Macédoine du Nord

Institute for Applies Research for Business

National Network
Macédoine du Nord

ul.Manapo N.3-1/27
1000 Skopje
Macédoine du Nord

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

The Institute for Applied Research for Business is a private research institute established in Skopje, R. of North Macedonia. The main areas of research are social science, including educational system, economy, law and human rights. The staff from the Institute is involved in many national and international projects as a researchers and trainers as well. The staff engaged at the Institute, are 22 in total. Most of them are PhD holders (10), then MSci (8) and BSci (4). Organizational structure of the Institute is consist of Scientific Board, as a professional and managing body and Director as a legal representative of the Institute. The Institute’s work is financed by project grands and commercial activities from research work, consultancy and trainings for the business entities.

Mission and Objectives

Тhe main goal of the Institute’s work is through networking applied research in the field of economic, organizational, legal and engineering sciences, balancing them with the protection of the environment, to continuously contribute to the improvement of the needs of business in today's modern society and protection and promotion of human rights. The mission of the Institute is nurturing and strengthening the research capacities and skills, and fostering excellence in research by improving the quality of scientific-research practices, and in function of social growth well-being, developing regional and international scientific cooperation and improving people's lives at the local and national level.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities of the Institute are: promotion and protection of human rights, democracy and implementation of different anti corruption tools in the public and private sector are also a one of the priority activities of the IARB. In that, direction the Institute has experience in delivering non-formal training courses for whistle-blowers protection and anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism. Also Institute has few ongoing projects in the field of Anti-corruption and Circular economy. There are three main target groups directly concern from the Institute’s work. The first target group for the Institute’s activities in CSO sector are young people and youth workers ( 18 years +) Second target group considering the Institute’s activities for professional development and the need for adapting the labour force to the demanding market is consist of 18+ learners who need professional reskilling and upskilling The third target group for the Institute’s activities concerning the education consists of following sub-groups: - early childhood educators ( preschool education) -teachers in primary and secondary schools -pedagogues and psychologists in education -students ( 2-18 years)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Institute can contribute to the ALF network by: - Sharing the experience of the Institute’s staff in project management, research, workshops and trainings; - Enabling networking with various organizations from Europe with which the institute cooperates, such as research institutes, NGOs, universities, business entities; -Making available its capacities for new projects, with a special focus on human rights and anti-corruption.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of the priorities in the activity of the Institute is networking with organizations that share similar goals and vision, with the aim of joint action at the local level to promote the basic values that the Institute stands for, with a focus on human rights, non-discrimination and anti-corruption in all segments of the society. Hence, networking with organizations from ALF Network that share the values of a more inclusive and harmonious society for all will be extremely important for our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Biljana Gjozinska
Job Title
Senior Researcher
Head of the organisation
Adrijana Bulevska Zarikj, Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Aneta Vasiljevikj-Sikaleska
Job Title (2)
Senior Researcher

Institute for Social Change - InSoC

National Network
Macédoine du Nord

H.T. Karposh no.3
Zivko Brajkovski 3, Gostivar
Macédoine du Nord

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

InSoC is governed by a governance board (7 members) and an executive committee (4 members). It is membership-based organization, currently with 2 employees, 3 volunteers, and 13 members. The annual budget in 2023 was 64.000 Euro, funded by different donors, plus services we provided to clients. Primary modality of organizational action is through project implementation, research and capacity building services for CSOs. InSoC partners with CSOs and institutions, currently leading two informal CSO networks on social inclusion and minority rights.

Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement We actively contribute to social change and an equitable society. InSoC’s initiatives encompass transformative efforts in social structures, behaviors, relationships, groups, and movements, coupled with normative changes to foster core values. The organization’s mission is to facilitate every individual’s realization of their maximum developmental potential, fostering a society harmoniously progressing towards sustainability. InSoC firmly prioritizes democracy, the rule of law, human rights, and investing in human capital. This commitment is further strengthened by employing a human rights-based approach in all its endeavors. The commitment to accountability, empowerment, and equal opportunities, with a specific focus on vulnerable groups, particularly the Roma community, reflects the organization’s dedication to positive change.

