
Hacettepe University Faculty of Communication Division of Information Technologies and Informatics

National Network

Sosyal Bilimler Ens üst katı Beytepe, Çankaya
06800 Ankara/

90 5324282334
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Our Division is working on media, cultural policy and creative industries. We have 2 full time profesor, 1 asso.prof, and 4 research assistant with Ph.D. degrees. We dont have any special budget given by the University. We have to find grants to conduct our researh and activities. We conducted a research on algoritmic curation on music industry in Tuürkiye with the grant of Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is enhance the knowledge on platformization, cultural economics in Turkey.

Main Projects / Activities

Digital Transformation in Turkey's Music Industry: Cultural Producers and Platformization This research project examines the phenomenon of platformization in the music industry and the effects of platforms on the Turkish music industry in the context of digitalization. The recent history of the music industry has witnessed a change ranging from recording technologies to sharing opportunities provided by the internet. Today, digital technologies transform the music industry into a complex structure where global giants and independent or local actors coexist. While technological change brings new opportunities to music production, it also changes the creative labor with the components of the industry and entails unequal competition around the world. In this context, while keeping in mind the trans-industrial characteristics of music; the project aims to learn the perspectives, solution strategies and future projections of the actors in Turkey's music industry about digitalization and platforms, and we aim to transform the information we have gained into evaluations that will shed light on cultural policies. This project, supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism's General Directorate of Copyrights within the scope of developing creative culture industries, aims to contribute to the development of the music industry in Turkey and to open Turkey's music culture to the world. The fieldwork of the project consists of three phases: An online survey that determines the use of platforms with cultural producers, followed by SWOT analysis and in-depth interviews. We would be very pleased if you participate in our online survey, SWOT analysis and the online meeting where we will conduct in-depth interviews. We would also like to state that we will share and discuss the findings of the fieldwork with the stakeholders of the research through an online and offline conference. We look forward to your interest and support for the project and its goals. Regards Project Coordinator: Prof.Dr. Mutlu Binark, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Communication Project Researchers: Dr. Erman Demir, Başkent University. YAKEM, Dr. Serra Sezgin, Ankara Science University. Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Project Field Coordinator: Gökçe Özsu, Ph.d Candidate, Hacettepe University, Communication Sciences,

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can conduct research and training programs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We can develop a networking, enhance our activities with collobaration with different institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ferruh Mutlu Binark
Job Title
Prof Dr, Division Chair
Head of the organisation
Prof Dr Mutlu binark

Hak Inisiyatifi Dernegi

National Network

Necatibey Caddesi No: 19/28
06420 ANKARA/

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Hak Inisiyatifi Association is a right based institution which wants to promote human rights in Turkey and abroad. It tries to raise awareness on human rights. It tries to prevent human rights violations.
The Association has 67 members, the budget lagely depends on membership fees and voluntary donations rarely helps financial restrictions.
we have a volunteer to keep the association open for five days.

Mission and Objectives

As I have already said that Hak Inisiyatifi Association tries to prevent human rights violations, so it tries to identify human right violations, makes press releases, let people know them through social media, give courses on human rights to general public especially University students.

Main Projects / Activities

We organize panels and make courses on human rights, investigate human rights violations and make reports on them, use social media channel for giving information and raising awareness on human rights also.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Hak Inisiyatifi Association makes alliances to prevent human rights violations, we already member of ome groups like IHOP, Joint Platform for human rights and Denge Denetleme Dernegi,... So we can meet mew people and institutions to exchange our ciews and make new alliances form Turkey and abroad.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna Lindh Foundation, sometimes called as United Nations for civil Society, so we want to be part of it. The aim of Hak Inisiyatifi Association is to promote human rights in Turkey and abroad and the Association works with other related organization to do it Anna Lindh Foundation offers a very useful ground for making coordinated efforts for these kind of activuties

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatma Unsal
Job Title
General Secretary
Head of the organisation
Mehmet Arif Koçer
Contact (2) Full Name
Omer Atalar
Job Title (2)
Member of Executive Board

Hakikat Adalet Hafiza Merkezi

National Network

Hacimimi Mah. Lüleci Hendek Cad. No:12
Tophane Beyoglu
34425 Istanbul/

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Founded in 2011, by a group of human rights activists, journalists, layers and scholars, Hakikat Adalet Hafıza Merkezi (Hafıza Merkezi, engl. Truth Justice Memory Center) has the mission to advocate for an adequate institutional and societal response to unaccounted past grave violations of human rights and crimes against humanity in Turkey. As of September 2017, there are six full time and seven part-time staff and three part-time interns. HM has a regular volunteer program for young activists, interested university and graduate students. HM has an Executive Management Team, a Governing Board and an Advisory Board.The Executive Management Team is comprised of two Co-Directors, two Program Directors, and a Founding Member. The Executive Management Team, which meets every two weeks, is responsible for setting up the direction, strategy and the activities under each program in consultation with the whole team. In the last five years, HM has become one of the key Sources for verified data and legal expertise on enforced Disappearances in Turkey and gained international credibility. It's public database on enforced disappearances www.zorlakaybetmeler.org and the website it manages with updates regarding legal processes on past gross human rights violations www.failibelli.org have become crucial resources for victims' relatives, human rights lawyers, activists, journalists, documentary filmmakers and artists.  Hafiza Merkezi's partners include Institute for the Study of Human Rights, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Coalition Against Impunity in Turkey,  HURİDOCS. Hafiza Merkezi's core supportes include OAK Foundation, Charles Strwart Mott Foundation, Chrest Foundation and Sigrid Rausing Trust. Hafiza Merkezi also recieves project support from Embassy Funds in Turkey, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Heinrich Böll Stiftung and EU. 
Mission and Objectives

