
Društvo za krepitev zavesti in zdravja, Vetrnica

National Network

Mariborska cesta 48

+386 40 12 11 51
Mobile Phone
+386 40 12 11 51
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Association has 20 members who are mentors and educators in the field of youth, health, prevention and intercultural dialog. It is structured as a member association with general assembly, board and a president. We are funded from public and private resources. Main program is Integral ecology which aims raising of individual consciousness. We have a network of individuals in Slovenia and world wide.
Mission and Objectives

Bringing to society understanding that in the process of education we need harmonious development of reason and consciousness. Reason has developed science and technology, consciousness is developing true ecology according to which life is more important than profit.

Main Projects / Activities

Leading seminars of integral ecology and intercultural integration. We organize lectures for youth clubs and other civil organisations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will provide and offer our experiences and expertise including our network cooperation we already have from before. We want to take active part in all activities organized by ALF in Slovenia and internationally.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to expand our scope of working in the geographic area of Mediterranean. ALF can give more opportunities for finding partners and develop new programs and built our competences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Srečko Šorli
Head of the organisation
Srečko Šorli

Društvo za politično in gospodarsko sodelovanje mladih osrednje Evrope, IPM Slovenija

National Network

Elektrarniška ulica 9, 2351 Kamnica.

386 40 328 613
Mobile Phone
386 40 328 613
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
- 298 members from SLovenia, in age between 15 - 32 years. - Money from office for youth of Republic of Slovenia, membership fees, sponsors. - International cooperation (seminars, conferences, exchanges) in the Euro-Mediterranean region. - Partners from Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Germany, Spain.
Mission and Objectives

•self assurance and diversity!
•regional security!
•a family and child-friendly environment!
•knowledge based society and quality education!
•sustainable environmental, energy and climate policy!
•maximum closeness to citizens!

Main Projects / Activities

- 4 times a year we organise different international seminars on current situation in the EU
- 1 time a year we organise a summer school

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to meet new partners and people, who are willing to share their knowledge and support.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrej Čuš
Head of the organisation
Andrej Kopušar

Društvo za promocijo zdravja mladih

National Network

Kovorska 29, 4290 Tržič.

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
We get our founds with membership fees, with calls and other activities. We have about 150 memebrs from Gorenjska region, but there are also members from other regions. We prepare sports and health projects mainly.
Mission and Objectives

- Sport and education
- Healthy way of life
- Promoting active pafrticipation

Main Projects / Activities

- Youth in action programs,
- Spreading our organisiton in entire country,
- Seminars.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With new ideas and our experiences.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To spread our connections and get better. We need new contacts and knowledge in international cooperation. We see great potential in a Euromediterranean cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jure Ferjan
Head of the organisation
Jure Ferjan

Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto)

National Network

Rozmanova ulica 30, 8000 Novo mesto
Novo mesto

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
- president, secretary general, project coordinators, social workers - No budget, projects for cca 800.00 EUR per year. - 22 employees. 20-40 projects per year (education for Roma and migrants (all ages, genders. We are applying to local, national and EU calls and funds (ESF, EACEA, EIDHR, EYF, CEI, IPA, BIFC ...). Members of ALDA
Mission and Objectives

Non-profit and humanitarian organization acting in accordance with the public interest in the field of social protection for 20 years. Our mission is to contribute to more inclusive and open society for all. Our two leading programs therefore deal with inclusion of socially excluded groups and with the stimulation of the NGO development and civil dialogue.
Our activities within the programs are performed by expert and voluntary work. We promote the values of solidarity, tolerance, voluntarism, active living, clean environment, citizenship awareness, social entrepreneurship and inter-cultural dialogue, ...

Main Projects / Activities

Promotion and development of voluntary work is the method running underneath all of our programs and activities. We promote voluntary work in the areas of social work, education, culture, art, sport, intergenerational cooperation, human rights, migrations, migrants, advocacy, active citizenship, international NGO cooperation, health, environmental issues, social entrepreneurship, NGO consulting, development and support, ...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are eligibile and agile partner on any project idea.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We respect your work and woulda like tobe a part of your story. We are always eager to network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Mitja Bukovec

