
Helsinki Citizens' Assembly

National Network

İstiklal Cad. Kumbaracı Yokuşu 50/3 34433 Beyoğlu

0090 212 292 68 42
Telephone (other)
0090 212 292 68 43
0090 212 292 68 44
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0090 542 421 83 55
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
* The organisation is composed of members, a board and a secretariat. hCa Turkey currently has 188 members, 7 board and 7 reserve board members, 3 audit commission and 3 audit commission reserve members. The secretariat has 9 full time staff, 5 voluntary interns. * Budgetary resources available during 2009 has been 784.638,92 TL. * Sources of funding are mostly projects and and partially members fees. * Modalities of action are; concrete projects on freedom of religion, expression, torture, cultural rights. These projects use activities of focus group discussions, workshops, panels, research on practice and regulations, reporting and advocacy. * Main partners are human rights NGOs (human rights association, human rights foundation of turkey, mazlum-der, amnesty international, human rights joint platform), partners organisations of common projects (Roman and migration associations),members from academia, media, legal professions that respect values of democracy.
Mission and Objectives

hCa’s mission is to contribute to the promotion of human rights as a set of common values respected by all segments of society, and to work towards the building of universal values of peace, democracy and human rights from the bottom-up.
The purpose of the association is to support the principals of the process started with the Helsinki Final Contract that have been signed by 35 countries including Turkey and developed by the Paris Condition signed by the same countries at the end of the Paris Summit on the date of 21 November 1990 that are obligatory with the European Security and Co-operation Council (ESCC) Conference.
More concretely, the objectives of the association are to promote the values of peace, human rights, ecology/human centered economy, democracy, rule of law at the bedrock of civic life, establishment of a common understanding of peaceful co-existence, and the development of civic approaches against conflicts.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Mapping Discrimination in Turkey Faaliyetler:
i. Focus study meetings with human rights organisations in order to collect, prepare the content of, and map out the discrimination cases.
ii. Round table meetings with experts on the field of discrimination taken on by the selected mapping cases.
iii. Prepare a Project website (ayrimcilikharitalari.org)
iv. A publication of prepared discrimination maps and articles written on the cases
v. An international conference on the complex nature of discriminations and the need for new tools in understanding such complexities.
2. Practices of Secularism in Daily Life:
i. National and interntaional round table discussions.
ii. A publication composed of research articles and meeting reports
iii. Closing symposium
3. Legal Support and Advocacy for the Refugees in Turkey
i. Develop a Training Manual for use during the Refugee Legal Aid Trainings.
ii. Conduct Refugee Legal Aid Trainings with lawyers from across the country.
iii. Develop two Refugee Advocacy Reports on gaps in refugee protection in Turkey.
iv. Conduct a two-day International Conference on Refugee Rights.
* For previous activities and projects, see attachement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emel Kurma
Head of the organisation
Mr. Murat Belge
Contact (2) Full Name
Ebru Uzpeder

Her Yerde Sanat Dernegi

National Network

13 Mart Mah. İkiz Kuleler Baraj B Blok Kat 7: No:25
47100 Mardin/Mardin

+90 482 212 3039
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

HYSD is a woman-founded non-profit cultural and social organization established in 2012 in Mardin, Turkey. HYSD, with 25 staff members, aims to improve children's living conditions and provide a holistic platform for protection and advocacy through the arts. HYSDD established the first and only social circus school for children in Turkey named Sirkhane and directly reached out to more than half a million children living near the Turkish-Syrian border through child-friendly cultural activities based on circus, music, dance, and photography. HYSD has received funding from the Erasmus+ programs and the Goethe-Institute Istanbul since 2013 and has implemented projects with the International Medical Corps, UNHCR, BMZ, ECHO, GIZ, DRC, Welthungerhilfe, Save the Children, and the Swiss and US embassies in Turkey. HYSD has created and organized several cultural projects, including Sirkhane (social circus school), Müzikhane (social music school), Sirkhane Darkroom (analog photography projects), and International Children Flying Carpet Festival.