Hakikat Adalet Hafıza Merkezi (Hafıza Merkezi, engl. Truth Justice Memory Center) is an independent human rights organization set up by a group of lawyers, journalists and human rights activists in November 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey. Hafıza Merkezi aims to uncover the truth concerning past violations of human rights, strengthen the collective memory about those violations, and support survivors in their pursuit of justice.
Hafıza Merkezi implements a range of activities, including documentation in accordance with the universally accepted standards, monitoring of precedent cases, as well as dissemination of marginalized truths and narratives on these violations to a large section of society, with a view to support the recognition and rehabilitation of victims of such atrocities. Hafıza Merkezi uses a unique approach, as it gathers and accumulates knowledge and methodology from organizations dealing with similar issues in other post-conflict and post-authoritarian regions, develops them further through its everyday work and adapts the know-how into the Turkish context.
Values: The values of Hafıza Merkezi respond clearly to the types of human rights violations that have been committed in Turkey, especially in the last 30 years. The values that Hafıza Merkezi bases its existence and work upon are: Democracy, Accountability, Truth, Justice, Dignity and Peace.
Vision: Free, inclusive and socially prosperous society with effective civil control over state’s repressive apparatus, based on acknowledgement of past violence, rights of victims and individual freedom.
Mission: Hafıza Merkezi is an organization basing the ideas of sustainable peace and prosperous society in the future on just and sensible approach to rights of victims of human rights violations in the past.
Mandate: Hafıza Merkezi advocates recognition and formal acknowledgement of state violence, accountability for human rights violations and large-scale atrocities, and guarantees that widespread violations will not happen. It develops mechanisms and tools that contribute to building a peaceful and free society, where human rights are its fundamental values.

Main Projects / Activities

Hakikat Adalet Hafıza Merkezi (Hafıza Merkezi, engl. Truth Justice Memory Center) has defined its short and middle term thematic focus as  “enforced disappearances” as part of its efforts to contribute to Turkey’s coming to terms with its past atrocities.
Hafıza Merkezi bases its work on four fundamental pillars of action.
Memory Studies Program: Carries out documentation and reporting in line with internationally recognized standards, with a view to uncover truths about human rights violations committed by the state.
Legal Studies Program: Performs legal action for the ending of impunity and to support victim groups’ struggle for justice. 
Dissemination and Advocacy Program: Coordinates activities for the public dissemination and advocacy of the knowledge produced by the center.
Co-operation and Capacity Building Program:  Works to accumulate and build expertise in the area of organization’s work and share it through collaboration and providing support to other organizations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Hafiza Merkezi's expertise in documentation, verification, database building, innovative social media communications strategies and international network with other human rights organizations and funders would definetly contribute to the network in Turkey. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since its initial stage Hafiza Merkezi has been valuing international know-how and exchange immenselly, have been working to build its international connections worldwide. And more specifically since 2013 it has been building  Regional Network for Historical Dialogue and Dealing with the Past (RNHDP). The network brings together NGOs working in the MENA and Caucasus region who focus on issues of dealing with the past, transitional justice, historical dialogue, peace building and human rights. Over the years the network has expanded to over 50 institutions. In collaboration with Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights and Columbia Global Center Istanbul and modeled after Columbia University’s Alliance for Historical Dialogue and Accountability (AHDA) program, this is a unique network both in the sense of combining the MENA and the Caucasus regions as well as having very concrete and tangible activities, namely the summer training and the thematic workshops. We have conducted two summer trainings and two thematics workshops. So we believe through ALF Network Hafiza Merkezi will both contribute with its international experience and learn more from the international partners in designing new projects and campaigns. Least but not the last, we would very much like to develop joint projects with partners and apply to grants. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Enis Köstepen
Job Title
Project Development and Fundraising Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Meltem Aslan Celikkan

Hangar Sanat Derneği

National Network

Osmanağa mah. Leylak sok. 26/2 Kadıköy/İstanbul

0090 216 414 6369
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0090 535 324 96 47
Mobile Phone (other)
0090 505 391 46 66
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. Board of directors includes five people. There are five reserve members. Auditing commission includes four people. Everyone works as a volunteer. 2. Donations and sponsors. 3. A street festival since 2 years at the end of the summer. Workshops at other festivals 4. There is no main partners but Hangar Art is working with Athens Network of Collaborating Experts (ANCE), NEXES (Spain), XENA (Italy) BARAKA (Romain) for a project.
Mission and Objectives

• To provide young artists, who could not find a space to express themselves, to perform their art in an interactive and solidarity environment
• To reflect upon the society through medium of art and support peaceful, common sense, respectful society towards diversity
• To serve humanity without disregarding the developments occur in the field
• To improve participation in art and develop policies aiming to eliminate cultural exclusion
• To develop strategies for promoting cultural infrastructure,
• To promote intercultural dialogue and cross-border cooperation
• To reflect on current incidents and improvements through the medium of art

Main Projects / Activities

Hangar Art Association organizes international festivals such as design festival, intercultural festival, and thematic short film festival. The festival participants, coming from different countries, are in social interaction with each other by intercultural learning, overcoming discrimination and prejudices by sharing ideas, knowledge and experiences, improving partnerships, establishing new ones, getting informed about various culture and art policies and projects around the world.
We take part in culture and art projects within the framework of Youth in Action Program of European Union, different platforms and networks, send volunteers to international gatherings, and actively involved in exhibitions, festivals and concerts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Derya Kılıçalp
Head of the organisation
Derya Kılıçalp
Contact (2) Full Name
Derya Kaya

Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi - KaLMIREC Migration Research Center

National Network

Havalimanı Yolu Üzeri, 8. km, Şahinbey Belediyesi
27410 Oğuzeli/Gaziantep/Gaziantep

