
EMUNI Ustanova / EMUNI Foundation

National Network

Sončna pot 20

+386 5 671 36 07
Telephone (other)
+386 5 671 36 07
+386 5 671 36 05
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
051 607 246
Mobile Phone (other)
051 607 236
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Composed of the director, 1 administrative staff, one advisor budget 500.000 EUR/year sources of funding: companies, states and other donors funding: MA programmes, scholarships, other projects, support to EMUNI University main partners: members of EMUNI University, Slovenian ministries

Mission and Objectives

support Euro-Mediterranean University by its establishment, support programmes and activities in line with priorities of the Union for Mediterranean, gender and development studies

Main Projects / Activities

PR for the university promotion funding MA programmes

Contact (1) Full Name
Katja Kustec
Head of the organisation
Andreja Viher
Contact (2) Full Name
Tiuana Grlj

Enhancing intercultural competencies of workers in the fields of refuge and re-settlement

A photo resembling a training course

Slovenska Filantropija, an ALF member in Slovenia prepared a two-day training course to enhance intercultural competencies, taking place on May 18th and June 1st at their premises on Cesta Dolomitskega Odreda 11 in Ljubljana.

The training was intended for everyone who works in the field of refuge and re-settlement, such as public workers, professional and advisory workers of various organisations, the employment office, schools, social work centres, offices and staff of non-governmental organisations.

The program is available here.

The training was carried out within the framework of the "Work for a better future" program with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana.

For more information, visit the Facebook page of Slovenska Filantropija here

EPEKA Scientific and Research Association, Social Enterprise

National Network

Koroška cesta 8
2000 Maribor

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
EPEKA Scientific and Research Association was established in 2008 as a union of associations. The association was primarily founded to integrate creators in the fields of culture, art, education, science, and technology for the project European Capital of Culture 2012 in Maribor. EPEKA´s main activites are exhibitions in EPEKA Gallery, education and social entrepreneurship. In 2014 a sister organisation of EPEKA; EPEKA Türkiye, was opened in Sinop, Turkey. EPEKA now has sister organisations in Austria, Czech republic, Armenia and Serbia.
Mission and Objectives

The mission and aims are grounded in the interdisciplinary approach of art and science on a local, regional, and international level, with the focus on Slovene culture in the context of a global crossroads. The main targeted fields are: music, visual arts, ecology, education, youth programmes, and social entrepreneurship.

Main Projects / Activities

The premises of the association also offer a gallery space known as EPEKA Gallery. Works by Jernej Forbici (SLO), Bojana Radulovič (MNE), Marko Lipuš (SLO), and others have been on display there.
In 2013 a major exhibition, entitled Intergenerational Comics Exhibition – Together for a Better Living, was opened and hosted 50 adult and 50 young artists. The exhibition was a part of an international EU-funded project coordinated by Info Project from Romania involving 11 organisations from various countries (Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom).
In 2014 EPeKa was invited to co-curate 100 years in the Balkans – The comic strip in resistance with Stripforum from Zagreb, an exhibition conducted in partnership with Centre Belge de la Bande Dessinée and the Bosnian Cultural Center from Sarajevo and Stripartnica Buch. This most significant exhibition on comics from the region, which also features Slovene comics, is on display at the Belgian Comic Strip Center in Brussels. The exhibition features artists from former Yugoslavia: Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia (featuring artists Kostja Gatnik, Miki Muster, Tomaž Lavrič, Zoran Smiljanić, Iztok Sitar, Jelko Peternelj).
In 2015 and 2016 EPEKA GAllery has hosted several exhibitions of several deifferents artist: Selma Selman (BiH), Alan Kosmač (SLO), Marjan Amalietti (SLO), Serena Luna Raggi (ITA), Stojan Grauf (SLO).
The association is also concerned with socially engaged education, especially when it comes to marginal social groups. In the past it has organised several workshops, lectures, and projects aimed at an inclusive approach for local and international protagonists (such as English lessons for Roma, intercultural dialogue, lessons of Romani language, etc.).
The education projects are closely related with the European Volunteer Service (EVS), an organisation with which EPEKA extensively collaborates. Among other sources, EPEPEKA is also financed through institutions that promote European mobility and education: the Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes (CMEPIUS), MOVIT – a Service for the Promotion of Youth Mobility, and the Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund.
Social entrepreneurship
The most well-known EPEKA´s project is Romani kafenava, the first Roma restaurant in Slovenia, which opened its doors in 2014. The project was supported by the EU Social Fund and the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Rights of the Republic of Slovenia.
Other projects include lectures and debates on social economy, the destigmatisation of vulnerable social groups, and other relevant themes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Štefan Simončič
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr Štefan Simončič, president
Contact (2) Full Name
Matej Tisaj
Job Title (2)

EU YOUTH CINEMA: "Green deal"

epeka, green deal

The Epeka Association, Slovenia is pleased to announce that they have become partners in the "EU Youth Cinema: Green Deal project". The project is financed from the Media program within Creative Europe.

