

Knowledge is Power

The Jordan Strategy Forum issued a report within the Knowledge is Power series entitled "World Education Day: The Reality of the Situation in Jordan". On the occasion of the United Nations World Education Day, which falls on January 24. Jordan...

Knowledge Kingdom for Training & Consultations

National Network

142 Mecca Street, Haramine interception - Bassam Abbasy Complex, Floor (2), Office (202)
P.O.Box: (713027) Amman (11171) Jordan


+ 962 6 5549590
Telephone (other)
+ 962 6 5514344
+ 962 6 5540678
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0796633672 (Mohammad)
Mobile Phone (other)
0779033572 (Nisreen)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Number of Staff: (15) sources of funding: Self funding modalities of action: seminars main partners: goverment and private sectors
Mission and Objectives

Knowledge Kingdom provides training services, consultations and studies for the public sector and the various business activities in private sector. We also organize and conduct training conferences and develop business strategies in a professional and innovative manner of a high quality to satisfy the training needs of individuals, and enhance their skills and surpass their expectations in all fields that will influence towards positive change to cope with the latest developments in human resources development.
Vision: Knowledge Kingdom the best training center for consultations, studies, information technology in the local, regional and international markets.

Main Projects / Activities

IT Training
Conferences organizing and management

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammad J. Al Shujaieh
Head of the organisation
Mohammad J. Al Shujaieh
Contact (2) Full Name
Nesreen Al Assal

Land and Human to Advocate Progress (LHAP)

National Network

Khalil Talhouni 13B
Tareq District
Amman 11134

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

LHAP is comprised of the following managing bodies: - Founding Members - Executives - Network of Experts - Commissions - Youth for Sustainable Development Group YSD - Media for Sustainable Development MSD - Advisors The main source of funding comes from donor organizations through agreements. The financial status is stable but availability of funds fluctuates based on the political situation and crisis occuring in the region and at the global level. LHAP implemented plently of concrete projects, organized youth exchange programs, seminars and is building new graduate on spot through agreements with

Mission and Objectives

Mission: To influence, encourage and assist local communities throughout Jordan to ensure a proper social and economical progress, and ecological integrity in a democratic arena and respect of human rights. Objectives: LHAP works to improve the socio-economic status of the local communities in the rural areas; help NGO’s and business cooperatives to understand the local issues, identify areas of priority work, and develop the solutions they need; empower the local community in the field of managing their natural resources and improving the environmental set up; organizing local, regional, and international tours to exchange and share of experiences; organize events and facilitate workshops, seminars, public hearings, consultations, and campaigns; formulate project proposals and seek funds; and strengthen local NGO’s and help them build their operational skills, enhancing their capacity to successfully undertaken activities, projects, and campaigns.