+90 342 211 80 80
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+90 5068274391
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Hasan Kalyoncu University (HKU) was established as a foundation university in 2008 and started education in the 2011-2012 academic year in Gaziantep. HKU is one of the leading universities in the South-East Region of Turkey on the border of Syria and Irak. HKU counts with 292 teaching staff, from which 51 are instructors, 18 associate professor, 70 research assistant, 69 professor, 9 foreign academician and 75 Doctor Faculty members. HKU has 16 associate degree programs, 66 undergraduate programs, 45 Master´s Degree, 13 PhD programm. Number of students over 7000, of which 538 belong to associate degree, 5963 undergraduate program, 2362 Master´s Degree and 177 within our PhD programm. The university annual budget is approximately 54M dollars. HKU has 7 faculties, 5 colleges and three research institutes and main sources of income is provided by the foundation. The University is an environmentally friendly university that produces its own energy. KHU has the Erasmus+ agreement which allows it to co-lead educational and research projects with universities in europe, such as: Humboldt University, University of Tampere, Universidade da Coruna, Universita degli Studi di Sassari, Radom Academy of Economics, University of Alba Iulia, Interior, Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, University of Ostrava. There are also joint working agreements with many universites around the World, e.g. Notre Dame University - Louaize, A.B.M.S Switzerland, Samara State University of Economics, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Rudgerts, The State University of New Jersey, Purdue University, Paneuropean University Apeiron. Erasmus+ projects, TUBITAK projects, and projects supported by some other international organizations are carried out by various research centers at the university.
Kalyoncu Migration Research Centre (KALMIREC) is part of Hasan Kalyoncu University. The University has periodical scientific publications and training programmes focused on strenghthening Syrian and Turkish migration strategy within the NGO sector together with international organizations, e.g. International Organization for Migration. The KaLMIREC migration research
center provides projects for Syrian refugees. These projects are mostly integration projects. The
Center, which also conducts research projects, has published a book on migration and education
from the eyes of Syrian children in 2019. KaLMIREC produced five migration videos within the framework of the EU project Cross-Borders Intercultural and Societal Entrepreneurs, and provides migration entrepreneur trainings for young people. Participants who have received a certificate of migration entrepreneurs training go to schools and deliver training to the students about social cohesion. KaLMIREC provides trainings to Syrian and Turkish women NGO representatives. These trainings also serve as a networking platform for Syrian and Turkish women NGO members. HKU and KALMIREC apply the main part of its budget on the research topics which are important and priorities for our country, dedicated to effectively using social and science-technological research funds provided by the national (TUBİTAK, other public institutions and private sectors) (TUBİTAK, other public institutions and private sectors) and international bodies, fostering and encouraging its academic staff and students to carry out national/international scientific projects. It delivers post-graduate studies which relates to research projects. It promotes its post-graduate students to take part in research projects in the university, forms the content of the diploma programs and research projects with the contribution of not only its own academic staff but also the academic staff of other universities in Turkey and abroad. It plans its post-graduate programs and research projects with a multi-disciplinary approach bringing the different areas of social sciences (sociology, political science, economics, psychology, etc.) together. It is a university that highlights the importance of international cooperation which establishes dual/joint diploma programs with the prominent international universities in their respective fields, collaborates with international and regional university networks (EUA, IUA, AAU, etc.), provides grounds for academic staff of foreign universities to lecture and supervise students online, promotes foreign academic staff to lecture in diploma programs as much as possible, provides active contribution and participation in social science research carried out in multi-national entities such as European Union (EU), Council of Europe (CoE), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Organization Islamic Countries (OIC), World Bank (WB), United Nations and UNESCO.

Mission and Objectives

Hasan Kalyoncu University of different religions, languages, races, cultures, and civilizations are blended in Gaziantep, a major crossroads of the historic Silk Road, started a new life as a college-oriented in terms of “education, research and innovation”.
The first training year Engineering and Architecture Faculty and Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences in the Faculty of three section started at our university; 2011-2012 academic year, two new faculty departments were added to those faculties, and started to receive students for the Faculty of Law and Health Sciences School.

It aims to give its graduates accepting differences as richness, investigating, questioning, due to the law and democratic values in the world that takes place in the competitive market. It sacrifices all possible opportunities to produce scientific knowledge to be shared with the public, discussed and find a solution for the national and global issues we face.

HKU – KaLMERIC Vision: To be an internationally referenced center for migration by conducting research on migration nationally and internationally, producing, sharing, organizing activities that will benefit humanity, and contribute to social peace.
HKU – KaLMERIC Mission: Following migration movements in Turkey and around the world; to conduct research, prepare projects, carry out and prepare reports, share the results obtained with seminars, conferences, etc. with policy makers and those involved.

Main Projects / Activities

KaLMERIC studies migration using action learning and action research methods (participatory observation) in particular and application using training programmes for the trainers as the seminars, workshops, exhibition and conferences. At the moment, the center works mainly with the Syrian refugee phenomenon especially using participatory observation methods and towards building a self-entrepreneurship culture and mind-set amond Syrian refugees. Besides observation, we supply training to our partner organisations, such as SPARK in participation and social entrepreneurship training modules and who are also working with refugees. This training mainly consists of ‘train the trainer’ programmes. We also have established a voluntary group helping Syrian refugees by providing them shelter, food, goods and supporting them for education, health services and finding jobs. At the same time, we provide the train the trainer programme for the volunteers in our group and the training programmes to empower Syrians to rebuild their country when they return after the war. We set our education programmes with a dialogical approach and intercultural methodology. Additionally, we use the participant-centered training method. We are very keen on to apply equal learning system from classroom design to the using of the learning materials, in every phase of our work. Besides, our own training programmes in the university, we also provide education to our partner organisations. Our activities comprise producing educational materials on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (EDC/HRE) for pilot schools, increasing the basic skills and knowledge of Turkish Ministry of National Education (MoNE) personnel and concerned groups through awareness-raising and training activities, to developing and revising legislation and curricula on EDC/HRE in primary and secondary education and promoting a democratic school culture, the project aims to foster a more democratic society by strengthening democratic citizenship and human rights education. HKU -Kalmirec was a partner from 2016 to 2019 of the EU GOOD PRACTICE Erasmus+ project “Cross-border intercultural and societal entrepreneurs”, which codesigned with parnters from Spain, Sweden and the UK a curriculum, competences and social micro indicators. Also a w/app group was started where key leaders of charity organizations in Gaziantep share information about entrepreneurship issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