Main Projects / Activities

COALITION OF CIVIL ORGANIZATIONS - FORUM OF NON-MAJORITY COMMUNITIES IN THE REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA Project topics • Cooperation of civil organizations that work with smaller communities for their contribution to reducing social polarization. • Increasing their capacity for institutional cooperation, cooperation with relevant institutions of the state and international organizations. • Creating conditions for good governance and social inclusion. • Promotion of the multi-ethnic character of society. • Building trust and coexistence between community members. • Improvement of the environment in which civil society functions and develops, which contributes to democratic management, good governance and social inclusion. ROMA ACTION: CIVIL ENGAGEMENT OF THE LOCAL COMMUNITY To contribute towards the creation of proactive and committed local watchdogs who work on mainstreaming Roma issues into local policies while addressing specific problems of the Roma community in Macedonia OUTSIDE THE CIRCLE: INVISIBLE IN SOCIETY The project is in line with the need to strengthen the impact of civil society in public policies and decision-making to influence key reforms for further support of the country in the EU accession processes. ROMA CSO NETWORK: ROMA COMMUNITY’S RESPONSE Roma CSO network, as an active actor in policy-making for Roma in Macedonia had a range of activities across different projects for Roma integration.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The following activities would align InSoC's focus on non-majority communities with the Anna Ling Foundation's mission of promoting intercultural and civic dialogue. - Cultural exchange programs: InSoC can organize events that bring together majority and non-majority communities, fostering intercultural dialogue. in addition, we will advance the expertise of the Foundation on Roma social inclusion policies. - Civic education initiatives: Develop workshops and training sessions on democratic processes, emphasizing the importance of civic dialogue across all communities. - Policy research and advocacy: conduct studies on intercultural issues and use the findings to advocate for inclusive policies at local and national levels. - Youth engagement: Create programs targeting young people from diverse backgrounds to promote understanding and collaboration. - Media projects: Develop media campaigns or support local journalists in promoting balanced reporting on intercultural issues. - Capacity building for NGOs: Offer training to other organizations in the region on effective intercultural communication and civic engagement strategies. - Cross-border initiatives: Extend InSoC's work to neighboring countries in the Western Balkans, facilitating regional dialogue and cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The reasons for InSoC wanting to join the Anna Ling Foundation include: 1. Shared values: Both organizations have aligned missions focusing on dialogue and civic engagement. 2. Expanded reach: Joining forces could allow InSoC to extend its influence beyond Macedonia to the wider Western Balkans region. 3. Resource pooling: Collaborating could provide access to learning, the exchange of skills/know how, more funding, expertise, and networks. 4. Enhanced credibility: Associating with an established foundation might boost InSoC's reputation and impact. 5. Knowledge exchange: The partnership could facilitate the sharing of best practices and innovative approaches. 6. Stronger advocacy: A united front might be more effective in promoting democratic culture and the rule of law. 7. Complementary skills: InSoC's focus on non-majority communities could fill a niche within the foundation's broader mission.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadir Redzepi
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Nadir Redzepi
Contact (2) Full Name
Samet Skenderi
Job Title (2)
Program Manager

Loesje Bitola

National Network
Macédoine du Nord

Ilindenska 172
7000 Bitola
Macédoine du Nord

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Loesje Bitola was born in 2018 as part of the worldwide Loesje network and is an active institution for Education & Training based in North Macedonia. The organization was founded by a group of youth workers, trainers and project managers active for more than 10 years in youth work locally and internationally, to respond to the needs of young people, youth workers and educators, as well as the society as a whole. We work actively towards promoting active citizenship, fostering human rights education, raising awareness about the values of diversity, equality, tolerance, and freedom of expression towards combating discrimination, hate speech, social and religious intolerance, all these topics concerning attitudes and behaviors of young people.