Main Projects / Activities

- Conducted in the year 2011 by the UNDP and the Ministry of Environment a national assessment study on e-e-waste for Jordan, something that was accomplished in 2011 and published. This study has lead to the support of a project to initiate a pilot project to collect e-waste. - Carried out a campaign on Electronic and Electrical Waste of LHAP of Jordan for the time 2008-2010 (part of a regional project involved Lebanon and Tunisia) funded by MEPI. The project targeted 200 schools and the electrical and electronic dealers during which the following were accomplished: An assessment study; Circulation of 12000 pre-test and post- test questionnaire to measure awareness for the campaign that was carried out; Organizing training activities addressing teachers and ee dealers; Carrying out a national campaign using emails and SMSs; The production of training materials used in the training of teachers and dealers; The production of pamphlets and posters used in the awareness raising; and Conducting a national competition over the newspapers during which green technology was offered in a national celebration with the support of Jordan Chamber of Commerce. - Contributing in the organization of a regional conference with the participation of 7 Arab countries during which a regional network of civil society organizations was formed titled ee-waste Arab Network. - Carried out community outreach activities to increase its awareness about Minamata: Land and Human to Advocate Progress (LHAP) following Jordan signature and endorsement for Minamata Convention carried out over 6 months ( Dec 2017-May 31, 2018) with support from the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) an awareness raising campaign addressed different community components. This has happened exactly after the convening of mercury CoP1. The campaign at a later stage joined forces with the Ministry of Environment and Jordan UNDP to boost the campaign. The info passed to students, teachers, CSOs, university students and staff with a total number of 1475 reached persons in 8 governorates out of 12 in total explained the different articles of mercury convention, the sources of mercury, how it reaches human body and the environment and the health, economic and social impact of the agreement. The data revealed from the Mercury Initiative Assessment (MIA) Report prepared by the Ministry include the largest contributions to mercury inputs to society in Jordan. - LHAP with the support of IPEN participated in the International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of 21-27 of October2018 launches annually by WHO and UNEP to phase out the use of Lead in paint. LHAP organized an event under the patronage of HE Dr. Ibrahim Bani Hani, MP and member of the Health and Environment committee in addition to being a member of COMPSUD circle. The event had two major components: the first is to address members of municipalities and local councils in the Irbid-Bani Kenanah sub-governorate with the participation of about 80 persons during which lead sources, health, environment, economic and social issues and impacts are discussed. The second component was to paint the pedestrian of Jadara, one of the Decapolis in North West of Jordan. This event is a continuation of a campaign of LHAP launched 7 years ago with the purpose of educating the public and lobby on the government to come up a national legislation to monitor the market of paints that contain lead. The following are photos of the event. - Greening Public Buidling: Community Model for Scarce Resources Adaptation and Replication 2015-2017. The two projects that was supported by UNDP and the International Coca Cola and USAID and FHI360 , implemented by LHAP and its local partners addressing key public sites was able over 20 months, the project life, to conclude many results at two levels energy and water that constitute critical challenging issues to Jordan. At the level of energy the project was able to install 53 kilo watt peak per hour electricity in the four sites (2 mosques, 2 churchs, 1 municipality buildings and two convention centers). The calculated and estimated electricity saving range from 100% to 50% based on the capacity of PVCs. Additional factors are contributing to reducing electricity bill in specific to the mosque in which 201.55 meter square of double windows replaced the single ones with an estimation to reduce energy loss by 40% according to literature. Furthermore, the 2346 LED bulbs that are fixed in sites add to the electricity saving with an estimation of energy loss according to literature equal 40%. At the water level, the project installed 276 water saving devices, estimated to harvest 276 cubic meter of water this winter supplied by pumps to elevate water for use and complete water collection system. The project impacts are measured at different levels: At the environmental level the project is reducing the emissions of CO2 by 78 tons/ year, the NOx by 52 kg/ year, SOx by 49 kg/year and 6 kg of particulates per year. In addition water is made available to overcome cuts and shortages mainly during summer season when the rain water is collected into cisterns and tankers to use in summer in addition into introducing water saving devices the economize in consumption and thus make water available for longer time. A the economic level: economic strains are reduced by the electricity and water bills, something clearly spilled by the people in the church and the mosque who face hard time to collect money to cover the incurring costs of electricity bill and water buying when they are in shortage. For instance, the mosque bill was tremendously reduced from 700 JD (1000 USD) in Ramadan to become 2 JD (3 USD) after connecting the PVCs on grid and installing both the double glaze and LED bulbs. Water in the tanks is staying longer as stated by the Imam after fixing the water saving devices. The one week water consumption time is nowadays enough for three weeks after the site saving technology renovation introduction. It is worth mentioning that mosques and churches committee are responsible for taking care of bills associated with their sites and therefore, the project came as a gift from God and relief for them. Moreover, the sites in which there are schools are getting more popular due to the actions considered by this project that ensure better environment for their kids such as the church that make the fathers and mothers choice where to send their kids is much easier. At the Social level: The community in which the four sites are located have highly appreciated the initiative and therefore many were driven by the impacts spoken about by the owners of the 8 sites to think seriously about installing in specific photo voltaic cells to reduce to zero the electricity bill that constitute stressful economic factor and due to the fact of gradual and continuous increase by the government. Tens of requests were received from individual people in churches, mosques; restaurants and firms after have been exposed to the sites environmental renovations and due to their participation in the hand over ceremonies on how to adopt such systems in their premises due to the strains caused by high electricity bills in specific. This means that the project goal of replicating and impacting the community at large is progressively getting achieved. The community is highly valuing the support given to their public premises and therefore more local support is gained by the committees in charge of these sites. At the Political level: Jordan is enjoying the progress occurring mainly in the area of energy saving and therefore is promoting at the community at large to use of PVCs. The collective reduction of emissions of CO2 is helping Jordan to comply with the international conventions namely: The Climate Change through the reduction of CO2 emissions and Minamata through the phase out of mercury through introducing LED bulbs (mercury free). The government has established an energy fund to support mosques and other public buildings to install PVCs to contribute into reducing the country fuel high bill. At the Health level, the project is by reducing air pollutants emissions and thus becoming green is reducing the respiratory diseases and at the same time provide adequate water which is detrimental to having good hygiene.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through implementing joint projects and carrying out activities in partneship

