world.







Danish Refugee Council Youth (DFUNK)

National Network

Fælledvej 12, C
2200 Copenhagen

25 88 35 20
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
DFUNK is the national youth network of the Danish Refugee Council. DFUNK has 7 regional groups in Denmark: Storkøbenhavn, Sjælland, Fyn, Nordjylland, Vestjylland and Østjylland and Sydjylland. Groups meet about once a month. Besides these regional groups, the Board of DFUNK has established International Section. The Cultural section is about to be established. The Board has 7 members and 2 suppleants. DFUNK has about 800 members pr. May 2010, and the amount of members is rapidly expanding. DFUNK gets some basic funding for its functioning from Danish Refugee Council. Besides this, we have profits from our events and the membership fee. DFUNK works on volunteer basis, but has one employed Youth Consultant at the office, as well as a trainee.
Mission and Objectives

DFUNKs goal is to engage young people to promote better conditions for the young refugees and young people with other ethnic background than Danish, in Denmark and abroad. We want to promote volunteerism and to engage young people of different ethnic backgrounds to common volunteer projects.

Main Projects / Activities

DFUNK arranges different events and projects, and has an active meeting agenda. One of the main events of the year is the pant collection campaign during the Roskilde Festival. More information about our mission, objectives and activities can be found from www.dfunk.dk

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicolas Farr
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aja Heinze


National Network

Strandagervej 24

0045 39 62 99 11
Telephone (other)
0045 41 999 317
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0049 (0)721 608-44384
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
General Information
Danmission is an independent Christian based organisation connected with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark, as well as with churches and strategic partners in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Danmission strive to fight poverty, create sustainable social change through a strengthened civil society and facilitate dialogue to increase peace and mutual understanding.
Mission and Objectives

Dialogue is a key word for Danmission’s work, including dialogue between different religious, cultural and social groups in society.
Danmission believes that in order to build sound societies, dialogue is needed. Danmission contributes to capacity building of civil society and religious institutions, and adhering to mutual respect, support and tolerance, through dialogue and peace-building activities. Danmission works in the field of dialogue within and between political and religious groups, and strives to educate future leaders and opinion makers in the MENA region in dealing with religious diversity. Danmission’s dialogue and capacity building initiatives include religious leaders, media, politicians, artists and researchers.

Main Projects / Activities

Danmission has a long history of working in several countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Furthermore, Danmission is active in Denmark promoting the integration of refugees and immigrants, with a specific focus on dialogue issues. An important part of Danmission is our network in Denmark. More than 8000 people support with donations and by taking part in volunteer work.
Danmission in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Currently, Danmission is present in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Iraq. In addition, Danmission also implements minor project activities in Jordan.
The current volatile situation in the MENA region influences activities in relation to religion and interreligious dialogue. Religion is considered a crucial factor for political transformation in the region. The core competences of Danmission and our local partner organizations are interreligious understanding, capacity building and peace building initiatives combined with experience in contextual analysis and participation in extensive local and regional networks.

Contact (1) Full Name
Line Stange Ramsdal (ALF Network Coordinator)
Job Title
Programme Consultant, MENA
Head of the organisation
Ms. Line Ramsdal

Dansk Bibel-Institut (Copenhagen Lutheran School of Theology)

National Network

Frederiksborggade 1B.1
DK-1360 Copenhagen K

+45 33135500
Telephone (other)
+45 39697929
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
A private school for university level. Budget: 6 mill D.Kr. by private donations. Staff: 8 professors and 6 in administration. Modalities of action: Offers bachelor of theology accredited at University of Wales.
Mission and Objectives

Teaching students training for ministry and cross-cultural communication at home and abroad; research on classical theological culturally sensitive communication, e-learning

Main Projects / Activities

Developing cultural-based and technology-enhanced learning for Ancient Mediterranean languages, especially Biblical Hebrew, as well as field tours for students.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicolai Winther-Nielsen
Head of the organisation
Dean Børge Haahr Andersen
Contact (2) Full Name
Jens Bruun Kofoed