HKU - KaLMERIC commitment towards intercultural, social entrepreneurial mind-set will attract young people who are interested in making a real change to their community daily lives as social entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs for a common good. KaLMERIC staff, researchers, mentors and associates will be offering their experience to scale up and scale out the outreach and impact of the Network activities enriched by our research approach focused on dialogical and participatory action-research. Our current comitment towards the migration community with the International Organization of Migration and Ministry of Youth gives us an international and national platform to make visible and place key public and private organizations of the region of Gaziantep working steadily and hard to bring the migration agenda within high level policy arena. KaLMIREC would bring experience working also with Syrian migrants with physical and mental disabled people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are very interested to exchange experiences, learn and enrich our programs on youth empowerment, advocacy, business design, participatory budgeting, legal structures, planning , report design, mentorship, pitching strategies with the richness of the intercultural competences of the ALF network. We would like to make visible and bring to the center of policy making what happens locally and peripherically, as we are placed at the border with Syria. ALF network offers a broad and rich field for action research with potential co publishing efforts to influence policy and transform lives for the common good and fair share in society for all, not leaving anyone behind.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Emel Topcu
Job Title
Director and Researcher KALMIREC
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Türkay DERELİ
Contact (2) Full Name
Tuba Buyukbese
Job Title (2)
Researcher and Associate Professor

Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi - KaLMIREC Migration Research Center

National Network

Havalimanı Yolu Üzeri, 8. km, Şahinbey Belediyesi
27410 Oğuzeli/Gaziantep/Gaziantep

+90 342 211 80 80
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+90 5068274391
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Hasan Kalyoncu University (HKU) was established as a foundation university in 2008 and started education in the 2011-2012 academic year in Gaziantep. HKU is one of the leading universities in the South-East Region of Turkey on the border of Syria and Irak. HKU counts with 292 teaching staff, from which 51 are instructors, 18 associate professor, 70 research assistant, 69 professor, 9 foreign academician and 75 Doctor Faculty members. HKU has 16 associate degree programs, 66 undergraduate programs, 45 Master´s Degree, 13 PhD programm. Number of students over 7000, of which 538 belong to associate degree, 5963 undergraduate program, 2362 Master´s Degree and 177 within our PhD programm. The university annual budget is approximately 54M dollars. HKU has 7 faculties, 5 colleges and three research institutes and main sources of income is provided by the foundation. The University is an environmentally friendly university that produces its own energy. KHU has the Erasmus+ agreement which allows it to co-lead educational and research projects with universities in europe, such as: Humboldt University, University of Tampere, Universidade da Coruna, Universita degli Studi di Sassari, Radom Academy of Economics, University of Alba Iulia, Interior, Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, University of Ostrava. There are also joint working agreements with many universites around the World, e.g. Notre Dame University - Louaize, A.B.M.S Switzerland, Samara State University of Economics, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Rudgerts, The State University of New Jersey, Purdue University, Paneuropean University Apeiron. Erasmus+ projects, TUBITAK projects, and projects supported by some other international organizations are carried out by various research centers at the university.
Kalyoncu Migration Research Centre (KALMIREC) is part of Hasan Kalyoncu University. The University has periodical scientific publications and training programmes focused on strenghthening Syrian and Turkish migration strategy within the NGO sector together with international organizations, e.g. International Organization for Migration. The KaLMIREC migration research
center provides projects for Syrian refugees. These projects are mostly integration projects. The
Center, which also conducts research projects, has published a book on migration and education
from the eyes of Syrian children in 2019. KaLMIREC produced five migration videos within the framework of the EU project Cross-Borders Intercultural and Societal Entrepreneurs, and provides migration entrepreneur trainings for young people. Participants who have received a certificate of migration entrepreneurs training go to schools and deliver training to the students about social cohesion. KaLMIREC provides trainings to Syrian and Turkish women NGO representatives. These trainings also serve as a networking platform for Syrian and Turkish women NGO members. HKU and KALMIREC apply the main part of its budget on the research topics which are important and priorities for our country, dedicated to effectively using social and science-technological research funds provided by the national (TUBİTAK, other public institutions and private sectors) (TUBİTAK, other public institutions and private sectors) and international bodies, fostering and encouraging its academic staff and students to carry out national/international scientific projects. It delivers post-graduate studies which relates to research projects. It promotes its post-graduate students to take part in research projects in the university, forms the content of the diploma programs and research projects with the contribution of not only its own academic staff but also the academic staff of other universities in Turkey and abroad. It plans its post-graduate programs and research projects with a multi-disciplinary approach bringing the different areas of social sciences (sociology, political science, economics, psychology, etc.) together. It is a university that highlights the importance of international cooperation which establishes dual/joint diploma programs with the prominent international universities in their respective fields, collaborates with international and regional university networks (EUA, IUA, AAU, etc.), provides grounds for academic staff of foreign universities to lecture and supervise students online, promotes foreign academic staff to lecture in diploma programs as much as possible, provides active contribution and participation in social science research carried out in multi-national entities such as European Union (EU), Council of Europe (CoE), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Organization Islamic Countries (OIC), World Bank (WB), United Nations and UNESCO.

Mission and Objectives

Vision To be an internationally referenced center for migration by conducting research on migration nationally and internationally, producing, sharing, organizing activities that will benefit humanity, and contribute to social peace.

Mission Following migration movements in Turkey and around the world; to conduct researches, prepare projects, carry out and prepare reports, share the results obtained with seminars, conferences, etc. with policy makers and those involved.

