

National Network

Edisonsvej 10
1858 Frederiksberg

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
C:NTACT is an independent theatre and media organisation dedicated to social and cultural integration and education, based at the Edison stage in Copenhagen, Denmark. Every year C:NTACT launches stage-, film-, radio- and journalistic productions in Denmark and elsewhere. Our core objective is to provide a platform for living encounters between people with different backgrounds in order to create dialogue and reconciliation. Our principal task is to nurture and encourage the ability to communicate thoughts, dreams, ideas, and visions. C:NTACT offers a wide variety of production processes and workshops – primarily for and with young people. Our target groups cooperate with our professional artists, teachers, and directors who assist them in creating and developing artistic products for large audiences. Through theatre, film, radio and other media C:NTACT creates intercultural encounters between people who otherwise would not have met. C:NTACT’s starting point is always the personal story rising from each individual’s own reality. C:NTACT believes that our personal stories bind us together as human beings. We constantly define and reflect the world around us through our stories. The personal story offers possible worlds to us; when we relate our stories, we present our perspective on the world. Consequently, our young participants have a close personal relation to the artistic material, at the same time gaining experience and awareness of artistic modes of expression, such as theater and film. The participants are met at eye level – but they are also met with demands. Demands are highly significant in every artistic process which – besides learning basic methods and techniques – is also about being able to cooperate and develop a common project. C:NTACT believes that insight into the various techniques, methods, and frames of reference can be instrumental in creating greater understanding and tolerance – and we believe that our stories are capable of constituting a platform for developing “the common third”. Likewise, we believe in the broad concept of culture; that culture goes way beyond mere ethnicity and national borders. When working with theatre cooperations, we usually follow three steps: RECRUITMENT: Together, we gather a group of participants who represent different social backgrounds. The project will typically be given a headline signalling a current social issue. WORKSHOPS: The participants are taught various tools to tell and share their own stories. Together with professional artists and each other, they cooperate to bring a common vision into being. PRODUCTION: The project ends with a stage performance or documentary film that can be shown to a broader audience, who can mirror their own reality to what is presented on stage. Contact have 5 employed and 20 partners, main funding is private funding and goverment and municipality funding, in Denmark and abroad. 7 to 12 million DKR is C:ntact budgetary ressources in a year.
Mission and Objectives

C:NTACT is an independent theatre and media organisation dedicated to social and cultural integration and education, based at the Edison stage in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Every year C:NTACT launches stage-, film-, radio- and journalistic productions in Denmark and elsewhere. Our core objective is to provide a platform for living encounters between people with different backgrounds in order to create dialogue and reconciliation. Our principal task is to nurture and encourage the ability to communicate thoughts, dreams, ideas, and visions.

Main Projects / Activities

C:NTACT is an independent theatre and media organisation dedicated to social and cultural integration and education, based at the Edison stage in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Every year C:NTACT launches stage-, film-, radio- and journalistic productions in Denmark and elsewhere. Our core objective is to provide a platform for living encounters between people with different backgrounds in order to create dialogue and reconciliation. Our principal task is to nurture and encourage the ability to communicate thoughts, dreams, ideas, and visions.
C:NTACT always works with local theatre professionals and social organisations to set a theme relevant to the local audience they want to address, and to engage people in society who do not normally find themselves on stage––but have every right to stand there. In every single country we have visited during the years, we have entered profound partnerships with local talents and producers with whom we develop our method. We never not just arrive with a ready-made concept. Instead, we learn from new colleagues and participants––every time.
Over the years, we have worked with many organisations: NAKIPELO, Kharkiv Crisis Infocenter (Ukraine), Ma3mal 612 Think Factory (Jordan), Jordanian Women’s Union (Jordan), Hillbrow Theatre (South Africa), Irbid Art Theatre Troupe (Jordan), MedeArt (Jordan), Hala for Art Production (Egypten), NAYA for Training and Community Development (Jordan), ActionAid, ActionAid Regional Invitiative (Jordan), Community Development Committee (Jordan), Palīdzēsim (Latvia), The Danish Cultural Institute in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (Latvia).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By sharing methods, knowledge and network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we work internationally and in Denmark with intercultural, intersectional understanding, and would love new friends and new inspiration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Henrik Hartmann
Job Title
CCO/ kreativ direktør
Head of the organisation
Henrik Hartmann
Contact (2) Full Name
Mahmoudi Kashani
Job Title (2)