Mission and Objectives

HYSD's mission is to provide a safe, friendly, and embracing environment for children and youth affected and traumatized by war and conflicts. In the context of a post-colonial world, HYSD offers a cultural and educational platform to international artists and the most vulnerable and underserved communities and children who can collaborate and form social ties with one another beyond gender, racial, social, and cultural differences. HYSD is carrying out activities in Turkey and Iraq, serving children through HYSD centers located in Mardin province and rural areas of Mardin province and Iraqi refugee camps through mobile units.

Main Projects / Activities

- Sirkhane Social Circus School
- Müzikhane Social Music School
- Sirkhane Darkroom; Analog Photography Project
- Flying Carpet Children Festival.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pinar Demiral
Job Title
Director and Co-Founder
Head of the organisation
Pinar Demiral
Contact (2) Full Name
Sahba Aminikia
Job Title (2)
Festival Director

Herkes Için Ruh Sağlığı Derneği (RUSAG) (Mental Health for All Association)

National Network

Koşukavak mah. 4169/2 sok.
No:5 PK:3
35080 Bornova/İzmir

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information

Herkes İçin Ruh Sağlığı Derneği (Mental Health for All zAssociation) started their activity in 2017. Main goals of association is equal access for mental health services and equal access for mental health education for mental health professionals and student. By this way, the association focus on two points: developing project to become prevalent especially projective mental health interventions and on the other hand doing advocacy for disadvantageous groups that are stigmatized by mental health issues. All works are kept on voluntary in this association, there is no professional assistant until August 2020.
We had a source by Sivil Toplum Geliştirme Merkezi with Birlikte project. But this project is end and we delivered the final report. We are preparing for new projects and waiting for new sources to proceed.

We organize seminars, workshops and panels for mental health professionals to develop their selves. And we designed some workshops and counseling groups for different groups for example critical masculinity, parents who have childs living with autism etc.

Mission and Objectives

Mental health for all, equality for mental health right, preventing project for community mental health and designing free training and workshops for mental health professionals.

Main Projects / Activities

Elim Sende Projesi
Koruyucu Ruh Sağlığı Projesi
Damgalanma Karşıtı Sempozyum
Eleştirel Erkeklik Destekleyici Grup Çalışması
Ruh Sağlığı Profesyonelleri İçin Süpervizyon Grupları

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can develop workshops for NGO's employees to prevent burn out and distress; search research about community mental health psychology; design workshops for social cohesion between distinct groups.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To join and develop new project, finding new shareholders and learning different information to archive our goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ufuk Koşar
Job Title
Association General President
Head of the organisation
Ufuk Koşar
Contact (2) Full Name
Ü. Aslı Macit
Job Title (2)

Hollanda Egitim Dernegi - Netherlands Education Institute

National Network

Uğur Mumcu Cad. Kahraman Kadın Sok. 17/3 PK:06700 GOP Çankaya

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Netherlands Education Association has completed its foundation preparations and hold legal non-governmental organisation (NGO) status in Turkey since September 2010. HED organizes activities that has education at dimension and provides support to related initiatives and institutions who work at the same area. In this framework and without any intention of profit, the organisation may do: • Project writing, management, consultancy • Monitoring and reporting related policies, • Partner search and matching support • Organise trainings which have higher education, vocational education or life long learning perspectives • Acting as an intermediary institution at projects in Turkey who have foreign partners or run by foreign institutions And similar activities may be organised according to needs.
Mission and Objectives

The organisation stands for increasing the level of cooperation between Turkey and the Netherlands in the framework of education.

Main Projects / Activities

Since the organization has been recently established, there are no activities going on yet.

Contact (1) Full Name
Uğur Göçen
Head of the organisation
Nevin Özkan
Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

Home New Home

Les sociétés de la région euro-méditerranéenne font face à de nombreux défis en raison d'un afflux de personnes fuyant la guerre et la violence du sud vers le nord de la Méditerranée. Cela a, à son tour, suscité des craintes...

Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

Home New Home

Societies in the Euro-Mediterranean region are experiencing challenges due to an influx of people fleeing war and violence from the South to the North of the Mediterranean. This, in turn, has instigated fears, prejudices and misunderstandings among different groups in...

Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

Home New Home

Les sociétés de la région euro-méditerranéenne font face à de nombreux défis en raison d'un afflux de personnes fuyant la guerre et la violence du sud vers le nord de la Méditerranée. Cela a, à son tour, suscité des craintes...

