
An opportunity for youth in Slovenia to volunteer in Greece. "Multimidia Volunteering" apply by 30th March 2023

Illustrative Photo of Laptop. Source: PiNA

PiNA is looking for a candidate for an European solidarity corps volunteering activity in Greece in 2023, who will be working in the multimedia field.

Start date: 1st of June 2023
Duration: 7 months
Location: Thessaloniki, Greece


The ‘Balkan Hotspot’ Project has been running since 2009, with more than 180 volunteers having been hosted by our organisation. The main activities of the project are related to Web Media. Through these tools the volunteers in cooperation with the youth of the local community will contribute to create and maintain a space of free expression and communication among young people, always within the context of the subjects, the principles and the goals of the ESC Programme.


United Societies of Balkans (U.S.B.) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Thessaloniki, Greece, working in the field of youth mobility, participation and promoting youth awareness of social issues. It was founded in 2008 by the initiative of a group of active young people who wanted to address the social issues which affect the youngsters in the Balkans and Eastern Europe.

The goal of the organisation is the promotion of youth mobility, youth involvement and participation, voluntarism and human rights.

They make it through:

  • Promoting the values of non formal learning, voluntarism, active citizenship and democracy for the creation of a better future for the European youth;
  • Involving minorities and immigrants into youth activities;
  • Building healthy cooperation bridges between countries in the area of the Balkans and Eastern Europe with the rest of Europe;
  • Using New Media and Citizens’ Journalism methodologies to encourage youth expression, to raise awareness of Human Rights and to promote intercultural dialogue;
  • Utilizing arts as a tool for the cultivation and expression of youth;
  • Breaking down prejudices and stereotypes among European countries and amongst youth.

Curious for more? Follow U.S.B. on social media:

Website: www.usbngo.gr
Facebook: facebook.com/usbngo/
Twitter: twitter.com/usbngo
Instagram: usb_ngo


Each volunteer will: 

  • receive three meals per day through a catering service that prepares the food according to their preferences and allergies;
  • receive monthly pocket money 5 € per day plus 5 € extra per day for the weekends, days off and official holidays of Greece (in these day the organisation will not provide meals);
  • be registered for the ESC insurance scheme Henner; 
  • receive a contribution to the travel costs (the amount will be calculated based on the travel distance of the volunteer);
  • be accommodated in a fully equipped building located in the city center (Anagnostara, 13) near the main bus and train station of the city. Each volunteer will share their room with one or three more people of the same gender;
  • receive a monthly pass for the local transportation. 


The participants will participate in the daily activities of USB, volunteering six hours daily from Monday to Friday.

During the volunteer experience, volunteers will:

  • receive a task related mentor; 
  • be offered a chance to take a language course;
  • develop multimedia knowledge and skills;
  • improve their digital skills and digital literacy;
  • have a chance to develop a personal project with the resources of USB;
  • receive the Youthpass certificate, the official recognition tool for non-formal & informal learning in youth projects.

The volunteer will be involved in activities:

  • Organisation and development of documentaries;
  • Organisation and development of the online magazine “Balkan Beats”;
  • Management of the website and its social networks;
  • Organisation and participation in special events and meetings organised by the project; especially during dates dedicated to EU or Human Rights;
  • Workshops organised by USB. The three workshops on Media (mandatory) plus the Creativity and Cultural Activities Coordination Workshops (optional);
  • Deliver workshops for the other volunteers as well as for locals based on their skills and knowledge;
  • Participation in some public events or festivals, such as the International Film Festival of Thessaloniki.

European Solidarity Corps volunteers will have the support of a coordinator (somebody in the hosting organization) and mentor (a friend to talk to outside of the hosting organization). 

Volunteers will take part in an on-arrival and mid-term training course organized by the National Agency.


The selection of the participants is mostly based on their motivation and personal interest in the topics of the project. Our ideal volunteer candidate is an open minded person willing to learn, to improve her/himself and to help other people. It is important to be ready to work in a team and to share daily life with people from different backgrounds. It is not necessary to have previous technical knowledge of multimedia. Although it is not required to have a high level of English, the volunteers need to have at least a basic knowledge of the language for their everyday communication with international and local people but also for their safety.