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking is vital and therefore, joining ALF is a venue into the global, regional and national seen. One also can learn from others experience and establish partnerships

Contact (1) Full Name
Ziyad Alalawneh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ziyad Alalawneh
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms Islam Hawamdeh
Job Title (2)
Assistant Manager

Launch of "Youth Capacity for Digital Awareness" campaign in Jordan


In celebration of International Youth Day 2024, two members of the Jordanian network "Qudrat Association for Community Development" and "URI MENA", collaborated and launched a youth campaign titled "Youth Capacity for Digital Awareness". 

The event took place on Monday, 12 August in Mafraq Governorate, with the active participation of young men and women from the region. The campaign aims to raise awareness among youth about the importance of digital transformation in driving sustainable development, especially in Jordan—a nation where young people make up a significant portion of the population.

As the world increasingly digitizes, it is vital for Jordan's youth to adapt to and align with emerging digital technologies, including mobile services and artificial intelligence, which are crucial tools in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Digital interactions and data play a key role in evidence-based decision-making, impacting economic, social, and environmental dimensions. It is estimated that digital technologies contribute to achieving at least 70% of the 169 targets within the SDGs.

The "Youth Capacity for Digital Awareness" campaign also aims to educate young people about the safe use of social media. It seeks to protect them from dangers such as extortion, harassment, privacy violations, and exposure to harmful ideologies that incite violence and crime.


Launching of "EMDAD" Initiative in Jordan


On February 5, 2024, the first lecture of the training course titled "Marketing Products Through Social Media Platforms" was held at the premises of the Christian Young Women's Association in Al-Hussein Branch, one of the Jordanian network members.

 This is part of the “EMDAD” Initiative supported by the Jordanian Network of Anna Lindh Foundation, and the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies. The first lecture of the course covered the basics of digital marketing, its elements, fundamentals, and the strategies used in implementing ideal marketing approaches.

The second lecture was held on the 12th of February, and it covered several topics related to product design, packaging, and the fundamentals and elements of advertising design.

“EMDAD” is one of the three initiatives that resulted from an earlier consultation meeting with the members that was dedicated to generating innovative initiatives for empowering youth across different cities in Jordan.






Law&Society Institute

National Network

235 Wasfi Al-Tal Street
Amman 11181

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
General Information

About Law and Society Institute: Law and Society Institute (LSI) was established in 2023 in Jordan as a Civil Society Organization that aims to promote and protect human rights , Rule of law and fundamental freedoms in Jordan. It seeks to promote and protect human rights in accordance with international standards, achieve sustainable development, pursue good governance as a means of strengthening the unity and cohesion of society, and consolidating and strengthening the rule of law, justice, equality, non-discrimination and social justice. LSI is a research and advisory center specialized in studying and understanding the relationship between law and society. PSI consists of a specialized team of elite lawyers, researchers, and specialists in law and social sciences, who combine experience in teamwork and legal work. PSI is intellectually independent organization. It seeks to promote human rights principles, the principles of good governance and rule of law using different methodological approaches including capacity building, research, and advocacy. Vision: “To build a just, civil, and enlightened society in Jordan and the Arab region, where law prevails and human rights and community participation are respected. We work to enable individuals and communities to effectively interact with and influence legal systems by enhancing awareness, knowledge, and developing capabilities. LSI seeks to achieve this vision through research, education, partnerships and comprehensive interaction between law and society.” This vision reflects a dedication to promoting justice and human rights and encouraging community participation through understanding and influencing legal systems. Mission: LSI’s mission is “to enhance communication and understanding between legislation and society, and to enable individuals and groups to access justice and protect their rights. We work to direct our efforts towards developing individuals’ knowledge of laws and justice systems and enhancing their participation in formulating and implementing legal policies. We seek to achieve this mission through evidence-based research, outreach, training and collaboration with our community and legal partners.” This mission expresses the need and necessity to increase awareness of laws and empower individuals to participate effectively in developing and implementing laws to promote justice and protect human rights. Goals: 1. To increase awareness of laws and legal systems, through awareness campaigns and educational programs. 2. To enhance community participation, and to promote the participation of individuals and communities in policy formulation and legal decision-making processes. 3. To promote and protect Rule of , human rights , civic space, social justice through educational programs, research and advocacy. 4. To strengthen partnerships and collaborations with legal institutions and relevant stakeholders to enhance interaction and achieve common goals. 5. To contribute to developing the legal system and provide constructive recommendations to improve local and international legislation and laws.