Hope Revival

National Network

Değirmiçem, Gökseven İş Merkez, Şht. Mehmet Sait Elçi Sk.
27090 Gaziantep/Gaziantep

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

HRO is authorized to implement our projects in Turkey and Syria (Northwest Syria). We are dedicated to alleviating the suffering and ensuring the well-being and dignity of conflict-affected populations and those living in fragile settings. We focus on responding to the needs of internally displaced people (IDPs) in Syria and refugees in Turkey, providing specialized and focused non-specialized interventions through community-based, context-related, and culturally appropriate approaches.

Our core areas of focus include:

• Mental Health Psychosocial Support (MHPSS): We provide multi-layered MHPSS services according to the IASC MHPSS Pyramid, offering a range of interventions from psychiatrists and mhGAP doctors to psychologists and psychosocial workers (PSWs). We also integrate MHPSS services into health facilities and community centers to make them more accessible and reduce stigma.
• Protection: We address issues such as gender-based violence (GBV), child protection, and general protection, including risk education awareness-raising and legal awareness counseling by local lawyers on civil status documentation, housing, lands, and properties.
• Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) and child safeguarding: We implement robust policies and procedures to protect vulnerable individuals from PSEA and ensure child safeguarding measures are in place.
• Peacebuilding and community resilience: We facilitate peacebuilding initiatives and community resilience programs to foster social cohesion, mutual understanding, and collaboration within affected communities.

HRO combines humanitarian and development approaches to provide immediate relief while laying the groundwork for long-term impact. We emphasize local participation, integration of services, and strategic partnerships to maximize our impact. We also focus on civic skills development to empower communities to find, design, and implement solutions that work best for them.

HRO has strategic partnerships with leading humanitarian organizations such as IOM, WHO, OCHA, UNFPA, GIZ, IRC, and Canadian Government (CFLI), as well as renowned Syrian NGOs like SEMA and SAMS. We are also active members of global networks such as The Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies, NEAR Network, The Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, HelpAge International, and MenEngage Alliance.
We are seeking partnerships with organizations that share our commitment to humanitarian aid, human rights, and community development. We believe that collaboration can amplify our impact and create a more just and resilient world for conflict-affected populations.

Mission and Objectives

Vision Statement:
To build a safe environment that inspires, encourages, facilitates, and promotes a wide range of social and humanitarian initiatives, to eliminate human suffering and foster a safer world.

Mission Statement:
To empower people to live in safe and compassionate communities, protecting their rights and enhancing their well-being regardless of gender, age, ability, or any other factor.

Main Projects / Activities

Our unique projects include:
• Rethinking Arts for Cohesion, Trust, and Inclusion: This EU-funded project, in partnership with ARCS and Bologna University, developed and published an art therapy training toolkit in three languages for NGOs working with vulnerable youth.
• Bridging the Gaps in MHPSS Services and Integrating MHPSS Services into Health Facilities: This GIZ-funded project developed a detailed manual for integrating MHPSS services into health facilities.
• Clinical Supervision Framework: This framework, developed in partnership with CVT, provides guidance and support for MHPSS staff.
• Academic Research: Care for Carers: This ELRHA-funded study, in partnership with UNSW University, aims to improve the quality of MHPSS programming through video conferencing clinical supervision.
• Child Rights Protection against Violence: This Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI)-funded project uses child-friendly content to develop children's advocacy, defense, and human rights comprehension skills.
• Peacebuilding and Community Resilience: This GIZ-funded project strengthens community resilience through capacity building for key community figures.
• GBV Prevention and Mitigation: This UNFPA-funded project targets girls and women at risk of GBV through initiatives like the "AMAL" and "Girls' Dreams" programs.
• Psychosocial Support for Syrian Victims of War Crimes: This SJAC-funded project provides psychosocial support to Syrians who may testify or participate in European universal jurisdiction trials.
• Human Rights Advocacy Toolkit: In partnership with NEAR, OXFAM, and UNHCR, HRO developed and disseminated a human rights advocacy toolkit to address protection gaps in Syria.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Giuliana Ciucci
Job Title
partnership officer
Head of the organisation
Mustafa Alokoud
Contact (2) Full Name
Mustafa Alokoud
Job Title (2)
Executive director