Ecological-cultural association for a better world

National Network

Bolfenška 66

+386 2 3304 376
+386 2 3304 376
Mobile Phone
+386 41 540 616
Mobile Phone (other)
+386 41 678 074
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Ecological-cultural Association for a better world is a non-profit and non-governmental organization dedicated to everyone in society. In the year 2007 the Ministry of Education awarded the Association for a better world a status of an Association of a public interest in the field of education. The Association employs 3 full time employees and receives a lot of voluntary support from 10 volunteers. Budgetary resources available in a year: around 100.000 € Sources of funding: School funds, Municipality of Maribor, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport RS, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning RS, Ministry of Health RS, Government Communication Office RS Modalities of action: educational projects (workshops, theatre plays, seminars, lectures), a foundation providing scholarships and other support for socially deprivileged children Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Kinder gardens, Primary Schools, High schools, Homes for the Elderly, Cultural and Social Institutions
Mission and Objectives

Our aim is to awaken a strong sense of togetherness in regard to humanity and the environment in which we all live. We wish to create awareness within societies that there is nothing that truly separates us. We believe we have to overcome the narrow-mindedness and bigotry often present in the world today and follow the examples of those people and organizations, past and present, who put global priorities before their own.
The Association for a Better World is a NGO (Non-governmental organization), a non-political organization dedicated to everyone in society. Therefore, our goal is to enhance the awareness of human values in order to improve the quality of life and mutual relationships in all areas of life. We do this by cooperating with kindergartens, primary, junior, senior schools, retirement homes, individuals and organizations, in both Slovenia and worldwide. A very important part of our approach is the humanitarian aspect, which we have developed over several years and intend to expand in the future. The corner stone of our work is that empathy and concern for other people should become a natural quality in everyone’s life.

Main Projects / Activities

For kindergarten children, school pupils, students, teachers, parents and elderly in Slovenian educational institutions we organize:
24 different workshops
25 different educational theatre plays
16 different lectures for parents
12 different seminars for teachers
During the schools year 2010/11 we cooperated with 250 schools (1906 pedagogical hours), which makes us one of the more active organizations in this field in Slovenia.
Also, we created and published printed teaching materials:
3 textbooks for teaching human values
6 educational fairy tales for children and adults
75 editions of our e-monthly newsletter for education, school and humanitarian work
International cooperation: in the regular project Together we create a better world are included 11 schools from Serbia, 3 schools from England, 4 schools from India, 4 schools from Bosnia and Herzegovina and 15 schools from Kenya.
Foundation for a better world (created in 2010): support of education of poor children around the world and in Slovenia and support of building of schools and hospitals.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our knowledge and experience in the field of education and promotion of peace and universal human values and rights. By doing so, we will bring added value to the Slovenian network. At the same time we will learn from our partners and other cultures and actively contribute to the development and implementation of the Anna Lindh Foundation agenda.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The values we actively promote through our work co align with the goals the Anna Lindh Foundation is trying to achieve. Becoming a part of such network would enable us to straighten the cooperation with partners from the Euro-Mediterranean Region. We can achieve synergy with the other organizations in the network and mutually assist in achieving our common goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marjan Savnik, secretary
Head of the organisation
Goran Škobalj, president
Contact (2) Full Name
Katja Bernard

Education and economic empowerment of vulnerable groups of women and girls in Montenegro

vulnerable groups of women and girls in Montenegro

Within the framework of the project "Education and economic empowerment of vulnerable groups of women and girls in Montenegro - EKOS", which is financed by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, and implemented by Zavod KROG from Slovenia in partnership with NGO IMPULS and NGO IKRE Rožaje from Črna mountains, training on growing medicinal and aromatic plants was held in July for 20 women from the municipalities of Rožaje and Nikšić, who were given the opportunity to develop and acquire new skills.

The aim of the training was to improve employability, facilitate access to the labor market and support the economic empowerment of rural women in the cultivation and processing of medicinal and aromatic plants.