Mission and Objectives

We aim to empower youth (especially from marginalized groups) towards active European citizenship, responsible for their actions and capable of being committed in the societies where they live. Our youth workers work to equip them with different skills and competences to help them build a strong society. We believe that each of us has some strength, knowledge, and experience that can be shared. We implement the Loesje creative methodology, which gives us a chance to express ourselves in a different, creative way and to exchange knowledge. Our goal is to increase the awareness in the society about current challenges we are facing, to equip the young people, as well as youth workers, trainers and educators with different creative and innovative skills and competencies and to develop cooperation with local and national institutions and other non-governmental organizations. Also in our plan for empowerment, we aim to increase mobility of young people and youth workers through Erasmus+ experience. The main directions of activity are: – Encouraging active participation of young people on different levels – Supporting role of youth in the community development; – Promoting human rights, ideas of tolerance, inclusion and non-discrimination in society; – Monthly Loesje creative writing workshops – Creation of different materials through new innovative digital tools – Co-organisation of international youth exchanges, training courses, seminars and other events The organisation builds its strategy on the inclusive participation principle to involve young people with different backgrounds and opportunities. We believe that by discovering potential, developing communication and critical thinking skills, and active citizenship, young people will transform their strengths for community development and fostering positive societal changes.

Main Projects / Activities

Our youth workers implement diverse non formal educational activities with young people, focusing on their development, empowerment and active participation. We implement creative writing workshops, organized by our stuff for different groups, young people from vulnerable groups, teachers, students, single parents, etc. also on many different topics. We would like to empower our society by developing of critical thinking and creativity. Apart from local activities, we are part of many international projects (youth exchanges, training courses, job shadowings etc.). We prepare different groups of participants, taking part in short and long term, local and international projects and we focus on increasing our capacities by sending young people and youth workers in different events. We cooperate with organization from Europe, Caucasus, MENA region in implementing projects on different topics. At the moment we are running dissemination process of results from projects on following topics: - Human rights education and antidiscrimination - Inclusion and empowerment on LGBTIQ+ community - Empowerment and inclusion of women - Digital tools in youth work - Political participation of young people

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With the skills, knowledge and competences we can promote the values of Anna Lind Foundation, by promoting and presenting it's goals and activities, developing new initiatives, taking part of the activities and contributing with our methodology

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the Network because we believe in the goals and activities of the Foundation. We want to join different events, programs and also contribute to development of new initiatives and become stronger together through cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Trajkovska
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Marina Trajkovska
Contact (2) Full Name
Antonio Boshkovski
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator
Name of Organisation
Loesje Bitola

Lokomotiva- Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture

National Network
Macédoine du Nord

Dimitrije Chupovski 20/8
1000 Skopje
Macédoine du Nord

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Lokomotiva is a small organization, project-based run due to a lack of available resources for structural funds. There are twelve members of the assembly, four people in the management structure and two ongoing collaborators. All are working on honorarium basses. Sources of funds are mixed, mostly from European funds, international donors, and some from the Ministry of Culture. Lokomotiva developed and implemented diverse culture and art projects, in different media and formats, such as performances, education, capacity building, training programmes, debates, discussions, exhibitions, researchers, advocacy activities and others. Lokomotiva understands culture as an extended field, co-related with society, and art as an experimental communication and post-discipline field that extends the forms of expression, production and dissemination.
Lokomotiva is a co-founder of spaces and associations locally and regionally and was a co-organiser in different EU projects, some late: ArtClimateTransition (2019-2023), (Non)Aligned Movements and ReImagine- green transition in performing arts.

Mission and Objectives

Lokomotiva is a civil society organization that develops and creates working conditions for the development, research, production, and presentation of the art practices and other work processes of professionals in the field of contemporary arts and culture.
Lokomotiva achieves this by generating new models of collaboration, advocacy in the creation of developmental cultural policies on local, regional, and international levels, discursive, residency, educational and production modes, as well as the development of needed capacities in the community.