National Network


00 90 212 240 33 61
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Hrant Dink Foundation (HDF), as of 2015, has 22 full time employees including 1 secretary, 1 accountant, 1 cook, 2 guards (one on both premise) paid on a regular basis and 17 project staff employed on project basis. Foundation’s Board of Directors and Advisory Board closely work with and support project teams. The Foundation staff members have experience in overall project and grant management, fundraising, budgeting, financial reporting, organisation of international events/conferences/exchanges, communication, international team management, working with volunteers and interns, archiving and publishing. For funding, each project team applies for the appropriate funding opportunity in line with their activities. In 2015, Foundation’s projects were supported by the European Union, French Embassy, Swedish Embassy, Chrest Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, Henrich Böll Stiftung, Open Society Foundation, Niras. Also based on the thematic field of the projects, the Foundation collaborated with different civil society organisations both from Turkey and also from different institutions abroad. For the international conference organized in 2015, the Foundation collaborated with three of the major universities in Istanbul which are Boğaziçi University, Sabancı University and Bilgi University. In 2013, in cooperation with TOG Toplum Gönüllüleri Vakfı (Community Volunteers Foundation in Istanbul) and YIC (Youth Initiative Centre in Armenia), we have been able to experience the European Voluntary Service by co-hosting EVS volunteers hosted by TOG as the coordinating organisation as part of ‘Rolling Istanbul’ project. In line with our protocol with TOG, since 2013, we had the chance to co-host 6 EVS volunteers from Armenia and France at the Hrant Dink Foundation.  
Mission and Objectives

The Hrant Dink Foundation was established in 2007 following the assassination of Hrant Dink in order to carry on his dreams, his struggle, his language and his heart. The Hrant Dink Foundation, which defines the development of culture of dialogue, peace and empathy as the basis of all its activities, carries out distinctive projects within the framework of different programs such as ‘Culture and Arts’, ‘Education’, ‘History’, ‘Democratization and Human Rights’ and ‘Turkey-Armenia Relations’. Some of the aims and activities of the Foundation are as follows:
• To ameliorate cultural relations among the peoples of Turkey, Armenia and Europe
• To support Turkey’s democratization process and to contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights, minority rights and cultural rights
• To support efforts to write histories devoid of nationalism and racism; to encourage academic studies on violations of minority rights and human rights
• To conduct oral history studies that aim to question the official narrative and to create a collective memory
• To combat hate and discriminatory speech through documentation and awareness raising activities
• To carry out projects and activities in order to preserve and promote Armenian history and culture
• To design projects on dealing with the past that will contribute to building a healthy future
• To archive and publish articles, pictures and documents of Hrant Dink
Hrant Dink Foundation will undertake multifaceted activities in these areas, such as publishing books, creating archives, organizing summer schools, organizing film, music, visual arts, dance and literature festivals, and giving awards in memory of Hrant Dink.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation defines the development of culture of dialogue, peace and empathy as the basis of all its activities. In this light, the Foundation carries out various activities under 5 major programmes ‘Culture and Arts’, ‘Education’, ‘History’, ‘Democratisation and Human Rights’ and ‘Turkey-Armenia Relations’. Amongst others, the Foundation has been regularly working on expanding its existing projects ‘Media Watch on Hate Speech’, ‘Films about Conscience’, ‘Oral History Studies of Anatolia’, ‘Multicultural Heritage of Anatolia’, ‘Turkey-Armenia Journalists’ Dialogue Programme’, ‘Turkey-Armenia Travel Grant’, ‘Turkey-Armenia Fellowship Scheme’, ‘International Hrant Dink Award’, ‘Annual International Conferences’, and also publishing on these topics. The Foundation has taken remarkable steps to move from program based operation to division based operation. ASULIS LAB, Armenian Research Institute, Site of Memory, Turkey-Armenia Program and the International Hrant Dink Award will be the core divisions of the Hrant Dink Foundation.
Hrant Dink Foundation has established a research library specialized on Armenian Studies and minorities in Turkey within the Anarad Hığutyun Building. The Library aims to serve researchers, students and the Armenian community by providing systematic knowledge and scientific information with particular focus on Armenian culture and history. With the capacity of 20,000 volumes, and currently featuring books, periodicals, photographs, DVDs, tapes and maps, the Library and its archive will be expanded further thanks to the exclusively donated private archives and collections. With the use of Library of Congress Classification (LCC) system, the library offers a research capacity with international standards.
ASULIS LAB: ASULIS is the first social sciences laboratory in Turkey that struggles against discrimination and produces studies on discourse. ASULIS aims to conduct studies in the fields of theoretical discussion, education, media, law and politics, and aspiring to be a pioneering, innovative and interdisciplinary structure.

ARMENIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE: Moreover, the HDF aims to establish an Armenian Research Institute in 2016. For the preparation, the project team is researching about the history, the scope and the context of Armenian Studies from past to present. To define the scope of the fields of research the project team has got into contact with different institutes both in Turkey and abroad. The Institute will function as a place for both research and production. Researchers, academics, scholars or any other interested individuals will be able to enhance their research in Armenian Studies, with an access to a resource-rich archive and library.  HDF gives special importance to projects related to Cultural Heritage. Documenting, creating information about Turkey’s non-Muslim cultural heritage has been one of the priorities of the Hrant Dink Foundation and making these information accessible is important to us.  Activities like field research, documentation, oral history and raising awareness about the protection and creative reuse of cultural heritage structures will continue under the roof of Armenian Research Institute.
SITE OF MEMORY: The former Agos office where Hrant Dink’s office is located will be turned into a site of memory and conscience. With a special focus on Hrant Dink, the site will be a place where Armenians’ culture and history, minority rights in Turkey, the story of Agos Newspaper will be presented from various angles.
INTERNATIONAL HRANT DINK AWARD:   Since 2009, the Hrant Dink Foundation presents the International Hrant Dink Award on Hrant Dink’s birthday, September 15th, to remind those individuals, organizations and groups who give inspiration and hope to people for holding on to their struggle, work for a more liberal and fair world free from discrimination, racism and violence, take personal risks for achieving those ideals and use the language of peace that they are not alone. Each year the award is granted to two individuals, organizations or groups; one from Turkey and one from outside of Turkey.
TURKEY-ARMENIA RELATIONS PROGRAM: The Foundation strives to eliminate mental and physical borders between the two neighboring countries by promoting direct contact and cooperation. With its project coordinators in Turkey and Armenia, the Foundation continues to expand its activities for increasing people-to-people contacts, promoting cooperation of professionals, organizing exchanges for journalists and various experts, raising awareness on the impact of the sealed border.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In all of the programmes, the Foundation targets to reach out to civil society organisations, grassroots organisations, academia, media, young people and public at large.  Since March 2015, the Hrant Dink Foundation continues its activities in its new venue Anarad Hığutyun Building, which used to be an Armenian school until it was closed in 2004 due to lack students. The 800 m2 building has four floors, and hosts work spaces, an archive, a library, an exhibition hall, a conference hall for seventy people, spaces for workshops, an open courtyard and a terrace. The Foundation has been organising and hosting series of workshops, conferences, film screenings at the new venue.  The new venue also offers us greater opportunities to enhance our collaboration and communication with young people, academia and other civil society organisations and host joint panels, workshops or activities. Being a part of the Network will enhance cooperation and collaboration with other civil society organisations working in the fields which are similar with the foundation activities and foster awareness on cultural diversity and coexistence by organising public events. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The foundation aims to contribute development of a secure and healthy environment economically, socially and culturally, as well as individuals with democratic citizenship awareness, respecting the cultural diversity and differences. In this context, it develops programs and provides services with the aim of increasing the intercultural dialogue, ending discrimination of all kinds, improving the inter generation communication, ensuring the gender equality, improving the education and communication opportunities, social adoption of peace and reconciliation culture. Being a part of the ALF Network will allow the foundation to reach out to other people as well as civil society organisations that are working with the similar goals and organise or participate in joint activities. Moreover the foundation will also learn from the experiences of other members of the network and share the HDF’s experiences too. The network will enable us to promote our work in a range of international circles and also will provide a distinct opportunity to be aware of the work conducted in similar fields and learn from other country experiences.  As we are organizing a variety of conferences, panels and workshops on regular basis, inviting experts from other countries and promoting best practices in other countries surely widen our horizons and create new avenues for cooperation. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)