Mission and Objectives

LSI’s mission is “to enhance communication and understanding between legislation and society, and to enable individuals and groups to access justice and protect their rights. We work to direct our efforts towards developing individuals’ knowledge of laws and justice systems and enhancing their participation in formulating and implementing legal policies. We seek to achieve this mission through evidence-based research, outreach, training and collaboration with our community and legal partners.” This mission expresses the need and necessity to increase awareness of laws and empower individuals to participate effectively in developing and implementing laws to promote justice and protect human rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Rule of law

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As we leading professional rule of law network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To interact with other groups and NGOs in the region

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Muath Mumani

Leaders of Life

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Leaders of Life for Sustainable Development Together we make the future Who we are                         A non-profit organization founded in (2012) by a group of young believers in the importance of providing knowledge and participatory development among young people, And employ unlimited abilities to innovate and develop projects that benefit the community, In addition to maximizing the use of all available opportunities, and a better future industry, dominated by concepts (Excellence, Renaissance, and upgrading). Who we work for? We are the youth's share the youths between (13-30) years old, males or females, from all the Jordanian slices without exceptions, from those whom got mental, movements, materiality, or cultural challenges. In fact they got the priority to participate even they are motivated to participate, focusing on the interest not on the fitness, to strengthening the concept of the civil participation and voluntary work in the society. Why we work? • Reinforce the voluntary work concept • Reinforce the youth leadership concept in our local society • Reinforce the civilized connection with the world youths • Increase the youths participation in the civic society organization • Empower the youths with skills, personal and organizational abilities in the youth field process of reform and development and construction.

Mission and Objectives

Vision: Strengthening and upgrading development concepts and importance of volunteering among members of society, to contribute to the construction of the Renaissance, and the achievement of sustainable development in their communities. Mission: Enable members of the community and help them to realize and develop their abilities, to actively participate in making a positive and sustainable change in their communities, creating innovative solutions to the problems and challenges they face, to build a generation capable of participating in the

Main Projects / Activities

Projects and achievementsof the organization: We pursue to create and implement sustainable projects and initiatives away from short-term programs, and without neglecting the activities and periodic visits. Herebelow some of what we have done so far in short: • Journey into the future Initiative: It is an integrated learning initiative aiming to providing guidance, empowerment,and entertainment. This initiative began with primary classes from ninth to tenth grade students in private schools in the governorates of Irbid and Amman, in order to provide students with a mature goal for their future lives, and help them discover their talents and develop their skills approaching five target groups: the student, the school, the teacher, parents, colleagues and the community and aiming to continuously upgrading them and their communities. This program is sustainable and extends to 12 hours of training and 100 students, 30 teachers, 10 parents and 30 volunteers have benefited from such program. This year, the initiative has been developed and applied at the level of the largest private schools in addition to UNRWA schools in some camps, and the launch of such initiative in universities started in Al-Yarmouk University, and currently we are going to launch in public schools after obtaining the approval of the Minister of Education. Work together initiative This initiative aims to revive the solidarity and communication among communities. It is also sustainable and has been applied in a number of stages, and it is necessary to mention that any activity aimed at social solidarity is launched under the umbrella of “Work together “, including blood donation on Saturday, 02/01/2014 at the Blood Bank of Irbid. 150 poor families benefited from the program So far, (through the provision of some parcels, securing the most important needs,create some job opportunities) three Schools and nursing including SOS, 60 orphans and our achievements still ongoing. GO GREEN environmental initiative: It is a sustainable initiative aimed at preserving the environment by launching awareness campaigns and recycling projects, the adoption of ideas in this aspect. *The details of such initiative will be provided soon. Youth talks initiative: This Initiative gathers creators and those who have talents with civil society in order to advise them as well as provide them with motivation and enthusiasm and telling the stories of success. At the beginning, this event was launched at Al-Yarmouk University , attended by more than 300 participants  showing 7 success stories, in addition to trainers in human development , this initiative is from and for  young people and will be launchedin a monthly basis in the Kingdom's universities , respectively. Save health financed initiative: The initiative is to provide health advice and a quick check of the civil society in areas with a large gathering as complexes and vital areas, by the medical team worked with the organization for  1 Jordanian Dinar kept in the organization’s treasury to  be spent on initiatives .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I think we can make a good work together may can make a project with other partner, we work with many organizations fromm out side Jordan and we had good expirince in that field. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is impotent for us to join your network, because Ana Lindh is a great and big organization and it will be support for us in future and we can work together and it will help us in it's experiences. and it has good network in all over the world and that will help us to find the partner to work in future projects. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Hatem Salem Shatnawi
Job Title
Projects manager
Head of the organisation
Hatem Shatnawi

Leaders of Tomorrow

National Network

39 Mecca Street, 4th Floor (PO Box 950586)
Amman 11814

06 552 8458
Telephone (other)
079 61 45 444
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

We are a youth-led, independent non-profit organization, active since 2007 in Jordan and regionally in the Middle East and North Africa. It is our mission to build a community of young leaders who are educated, critical, initiative-takers, and capable of serving their local communities. We have a strong digital presence and reach out through our organizational portal and social media platforms, where we have over 45,000 followers on Facebook ( and Twitter with our different initiatives and projects, and thousands of subscribers to our FOR9A newsletter with the latest opportunities. Our Objectives * Create a network with leaders and decision-makers of the future * Prepare students, recent graduates and young professionals to maximize their capabilities in their personal and professional lives. * To offer Arab youth ways to freely express and have constructive conversations with each other and their communities about contentious topics. Main Projects / Activities: We are not a project-based organization. We carry our work on freedom of expression, freedom of thought, education, critical thinking and initiative taking through our five initiatives: DIWANIEH To transfer elitist discussions from political saloons and ateliers to the streets by creating open, free and critical debate spaces at a grassroots level and engage citizens to convey their interests and needs. FOR9A.COM FOR9A is an online platform that provides free educational, capacity building and skills development opportunities for young people in the Middle East and North Africa. FADFED FADFED is a youth initiative that provides an open, low-key and free platform to encourage citizens to creatively express their opinions about sensitive issues on white papers in public spaces. MUSTKBALNA MUSTKBALNA prepares high school students for the transition to the university. They build their capacity, explore their interests and are exposed to university life and different career tracks. MO7AKA MO7AKA builds the capacity of young leaders through a simulation and role-playing environment that provides eye-opening experiences on contentious subjects and builds critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Mission and Objectives

Objectives * Create a network with leaders and decision-makers of the future * Prepare students, recent graduates and young professionals to maximize their capabilities in their personal and professional lives. * To offer Arab youth ways to freely express and have constructive conversations with each other and their communities about contentious topics.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects / Activities: We are not a project-based organization. We carry our work on freedom of expression, freedom of thought, education, critical thinking and initiative taking through our five initiatives: DIWANIEH To transfer elitist discussions from political saloons and ateliers to the streets by creating open, free and critical debate spaces at a grassroots level and engage citizens to convey their interests and needs. FOR9A.COM FOR9A is an online platform that provides free educational, capacity building and skills development opportunities for young people in the Middle East and North Africa. FADFED FADFED is a youth initiative that provides an open, low-key and free platform to encourage citizens to creatively express their opinions about sensitive issues on white papers in public spaces. MUSTKBALNA MUSTKBALNA prepares high school students for the transition to the university. They build their capacity, explore their interests and are exposed to university life and different career tracks. MO7AKA MO7AKA builds the capacity of young leaders through a simulation and role-playing environment that provides eye-opening experiences on contentious subjects and builds critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Facebook links: قادة الغد Leaders of Tomorrow ‎مستقبلنا | Mustkbalna‎ ‎ ‎ديوانية | Diwanieh‎ ‎Fadfed | فضفض‎ ‎Mo7aka | محاكاة‎ For9a | فرصة‎

Contact (1) Full Name
Sami Hourani
Head of the organisation
Sami Hourani
Contact (2) Full Name
Judith van Raalten