Main Projects / Activities

KaLMERIC studies migration using action learning and action research methods (participatory observation) in particular and application using training programmes for the trainers as the seminars, workshops, exhibition and conferences. At the moment, the center works mainly with the Syrian refugee issue especially using participatory observation methods and towards building a self-entrepreneurship culture and mind-set amond Syrian refugees. Besides observation, we supply training to our partner organisations, such as SPARK in participation and social entrepreneurship training modules and who are also working with refugees. This training mainly consists of ‘train the trainer’ programmes. We also have established a voluntary group helping Syrian refugees by providing them shelter, food, goods and supporting them for education, health services and finding jobs. At the same time, we provide the train the trainer programme for the volunteers in our group and the training programmes to empower Syrians to rebuild their country when they return after the war. We set our education programmes with a dialogical approach and intercultural methodology. Additionally, we use the participant-centered training method. We are very keen on to apply equal learning system from classroom design to the using of the learning materials, in every phase of our work. Besides, our own training programmes in the university, we also provide education to our partner organisations. Our activities comprise producing educational materials on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (EDC/HRE) for pilot schools, increasing the basic skills and knowledge of Turkish Ministry of National Education (MoNE) personnel and concerned groups through awareness-raising and training activities, to developing and revising legislation and curricula on EDC/HRE in primary and secondary education and promoting a democratic school culture, the project aims to foster a more democratic society by strengthening democratic citizenship and human rights education. HKU -Kalmirec was a partner from 2016 to 2019 of the EU GOOD PRACTICE Erasmus+ project “Cross-border intercultural and societal entrepreneurs”, which codesigned with parnters from Spain, Sweden and the UK a curriculum, competences and social micro indicators. Also a w/app group was started where key leaders of charity organizations in Gaziantep share information about entrepreneurship issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

HKU - KaLMERIC commitment towards intercultural, social entrepreneurial mind-set will attract young people who are interested in making a real change to their community daily lives as social entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs for a common good. KaLMERIC staff, researchers, mentors and associates will be offering their experience to scale up and scale out the outreach and impact of the Network activities enriched by our research approach focused on dialogical and participatory action-research. Our current comitment towards the migration community with the International Organization of Migration and Ministry of Youth gives us an international and national platform to make visible and place key public and private organizations of the region of Gaziantep working steadily and hard to bring the migration agenda within high level policy arena. KaLMIREC would bring experience working also with Syrian migrants with physical and mental disabled people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are very interested to exchange experiences, learn and enrich our programs on youth empowerment, advocacy, business design, participatory budgeting, legal structures, planning , report design, mentorship, pitching strategies with the richness of the intercultural competences of the ALF network. We would like to make visible and bring to the center of policy making what happens locally and peripherically, as we are placed at the border with Syria. ALF network offers a broad and rich field for action research with potential co publishing efforts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emel Topcu
Job Title
Director and Researcher KALMIREC
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Türkay DERELİ
Contact (2) Full Name
Tuba Buyukbese
Job Title (2)
Researcher and Associate Professor

Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi - KaLMIREC Migration Research Center

National Network

Havalimanı Yolu Üzeri, 8. km, Şahinbey Belediyesi
27410 Oğuzeli/Gaziantep/Gaziantep

+90 342 211 80 80
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+90 5068274391
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Hasan Kalyoncu University (HKU) was established as a foundation university in 2008 and started education in the 2011-2012 academic year in Gaziantep. HKU is one of the leading universities in the South-East Region of Turkey on the border of Syria and Irak, with 8 research Centres. HKU counts with 292 teaching staff, from which 51 are instructors, 18 associate professor, 70 research assistant, 69 professor, 9 foreign academician and 75 Doctor Faculty members. HKU has 16 associate degree programs, 66 undergraduate programs, 45 Master´s Degree, 13 PhD programm. Number of students over 7000, of which 538 belong to associate degree, 5963 undergraduate program, 2362 Master´s Degree and 177 within our PhD programm. The university annual budget is approximately 54M dollars. HKU has 7 faculties, 5 colleges and three research institutes and main sources of income is provided by the foundation. The University is an environmentally friendly university that produces its own energy. HKU has the Erasmus+ agreement which allows it to co-lead educational and research projects with universities in europe, such as: Humboldt University, University of Tampere, Universidade da Coruna, Universita degli Studi di Sassari, Radom Academy of Economics, University of Alba Iulia, Interior, Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, University of Ostrava. There are also joint working agreements with many universites around the World, e.g. Notre Dame University - Louaize, A.B.M.S Switzerland, Samara State University of Economics, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Rudgerts, The State University of New Jersey, Purdue University, Paneuropean University Apeiron. Erasmus+ projects, TUBITAK projects, and projects supported by some other international organizations are carried out by various research centers at the university.
Kalyoncu Migration Research Centre (KALMIREC) is part of Hasan Kalyoncu University. The University has periodical scientific publications and training programmes focused on strenghthening Syrian and Turkish migration strategy within the NGO sector together with international organizations, such as International Organization for Migration. The KaLMIREC migration research
center provides projects for Syrian refugees. These projects are mostly integration projects. The
Center, which also conducts research projects, has published a book on migration and education
from the eyes of Syrian children in 2019. KaLMIREC produced five migration videos within the framework of the EU project Cross-Borders Intercultural and Societal Entrepreneurs, and provides migration entrepreneur trainings for young people. Participants who have received a certificate of migration entrepreneurs training go to schools and deliver training to the students about social cohesion. KaLMIREC provides trainings to Syrian and Turkish women NGO representatives. These trainings also serve as a networking platform for Syrian and Turkish women NGO members. HKU and KALMIREC apply the main part of its budget on the research topics which are important and priorities for our country, dedicated to effectively using social and science-technological research funds provided by the national (TUBİTAK, other public institutions and private sectors) (TUBİTAK, other public institutions and private sectors) and international bodies, fostering and encouraging its academic staff and students to carry out national/international scientific projects. It delivers post-graduate studies which relates to research projects. It promotes its post-graduate students to take part in research projects in the university, forms the content of the diploma programs and research projects with the contribution of not only its own academic staff but also the academic staff of other universities in Turkey and abroad. It plans its post-graduate programs and research projects with a multi-disciplinary approach bringing the different areas of social sciences (sociology, political science, economics, psychology, etc.) together. It is a university that highlights the importance of international cooperation which establishes dual/joint diploma programs with the prominent international universities in their respective fields, collaborates with international and regional university networks (EUA, IUA, AAU, etc.), provides grounds for academic staff of foreign universities to lecture and supervise students online, promotes foreign academic staff to lecture in diploma programs as much as possible, provides active contribution and participation in social science research carried out in multi-national entities such as European Union (EU), Council of Europe (CoE), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Organization Islamic Countries (OIC), World Bank (WB), United Nations and UNESCO.

