
Udruzenje mladih sa hendikepom Crne Gore (Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro)

National Network

Ulica Rista Dragicevica 7 Zgrada Sajo, IV/1/125
81000 Podgorica

+382 20 265 650
+382 20 265 650
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+382 67 801 761
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro is a non-governmental organization, registered on October 22, 2001. It gathers youth with all kinds disabilities (cross-disability approach) as well as people without disabilities willing to participate in activities of the future co-existence and integration. AYDM have 7 employees and more than 100 service users. We are founded on a project basis from international and domestic donors. We implement our activities with the support of international and local donor organizations, embassies, government bodies, private companies, as well as with the donations from citizens.
Mission and Objectives

Mission of AYDM: AYDM promotes equal position of youth with disabilities in society through initiatives for establishing legal, educational, cultural and social frame that enables it. The goals of AYDM • Stimulating and involving the persons with disabilities in all segments of social and economic life, in particular in the area of education and employment; • Engagement in providing basic conditions in all educational institutions for all the young people with disabilities; • Preparation and development of skills and interests of the youth with disabilities in elementary and high schools in order to obtain high education, as well as studies via Internet; • Gathering and informing the youth with disabilities about their rights and needs; • Engagement in exercising basic civil and human rights of the youth with disabilities; • Advocating and implementing the activities which apostrophize the skills of youth with disabilities and contribute to developing their potentials and strengthening their personality; • Engagement to create conditions in organizing support services for youth with disabilities; • To be influential when it comes to taking right attitudes by the society in relation of the needs and the potential of the youth with disabilities;

Main Projects / Activities

Activities are implemented through following programs: Program for Education - encouraging young people with disabilities to acquire higher education, creating the necessary conditions, education of teachers and students about the rights of persons with disabilities and inclusive education; Program for Employment and Human Resources - based on the aim of creating opportunities and increasing the number of employed persons with disabilities; Program for Independent Living of PwDs (within it are subprograms: support services, personal empowerment of PwDs, schooling and assigning of guide and assistance dogs); Legal Program and Antidiscrimination; Program for Accessibility - activities to encourage removal of architectural barriers for persons with disabilities and the Program for International Cooperation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro since foundation in 2001 promotes human rights of persons with disabilities. In Montenegro, we are recognized as a organisation which strongly advocate for respect of diversity and inter social dialog. By receiving in membership an organization which represents people with disabilities, the Foundation will enrich its diversity and it will get active member that will promote the ideas and values of ​​foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Ana Lindh Foundation in its work promotes same values and principles as Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro. During all this years Foundation has build strong reputation in promoting intercultural dialog and supporting civil society organisations through entire region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Vujacic
Head of the organisation
Marina Vujacic
Contact (2) Full Name
Jelena Mrdak

Udruženje mladih umjetnika Crne Gore/The Association of Young Artists of Montenegro

National Network

Moskovska 18

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The Association of Young Artists was founded in 2017 with the aim of systematically organizing young artists in Montenegro.
The first step towards this was the establishment of the Montenegro Youth Orchestra as the first youth orchestra in Montenegro, after a successful series of performances and production of new pieces of contemporary art music, the Montenegrin Youth Orchestra has become the representative of Montenegro in the ‘’European Orchestra Federation”.
In 2019, AYAM establishes the Festival of Young Artists 19 in which it combines in a contemporary repertoire: theater, music, fine arts, as well as lectures on the subject of arts and culture among young people.
AYAM has so far been supported by the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro, the University of Montenegro, the Montenegrin Commercial Bank, Montenegrin municipalities and other legal entities. The organization's main source of funding are grants.
Structure of the organization consists of: founder, director, manager and media assistant.

Mission and Objectives

AYAM's mission is to systematically organize young artists in Montenegro. The organization is specifically interested in alternative theater, contemporary art music and ‘’new art’’.

Main Projects / Activities

AYAM's main project was the establishment of the Montenegro Youth Orchestra. After that, the organization established the Festival of Young Artists 19 in which it combined in a contemporary repertoire: theater, music, fine arts, as well as lectures on the subject of arts and culture among young people.
The Association of Young artists of Montenegro is currently working on an intercultural exchange project with the Montenegro Youth Orchestra.