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EMANAT, institute for affirmation and development of dance and contemporary art

National Network

Kobetova 26
1108 Ljubljana
Office:Kersnikova 4/V.
1000 Ljubljana


+ 386.1.430.57.24
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Emanat Institute is led by Maja Delak(founder and artistic director).In the field of performance and audio-visual work are executive producers Petra Hazabent and Sabina Potočki (as well program coordinator of educational program Agon and pr administrator). Publishing activities with two book series are led by Maja Delak and Karla Železnik. Nina Janež is responsible for all the office coordination. The board consisting of all named collaborators is meeting twice a month for regular coordination meeting while big planning meetings are happening maximum twice a year. Artistic focus is suggested by Maja Delak. Other collaborators (artists) are involved projects-wise. Since the institute is more and more combining different art forms we started focusing also on creation of different collaborations within already existing networks (IETM) as well as with partners with compatible artistic expression. Emanat Institute is supported both nationally and locally. Since 2010 we are receiving four years programme support from Ministry of Culture of Slovenia (=yearly 70.000€) and three years programme support from City of Ljubljana - the Department for Culture (=yearly 53.000€). Partners collaborating with Emanat Institute are national and international cultural organizations, also educational institutions(Pre-School Education and Grammar School – module contemporary dance) and artists from Slovenia and beyond (Matija Ferlin,Nadja Bedjanič,Gipo Gurrado,Zoe Vincenti,Irena Tomažin,Luka Princic, Katja Praznik, Igor Dobricic, David Zambrano, Nina Fajdiga, Jasmina Krizaj, Matej Kejzar, Marijs Boulogne... Partner organizations: Bunker Institute, Stara Elektrarna – Old Power Station Ljubljana, Festival City of Women,Dance Theatre Ljubljana, Melkweg Theatre Amsterdam, La Caldera Barcelona, Plesna Izba Maribor, En Knap - Spanish Fighters, Kapelica Gallery, Esc Galery (Graz),Association sa(n)jam knjige u Istri(BOOK FAIR(Y)in Istria Polis Adriatic Europe Festival and many more. Our collaborations with associate orgaizations are based on artistic exchange.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of the institute EMANAT is to affirm contemporary dance and contemporary art as a topical, alive field of artistic creativity. Institute wants to develop this area by establishing different structures and modes of activity with which art enacts and enhances its creative structures.
The institute's production activity, developing in the area of performing arts and video, primarily focuses on art projects, which aim to develop their own specific procedures, processes and codes of work. Thus, the institute EMANAT constitutes and generates a community, interested in exchange, communication and articulation of the actuality of contemporary society and its individuals. One of the principal aims of production activity is the formation of production conditions for artists, who may, by way of exchange, form and improve their own visions of the art of dance.
Educational activities work as a platform for development and research of potentials of both the young dancers in the beginning of their creative path as well as the already formed professional dancers, who wish to develop the area of contemporary dance and their own creative procedures. The aim of the educational programmes, conceived as a dialogue exchange of creative individuals, is to give a fresh impetus to the artists, thus contributing to the development and success of the art of dance.
The publishing activity is intended to publishing domestic and translated works from the areas, which are in different, also potential, ways connected with dance and may bring and expand this activity to other areas and vice versa, and which constitute the elements of connections, which may reside also in the dance medium. The publishing programme is opening up the themes, where the chiasm of areas occurs. At the same time, it is committed to topical articulation of contents and elements, which are of pivotal significance for the development and existence of the art of dance, and to the opening up of questions, which present an impetus for further growth of the field.

Main Projects / Activities

Institute EMANAT advances the activity in three areas: stage and AV production, education, and publishing. The three part structure enacts the main vision the notion of emanation, making it concrete with a reciprocal intertwinement of individual activities. The central is the production of performances and av production, while at the same time the institute promotes education and publishing as the key elements of the development of the contemporary art.

Contact (1) Full Name
Petra Hazabent
Head of the organisation
Maja Delak - director, artistic leader, choreographer, dancer, pedagogue and chief editor of the book series Transitions
Contact (2) Full Name
Sabina Potočki


The situation in the labor market in Slovenia has worsened in the last few years, mainly from the point of view of the aging of the active part of the population, or the decline in the number of the labor...

EMUNI University

National Network

Trevisini Palace Kidričevo nabrežje 2 , Slovenia
6330 Piran

+386 59 25 00 51
Telephone (other)
+386 59 25 00 50
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
+386 59 25 00 50
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The establishment of EMUNI University started with the inauguration of the EMUNI (Piran, 9 June 2008). The next step was taken with the meeting of the University’s General Assembly (Barcelona, 26 November 2008), where 115 members from 32 states adopted the University statute and elected the institutional bodies. In February 2009, EMUNI University became a legal entity in Slovenia. Through a cooperation network of partner universities and other institutions in the Euro-Med region, the Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) provides study, research and training programmes, and thus advance the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education, Science and Research Area. The fact that the universities, higher education-, research- and other institutions from all the Euro-Mediterranean countries act as the co-founders of the EMUNI, gives this university a unique character. Acting as a coordinator and facilitator of joint academic and research activities, the EMUNI is becoming a focal point for exchange of staff and students of partner institutions.