Mission and Objectives

Hasan Kalyoncu University of different religions, languages, races, cultures, and civilizations are blended in Gaziantep, a major crossroads of the historic Silk Road, started a new life as a college-oriented in terms of “education, research and innovation”.
The first training year Engineering and Architecture Faculty and Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences in the Faculty of three section started at our university; 2011-2012 academic year, two new faculty departments were added to those faculties, and started to receive students for the Faculty of Law and Health Sciences School.
It aims to give its graduates accepting differences as richness, investigating, questioning, due to the law and democratic values in the world that takes place in the competitive market. It sacrifices all possible opportunities to produce scientific knowledge to be shared with the public, discussed and find a solution for the national and global issues we face.
HKU – KaLMERIC Vision: To be an internationally referenced center for migration by conducting research on migration nationally and internationally, producing, sharing, organizing activities that will benefit humanity, and contribute to social peace.
HKU – KaLMERIC Mission: Following migration movements in Turkey and around the world; to conduct research, prepare projects, carry out and prepare reports, share the results obtained with seminars, conferences, etc. with policy makers and those involved.

Main Projects / Activities

KaLMERIC studies migration using action learning and action research methods (participatory observation) in particular and application using training programmes for the trainers as the seminars, workshops, exhibition and conferences. At the moment, the center works mainly with the Syrian refugee issues especially using participatory observation methods and towards building a self , social and resiliententrepreneurship culture and mind-set among Syrian refugees. Besides observation, we supply training to our partner organisations, such as SPARK in participation and social entrepreneurship training modules and who are also working with refugees. This training mainly consists of ‘train the trainer’ programmes. We also have established a voluntary group helping Syrian refugees by providing them shelter, food, goods and supporting them for education, health services and finding jobs. At the same time, we provide the train the trainer programme for the volunteers in our group and the training programmes to empower Syrians to rebuild their country when they return after the war. We set our education programmes with a dialogical approach and intercultural methodology. Additionally, we use the participant-centered training method. We are very keen on to apply equal learning system from classroom design to the using of the learning materials, in every phase of our work. Besides, our own training programmes in the university, we also provide education to our partner organisations. Our activities comprise producing educational materials on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (EDC/HRE) for pilot schools, increasing the basic skills and knowledge of Turkish Ministry of National Education (MoNE) personnel and concerned groups through awareness-raising and training activities, to developing and revising legislation and curricula on EDC/HRE in primary and secondary education and promoting a democratic school culture, the project aims to foster a more democratic society by strengthening democratic citizenship and human rights education. HKU -Kalmirec was a partner from 2016 to 2019 of the EU GOOD PRACTICE Erasmus+ project “Cross-border intercultural and societal entrepreneurs”, which codesigned with parnters from Spain, Sweden and the UK Adult Educators’ social inclusion curriculum, intercultural competences and social micro indicators as educational resources, accompanied by 5 videos related to Five Life Skills Training Areas of the Curriculum: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLd24H28Y5ab1mruop37ybOIkzBmQIv7Cd
Participants who have received a certificate of migration entrepreneurs training go to schools and deliver training to the students about social cohesion. KaLMIREC provides trainings to Syrian and Turkish women NGO representatives and initiated.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

HKU - KaLMERIC commitment towards intercultural, social entrepreneurial mind-set will attract young people who are interested in making a real change to their community daily lives through action research, as social entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs for a common good. KaLMERIC staff, researchers, mentors and associates will be offering their experience to scale up and scale out the outreach and impact of the Network activities enriched by our research approach focused on dialogical and participatory action-research. Our current comitment towards the migration community with the International Organization of Migration and Ministry of Youth gives us an international and national platform to make visible and place key public and private organizations of the region of Gaziantep working steadily and hard to bring the migration agenda within high level policy arena. KaLMIREC would bring experience working also with Syrian migrants with physical and mental disabled people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are very interested to exchange experiences, learn and enrich our programs on youth empowerment, advocacy, business design, participatory budgeting, legal structures, planning , report design, mentorship, pitching strategies with the richness of the intercultural competences of the ALF network. We would like to make visible and bring to the center of policy making what happens locally and peripherically, as we are placed at the border with Syria. ALF network offers a broad and rich field for action research with potential co publishing efforts.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Emel Topcu
Job Title
Professor Director and Researcher KaLMIREC
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Türkay DERELİ
Contact (2) Full Name
Tuba Buyukbese
Job Title (2)
Researcher and Associate Professor

Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi - KaLMIREC Migration Research Center

National Network

Havalimanı Yolu Üzeri, 8. km, Şahinbey Belediyesi
27410 Oğuzeli/Gaziantep/Gaziantep