EU Youth Cinema: Green Deal is an innovative project dedicated to a sustainable Europe. It presents the green goals of the European Union in a cinematic context and contributes to the appreciation and understanding of the EU Green Deal among young viewers and provides a platform for a multicultural approach to the green agenda. The project particularly engages young audiences and encourages them to address environmental challenges and promotes green activities and lifestyles.

The project will offer young people and teachers a year-round program of film and educational activities over a period of 24 months. Film screenings and streaming content will be accompanied by didactic material and thematically related discussions, workshops and lectures.

Read more

European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor

National Network

Streli?ka cesta 150

+386 (0) 59 080 285
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The European Cultural and Technological Centre (ECTC) Maribor is a private institute that was founded in 2002 by means of voluntary co-founding and cooperation of individuals from Slovenia, Germany, Croatia, Austria, Hungary and Italy with the aim to promote international cooperation and integration in the fields of culture, welfare and education in the Slovene and European area. Its seat is in Maribor, Slovenia. Since 2006 the institute is active in the field of modern information and communication technology, sustainable development and natural coexistence as a part of the Lisbon strategy.
Mission and Objectives

The primary purpose and the vision of the institute are to contribute to the general European development based on cultural, historical, national and trans-national integration. The main activities of ECTC Maribor: through its activities the institute strives to promote understanding and development of European cultural values and cultural heritage, intercultural and civic dialogue, cooperation and integration of the non-governmental sector, and in that it operates as an example of the European integration movement under the "bottom up" principle.

Main Projects / Activities

a.Adventure Park; result:activities for a healthy and creative leisure spent in nature;role: leading org.; donor: ECTC Maribor and other donors;
b.Romeo and Juliet Part 2 in Slovenia, Maribor, youth exchange with a Norwegian partner; applicant role: coordinator, partner, donor: Norwegian National Agency;
c.Seminars for NGO and the Interested Public“How to Prepare EU Projects”;role:leading org.; donor/fund provider: Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy of the Republic of Slovenia,
d.Slovene Culture in the European Area: the Architect Jo?e Ple?nik, an exhibition in the Architecture House in Rome and Florence.Results:exhibition and promotion of Slovene cultural heritage;leading org.;donor:Slovene Ministry of Culture and other donors and sponsors;
f.Cultural events for revitalization of the Betnava manor; role: co-organizer with a partner, the DS3P society, donor: owner of the manor, sponsors, donors;
g.Work meetings with NGO from the Podravje region as a part of the regional NGO hub; applicant role: donor: applicant, donor.

Contact (1) Full Name
Barbara Ma?ek

Exodos Ljubljana

National Network

metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Organisation Chart • Nataša Zavolovšek - director • Katja Stušek – producer • Borut Cajnko – technical director • Inge Pangos – PR adviser Artistic board of the Exodos festival • Katja Praznik, Slovenia • Nataša Zavolovšek, Slovenia • Samme Raeymaekers, Belgium • Katlin Erdodi, Hungary Sources of founding: ministy for culture, city ljubljana, sponsors, eu programs,coo productions. 150.000 euro per year, available resources in a year Our main programs are exodos festival, exchanges, art productions
Mission and Objectives

mission: to make art more important and widen horizon of contemporary arts to our audience

Main Projects / Activities

Exodos Ljubljana, established in 1999, is a non-profit, independent theatre and dance production centre.
For the past 14 years in the month of May, it has been organising the Exodos International Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts.
Since its modest but daring beginning in 1995, the Exodos Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts has become one of major international festival in Slovenia. Each may we bring in Ljubljana eminent artists from all over the world.
Besides, we produce several new productions by young choreographers and directors every year, and take care of their presentation in Slovenia and - through international connections - other countries around the world. The artists which we presenting are: Matej Kejžar, Ivan Peternelj, Leja Jurešić, Boštjan Antončič, Jurij Konjar, Gabrielle Nankivell, Ana Stegnar, Magdalena Reiter, Damjana Černe.
Exodos Ljubljana was also executive producer of Gibanica, Moving cake, the platform of Slovenian contemporary dance, which we have each two years and which is common project of almost all dance production house in Ljubljana.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natasa Zavolovsek,
Head of the organisation
Natasa Zavolovsek

Field of Global Learning at schools in Slovenia


The Humanitas association will hold in the 2023-2024 school year workshops for male and female students and training for teachers in the field of global learning at schools. Global learning is an educational approach aimed at raising awareness of the interconnectedness and interdependence of people and the environment and promoting responsible and active global citizenship.

They invite you to view their offer of free workshops and trainings as well as regular offers of workshops and trainings!