Contact (1) Full Name
Igor Pejovic
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Igor Pejovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Bozovic
Job Title (2)

Urban Nova

National Network

Njegoseva 43
Herceg Novi

+382 69 619 827
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Urban Novas is non-government organization. Our initiatives date from 2012. and a kick-off meeting was held on February 10th , 2013 when president the board of the non formal group was elected, as well as the statute was voted. Structure of our group is gender and age balanced, so that half of the members are women and a third of persons-decision makers are under 30 years. Vision of Urban Nova is an inclusive society in which children and young people are promoters of a culture of nonviolence and equality through cultural and artistic creativity.
Mission and Objectives

Mission of Urban Nova is to empower children and youth for cultural creativity and artistic expression through drama, music, dance, literary and visual arts and journalism.
Objectives for established non formal group and activities:
1. Encouraging children and young people for cultural and artistic creativity
2. Encouraging children' s and youth creative work and publishing
3. Education in the field of creative and artistic expression, and inform children and young people
4. Exchange of experiences, collaboration and networking with individuals, institutions and organizations of the same or similar fields of activity
5. Research on the cultural needs of children and young people and their creative production capabilities in our society
6. Promotion of culture of non-violence, social inclusion, equality and a healthy and rational relation to the environment through creative and artistic creativity of children and youth

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities:
1. Empowering children and young people's skills of public speaking and presentation using music, dance and drama techniques, strengthening communication skills and writing skills of children and young people through literary and journalistic forms, empowerment of non-verbal communication skills of children and youth through art forms and drama techniques.
2. Publishing of journals and magazines, the design and implementation of an Internet portal for children and youth, organizing competitions for the selection of photographs, literary works or design solutions
3. Workshops, training, seminars, debates and round tables and info points
4. Organizing summer schools and camps, study visits, youth exchange programs, events and festivals
5. Organization of focus groups, interviews, surveys and the collection of life stories of children and young people, the publication of results
6. Public action, peaceful protest, campaigns, public events, lectures, festivals, exhibitions, concerts, performances, panel discussions and workshops with aim at improving the position of children and young people in local communities and society

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Providing a solid national network of organizations and institutions dealing with youth and culture, and facilitating communication and information transfer, such institutions will becoming more visible and more accessible to their users.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of objectives for established our organization was exchange of experiences, collaboration and networking with individuals, institutions and organizations of the same or similar fields of activity, as well as activities such as organizing summer schools and camps, study visits, youth exchange programs, events and festivals. Becoming a member of ALF network for us consider that we can achieve high-quality opportunity to meet these objectives and activities. Also, it means that we can contribute by sharing our experience and achievement through cooperation on projects with other members of the ALF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nataša Dendic
Head of the organisation
Nataša Dendic

Women Action

National Network

Ratka Vujovica 8

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
“"Women Action" is a simple-structured Organisation with the functions of: - Managing Board - Main Board -Council -Activists Budgetary sources are international donor organizations (UNIFEM, UNDP, NPA, MamaCash, Council of Europe,...) and average per year is 30 - 90 thousands euros. Women’s Action has already been well known by its concrete results that are consequences of a series of couple-of-year activities undertaken:  Initiating and coordinating amendments to the current legislation (Law on Women’s Quota, Law on Family Planning etc.)  Organisation of international experts’ conferences, seminars and educational meetings on current Gender issues  Public presentations of editions, magazines and documents based upon Gender principles  Coordination of extensive sociological and statistic researches on women’s population in Montenegro  Coordinating construction works of modern children’s playgrounds (covering more than 20.000 m² up to date)  Organisation of further specialised educative trainings for unemployed women
Mission and Objectives

Women’s Action is the Montenegrin non-governmental women’s organisation which directs its energy toward one single objective: EQUAL, SELF-CONSCIOUS, POLITICALLY AND ECONOMICALLY EMPOWERED WOMAN IN MONTENEGRO
Women’s Action creates the space for:
* Political promotion of women on all decision-making positions;
* Women’s economic empowerment;
* Creating equal and well-balanced Gender relations;