+90 342 211 80 80
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+90 5068274391
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Hasan Kalyoncu University (HKU) was established as a foundation university in 2008 and started education in the 2011-2012 academic year in Gaziantep. HKU is one of the leading universities in the South-East Region of Turkey on the border of Syria and Irak. HKU counts with 292 teaching staff, from which 51 are instructors, 18 associate professor, 70 research assistant, 69 professor, 9 foreign academician and 75 Doctor Faculty members. HKU has 16 associate degree programs, 66 undergraduate programs, 45 Master´s Degree, 13 PhD programm. Number of students over 7000, of which 538 belong to associate degree, 5963 undergraduate program, 2362 Master´s Degree and 177 within our PhD programm. The university annual budget is approximately 54M dollars. HKU has 7 faculties, 5 colleges and three research institutes and main sources of income is provided by the foundation. The University is an environmentally friendly university that produces its own energy. KHU has the Erasmus+ agreement which allows it to co-lead educational and research projects with universities in europe, such as: Humboldt University, University of Tampere, Universidade da Coruna, Universita degli Studi di Sassari, Radom Academy of Economics, University of Alba Iulia, Interior, Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, University of Ostrava. There are also joint working agreements with many universites around the World, e.g. Notre Dame University - Louaize, A.B.M.S Switzerland, Samara State University of Economics, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Rudgerts, The State University of New Jersey, Purdue University, Paneuropean University Apeiron. Erasmus+ projects, TUBITAK projects, and projects supported by some other international organizations are carried out by various research centers at the university.
Kalyoncu Migration Research Centre (KALMIREC) is part of Hasan Kalyoncu University. The University has periodical scientific publications and training programmes focused on strenghthening Syrian and Turkish migration strategy within the NGO sector together with international organizations, e.g. International Organization for Migration. The KaLMIREC migration research
center provides projects for Syrian refugees. These projects are mostly integration projects. The
Center, which also conducts research projects, has published a book on migration and education
from the eyes of Syrian children in 2019. KaLMIREC produced five migration videos within the framework of the EU project Cross-Borders Intercultural and Societal Entrepreneurs, and provides migration entrepreneur trainings for young people. Participants who have received a certificate of migration entrepreneurs training go to schools and deliver training to the students about social cohesion. KaLMIREC provides trainings to Syrian and Turkish women NGO representatives. These trainings also serve as a networking platform for Syrian and Turkish women NGO members. HKU and KALMIREC apply the main part of its budget on the research topics which are important and priorities for our country, dedicated to effectively using social and science-technological research funds provided by the national (TUBİTAK, other public institutions and private sectors) (TUBİTAK, other public institutions and private sectors) and international bodies, fostering and encouraging its academic staff and students to carry out national/international scientific projects. It delivers post-graduate studies which relates to research projects. It promotes its post-graduate students to take part in research projects in the university, forms the content of the diploma programs and research projects with the contribution of not only its own academic staff but also the academic staff of other universities in Turkey and abroad. It plans its post-graduate programs and research projects with a multi-disciplinary approach bringing the different areas of social sciences (sociology, political science, economics, psychology, etc.) together. It is a university that highlights the importance of international cooperation which establishes dual/joint diploma programs with the prominent international universities in their respective fields, collaborates with international and regional university networks (EUA, IUA, AAU, etc.), provides grounds for academic staff of foreign universities to lecture and supervise students online, promotes foreign academic staff to lecture in diploma programs as much as possible, provides active contribution and participation in social science research carried out in multi-national entities such as European Union (EU), Council of Europe (CoE), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Organization Islamic Countries (OIC), World Bank (WB), United Nations and UNESCO.

Mission and Objectives

Hasan Kalyoncu University of different religions, languages, races, cultures, and civilizations are blended in Gaziantep, a major crossroads of the historic Silk Road, started a new life as a college-oriented in terms of “education, research and innovation”.
The first training year Engineering and Architecture Faculty and Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences in the Faculty of three section started at our university; 2011-2012 academic year, two new faculty departments were added to those faculties, and started to receive students for the Faculty of Law and Health Sciences School.

It aims to give its graduates accepting differences as richness, investigating, questioning, due to the law and democratic values in the world that takes place in the competitive market. It sacrifices all possible opportunities to produce scientific knowledge to be shared with the public, discussed and find a solution for the national and global issues we face.

HKU – KaLMERIC Vision: To be an internationally referenced center for migration by conducting research on migration nationally and internationally, producing, sharing, organizing activities that will benefit humanity, and contribute to social peace.
HKU – KaLMERIC Mission: Following migration movements in Turkey and around the world; to conduct research, prepare projects, carry out and prepare reports, share the results obtained with seminars, conferences, etc. with policy makers and those involved.

Main Projects / Activities

KaLMERIC studies migration using action learning and action research methods (participatory observation) in particular and application using training programmes for the trainers as the seminars, workshops, exhibition and conferences. At the moment, the center works mainly with the Syrian refugee phenomenon especially using participatory observation methods and towards building a self-entrepreneurship culture and mind-set amond Syrian refugees. Besides observation, we supply training to our partner organisations, such as SPARK in participation and social entrepreneurship training modules and who are also working with refugees. This training mainly consists of ‘train the trainer’ programmes. We also have established a voluntary group helping Syrian refugees by providing them shelter, food, goods and supporting them for education, health services and finding jobs. At the same time, we provide the train the trainer programme for the volunteers in our group and the training programmes to empower Syrians to rebuild their country when they return after the war. We set our education programmes with a dialogical approach and intercultural methodology. Additionally, we use the participant-centered training method. We are very keen on to apply equal learning system from classroom design to the using of the learning materials, in every phase of our work. Besides, our own training programmes in the university, we also provide education to our partner organisations. Our activities comprise producing educational materials on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (EDC/HRE) for pilot schools, increasing the basic skills and knowledge of Turkish Ministry of National Education (MoNE) personnel and concerned groups through awareness-raising and training activities, to developing and revising legislation and curricula on EDC/HRE in primary and secondary education and promoting a democratic school culture, the project aims to foster a more democratic society by strengthening democratic citizenship and human rights education. HKU -Kalmirec was a partner from 2016 to 2019 of the EU GOOD PRACTICE Erasmus+ project “Cross-border intercultural and societal entrepreneurs”, which codesigned with parnters from Spain, Sweden and the UK a curriculum, competences and social micro indicators. Also a w/app group was started where key leaders of charity organizations in Gaziantep share information about entrepreneurship issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