Mission and Objectives

EMUNI is an international University with its seat in Slovenia and plays an important role in building cultural and educational bridges between the North and South, East and West of the Mediterranean. The University certainly encourages cooperation in higher education, following up the objectives of the Catania Process and the First Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Higher Education and Scientific Research (Cairo, June 2007).
EMUNI objectives:
• to elevate the quality of graduate education by providing enriched educational opportunities
• to build international, strong, university-wide culture of excellence in education and research
• to ensure a university environment that is inclusive as well as diverse and that fosters a spirit of community among faculty, staff, and students
• to engage the University in outreach and collaborative partnerships with the greater community
• to ensure an administrative, operational, and physical infrastructure that fully supports a first-class university by establishing a top-performing University Relations Operation

Main Projects / Activities

One of the main activities of the EMUNI University is education at the postgraduate level. EMUNI’s Master study programmes are:
MBA in Kinesiology of Human Performance (KHP)

EMUNI newly launched Master’s programme in Kinesiology of Human Performance draws from EMUNI international standing and the excellence in the field of Kinesiology and Ergonomics developed within the Koper Science and Research Centre. With EMUNI’s signature “Blended learning” course delivery method, students will be able to tailor their education around their personal needs and careers. The KHP Master’s mission and vision is to train the next generation of Kinesiology professionals and equip them with the skills that fulfil the highest standard at international level on matters of healthcare. Join our master’s today: feed your desire for knowledge, stretch your potential and jump into your professional future.

MBA in Intercultural Business Communication (IBC)

This Master’s Degree is an interdisciplinary study programme integrating knowledge and skills to support the communication of market actors (enterprises and non-profit organisations). The emphasis is on contemporary modes of business administration, including internet marketing and international strategies, as well as the key soft skills of intercultural dialogue and intercultural relations. Particular attention is also paid to developing an excellent command of English and other Mediterranean languages. The variety of themes covered by the modules delivers a well-rounded, holistic business programme.

Other Activities and Projects

Annual conferences

Scientific journal IJEMS (International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies)
The Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Camp

Euro-Mediterranean Summer School on Sustainable Blue Economy

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Blue Economy

Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module: Blue Economy and Sustainability - the EU and the Mediterranean

Erasmus+ KA2 CBHE – FishAqu

Erasmus+ KA2 CBHE - MED2IAH”


Erasmus+ Mobility for Staff and Students KA103, KA131 and KA107

Erasmus+ project OER-CODEX

Erasmus+ CHESS

Erasmus+ MORHEL

Research and Development Projects


Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Abedlhamid El-Zoheiry
Job Title
Head of the organization
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Abedlhamid El-Zoheiry
Contact (2) Full Name
Polona Oblak
Job Title (2)



Following an international call and extensive work by a Search Commission for the position of President at the Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI), the new President of EMUNI has been selected: Prof. Dr. Rado Bohinc from Slovenia. The EMUNI Management Board selected the new President in its 64th session on 17 January 2024.
The current President, Prof. Dr. Abdelhamid El-Zoheiry from Egypt, has spearheaded EMUNI’s mission for the last decade, serving two full mandates. He will maintain his position until spring, after which Prof. Dr. Bohinc will assume office, for a five-year term starting on the 2nd of April 2024. 

EMUNI was inaugurated in June 2008 during a prominent celebration attended by the President of the European Commission and numerous ministers and dignitaries from Slovenia and around the world, entrusted with the mission of contributing to knowledge amongst people in the region by establishing and fostering a Euro-Mediterranean higher education and research area.

EMUNI’s mission remains all the more relevant today. Inclusive growth and development are increasingly contingent upon the advancement of knowledge and innovation. Peace, security and prosperity in the Euro-Mediterranean region continue to be the highest priority for the participating states. EMUNI, with its vast network of more than 150 Universities from around 33 Euro-Mediterranean States, is more than just a conventional university. It is a university that operates through true partnership with other universities. It is a resilient network of collaborating higher education institutions from across the Mediterranean and it is also a platform for inter-cultural dialogue and science diplomacy.

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