Center for Contemporary Middle East Studies, University of Southern Denmark

National Network

University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense

+45 6550 2176
Telephone (other)
+45 6550 2183
+45 6550 2161
Mobile Phone
+45 2238 5470
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The Centre for Contemporary Middle East Studies is academically speaking a part of Area Studies. This implies, among other things, that the Centre employs researchers that approach the Middle Eastern region from diverse academic backgrounds (Political Science, Sociology, Economy, Religion, History, Anthropology and the languages). The Centre is organised into four branches: - The Modern Middle East - Immigration-, Religion- and Cultural studies - Arabic Language Acquisition - The Information Centre The Information Centre organises the public relations activities within the Centre. All members of the staff contribute to the activities of the Information Centre and the revenue goes to the Centre for Contemporary Middle East Studies.
Mission and Objectives
Main Projects / Activities
Contact (1) Full Name
Associate professor, PhD. Peter Seeberg
Head of the organisation
Associate professor, PhD. Peter Seeberg

Center for Forebyggelse af Eksklusion

National Network

Ryesgade 30B
2200 København N

20 87 87 11
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The organization has one employed project manager and an allround intern. Besides that, the organization is run by a voluntary board consisting of 6 members with different professional backgrounds as well as an alternating number of volunteers. The organization has several unofficial and official partners that we cooperate with on different matters and in regard to different projects; e.g. Police Intelligence, the Nordic Council of Ministers, Facebook, the Danish Institute for Human Rights, several Danish NGO's, some public schools and more. Funding for concrete projects has so far been given by Socialstyrelsen, the municipality of Copenhagen as well as the municipality of Frederiksberg. No international donors so far. Two concrete projects run at the moment: 'Åndehullet' and 'Anmeld Had' (Report Hate).
Mission and Objectives

CFE wish to contribute in creating a more cohesive society which embraces all the differences that our society contains, across religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation and political standpoint, as we believe the society is becoming more and more fragmented by a 'them and us'-rethoric. A feeling of exclusion, not knowing ones rights as a citizen and not being an equal citizen can develop an unhealthy and even dangerous distance between individuals and society.
To do this, we investigate and bring into focus some of the visible and invisble mechanisms of exclusion that defines the society of today and with social research and specific projects we then put under scrutiny the causes and effects of these to contribute in preventing and working constructively with the matters.

Main Projects / Activities

Two main projects are run at the time being:
'Åndehullet' is targeting young Danes with ethnic minority backgrounds that, theoretically, are at risk of being redicalized as they have socalled norm-breaking or deviant attitudes and behaviour in comparison to other young people. The project involves a series of dialogue meetings with the target group where issues related to subjects such as citizenship, responsibility, rights, discrimination, exclusion etc. are taken up and discussed in a non-judgmental space and group. By doing this, the aim is to create or influence an understanding and agency among the young in relation to their own lives and taking matters into their own hands, e.g. in regard to achieving common recognition or using their voice to speak up about wrongs in a constructive way.
'Anmeld Had' (Report Hate) brings into focus and works with preventing the harsh and sometimes even hateful rhetoric that we see today and especially online. At our website, an online portal has been developed for the victims of such rhetoric - or physical/verbal assault - to report an incident to us which CFE will then take to the police if it's assessed by our voluntary legal practioners as a criminal offence. With the project we overall wish to contribute in investigating the extent of hate crimes and hate speech in Denmark by providing concrete data on this and to work towards better preventive actions against it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Benedikte Stenum Lindqvist
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Qasam Ijaz
Contact (2) Full Name
Qasam Ijaz
Job Title (2)
Chairman of the Board

Civil Society Development - CISU

National Network

Klosterport 4A
Århus C

+45 8612 03 42
Telephone (other)
+45 86 12 03 43
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Lotte Asp Mikkelsen
Job Title
Advisor of civil society development
Head of the organisation
Erik Vithner
Front and back covers

Colouring Book for Kids - World Religions

Have fun learning about the world's major religions with creative designs and simple challenges! For kids age 5+. O f the thousands of colouring books available for children, only a few deal with religion, tending to depict only one religion...