HKU - KaLMERIC commitment towards intercultural, social entrepreneurial mind-set will attract young people who are interested in making a real change to their community daily lives as social entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs for a common good. KaLMERIC staff, researchers, mentors and associates will be offering their experience to scale up and scale out the outreach and impact of the Network activities enriched by our research approach focused on dialogical and participatory action-research. Our current comitment towards the migration community with the International Organization of Migration and Ministry of Youth gives us an international and national platform to make visible and place key public and private organizations of the region of Gaziantep working steadily and hard to bring the migration agenda within high level policy arena. KaLMIREC would bring experience working also with Syrian migrants with physical and mental disabled people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are very interested to exchange experiences, learn and enrich our programs on youth empowerment, advocacy, business design, participatory budgeting, legal structures, planning , report design, mentorship, pitching strategies with the richness of the intercultural competences of the ALF network. We would like to make visible and bring to the center of policy making what happens locally and peripherically, as we are placed at the border with Syria. ALF network offers a broad and rich field for action research with potential co publishing efforts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emel Topcu
Job Title
Director and Researcher KALMIREC
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Türkay DERELİ
Contact (2) Full Name
Tuba Buyukbese
Job Title (2)
Researcher and Associate Professor

Hazar Education Culture and Solidarity Association

National Network

Yeni Dersane St. No:8
34664 Murat Reis /İstanbul

(0216) 344 34 15
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

The aim of the association is to identify the current situation and problems of women, youth and children, to produce solutions-oriented projects that will improve their legal, social, political and economic assets, to provide dialogue, communication, solidarity, cooperation and assistance between individuals and groups, to work for the personal development of women and young people. To equip them in terms of education and training and to support them financially and morally. For this aim, we develop projects, organize seminars and workshops, and give scholarship to women university students. The association have three staff employed full-time, and 100 members and is based in Uskudar/Istanbul. The association operates in the social, cultural, educational, scientific and economic fields. Our sources of funding are the subscription fee, donations.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is in a changing world;
Knowing how to make sense of the universal and the local in the context of consistent principles and values,
To be emphatetic, valuable, prudent, respectful, thoughtful,
Recognizing respect for human rights with its religious and moral priority rather than being a legal and political issue,
To accept solidarity, respect and friendship as the basis of living together with different cultures, ideas and beliefs and creating a whole from these differences,
To serve the ultimate and real purpose of politics, not as a political power, but as a social benefit and transformation,
To be an active and responsible citizen in the narrow sense by existing in the field of civil society, and to be aware of “taking the trust” in the broader framework.
Knowing that the broadest framework of meaning we can establish with our being and action will only emerge from our personal journey and actions.

Main Projects / Activities

As an association leading by women, we develop projects. Our main projects are:

Wo/Men for Women funded by EU: Wo/men for Women is a branch project under “Struggle Against Domestic Violence Project” conducted by Ministry of Family and Social Policies. In our community where violence against women occurs so severely, the purpose of this project is to contribute elimination of violence against women and raise awareness about gender based violence.

Being Woman in Europe: We organized a panel about being woman in Europe. Woman academicians and activists who lives in Europe and Turkey attended to this panel. We determined the mutual problems, risks, oppurtunities achievements of European Women.

Because I am a Child: The project, which took place in Istanbul for a year in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior and the Hazar Association, aimed to raise awareness about child neglect and abuse.

Online Discoverers in Workshop funded by EU: The aim of the project is to support the physical, cognitive and emotional development of children by providing an informal education program that is kept away during the pandemic and to support social cohesion by bringing Syrian and Turkish children together. I conducted an informal education program for the children between 8-10 years old.

Reading Club with Refugee Women: We have a reading club happening every week with a moderator.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

1- We trust our digital skills. During pandemic, we improved our virtual communication skills, we are capable of leading any kind of online gathering. Our social media accounts are also well-organized.
2- As an association leading by women, we have connections with several women organizations in Turkey.
3- As an association working also on immigration issues, we have communications with organizations working with refugees.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We think that ALF's purpose and values correspond with our purpose and values. We care about diversity, building a culture based on dialogue and exchange, being inclusive and supporting women empowerment. We believe that we can connect good relationships with ALF and develop projects together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zeynep Şevval Büyükizgi
Job Title
Board Member
Head of the organisation
Songül Ertem


National Network

İsmetpaşa mah. Yeni Hükümet cd.
kristal sitesi no:20/3

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
-Our association was established to undertake  activities in the education, health and culture fields. -All of our members are university graduates, experienced in their field, are known around the people. -In addition, we have  staffs who are  experienced to prepare  about national and international grant projects . - Our city has a great potential,  very ancient history and culture with a huge population more than one million. We want to share our knowledge to people who live in our region and all over the world. -We are always ready to communicate. You can contact whenever you want.
Mission and Objectives

Our association was established to undertake  activities in the education, health and culture fields. Our mission and objectives are gives courses, seminars, make activities with young people who continig education.  We established it with 15 teacher, 13 health officer, 1 doctor, 1 sociologist and 2 nurses members. Our association (sekulder) will organise a lot of activities with strong staffs.

Main Projects / Activities

-To prepare and implement projects within the country and abroad.
-To cooperate with the association established for the same purpose
-To give health and education services to students.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

That's why people from all nationalities health, will cooperate in the fields of education and culture. Thus, we can develop intercultural dialogue.That's why, people from all nationalities will cooperate in the fields of health, education and culture. Thus, we can develop intercultural dialogue..

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because, ALF offers to collaborate different cultures to each other.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation