National Network

Zaloška cesta 61

+386 (0) 1 620 87 85
Telephone (other)
+386 (0) 1 620 87 83
+386 (0) 1 620 87 82
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Zavod EN-KNAP have one production director (Marjeta Lavrič) and Art director (Iztok Kovač), supported by 5 employees in the office, 4-5 members of technical stuff, permanent dance group, which numbers five dancers and rehearsal manager. We are operating with 550.000 EUR per year for programming and other operational costs. Main sources are Department of Culture at Municipality of Ljubljana and Ministry of Culture. Small support we are gaining from different embassies and foreign cultural institutes. Basically we are operating in cultural projects, but searching the way to connect culture with other fields of activities like education. Our partners are mostly cultural organisations, but lately we are developing links with faculties and art academies.
Mission and Objectives

The international dance group En-Knap was founded in 1993 by Iztok Kovač in Leuven, Belgium, under the wings of the production-management house Stuc and the Klapstuk Festival. A year later the group moved its headquarters to Ljubljana, where it established EN-KNAP Productions. The internationally renowned production company has introduced and established its trademark aesthetics inside the European space, attracting an array of acclaimed co-producers and producing some of the most acclaimed contemporary dance pieces in recent history. From its beginnings, the programme of EN-KNAP has been supported by over 50 international co-producers, by the Slovenian Ministry of Culture and by the City of Ljubljana. Since 2009, EN-KNAP administers Španski Borci Cultural Centre, a public infrastructure in the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana with the domestic stage for the only professional ensemble for contemporary dance in Slovenia, EnKnapGroup.

Main Projects / Activities

Zavod EN-KNAp is a production company on the contemporary dance field.
Since 2007 Zavode EN-KNAP manages the only permanent contemporary dance group in Slovenia, EnKnapGroup.
Since 2009 manages Cultural centre Španski borci in Ljubljana.
Since 2010, EN-KNAP Productions began the Import-Export International Programme which brings renowned international production of performing arts to Španski Borci and Ljubljana on a continuous, monthly basis.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with facilities and experienced team of cultural workers, open for various initiatives on the field of culture and education in culture.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF network to ensure sustainability of our work. We are now in the phase of further development, widening our activities on the field of audience development, education and raising the programme quality in our theatre. Search for international partners, transfer of good practices and additional funds are necessity for our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Iztok Kovač
Contact (2) Full Name