The call is open to young people aged 18-30 from Slovenia.


Fill in the online application form, with attached your CV (name the file: name_surname_CV).

Deadline for application is 30th March 2023. For more information click HERE.


If you have a question, please contact us on terminal@pina.si.

Annual report on human rights in the world in 2023


As governments and corporations shamelessly break the rules, Amnesty International warns that we are at a watershed moment for international law.

Amnesty International's report unequivocally shows the betrayal of human rights principles by today's leaders of states and institutions. In the face of ever-increasing conflicts, the actions of many influential countries have further eroded the credibility of multilateralism and undermined the rules-based world order first established in 1945.

In a conflict that has marked the year 2023 and has no end in sight, the Israeli government in Gaza is making a mockery of international law, and evidence of war crimes is piling up. Israeli authorities have responded to the horrific attacks by Hamas and other armed groups on October 7th with relentless airstrikes on populated civilian areas, often killing entire families, forcibly displacing nearly 1.9 million Palestinians and, despite the growing hunger in Gaza, restricting access to urgently needed humanitarian aid.

The annual report points to the brazen use of the veto by the US, which crippled the UN Security Council for months in passing a much-needed cease-fire resolution, while continuing to arm Israel with weapons that the latter is likely to use to commit war crimes. Also, Amnesty highlights the grotesque double standards of European countries such as Great Britain and Germany, which, although they are rightly opposed to the war crimes of Russia and Hamas, but at the same time support the actions of the authorities of Israel and the USA in this conflict.


APIS Institute

National Network

Na stolbi 3
1000 Ljubljana

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Zavod APIS/Institute APIS was established in 2012 as socially engaged institute with a vision to promote social inclusion, human rights, intercultural dialogue and empowerment of those most vulnerable and marginalized. We are an NGO based in the capital of Slovenia. The organization was founded by 3 founding members and is a small scale organization with budget of 50.000 per year. Even if the budget we operate with is quite small, we never the less believe to have a strong impact on the community, the volunteers, the migrants and refugees we work with, the international youth we engage in our activities.  Only in 2016 we implemented 3 international mobilities under Erasmus+ programme that included over 20 international partner organizations and over 10 national organizations. APIS has multiple volunteers and collaborators. In the last years it has established strong partnerships with international organizations inside European and Mediteranean region. Sources of funding: European projects, especially Erasmus+; national ministries; municipality where we are based. We also were a partner in Anna Lindth funded project in collaboration with jordanian organization.   Modalities of action: trainings, exchanges, youth work, seminars, participatory and community engagements, media, video and audio production  
Mission and Objectives

Primarily we focus our work on migrants, refugees and marginalized youth. We implement workshops and educational activities on a international, national and local level.
As tools of empowerment of vulnerable groups we are mainly using video, photography, multi/trans media and new technologies. The goals we are pursuing are knowledge transference and giving voice to the socially excluded or marginalized. We use accessible and inclusive methodologies as participatory video, documentary video making, documentary photography, mobile video filmmaking…
Next to educational activities we have created and co-produced many documentaries with eduactional value and produced photo and transmedia exhibitions, always socially engaged with the aim to inform the public and promote social inclusion. We also work with internationally acclaimed artists to highlight the overlooked themes.
We are making further steps and plan to incorporate new, but accessible technologies into our creative and socially responsible work even deeper. We would also like to share the knowledge we have gained and develop it further in terms of citizens' jurnalism, participatory community development, social entrepreneurship and raising employability.