2020-2024 Strategic Goals
• Strengthening the educational and research capacities and possibilities in art, culture and socio-politically relevant issues (ecology, gender politics, feminism, commons etc.);
• Creating new collaborative and support systems in the field of art and culture (residencies, mentoring and curatorial programs, research programs etc.) based on feminist intersectional approaches, togetherness and the creation of a safe environment;
• Improving working conditions in the field of contemporary art and the non-institutional scene (new space, institution, residency space(s), workers’ rights and universal basic income);
• Creating systems and mechanisms for international cooperation in the field of culture

Main Projects / Activities

Lokomotiva has an interdisciplinary approach to its programs and includes activities that support professional development and lifelong learning through education, creation and production, art exchange, diffusion, research, lectures, presentations, public debates and networking, and it is also present accentuated with a special purpose within a specific program activity.
What connects all programs is the re-reading of production models, educational, institutional and social practices and discourses, association models and partnership cooperation and advocacy for social change. All programs aim to offer new approaches and models of cooperation, production and education that contribute to social cultural and development and changes.
Programs in 2024
1. Contemporary culture and policies – a program designed to reform policies and politics in the field of art and culture (EU project ReImagine- Green transition in performing arts (EU project/ regional series of workshops, development of curriculum, toolkit and 12 diverse projects in N.Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary and Bulgaria) and Gender equality in culture and the arts (discussions after performances)
2. PERFORMANCE PLATFORM festival- performances/workshops (Diverse performances in collaboration with other festivals).
3. Collaboratory – research and production of artistic, curatorial and theoretical practices -residencies, workshops, discursive and educational programs, new approaches in building knowledge (Artistic residencies, KULTRAINING – education and cooperation for the communities (for non-professionals and professionals); Curatorial practice in Context – International School; digital archive of contemporary dance and choreography and exhibition on regional performance and dance practices)
4. Open spaces – program intended for building partnerships, developing methods and exchanging knowledge (Cooperation, participation and continuation of Membership in the European Dance, ONDA France, GPS USA etc.)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will bring sociocultural capital cultivated over the past two decades within our organization, through collaborations and our programs, particularly focused on the Balkans region but extending to encompass a broader European space. Our collective expertise encompasses a diverse array of experiences, fostering an intersectional perspective that integrates cultural dynamics with pertinent socio-political themes such as environmental concerns, gender politics, feminism, and communal initiatives. Moreover, we have a deep understanding of collaborative methodologies and their frameworks, including insights into both local and international cooperative endeavors. Additionally, we are engaged in policy activities and advocacy actions for providing better working conditions within regional collaborative contexts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to connect and share our experiences with other regions and spaces, to bring those experiences to our collaborators- artists, cultural workers and other communities. Also, we would like to enhance endeavours among us and other organizations, bring artistic works, but also talk and discuss issues that concern us- such as gender inequalities and politics, environmental catastrophe etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Biljana Tanurovska -Kjulavkovski
Job Title
Program director/ president
Head of the organisation
Biljana Tanurovska - Kjulavkovski
Contact (2) Full Name
Emilija Chockova
Job Title (2)
financial director and program manager

Macédoine du Nord


Le premier réseau d'organisations de la société civile en Macédoine du Nord a été établi au début de l’année 2024 grâce aux efforts de l’European Association for Local Democracy - ALDA Skopje. Le réseau national vise à maintenir un profil équilibré et diversifié du secteur de la société civile macédonienne, couvrant divers domaines, afin d'assurer la complémentarité, de promouvoir la compréhension mutuelle et d'encourager les approches participatives.

L'objectif principal du réseau est de promouvoir la bonne gouvernance et la participation citoyenne au niveau local en Macédoine du Nord et dans la région plus large des Balkans occidentaux. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, le coordinateur du réseau et ses membres s'engagent à adopter des stratégies qui encouragent une approche pratique et facilitent les activités de transfert de connaissances entre pairs. Ces initiatives visent à maximiser l'engagement des membres du réseau et à tirer le meilleur parti de leurs capacités et domaines d'expertise.

Meetings for the protection and sustainable management of pastures in the Shar-Korab massif

The image depicts a group of men standing in a grassy outdoor setting, engaged in conversation. Nearby, a small herd of goats, including adults and kids, grazes and moves around. The men are dressed casually, and the scene has a rural, pastoral feel. In the background, there are trees and a simple farm structure, along with a cloudy sky, suggesting a calm, overcast day. The setting appears to be a farm or rural community gathering.