Communication and Culture

National Network

O B Muusvej 8
3520 Farum

+45 22958845
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
So far it is a one person company, collaborating with four other companies on seminars, teaching and business counseling. The company started with at small loan in the bank - 50.000 dk.kr and runs by income from the above mentioned activities. Clearspeech teaches: Chinese language at university and college level - and for beginners in companies. Multicultural seminars on fx. the view on health, cure and body in different cultures, and general communication services such as presentation technique and assessment.
Mission and Objectives

To improve oral communication and presentations in companies in general - and to raise the level of cultural understanding in Danish companies - thru the intercultural dialogue. Contribute a tiny bit to a better world.

Main Projects / Activities

Two-day seminars on: 1.communication and cultural understanding to the health sector ( doctors, hospitals and the pharmaceutical industry), 2.presentation technique for all types of companies and public organizations and institutions. Most seminars are in Danish, but English is also and option.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anne Lindhardt
Head of the organisation
Anne Lindhardt

Copenhagen Youth Network

National Network

Baltorpvej 114 2mf , Ballerup, Denmark
2750 Ballerup

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
General Information

CYN has 9 staff members in total. Amongst those are Halmat Faraidon Managing director, co- founder and a part of CYN since 2012. Marc Wacker, Special Adviser regarding organizational development and, co- founder and a part of CYN since 2012. Mette Seier Helms, Trainer and Advisor, a part of CYN since 2016. Hana Faridoon Kousted, Project Coordinator, a part of CYN since 2014

Since 2012, CYN has been a part of more than 100 national and international projects with budget from 5.000€ - 250.000 €. Annually the organisation's budgetary resources are up to 100,000 euro.

CYN is currently involved in projects funded by:
Erasmus+ Youth Exchanges and Training Courses
Erasmus+ Small Scale Partnerships and Strategic Partnerships
Erasmus+ Sport
Copenhagen Municipality (Department of Integration and Recreation)
The National Board of Social Service of Denmark

Mission and Objectives

Our services cover areas related to climate preservation, gender equality, mental health, and well-being. Additionally, we strive to create and promote inclusive environments that result in innovative and inspiring organizations. We provid services that strengthen individuals’ and organizations’ abilities to withstand difficulties. Our services include research, facilitation, project management, and training with the goal of fostering more active citizenship and a more sustainable future for our target group and the planet.

CYN is committed to implementing sustainable business practices in order to reduce operational risks, enable innovative business opportunities, and contribute to the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Building peaceful societies that encourages equality is crucial for sustainable development. In situations where conflicts occur, it is essential to implement social protection programs that address the needs and rights of vulnerable groups and populations. Progressing towards gender equality by empowering women and girls can play a vital role in the economic growth of nations.

CYN prioritizes the social inclusion of refugees and migrants and socially disadvantaged population groups in general. Our projects aim to strengthen communities by developing their soft skills, improving their self-image, developing their leadership skills, fostering their mental health, and supporting them throughout their educational and employment journeys. We strive to support and empower individuals in achieving their full potential, contributing to a more inclusive and equitable society.

Ensuring fair opportunities for individuals with different backgrounds, experiences and foundations is a critical aspect of our work. Our colleagues, including those with degrees in international law and human rights, as well as our network of external consultants and research analysts, have vast experience throughout the whole spectrum of the human rights-based approach to development. We offer various services to advance human rights and equality, including:

1. Implementing international human rights and international humanitarian law mechanisms: This involves integrating human rights and humanitarian law principles into the policies, procedures, and practices of CYN, as well as monitoring and evaluating the impact of our work on human rights and humanitarian law. CYN also advocate for the promotion and protection of human rights and humanitarian law at the national and international levels, and engage in partnerships and collaborations with other actors to further these goals.

2. Advocacy for youth and adult with migrant and refugees background: CYN is a member of the first-ever European self-representative structure for organisations led by people with migrant background. The organisation engages in advocacy efforts aimed at addressing the unique challenges faced by migrants and refugees, such as discrimination, lack of access to education, healthcare, and social services, and precarious living conditions. CYN further engages in community mobilization and awareness-raising activities aimed at reducing stigma and discrimination towards migrants and refugees. Overall, the organisation aims to ensure that refugee and migrant individuals are able to access the support and resources they need to live with dignity, safety, and security in their new communities.

3. Providing social protection to disadvantaged and vulnerable groups: CYN works to build the capacity of local communities and governments to provide social protection services and to address the root causes of poverty and exclusion. This involves providing training, technical assistance, and resources to local organizations and community groups, as well as engaging in partnerships and collaborations with relevant stakeholders.

4. Gender equality and women’s empowerment: CYN provides education and awareness-raising programs that address gender-based discrimination and violence, promote gender equality, and provide women with the skills and knowledge to participate fully in society. These programs address gender stereotypes, harmful practices, and norms that limit women’s opportunities and choices. As a result, CYN offers empowerment programs that aim to increase women’s economic opportunities, political participation, and leadership roles.
Our work in these areas is essential to promoting sustainable development and building peaceful societies that respect the rights of all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Main Projects / Activities

Copenhagen Youth Network (CYN) is a non-profit organisation founded in 2012 with experience in working with marginalized inner-city children and youths/young students in Copenhagen with different ethnic backgrounds and social/ economic resources. Through intercultural events focusing on recreational activities the aim is to promote inclusion, improve the life quality, friendships and self-respect/- awareness. The events have been implemented through a constructive partnership with the Municipality of Copenhagen (Department of Integration & Recreation). Since the summer 2015 CYN has also coordinated, hosted and implemented numerous EU "Erasmus+ projects with participation of young people 18-30 years of age from countries across Europe and outside in a cross-cultural meeting, dialogue, and common exploration of relevant societal issues. As partner we have been involved in more than 30 Erasmus+ projects abroad since 2016 and as well joined Salto Youth courses in countries abroad. It is CYN's mission to unite young people across the European landscape (and eventually the rest of the world) for mobility seminars and explorative workshops concerning relevant and common societal issues. Our aim is to foster solidarity, intercultural awareness, and educational, job related and personal competencies for youths in and around Europe. By bringing together young resourceful individuals we wish to share knowledge, establish networks and improve trans European relations with specific focus on communication and teamwork. Ultimately in order to strengthen European unity and identity and promote social inclusion and intercultural awareness and competencies.

The organisation provides trainings on the following subjects:

Media literacy and critical thinking
Prevention of Violent Extremism
Human rights
Intercultural communication
Mental health and physical health
Cultural festivals
Social gatherings (with Board-/Social-Games, teambuilding’s)

Contact (1) Full Name
Halmat Faraidon
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Halmat Faraidon
Contact (2) Full Name
Yoana Barakova
Job Title (2)
Research Analyst