Main Projects / Activities

We connect social engagement, promote social inclusion and link it with culture and intercultural dialogue. These are few of our activities:
1) we implemented 1 Erasmus + training for trainers for 55 people from 15 countries: one in Slovenia, one in Belgrade; theme: socially engaged digital storytelling
2) we coordinated and organized 1 youth exchange in Slovenia, 6 countries, 30 participants
3) we exhibited our socially engaged exhibitions in 7 different locations; also in National Assembly and Slovene Academy of Science and Arts
4) we organized euromediteranean photo marathon in Ljubljana that also took place in Beirut, Algiers, Amman, Palermo, Marseille, Neaples (coordinator was FRAME from Beirut)
5) we got 5 awards for short films we produced in the frame of our workshops and our films were screened at 5 film festivals in 2016
6) we produced 13 short documentaries, 10 financed by Erasmus+ programme and 3 financed by Berlin based foundation EVZ - Stiftung "Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft" / Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future". We also produced 2 videos for Salto Youth South Eastern Europe and 5 videos for MOVIT, Slovene National Youth Agency for Erasmus + programmes
Few earlier projects:
Anna Lindh Foundation supported project MIGRATION and SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT. We were partner organization, the coordinator was Slovenska filantropija, another partner organization was Jordan based WE Center
Last Witnesses - this is a photo exhibition and a multimedia project about victims of italian fascist camps. The exhibition was more than 10 times exhibited in Slovenia. It was also presented in Neuengamme, Germany (http://berlin.embassy.si/fileadmin/user_upload/dkp_21_vbn/PDF_Files/Bros...)
Equality in Focus: migrant and Roma women created photo stories and short films:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since we are a young organization, we are still developing our skills but we already have good practice (non formal education for social inclusion, digital media as tools of promoting intercultural respect, youth work that focuses on vulnerable groups etc.) to share. We would like to further assist in bringing people together from across the Mediterranean in our activities and in our future projects. 
As we implement our activities in next years we believe we will be able to further contribute to improve mutual respect between cultures and to support civil society, which is the aim of Anna Lindh Foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we already implement activities that link culture and social engagement, promote social inclusion and respect between cultures. This is also one of our primary programme priorities in our Institute. We recognize this values and actions that promote the above as essential for the present and the future of the Euromediteranean region.
We see the ALF network as a supportive space to create stronger partnerships and implement the common goals mentioned above.

Contact (1) Full Name
Romana Zajec
Job Title
Programme Director
Head of the organisation
Nataša Kotar

Arabesque, Arab cultural Association

National Network

Med vrtovi 1, 6320 Portorož, Slovenia

00386 70 393535
Telephone (other)
00386 5 9032956
00386 5 6731724
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00386 70 393535
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Arabesque is a nonprofit cultural association founded in Portorož, Slovenia. The aim of this association is to build bridges between different cultures. Our main goal is to promote different aspects of Arab culture in Slovenia and other European countries and back way around. With this aim we created a network of associators (10 staff pers.) from different countries such as Algeria, Lebanon, Egypt, Sweeden, Morocco,Jordan, Tunisia BIH and Usa who will support our reasrch projects. We will f. orselves through donations and sponshorships. We are young organisation, we have two partnership agreement by now but we officially start in November 2012.
Mission and Objectives

The research cultural projects which will be developed under Arabesque patronage will encourage a positive intercultural dialogue between Slovenia and the Arab world, while enrichening the cultural diversity of the Piran municipality.

Main Projects / Activities

Qabbani project: The aim of Cultural Project Qabbani is to present poet Nizar Qabbani to Slovenian literate public. We will publish a selected edition of his poetry in Slovenian language.
Arabesque center: The Arabic cultural center is a place where different cultural events and programs will take place.
Org. of the Arab language courses in Slovenia in coorporation with Jordan Hashemite University.
Cordination in organisation of the First open aired art exibition in Europe that will join west and South young artist.
We have presented a collection of Essys "Through dialog to Mutual respect" in Portorož. The event will be updated with presentation/conference about influence of Mohamed El-Gazali in philosophy, that will be held on Bled, Slovenia.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We strongly bealive we are very unique in Slovenian cultural envoirment as we are planing to include research into topics previously rarely looked into. Especially in field of culture, arts and education. We want to point out the beauty and positive side of co existence through out projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF Network because we want to improve our work and only by joing to other institutions we can make progrees. Of course main reason is that we have same objectives and missions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marela Lovrec
Head of the organisation
Marela Lovrec
Contact (2) Full Name
Tarek Abdulrazek

Art is Us! exhibition in Ljubljana from 13th to 19th March 2023

A speech on stage

Art is Us is a project that aims to use the transformative force of culture for community regeneration to respond to the severe impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on both artists and the cultural sector and on social inclusion and cohesion. 