These days the CSCD team and its ALCDF partners in company of the managers of the Public Enterprise for economization of pastures, the director Mr. Nefruz Çeliku and the regional representatives from Tetovo and Gostivar held meetings to raise the awareness of the shepherds and mirrorers of sheep and goats in the bacila of Shipkovica in Shar Planina and

the bacilla of Galačnik in Mavrovo. They are at these meetings discussed the problems faced by shepherds and their needs, to be the main guardians of the protection of the environment in the mountains At these meetings, protection issues were discussed of biodiversity, endemic plants, illegal interventions, the care of wild fauna, fire protection and response, hospitality of tourists, but also the inadequate movements of the 4*4 armored motor vehicles that damage them pastures, as well as the protection of the environment from plastic waste. At these meetings it was also discussed the shortcomings and legal-administrative conflicts in pasture management, which creates uncertainty among the users of the pastures and affects the work of the shepherds who do not have time and knowledge for bureaucratic questions. We cannot remain without mentioning and thanking the generous traditional hospitality of the family of Mr. Nejbedin Haliti and his wife in Shipkovica especially for tasting the warm wild mountain tea, as well as Mr. Vase and Mr. Taulanti in Galačnik with sheep sour milk and fresh cheese, which add value and beauty of the nature of these mountains. These meetings were organized within the project "Protection and sustainable using the protected areas of the Shar, Mavrovo and Korab-Koritnik mountains", financed by the program Prespa Ohrid Nature Trust - PONT, project implementers ALCDF Foundation and partners CSCD and LAG Tourist Office Dibr

Author: CSCD


National Network
Macédoine du Nord

bul. Vidoe Smilevski Bato 35/2-20
1000 Skopje
Macédoine du Nord

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

CET platforma Skopje is a voluntary, non-profit, non-governmental association of citizens with mission to: strengthen civil society on local, national and European level, promote and protect the human rights, perform activities which encourage moral and civic values, strengthen inter-ethnic relations, empower youth in society, advocate for social inclusion of vulnerable groups, promote non-formal education and offer support, education, training and mobility opportunities to young people. CET platforma Skopje is established in January 2016 by young, motivated, competent and experienced youth workers, leaders, activists and experts who are active in the civil sector and youth work from 2008. CET platforma Skopje is the Macedonian branch of CET platform network that has member organisations in Serbia, Croatia, Poland, Montenegro, Slovenia, Kosovo, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Latvia. CET platforma Skopje at the moment has 25 active members and 5 volunteers who belong to different ethnic, religious or gender groups that live in North Macedonia. The members have different backgrounds and experiences, but many of them are active in youth work, non-formal education and grass-roots activism from 2008. Our members have been participants, coordinators or organisers of various local, national and international projects on different topics within different programmes such as: Youth in Action, Europe for Citizens, No Hate Speech Movement and Erasmus+. Most of the members have been volunteers or worked for other non-profit youth organisations in the past and have huge experience in preparing, managing and organising local and international activities. Few members have been EVS volunteers in different countries. Most of the members have a university diploma and have finished or still studying in various departments of different faculties. CET platform Skopje is a full member of the following European networks: 1) Transnational United Network in Europe, 2) Youth ProActive Coalition, and 3) Become Yourself Network and the following national networks: 1) Youth counter violence, 2) Community Investment Platform, and 3) Network of NGOs from Municipality of Aerodrom for career guidance and promotion of youth participation.

Mission and Objectives

The vision of CET platforma is to fulfil a broader social interest, to act and achieve objectives in the areas of civil society, democratic order and institutions, civic values, human rights, media, non-formal education and vulnerable categories of citizens in society. We strive to stimulate and sustain the personal, professional and social development of the local youth and to foster their active and responsible participation in educational, social, cultural, political and economic life in the communities they live in. We aim through our work and activities to provide space for intercultural learning and to give opportunities to youth to personally develop during the activities we prepare for them. To achieve the mission and vision, CET platforma’s main objectives and areas of work are: - Development of civil society, democracy and democratic institutions; - Promotion and protection of human rights, civic values and rights of vulnerable groups of citizens in society; - Strengthening of interethnic and interreligious relations and contributing to equality and solidarity in society; - Promotion and protection of media freedoms, rights and standards; - Promotion of non-formal education among citizens, especially among young people; - Support of marginalized people and contributing to their social inclusion in society; - Affirmation of youth in society and stimulating their participation in decision-making; - Offering assistance to local and state institutions in the creation of responsible public policies; - Promotion and development of creativity, innovation, sustainable development and entrepreneurship; - Promotion of philanthropy, volunteerism and active participation of citizens in the social, political and economic life; - Capacity building of civil society at the local and international level; - Establishing cooperation with local and foreign NGOs, foundations, local governments, state institutions and other organisations who share our goals and values