Cross Cultures Project Association

National Network

House of Sport, Broendby Stadion 20
2605 Broendby

+45 43262770
Telephone (other)
+45 43262771
+45 43262772
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+45 27111519
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
THE STRUCTURE OF CCPA CCPA (Cross Cultures Project Association) is a Danish NGO with headquarters located in the House of Sports in Brøndby. The structure of CCPA consists of a General Assembly as well as a Board that supervises the work of the association.  (Annex B. list of Board members 2015) In each of the countries where CCPA works, CCPA have a network of local CCPA-branch office/partner organization. E.g. in Georgia a national CCPA-branch office manages the two EU-financed OFFS+SSP projects. In Moldova and Ukraine designated staff within the National Football Federations manages our activities (which is financed by local partners, Sida, and UEFA). Further all CCPA partner organisations have formed a CCPA-International-Council that exists to share best practise & to promote and enhance regional and global cooperation within the CCPA programs. DONOR OVERVIEW. Since 1999 CCPA has had a total turn around of approx. € 30.5 Mio. The most important donors are Sida (25 %), MfA Norway (21%), UEFA (20 %). MfA Denmark (17%), Others including local authorities and CSR partners 17%. In 2012-14 CSR and local contributions made up 57% of the CCPA-Balkan-budget. This includes contributions made by the local municipalities and the US Embassies to Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia and FYR Macedonia. (Annex C. Annual Report 2014)Cross Cultures Project Association (CCPA or Cross Cultures) is a politically independent, non-profit humanitarian organisation that exists for the purpose of developing, participating in as well as implementing projectscutting across cultural lines, which have as their main objective the promotion of reconciliation and integration among people through dialogue and collaboration. 22 COUNTRIES AROUND THE WORLD: The Open Fun Football School program (OFFS) program was introduced for the first time to post war Bosnia Herzegovina in 1998. Since then it has developed into regional programs in 6 regions and 22 conflict sensitive countries around the world. Western Balkan: Bosnia Herzegovina (1998- ), FYR Macedonia (2000- ), Serbia (2001- ), Montenegro (2001-2009), Croatia (2003- ), Kosovo (2006- ) Trans Caucasus: Georgia (2003- ), Armenia (2003- ), Azerbaijan (2003- ) CEC: Moldova (2006- ), Ukraine (2010- ) MENA:  Lebanon (2005- ), Jordan (2005-2007, 2013- ), Syria (2005-2007; 2009-2010), Tunisia (2013- ) Gulf: Iraq (2005- ), Qatar (2012-2013), Oman (2012- ) Asia: Afghanistan (2012- ), Tajikistan (2012-2013), Bhutan (2012-2013), India (2014- ) MORE THAN 1 MILLION ☺ From 1998-2014 CCPA has…. • Educated over 34,000 local leaders and coaches – all volunteers - in the specific fun-football-approach on regional seminars of 60-80 hours duration; • Organized 1,887 OFFS (5-days duration) for 371,316 boys and girls from 7-12 years old; • Organized day-to-day activities for 6,673 children living in refugee camps or at the Cross Cultures academies; • Organized Fun Football Festivals (1-day duration) for 518,531boys and girls from 7-12 years old; • Recruited over 74,442 local leaders, coaches, coach assistants and parents – all volunteers – to organize Open Fun Football School activities and Fun Football Festivals; • Organized workshops and parents meetings for 47,797 parents and municipal officials; • Stimulated and assisted the formation of over 2,500 new community sport clubs/teams that are organizing grassroots football and other activities for children and youth in local communities on a day-to-day basis.  
Mission and Objectives

CCPA exists for the purpose of developing, participating in as well as implementing projects cutting across cultural lines, which have as their main objective the promotion of reconciliation and integration among people through dialogue and collaboration. (Annex A – Statutes of CCPA)

Main Projects / Activities

CCPA is especially known for the Open Fun Football School program that is being implemented in 22 conflict sensitive countries around the world as tool to foster
1. reconciliation and coexistence – i.e. stimulate fellowship and cooperation through deliberate games and sport between people that are living in communities affected by war and conflicts; (All partner countries)
2. active citizenship and club formation – i.e. stimulate the formation of community sport clubs which is characterized by keywords as voluntarism, equality, parents involvement, bottom-up civil society and the basic principle of ‘Sport-for-All’ (All partner countries)
3. Cross-sector Juvenile Crime Prevention (SSP) – the formation of a cross sector crime prevention network (School+Sport+Police) in local communities in accordance with Danish patterns. (Balkan, CEC and Trans Caucasus)
4. Youth - i.e. encourage and prepare a generation of young women and men to participate, achieve influence, enhance active citizenship, social engineering, peace and democracy. (MENA)
From 1998-2014 CCPA has….
• Educated over 34,000 local leaders and coaches – all volunteers - in the specific fun-football-approach on regional seminars of (3-days duration/60-80 hours);
• Organized 1,887 OFFS (5-days duration) for 371,316 boys and girls from 7-12 years old;
• Organized day-to-day activities for 6,673 children living in refugee camps or at the Cross Cultures School Academies;
• Organized Fun Football Festivals (1-day duration) for 518,531boys and girls from 7-12 years old;
• Recruited over 74,442 local leaders, coaches, coach assistants and parents – all volunteers – to organize Open Fun Football School activities and Fun Football Festivals;
• Organized workshops and parents meetings for 47,797 parents and municipal officials;
• Stimulated and assisted the formation of over 2,500 new community sport clubs/teams that are organizing grassroots football and other activities for children and youth in local communities on a day-to-day basis.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CCPA cannot contribute a lot to the Network in Denmark. But we can contribute to the network by organising workshops, seminars and activities in all our partner countries. First, all our activities are organized across ethnic, social, religious or political divides on a so-called twin-city approach where children and voluntary coaches meet and interacts across conflict barriers and divides. Second, we consider CCPA as an open platform in local communities. Thus in our approach to the local communities we always try to involve as many different stakeholders in our activities, e.g. children, their parents, municipality officials, primary school teachers, local sponsors, community police, regional and national football associations, the local media, ministy of youth and sports and many others. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to explore possibilities to find new partners in the MENA region we can partner up with and if possible make joined programs together with.
Further I had the great pleasure to be panelist at the OSCE Security Day together with the President of the Anna Lindh Foundation and learned that the Anna Lindh Foundation both have a strong focus on social integration, bottom-up approaches and exchange and in this way we have a lot in common.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anders Levinsen
Job Title
Man. Director
Head of the organisation
Anders Levinsen
Contact (2) Full Name
Stina Wahl
Job Title (2)
Administrative Manager