"Art is Us" exhibition explores the intersection of art and its potential for community regeneration. Our exhibition showcases examples of artistic interventions and creative approaches in often overlooked communities in Slovenia, Greece,  Italy, Germany, and even Ukraine made possible through our virtual art residency.

The exhibition presents a selection of good practices from more than 60 interventions that took place in these countries. It shows practical examples of how art and creativity can bring people closer together, create new ties, facilitate mutual understanding and empathy, and contribute to community regeneration.

The "Art is Us" project aims to support vulnerable artists, including those who have been displaced from their homes due to conflicts such as the war in Ukraine. We opened this exhibition on February 24th, exactly one year after the Russian attack on Ukraine, to raise awareness about the consequences of the conflict and the importance of using creative approaches as a tool for easier processing of traumatic memories.

The APIS institute member of ALF in Slovenia organised an exhibition as part of the "Art is Us" project in Ljubljana  at Atrij ZRC, find out more about the exhibition and the artists here. 

Art+, institute for developement through creativity

National Network

Beblerjev trg 3

051 810 763
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Due to our short existance we have only two, but very motivated members. We plan to finance our projects mostly from donations, grants and sponsorships.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to guide peope in seeking understanding for themselfes, others, different cultures, life and to support integration of this understending in everyday life.

Main Projects / Activities

Creative and educational workshops, we focus especially on vulnerable population.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To meet new potentional project partners,get new ideas,expand our horizons...

Contact (1) Full Name
Ana Novak
Head of the organisation
Ana Novak, Tjaša Jerak

ArtNetLab Society for Connecting Art and Science

National Network

Trubarjeva 76a
1000 Ljubljana

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
An association. No employed members. Annual budget 10000 EUR. Sponsors and government funding. We organize exhibitions, festivals, we produce new media art projects etc. We collaborate closely with the Academy of Fine Art and Design and the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, both members of the University of Ljubljana.
Mission and Objectives

Establishing the links between scientific and technological approaches and the arts and humanities. To provide a production platform for young new media artists, who have finished formal education in new media art in Slovenia. ArtNetLab also provides a permanent production environment for its members.

Main Projects / Activities

Production of the International Festival of Computer Arts, Maribor, Ljubljana, 2004-2006

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Narvika Bovcon
Head of the organisation
Aleš Vaupotič

Association of Creative People Loesje

National Network

Rozna dolina, Cesta 9 / 45 c
1000 Ljubljana

+ 386 41 733 469
Telephone (other)
+ 386 41 389 789
+ 386 2 766 00 81
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 386 41 733 469
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 386 41 389 789
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Loesje aims for a creative society based on own initiative and active citizenship, where the individual is appreciated for personal skills and talents rather than economical value. She wants to bring the “big world” of political and global matters closer to the “small world” of personal and local matters, and to connect the two extremes (and all what’s in between). Loesje encourage people to think on their own and promoting positivism and creativity. We got funds from calls and selling our products. We are part of Loesje International, which is connecting Loesje local groups in about 25 countries. The organization tries to reach her goals by: Stimulating the communication between the Loesje members / participants; World wide organizing individuals by means of exchange programs, all based on the ideas of the association with full jurisdiction 'Loesje', established in Arnhem; Preserving and guarding the ideas and identity of the alone mentioned association Loesje.
Mission and Objectives

The aims of the organization are:
Worldwide spreading of black and white text posters that give color to life;
Creating possibilities in which participants of Loesje activities can constantly start and support progressive social initiative. Within this a maximum possibility is given to the development of individual freedom and social concern of the mentioned participants;
Supporting the individual participant who takes part in Loesje activities;
And further supporting everything that has a direct or indirect connection with this or can be stimulating for this, everything in the broadest sense of the words.

Main Projects / Activities

We organise creative text writing workshops among our association and everywhere around. In the period of 22 years we have developed unique methods to stimulate creativity and writing.
We publish books and make other products with our slogans.
We also organise seminars and exchanges on local and international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Robert Krizanic
Head of the organisation
Robert Krizanic
Contact (2) Full Name
Irena Kranjc