Main Projects / Activities

On a local level, with grants from governmental institutions, the city and different Municipalities of Skopje we have implemented projects for social inclusion of marginalized and vulnerable groups, active participation of young people, employability, gender equality and capacity building of NGO’s working in these fields. Most recent local projects: 1) In the end of 2023, we have started the project “Informed, united and active for a better society”, granted by the Agency for Youth and Sports, that through different activities and workshops will inform and educate civil organisations and young people about EU funding programmes, process of drafting grant proposals, provided space for networking and promoted volunteerism. In first half of 2023, we run the project “With successful communication, to a better educational process!”, granted by the Municipality of Gazi Baba that aimed to improve the quality of the educational process in the part of primary education by improving the communication between teachers, parents and students. In August 2021, in Popova Shapka, we organised the youth exchange “It is all about love” which explored the cultural universal of marriage and wedding ceremonies in different countries as a way for young people to appreciate and learn more about different cultures, traditions and religions. In April and May 2022, in Krushevo, we organised 2 youth exchanges: 1) „Young Online Entrepreneurs” with a main aim to bring together 36 young people and youth leaders in order to introduce them with the philosophy of entrepreneurship and social media platforms as an asset for starting or managing businesses and tools for initiating social changes, 2) "From Hero to Zero" with a main aim to bring together 36 young people and youth leaders from 6 countries in order to introduce them with the concept of entrepreneurship and sports education as one of the solutions for combating youth unemployment. In July 2022, we have hosted youth exchange “Let’s Map It! Intercultural Dialogue in Countryside Areas” that aimed to empower 31 young people, youth leaders and volunteers to use the methodology of “Image Mapping” as tool to engage youth form rural areas and inspire rural development to the hosting communities. In November 2022, we have hosted youth exchange “Be Happy, Be a Polyglot” that aimed to deconstruct the myth that learning new languages is a difficult thing to do and to raise awareness and promote the importance and benefits of learning new languages to 37 young participants and youth leaders. In October 2023, we have hosted the training course “Comedy as a Tool - Enhancing Youth Engagement through Humor” that aimed to improve the competencies and quality of the youth work of 24 youth workers in the fields of communication, facilitation, and youth engagement by using non-formal educational methods and stand-up comedy techniques. We have also been part of 3 Erasmus+ KA2 strategic partnerships projects in the field of youth and adult education. We have also been very active as a reliable partner on youth mobility projects. So far, we have sent over 800 young people and youth workers on more than 170 projects abroad that were organised by our partners with the support of Erasmus+.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bojan Kocevski
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Bojan Kocevski
Name of Organisation
CET platforma Skopje

My Social worker

National Network
Macédoine du Nord

/str.Georgi Dimitrov
1000 Skopje
Macédoine du Nord

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

-Acquaintance of citizens about the way to exercise their rights from child and social protection; -Informing and advising citizens about services from social protection, family, children's and social rights; -Promotion and maintenance of social security of citizens; -Empowering citizens to recognize their own needs.

Mission and Objectives

-Based employment of persons at social risk; -Strengthening the capacities of citizens; -Encouraging social inclusion; -social cohesion and poverty reduction; -Support and legal advice from a lawyer

Main Projects / Activities

-Informing and advising citizens about social protection rights and services -Preparation and support of vulnerable groups in the job search process -support for developing personal and parenting skills -support in life crises and provision of professional assistance -cooperation and directing users to help from other organizations (humanitarian, state and non-governmental

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Influencing policymakers; Building a movement for dialogue and exchange in the face of growing mistrust and polarization among societies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to become part of you because we need your support and together we can reach our common goals and ensure a quality life for the vulnerable categories in our country

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasmina Kaleovska
Job Title
social work &psychotherapy
Head of the organisation
Jasmina Kaleovska
Contact (2) Full Name
Angelina Mladenovska
Job Title (2)
social worker
Name of Organisation
My social worker

North Macedonia


The first network of civil society organizations in North Macedonia was established in early 2024 through the efforts of the European Association for Local Democracy - ALDA Skopje. The national network aims to maintain a well-balanced and diversified profile of the Macedonian civil society sector, covering various fields, to ensure complementarity, promote mutual understanding, and encourage participatory approaches.

The network's primary goal is to promote good governance and citizen participation at the local level in North Macedonia and the wider Western Balkans region. To achieve these objectives, the network's coordinator and its members are committed to adopting strategies that encourage a hands-on approach and facilitate peer-to-peer knowledge transfer activities. These initiatives aim to maximize the engagement of network members and make the most of their capacities and areas of expertise.

Nov Kolegium Bitola

National Network
Macédoine du Nord

Niko Fundali 13/35
7000 Bitola
Macédoine du Nord

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

L'Association pour la Démocratie et la Prospérité NEW COLLEGIUM Bitola est une organisation non gouvernementale, non partisane et à but non lucratif, dont l'objectif principal est d'entreprendre des activités dans le domaine de l'éducation, des libertés et des droits civils, du développement d'une société démocratique, des relations interethniques. et l'égalité des sexes entre hommes et femmes, la protection des enfants, des jeunes et des personnes âgées et d'autres tâches et objectifs de nature humanitaire. Les buts et objectifs de l'Association pour la Démocratie et la Prospérité NEW COLLEGE Bitola sont : • représenter un forum de promotion d'idées, de débats professionnels et d'échange d'opinions pour ses membres, • soutenir la promotion d'idées nouvelles auprès des professionnels et du grand public en adéquation avec les intérêts de l'association et de RSM, • l'égalité des citoyens qui décident eux-mêmes de leur vie dans un État démocratique, civil et juridique, dans le plein respect des droits de l'homme de toutes les nationalités, • le renforcement de la société civile, des libertés civiles et des droits par l'éducation, comme facteur primordial d'éducation, de promotion et de soutien à la citoyenneté dans son ensemble, • les valeurs que nous promouvons s'appuient sur les principes d'égalité, d'égalité entre hommes et femmes, de protection des enfants, des jeunes et d'assistance aux personnes âgées, etc. tâches et objectifs à caractère humanitaire, • l'affirmation des jeunes dans la société et l'encouragement de leur participation aux processus de prise de décision, • l'encouragement et la promotion du développement et des connaissances dans le domaine des relations et de la coopération nationales, régionales, européennes et internationales, • promotion et développement de la créativité, de l'innovation et de l'entrepreneuriat, • promotion du développement durable et de la protection de l'environnement, • renforcer les capacités de la société civile aux niveaux national et international, • promotion de la charité, du volontariat et de la participation active des citoyens à la vie sociale, politique et économique, • établir une coopération avec des associations nationales et étrangères de citoyens, des fondations, des unités de gouvernement local, des institutions publiques et d'autres organisations dont les objectifs sont compatibles avec les objectifs de la plateforme de l'Association, • d'autres activités de la vie sociale présentant un intérêt public.

Mission and Objectives

Vision : Une société de citoyens informés, responsables et actifs, qui apprécient et promeuvent les principes d'égalité des chances, de non-discrimination et de dialogue qui encourage l'activisme et mène au développement personnel et collectif de la communauté. Mission : Promotion et renforcement de la société civile et des communautés locales en améliorant l'éducation non formelle directe et indirecte de la population, en encourageant la participation civile et l'activisme, en promouvant la non-discrimination et en renforçant les membres vulnérables des communautés, en renforçant les relations interethniques, ainsi que développement artistique économique et culturel.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Architecture et patrimoine culturel 2. Musique et patrimoine culturel 3. écologie, 4. Nous jouons et faisons du sport pour la santé, 5. Faire revivre les vieux jeux traditionnels des enfants, 6 .Les histoires des grands-parents.

Contact (1) Full Name
Naumovska Zhaneta
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Zhanta Naumovska