
"Skuhna" a social enterprise for an intercultural society in Ljubljana, Slovenia

People Celebrating

In 2012, Skuhna, a current member of the Anna Lindh Foundation in Slovenia, started their journey as a restaurant and a social enterprise led by migrants who live in Ljubljana to enhance open and intercultural societies through culinary arts, arts and cultural workshops.

Skuhna has always been located on Trubarjeva street in Ljubljana, which is a well-known street with its diversity. Sadly, due to gentrification and as tenants  Skuhna left Trubarjeva street in January 2023 with the increase in renting prices with the change of the owner. Skuhna had its two final events on 20 and 23 of January 2023; with great food and music workshops, Skuhna laid its intercultural and artistic legacy on Trubarjeva street in Ljubljana to move forward. 

Stay tuned and follow Skuhna's Facebook page and website to know more about their activities and a new location in the future. 

Skuhna often enriched our meetings with its rich and intercultural culinary. 

12th Slovenian development days: For a world without hunger


Between October 15 and 22, 2024, the 12th Slovenian Development Days will be held under the title For a world without hunger.

This year's days will be devoted to the discussion of the ambitions of Slovenian official development assistance and the recommendations of the Development Assistance Committee after a mutual review of Slovenian development policies and the implementation of international development cooperation. Special emphasis will be placed on global food security.

In one week, a number of awareness-raising events will take place, organized by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs together with partners - these are Platform SLOGA, strategic partner in the field of international humanitarian aid Slovenska karitas, ITF - Foundation for Strengthening Human Security, CEP - Center for the European future, Center for the Development of Finance - CEF and CMSR - Center for International Cooperation and Development.

The event will begin on October 15 with a national consultation on international development cooperation and humanitarian aid in Slovenia, and will be aimed at reviewing the achievements so far in Slovenia's 20-year journey as a donor of official development aid. At the same time, it will also be an opportunity to discuss how to further improve the efficiency and visibility of its operation in the international donor community.


African Center of Slovenia

National Network


+386 590 203 18
Telephone (other)
+ 386 31 683 542
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Structure: The African Center (ACS) is headed by the Chair and executive committee, voted by general assembly, which is composed of all the members of the ACS. Currently two people are employed full time, working on a project. Most of the activities of the ACS are carried out by volunteers and free lance contracts. Partners: ACS is a founding member of SLOGA, a platform organization for non-governmental, non-profit organisations that are active in the field of development cooperation, global learning and humanitarian aid. It cooperates closely with various Slovene NGOs. ACS has also close partners in Ireland and Great Britain, as it is currently working on a common project Budgetary yearly resources: approx. 60.000 EUR Sources: membership fee, projects, donations, co-funding contributions from governmental institutions (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) The main activities of ACS are focused on: projects, workshops, round tables and discussions, lectures and small publishing activity.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of ACS is to become an open organization, which will be recognized widely for its values and knowledge on African topics.
ACS wishes to secure equal possibilities in the society, respect for human rights, freedom, and responsibility for African immigrants.
In ACS we try to raise awareness about the mutual global connection.

Main Projects / Activities

ACS is currently conducting a EU commissioned project entitled: Images of Africa from an African Perspective, which is a Public Awareness and Capacity Building Programme that aims at raising awareness on development issues in the EU from an African perspective through the development and promotion of positive images of Africans and African countries and to build the capacity of African people living in the EU to deliver development education programmes focused on positive images of Africans and African Countries.
The project is conducted with two partners from Ireland and GB. In addition to the above project, ACS has conducted in the past several projects in the field of culture, youth education, music and theatre, development education and organized a number or lectures and round tables, focusing on promoting positive dialog, African culture, cultural exchange, mutual respect for cultural differences and tackling the issues of integration.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ACS has very good experiences in working with partners on an international and national level. With these experiences as well as our stated objectives, we believe that ACS would be a valuable asset to ALF and could importantly contribute to the realization of its programmes.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ACS would like to join ALF in order to enlarge its activities and exchange information and experiences also through cooperation with countries across the Mediterranean. We see a big potential in forming partnerships with ALF members. The ALF values and mandate for mutual respect of differences between cultures, religions, societies in general, as well as promoting the strong pluralistic civil society goes in line with the mission of ACS.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

African Village Slovenia(Zavod Afriška Vas

National Network

Celovška cesta 69c
1000 Ljubljana

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The African village Institute Slovenia unites Africans living in Slovenia and everyone who is interested in African culture, history and the future.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the African village Slovenia is to spreads knowledge about Africa and helps to get to know its culture,history, present and future. Promotes a positive awareness of Africa and helps in its development. To connect and strengthen relations in the African community in Slovenia. Bridging intercultural differences and thus strengthening social ties between members of the African community and their surroundings.