Main Projects / Activities

Women’s Action has already been well known by its concrete results that are consequences of a series of couple-of-year activities undertaken:
* Initiating and coordinating amendments to the current legislation (Law on Women’s Quota, Law on Family Planning etc.)
* Organisation of international experts’ conferences, seminars and educational meetings on current Gender issues
* Public presentations of editions, magazines and documents based upon Gender principles
* Coordination of extensive sociological and statistic researches on women’s population in Montenegro
* Coordinating construction works of modern children’s playgrounds (covering more than 20.000 m² up to date)
* Organisation of further specialised educative trainings for unemployed women

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Milica Jagodic
Head of the organisation
Ms Slavica Strikovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms Ljiljana Nenezic

Women's Rights Center

National Network

Bokeska 20
81000 Podgorica

+382 20 664 193
+382 20 664 193
Mobile Phone
+382 67 639 769
Mobile Phone (other)
+282 67 331 156
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Organization Structure: Employees: Maja Raicevic, executive director, coordinator of Advocacy Program; Ana Jaredic, psychologist , coordinator of Support Program for women who survived violence; Tanja Markus, Program assistant, coordinator of "Women in Culture" program; Zarko Ivanovic, psychologist. 5 volunteers actively participate in the realization of WRC activities. Budgetary resources :70.000e Sources of funding: OAK Foundation East West Management Institute Petrovic Foundation American Embassy Modalities of Action: Trainings on domestic violence and the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Institutions in Domestic Violence Cases ("Gender Equality Project IPA 2010") Lectures on domestic violence within the campaign ’16 Days of Activism against Domestic Violence’ Participation in realization of the theatre play ‘Vagina Monologues’, in cooperation with the American Corner and U.S. Embassy. Project Joint NGO Monitoring of Criminal Procedures in Family Violence Cases (in cooperation with Women’s Safe House – Podgorica and S.O.S. Hotline – Niksic. supported by East-West Management Institute, funded by the U.S. Department of State/INL. ‘Training lawyers for working on domestic violence cases’ project (supported by American Embassy, in cooperation with Association of Judges of Montenegro and Montenegrin Bar Association.) Main partners: Women's Safe House - Podgorica S.O.S. Hotline for Victims of Violence – Niksic
Mission and Objectives

MISSION Center for Women's Rights (WRC) empowers women to fight for a better position in society and access to justice, offering them counseling, psychological and legal assistance. Through advocacy, monitoring and promotion of women's creativity, we are improving conditions and social atmosphere in which women exercise their rights. WRC advocates gender equality as one of the priorities of Montenegro in the European integration process. VISION GENDER EQUALITY, ACCESS TO JUSTICE AND SOCIETY WITHOUT VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN – OUR REALITY OBJECTIVES 1) Promotion of women’s human rights and gender equality; 2) Empowering women survivors of family violence / partner violence trough counselling, psychological and legal support; 3) Connecting with other organizations / institutions dealing with protection and promotion of women’s human rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Goals of the Organization are implemented trough three programs: Advocacy Program WRC is a member of NGO Coalition for Monitoring Chapter 23, NGO Coalition for the preparation of UPR report, editorial team of the NGO Coalition for monitoring negotiations with the European Union, National Council for Prevention of Domestic Violence and Violence against Women. We actively participate in research and development of relevant studies and reports; monitor implementation and develop modifications/amendments to laws governing women’s rights, organize trainings on domestic violence and the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Institutions in Domestic Violence and participate in campaigns, debates, lectures and panel discussions. Trough the Support program (services) for women – victims of violence, WRC continuously provides initial counseling, support trough the work of confidential persons and psychological counseling to women who suffered violence. In the scope of “Women in culture” program WRC participated in realization of the Eve Ensler’s play ‘Vagina Monologues’, in cooperation with the American Corner and U.S. Embassy in Podgorica.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since we have cooperated with local artists, we can be useful in connecting the artists and cultural workers on local,regional and international level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF Network would enable us to get in touch with organizations who would be our potential partners in the implementation of projects that aim at promoting women in the fields of art and culture as well as increasing the level of awareness of gender equality issues trough art-based projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maja Raicevic
Head of the organisation
Maja Raicevic
Contact (2) Full Name
Tanja Markus

You are friends on Instagram

National Network

Jakova Ostojica bb
81400 Niksic

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

I am a candidate for the biro of the best government in Novi Sad, communicative and prosperitet person who love travel and discover a beauty of countries. I love swimming, sunshine, friends, education, architecture. I am looking for working for concrete projects and schoolarships and my main partner in researches is Bjarke Ingels in the fields of sustainables

Mission and Objectives

I' m gonna encourage you are mine the best people of the fields of my work

Main Projects / Activities

Many procects of The field in architecture

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can contribute to the network in my country during my jobs who have connection with the art

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because my best friend is in ALF Network have best influence and I have a wish to contribute Your Network like Her

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Olivera Bratic
Job Title
Architecture, urbanism and interior design
Head of the organisation
People also search for me
Contact (2) Full Name
Dijana Bratic
Job Title (2)
Industrial management


National Network

Topla III
85340 Herceg-Novi

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The decisions regarding YCHN are made by the Executive Board and the Assembly. There are more than 40 volunteers inside the organization. The organization works together with similar organizations from Slovenia (Drustvo za razvijanje prostovoljnoga rada, Novo Mesto), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Drustvo Triglav, Banja Luka), Serbia (Srce, Novi Sad), Croatia (Plavi telefon, Zagreb), FYR Macedonia (Sveti Nikola), etc. Budgetary resources per year are 5,000 Euros, but since the beginning of our voluntary work we have been receiving a great deal of help and support from the Herceg-Novi Municipality that consistently provides funds for our projects, we also get the support from Herceg-Novi Tourist Organization, private companies, Europe Commission in Brussels (Youth Programme), USA Embassy in Podgorica, the Government of Montenegro, and many others. We organize concrete projects, youth exchanges and seminars, and we are also a part of YOUTH-Montenegro Project, as well as included into Children and Youth Social Policy Strategic Action Plan for the city of Herceg-Novi.
Mission and Objectives

Youth Centre Herceg-Novi was officially founded on 27th January 2003 as a non-governmental and non-profitable organization. Unofficially the organization has been active since 2002. The purpose of its coming into existence was to carry out the voluntary work with children without parental care residing in Children’s Home in Bijela, which is the only such institution in Montenegro.
Mission of YCHN - Motivating the citizens and the institutions towards the true social integration of children without parental care from Children's home "Mladost" in Bijela.
The vision of YCHN is to establish an information / education / creative centre envisaged to provide support for the young people of Herceg-Novi using the core values of our organization: love, philanthropy, tolerance and equal rights for everyone.
Working on voluntary basis, the members of a civil society actively contribute to life quality improvement, get to realize their own ideas, as well as fully participate in shaping their social and natural environment. Engaging volunteers of different professions, such as teachers, engineers, doctors, students, athletes, craftsmen, pupils, etc. we got in touch with the people who are willing to spend their time in a useful and fulfilling way.

Main Projects / Activities

Our services are provided primarily to children, and then to parents, other citizens of Montenegro and state institutions. Our work can be defined within the following activities, depending on the target group:
Children-directed activities: creative workshops (arts, music, cooking, clothing...); sports workshops (football, basketball, swimming...); environmental workshops; students’ support (foreign languages, maths..); prevention workshops (alcohol and drug abuse, smoking...)
Parents / citizens / institution-directed activities: lectures, debates, panel discussion.
Main projects/youth exchanges:
“A Cake for a Smile”, traditionally, every year
“Through learning to success”, donated US Embassy in Podgorica in 2005
“Through learning to success II”, donated Government of Montenegro in 2006
“Volunteers on Stage“, donated by the European Commission in the summer 2006
"Step forward", donated by the European Commission in the summer 2007
“Voluntary work of Youth on Western Balkans as a means of preparation for citizenship in democratic society”, donated by US Embassy 2009/2010
“International Children’s Carnival”, for four years now

Contact (1) Full Name
Milijan Mijovic
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Katarina Satara

Youth Cultural Center Herceg Novi

National Network

Zemunska 143
Herceg Novi

381 67 531 562
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
We are new organization consisting of over 50 young cultural workers and artists from Herceg Novi and region of Boka, Montenegro. Registered as Non-government organization, we're trying to influence our city and region in a positive way marking cultural progress as our main goal. We got an 600m2 space in an old abandoned communist-era building as a donation from property owner. That's home for our musicians, visual artists and other creative members of our organization. As an NGO, organization is managed by board consisted of 5-6 founder members. We are organized in three sections: for sound and music, for visual arts and movement arts. Currently as a new organization, and practically self-organized youth of Herceg Novi, we are mostly relying on our own resources, though we got some material and financial sponsorships from several Hotels, Markets and notable individuals. We plan to get an local authority support as well an international funding. We are doing projects in cooperation with other similar local organizations and most notable one is already established Sinestezija. Our projects include organizing daily basis workshops, training, educative contents, and periodic multimedia events in and on top of our building where our members demonstrate art and ideas originated in our center.
Mission and Objectives

- - Production of high-quality educative programs for young people in the field of modern arts
- Encouraging the independent cultural scene for young people and promotion of alternative culture
- Research in the field of culture and creativity through the promotion of creative industries
- Providing opportunities and support for young people, as well as giving them all necessary resources to engage in creative work without any ideological influences
- Promotion of European cultural values, especially tolerance, as well as addressing the problems of nationalism, fascism, xenophobia and homophobia
- Cross-border cooperation with young people from region
- Increase community awareness of the necessity of planning in the field of culture and the establishment of cultural policies for young
- Active participation of young people in the cultural life of the city
- Increase community awareness of the specific problems of young
- Youth involvement in the planning of cultural policy
- Protection of the environment, particularly devastated cultural and living space
- Promotion of healthy lifestyles among young people
- Promotion of life skills for young people, as well as various forms of spiritual development
- The promotion of a positive image of young people in the Montenegrin society
- Achievement of other objectives of interest to members of the organization

Main Projects / Activities

- The establishment of a Sound and Music Section, Section of Visual Arts and movement arts section, as the basic sections of the center
- The organization of musical and stage performances inside and outside the space center
- Laying murals and installations in indoor and outdoor
- Performance research
- Creation of various types of non-formal education for young people through youth work, through workshops, training, seminars, courses, forums
- Establishment Info point for young people at the Centre
- Youth information center through the website, as well as in social networks
- Production of radio and TV programs for young
- The establishment of the library center with print and electronic publications and audio-visual material
- Publishing - publishing of magazines, publications, books
- Establish gallery space
- The establishment of the volunteer club
- Cooperation and joint projects with various formal and informal youth groups with similar profiles
- Exchange of young people at national and international level
- The organization of youth camps
- The organization of art colonies and regional artists visits
- Cooperation with local and national institutions

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to get attention and connect with similar international organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nikola Krivokapic
Head of the organisation
Goran Danicic

Youth for You

National Network

Aerodormska 2b br 15

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
NGO Youth4You' is result of initiative group young people enthusiasts (volunteers and youth workers). Organisation start working in aprile 2006. in Podgorica (capital off Montenegro) and since June 2009. godine she is active in other cities in MNE.
Mission and Objectives

Goals of organisation are :
*encouragement young people to be active and to be volunteers in their communities
*education off young people throw intercultural exchanges and healthy dialog
* including age groups from marginalized groups to society
*Informing youth in MNE
*cultivation of citizens throw cultural, educational, social activities like (trainings, seminars, workshops, cultural evenings, volunteers exchanges, youth camps, ecological actions and...

Main Projects / Activities

In last two years we had 4 projects:
- Promotion of youth work in Cetinje’’ sponsored by Institute for open society- FOSI MNE.
- Activism of young people in Cetinje and Podgorica’’ sponsored by Fond for active citizens-ACT MNE.
- Together for youth club'' sponsored by Ministry of culture MNE
- Now I now'' for students sponsored by International Organisation for immigrations (IOM)

Contact (1) Full Name

Za život (PRO LIFE)

National Network

Stari Aerodrom, Lamela 2

382 69140450
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
We are NGO form Podgorica, Montenegro. Our goals is to provide better life for young people, people with disability and vulnerable groups. For now we do not have any budget or sources of funding.
Mission and Objectives

1) Achieving higher level of awareness about philanthropy
2) Providing help for students, persons with disabilities and minorities
3) The culture of health
4) Legal, social and psychological help and support for the citizens

Main Projects / Activities

1) The education of kids and young people
2) Rehabilitation and reintegration of stigmatized persons
3)  Educating adults and perfecting andragoric standards
4) Organizing events about health and general prosperity
5) Social and humanitarian
6) Persevering the Environment
7) Media presentation
8) Publishing activity

Contact (1) Full Name
Miloš Dedić
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Miloš Dedić