Crossing Borders

National Network

Nørre Alle 7
2200 Copenhagen

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Crossing Borders (CB) is a non-profit, non-partisan civil society organisation which started as a project in 1999 in Denmark in support of meaningful dialogue between the conflict parties in the Middle East. In response to increased activities and demands for the CB concept and services, it was transformed, in 2004, into a dynamic organisation with activities in Denmark and abroad.

CB's themes focus on current global issues including climate change, migration, youth participation, and the SDGs as a contribution toward green innovation and eco-entrepreneurship for sustainable development. 

CB has collaborating with partners who work toward the same goals, such as:

  • Municipalities;
  • High schools;
  • Universities;
  • International civil society project partners;
  • Public funding partners;
  • International Funding partners.

In recognition of its contribution to peace dialogue, Crossing Borders was awarded an Honourable Mention for the Euro Mediterranean Award for Dialogue between Cultures 2006, with the theme Mutual respect among people of different religions or any other belief by the Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures and the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

CB structure comprises:

  • International advisory board of 22 eminent personalities;
  • Executive board of seven members;
  • Secretariat with Director, two International Programme Coordinators, 4 International Programme  Coordinators, 5 international Project Coordinators, and communication team and 20 volunteers/interns from all over the world.
Mission and Objectives

The mission is to create dialogue space toward such a world and to build the capacity of youth, media workers and educators to realise the above vision. The overall goal is to enable people with different backgrounds to learn to live together on equal terms.

Main Projects / Activities

CB activities comprise four programmes:

  • Global school services for high and primary schools in Denmark with the purpose to bring the world in the school and the school out into the real world;
  • Global Højskole for youth leaders from across the globe to learn about the key dimensions of globalisation: diversity, climate change, peace and conflicts, the media, the Gobal Goals for sustainable development and social enterpreneurship;
  • International projects focusing on youth participation in public and global affairs;
  • Volunteer programme as a way of enabling youth to gain real life experience and active citizenship;
  • Food for Thought Storytelling bi-weekly events;
  • Teacher conferences on current global issues of concern for educators;
  • Publications of educational materials, youth magazine and newsletters.
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Danish National Network

Like the other national networks, the Danish National Network reflects the mission and values of the ALF and the diversity of the civil society and work across fields including intercultural relations, heritage, religion, research, human rights, democracy and community development, arts, youth and education, gender, environment and sustainable development, and media.

In other words, the purpose of the Danish national network is to ensure the visibility of the ALF in Denmark, to inform, mobilise and bring interested civil society, public, academic and cultural institutions and individuals together to foster dialogue, exchange and cooperation around Euromed issues.

As head of the Danish Network, Crossing Borders is focusing on:

  1. Creating conducive spaces for Euromed intercultural meeting, dialogue, exchange and sharing of good practices
  2. Reactivating the old members and recruiting new ones
  3. Promoting the respective interests and activities of the Danish members
  4. Organising cultural events for members of the public
  5. Sharing of information, updates and opportunities with our members
  6. Communication and collaboration with other fellow national networks
  7. Be in regular contacts and coordination with the ALF Secretariat

For this purpose, we are building a webpage, revamping the Network’s Facebook page, and creating LinkedIn and Instagram platforms

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have been member of the network since the inception of ALF in 2005 and now are the Head of the Danish Networks. We believe and agree with the ALF mission, vision and human rights and dialogue based methods.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Garba Diallo
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Garba Diallo


Le réseau national danois reflète la mission et les valeurs de la FAL, ainsi que la diversité de la société civile. Il intervient dans divers domaines tels que les relations interculturelles, le patrimoine, la religion, la recherche, les droits humains, la démocratie et le développement communautaire, l’art, la jeunesse et l’éducation, le genre, l’environnement et le développement durable, ainsi que les médias.