Main Projects / Activities

The African Village institute Slovenia is currently running an african cultural center (Afriški kulturni center) in Ljubljana the capital of Slovenia. Organizing themed evenings, lectures, presentations, festival, workshops and running the african festival in Slovenia 5th edition of (afriška vasfest).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

African village institute Slovenia has a very good experiences in working with partners on an international and national level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

African village institute Slovenia would like to join ALF in order to enlarge its activities and exchange information and experiences also through cooperation with countries across the Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Nzotam
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Daniel Nzotam

Amnesty International Slovenije

National Network

Beethovnova ulica 7
1000 Ljubljana

00386 1 426 93 77
Telephone (other)
00386 1 426 93 77
00386 1 426 93 65
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00386 31 348 032
Mobile Phone (other)
00386 30 313 991
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Amnesty International Slovenia has been the main organization combating human rights violations in Slovenia for 23 years as a branch of the largest worldwide human rights movement. We are devoted to promoting human rights in Slovenia and combat their violations here and abroad. AI Slovenia currently has 7 permanent staff members, 7 board members and around 70 active volunteers. A democratic organization, AI Slovenia currently has a total of nearly 9,500 supporters of which 4,500 are members. Our funds come from subscriptions and donations from the Slovenian membership (70 %). Our budgetary resources are on avarage around 500.000 eur. Our purpose is to protect people wherever justice, freedom and dignity are denied. We investigate and expose abuses, educate and mobilize the public, and help transform societies to create a safer, more just world.
Mission and Objectives

Amnesty International Slovenia is an independent section of the movement, that follows the same mission as the global movement and implements it via tried-and-tested cross cutting methodologies (lobbying, campaigning, activism, media work, human rights education).
Amnesty International Slovenia is working for the protection of human rights and full access to economic, social and cultural rights in Slovenia and worldwide. This includes working against discrimination and to challenge impunity, for physical and mental integrity, women’s rights, and migrants and asylum seekers rights. Our work includes different activities for achieving results in the human rights field including campaigning, lobbying and activism.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities of Amnesty International Slovenia are:
- lobbying national and international entities with topics concerning domestic and foreing human rights issues
- campaigning for different human rights issues in Slovenia and abroad(e.g. Roma discrimination, the erased case in Slovenia, the death penalty, poverty, women discrimination, child rights, for human rights diffenders and other relevant human rights topics)
- education (Amnesty International has been leading a Human Rights Education program from 1999 and usually carries out more then 100 workshops on human rights topic across the country per year, including more then 2.000 pupils and students in primary, secundary schools and universities)
- regular work with media regarding human rights issues in Slovenia and abroad
- foster activism (as a membership organization with more then 9.000 members and supporters and at least 70 active volounteers, Amnesty International Slovenia has different established networks for lobbying and campainging for activists, who are also included in the regular work and events of the organization).

Contact (1) Full Name
Mateja Kurir
Head of the organisation
Natasa Posel, director
Contact (2) Full Name
Metka Naglic

An Artistic Exchange for Intercultural Dialogue between Egypt and Slovenia

A group photo of people indoor

From the 4th to the 10th of June, Povod Institute in Slovenia hosted Mostafa Fatouh, founder and theatre director of GWANA for Arts and Development based in Alexandria, Egypt.

On the 5th of June, in the city of Ptuj, Mostafa met with the Ptuj local theatre team and Peter Srpčič, the director of Ptuj theatre. Through an interactive seminar, they exchanged experiences of Art and theatre for international cooperation and EuroMed dialogue.On the 6th of June in the city of Ljubljana, Mostafa conducted an interactive theatre workshop for intercultural dialogue.

Fifteen participants who are staff members of CSOs in the ALF network in Slovenia attended the workshop. They learned about theatre-based techniques for personal development and intercultural communication; they also shared about their work as NGOs and CSOs working for intercultural dialogue and social inclusion.

During the exchange, we produced a short video by Fatouh on theatre-based techniques for brain and memory stimulation. You can watch the video here.

This exchange was possible thanks to ALF in motion program; you may learn more about it here.

- GWANA for Arts and Development 

- Povod Institute for Culture and Development of International Relations in Culture  



An international internship about multimedia in Koper, Slovenia

Young People and Photography activities indoor

PiNA and the Koper Youth Center are hosting five young people who live in different EU countries in the city of Koper for an internship on multimedia as part of the European Solidarity Corps program.

International volunteering programs aim to offer young people the opportunity to acquire competencies, relevant knowledge and skills that can support them in their life and career path.

It was with this purpose in mind that PiNA organized training with the photographer and trainer Aleš Rosa, where, in addition to theory, the volunteers gained new knowledge in the field of event photography, camera use, and what is the key to good photography.

The volunteers had the opportunity several times a week to try their skills at photographing events, named "Matching Moments and Memories" organized by PiNA and Koper Youth Center, thereby testing themselves in the role of photographers. And they enjoy it a lot.📸

The workshop was very interesting and educational at the same time. Thanks also to Aleš Rosa a trainer who passed on important and useful knowledge and taught the participants how to use the camera conveniently.

Find more information here.

An opportunity for non-formal educators in Slovenia to attend a study visit in Milan "Women and Democratization" apply by 4th of April!

Illustration by APIS institute, open call for youth workers

APIS institute in Slovenia launched a call for youth workers and non-formal educators who are based in Slovenia to attend a study visit in Milan about "Women and Democratisation" of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s; the deadline is approaching soon on the 4th of April 2023. 

The study visit is part of the project »Women's views on democratic transitions in the 70s. 80. in the year 1990«, the partner of which is also APIS Institute.

During the study visit, participants will visit different locations in Milan related to the "Celebrate Years", meet witnesses of the time, learn more about the processes of democracy in Europe and exchange knowledge and methods with colleagues from other European countries.

The project is co-financed by the European Union.

Find out more details and how to apply here.