Global learning is an educational approach designed to raise awareness about the interconnection and interdependence of people and the environment and to promote responsible and active global citizenship. With Global Learning, the Humanitas association explore topics such as global (in)justice, consumerism, intercultural dialogue, migration, climate change, evolution, global food market and much more.

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Fundacija za pomoč otrokom/ Foundation 4 help 2 children

National Network

Ilirska cesta 2
2211 Jesenice

00386 2 653 7000
Telephone (other)
00386 (0)599 59 000
00386 2 653 7010
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00386 51 480 535
Mobile Phone (other)
00386 40 702 209
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The foundation's main purpose is to help longterm ill, very ill or damaged children and their families on national level by every meaning of the wprd in different situations, circumstances, to bring ill child the best care, diagnostic procedure, treatement ( also abroad), the best possible edication conditiones, to achieve the equality among children, offer the family pro bono legal aid, to fight for their rights to get quality and equal care, good educational conditions, everything that they need to go on with their life in the best way possible independent of the problems the dissease causes, to get all the help possible from the side of the national institutiones and state departments. We help the families with ill children to avoid the powerty as a consequences of the illness. We are contributin to e learning developement, to help ill children get appropriat educational possibilities also in the time of treatement, not to lag behind their peers and to help them fulfil the gaps in their knowledge if they have learning problems.   In short, we are a silent angels of ill children. We are also fighting against public presentation of pesonal data of individual ill child. Every child have a right that its personal data are publicly protected and we are struggeling to achieve that no one could decide till it's age of adult by 18 years old to present the child's individual personal information to public, not eaven with the purpose of foundraising, and not eaven it's parents. Why? because it comes to abuse of ill children for the benefit of or the parents, or the nongovernmental organisationes or other third and second parties.
Mission and Objectives

Foundation is private, we have four members board and the supervosory board. Foundation is having more thousand members and mostely supporters, there is no conditions or membershep fees to become one. Our partners are our donors and sponzors. The last years is not so easy, but in previous years we were very sucssesfoul, made more 100.000,00 resources every years plus material donations. We also was supported by outside foundation such as Charity AID Foundation, the foundation of C&A,...but we newer gave the request to be supported by EU calls jet. There were more prohjects we had on national level, where also foreigne sport stars supported them. you can see them on ur internet side here: www.fzpo.org - VEČJI PROJEKTI. Our main partner, supporter is company Peugeot Slovenia, McDonalds, Amway's charity One by One.

Main Projects / Activities

I have already explained, helping ill children and families.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Very much, only in Facebook, we have as a charity almost 36.000 members involved. We work good woth different mediums and we also Twit and I have as well Linkedin.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To get involved internationaly and possible get your support.

Contact (1) Full Name
Olga Bahun Jakelj
Job Title
President of the main board
Head of the organisation
Olga Bahun Jakelj
Contact (2) Full Name
Dianno Andrej Jakelj
Job Title (2)

Gallery Simulaker

National Network

Gallery Simulaker, Vrhovčeva 1a
8000 Novo mesto

00 386 7 33 74 371
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00 386 31 384 966
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The gallery Simulaker is operating within association LokalPatriot which is nongoverment organisation established by local student organisation of Novo mesto. The gallery has one contract employee, the curator, assisted by one staff member, while the technical support is given by the staff of Multimedia centre of Dolenjska (also operating within association LokalPatriot). The gallery is financed from Ministry of culture of republic of Slovenia and local municipality with budget resources at around 45000 euros per year. The gallery program mostly consists of exhibitions of contemporary art, domestic and international, various intermedia projects and exhibitions. The gallery is also used for other cultural events, such as contemporary dance shows, presentations, performances, music events, conferences, etc. The gallery works with different domestic associations and producers such as Aksioma, Zavod Atol and others.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the gallery is to present and promote various creative positions within the field of contemporary art and photography in the local and national context. We are interested in young emerging artists as well in the established ones, giving them all support and know-how for presentation of their work. Annually we organise 10-12 solo and group exhibitions and a number of other artistic projects/events.

Main Projects / Activities

Within the corpus of the exhibitions every year is organised a group show of art students of a national education institution, while one exhibition term is given to the guest curator. One of the main project of the gallery Simulaker/Association LokalPatriot is international festival of documentary photography (workshops, presentations and exhibitions) which is running from the year 2000. The rest of the program consists of the solo and group exhibition of the selected artists.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matjaž Brulc
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrej Krštinc

Gender-based violence – handbook


Amnesty Slovenia has a new handbook that addresses gender-based violence.

In it you can find four sections:

  • understanding gender-based violence
  • dealing with this violence through the teaching of human rights
  • guidelines for developing human rights learning with young people
  • overview of our educational tools


This handbook is a tool for addressing, preventing and responding to gender-based violence in schools and non-formal education institutions.

Download the handbook HERE or order it in printed format at: sola@amnesty.si