En d’autres termes, l’objectif du réseau national danois est d’assurer la visibilité de la Fondation Anna Lindh au Danemark, d’informer, de réactiver d’anciens membres et d’en recruter de nouveaux qui manifestent un intérêt particulier pour la région euro-méditerranéenne. Des personnes privées, mais aussi quelque 52 organisations publiques et issues de la société civile ainsi que des institutions académiques et culturelles font partie des membres. Tous sont désireux de promouvoir un dialogue, d’échanger et de collaborer sur des questions liées à la région euro-méditerranéenne.

L’organisation Crossing Borders se trouve à la tête du réseau danois et souhaite se concentrer sur :

la création, dans le cadre du dialogue interculturel euro-méditerranéen, d’espaces qui facilitent les rencontres, le dialogue, l'échange et le partage de bonnes pratiques dans le respect des valeurs de la FAL ;

La réactivation d’anciens membres et le recrutement de nouveaux afin de renforcer le réseau ;

La promotion des activités et des centres d’intérêt des membres danois ;

L’organisation d’événements culturels pour les membres du public ;

Le partage d’informations, de mises à jour et d’opportunités avec les membres ;

La communication et la collaboration avec d’autres réseaux nationaux ;

Le maintien d’un contact régulier et la coordination avec le secrétariat de la FAL ;

Nous sommes heureux de compter parmi nos très chers membres, nouveaux ou anciens, des ONG, des plateformes de médias et des écoles, dont Finjan, Copenhagen Youth Network, ACT: New Nordic Voices, SOS Racisme Denmark, et l’UNESCO. Chacun d’entre eux partage la même passion pour le dialogue interculturel et la tolérance. Leurs objectifs rejoignent ceux de la Fondation Anna Lindh : soutenir la communication et la coopération interculturelles au sein de notre communauté. Ils mettent tout en œuvre pour promouvoir l’inclusivité, la diversité et le respect mutuel et jettent ainsi les bases d'une société harmonieuse et interconnectée. Leur travail met en évidence le pouvoir de la collaboration et la valeur intemporelle des échanges culturels. UNiG (Ung i Gladsaxe), notamment, est le parfait exemple d’une entreprise qui jette des ponts entre différentes cultures et parvient à établir des connexions durables au-delà des frontières. Ensemble, nos membres sont de véritables catalyseurs du changement positif, ils enrichissent notre expérience collective et ouvrent la voie à un futur meilleur et plus inclusif.

À cette fin, nous avons créé une page web, une page Facebook et une page LinkedIn.

L’adhésion est gratuite. Si vous souhaitez adhérer au réseau de la FAL danois, veuillez remplir le formulaire d’adhésion en ligne.

Nous traiterons votre demande dans les plus brefs délais.

L’histoire de votre réseau

Le réseau danois fait partie de la FAL depuis ses débuts, en 2005. Sa coordination a été assurée par différentes organisations de la société civile et entités publiques danoises, dont le Danish Institute of International Studies, Center for Culture and Development Cooperation et le Danmission. Malheureusement, le réseau a été plus ou moins dormant de 2018 à 2020.

L’association Crossing Borders a alors été contactée par l’un des membres nordiques pour devenir Chef de file du Réseau danois. Nous sommes entrés en contact avec le Networks Manager au secrétariat de la FAL, et

Crossing Borders a ensuite invité le Manager au Danemark pour assister à notre première assemblée générale le 12 mars 2020. C’était sans compter sur la pandémie de coronavirus qui a poussé les autorités danoises à fermer les frontières du pays dès le 11 mars 2020. Les invités de la FAL ont dû rentrer à Alexandrie, mais nous sommes restés en contact avec la Fondation afin de réactiver le réseau.

En attendant la reconnaissance du Ministère des Affaires étrangères, nous nous sommes concentrés sur les tâches qu'il nous restait à accomplir, notamment la mise à jour de la charte danoise, la création d'un comité de pilotage, la publication de la newsletter et la participation aux réunions de la FAL à Bruxelles, au Caire, à Alexandrie et à Göteborg entre mars et juin 2023.

Nous sommes très fiers de notre reconnaissance qui a fini par arriver ! Il nous tient à cœur de créer un réseau dynamique qui reflète les valeurs et la mission de la FAL.