
Tallinn University International Relations Society

National Network

Narva mnt 25
10117 Tallinn

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Tallinn University International Relations Society (TLU IRS) was established on 19th of May 2014 and is an active open-to-all student organization comprised of students, lecturers, researchers, early career professionals, and members of the community who are engaged, and interested in political issues of international significance. The basis of the society is to maintain a “open-door” policy meaning that any interested parties may join the society, and attend its events no matter their academic background, nationality, gender, race or religion. TLU IRS is run by the voluntary board.  TLU IRS seek additional funding from sponsorships, advertising support, contributions of public/private companies, foundations, other organizations, institutions and private individuals. Main partners are for example U.S. Embassy Estonia, Turkish Embassy in Tallinn, Embassy Office of Canada in Tallinn, Estonia and Tallinn University School of Governance, Law and Society etc.  For more information please check out our Facebook page “TLÜ International Relations Society” or visit our webpage If you have any further questions, please contact with us

Mission and Objectives

Tallinn University International Relations Society (TLU IRS) support and promote the interest of international relations for both practitioners as well as the audience and to strengthen the university students cultural life and create an open environment for discussions of international politics, supported by open lectures, seminars and showcasing’s of IR related topics.

Main Projects / Activities

Tallinn University International Relations Society (TLU IRS) organizes activities, guest speakers, movie screenings and field trips. Such as open lecture “Future Implications of Obama's Foreign Policy”, seminar "On the Path to Diplomacy from Turkish lenses", panel discussion "Alumni panel: opportunities after University" and study visit to NATO CCD COE. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Tallinn University International Relations Society (TLU IRS) wishes to enhance and develop further opportunities for cultural understanding. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Triin Bõstrov
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Adil Aliyev
Job Title (2)

Tartu University Library

National Network

W. Struve 1, 50091

+372 7375702
+372 7375701
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The structure and list of staff memebers can be found
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of the UTL are:
- Accumulating, preserving and making accessible of information necessary for research and study purposes of the University of Tartu
- Offering of public information services
- Creation, preservation and making accessible for research purposes of a complete collection of Estonian-language publications, materials published in Estonia, materials discussing Estonia or containing information about Estonia
- Research and development activities on librarianship and information sciences

Main Projects / Activities

See who we are and what we do here:

Contact (1) Full Name
Kristina Pai
Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

The Anna Lindh Days for Intercultural Citizenship Education

The Finnish Network organized together with its partners from ALF Heads of Networks of Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Morocco, Poland, Sweden, Tunisia and Turkey, an intercultural forum and a training titled the Anna Lindh Days for Intercultural Citizenship Education from 26...

The Association of Estonian Cities (AEC)

National Network

Ahtri 8
15078 Tallinn

+372 694 34 15
Telephone (other)
+372 694 34 11
+372 694 34 25
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+372 50 73 150
Mobile Phone (other)
+372 52 86 974
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The members of the association are all 33 cities in Estonia, in addition 14 rural municipalities, which comprise 70% of total population in Estonia. Highest body: General Meeting (142 members) Council (71 members) performs duties imposed by General Meeting Management Board (7 members) manages and represents the association. Bureau (12 full-time employees) organises the actual work and current management. The budget of AEC is formed by the membership fees, the amount of which depends on local governments budgetary revenues.
Mission and Objectives

AEC participates actively in providing conditions of activity in public sector, legislative drafting included; negotiations about the balance of the state budget and local budget; the development and defence of local government policy in social, health, education, culture, environment and other areas which affect local living conditions.
AEC protects and represents common interests of members in relation to constitutional institutions, authorities and organisations, fosters the development of local governments, files motions about adoptions, amendments and rectifications of acts and other legislations, promotes cooperation among members and coordinates joint activities, represents members in international organisations, develops foreign cooperation and connections and advises local government officials.

Main Projects / Activities

The AEC has representatives in several international organisations:
The Committee of the Regions of the EU (CoR), the Congress of Local and regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE), Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), Standing Committee for the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership of Local and Regional Authorities (COPPEM). AEC is a member of the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), Baltic Sea States Sub-regional Co-operation (BSSSC), Union of Baltic Cities (UBC), participates in the Monitoring or Steering Committees of INTERREG III A, C, INTERREG IV B, C, URBACT.

Contact (1) Full Name
Toivo Riimaa
Head of the organisation
Jüri Vöigemast
Contact (2) Full Name
Inga Köster

The Open Estonia Foundation

National Network

Estonia pst. 5a

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
General Information
1. Executive director, 5 programme coordinators, 3 assistants 2. Budget in 2005- $1 466 421 3. Open Society Institute 4. Different projects and activities conducted and organized by the OEF European program, the "East-East" program and the Baltic-American Partnership Program (BAPP) for the Support of a Civil Society. 5. Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organizations, Estonian State Chancellery, NGO Open Republic.
Mission and Objectives

For fifteen years, the foundation’s programs have been united by a vision of open society and democracy, civil society, social responsibility, and people’s equal opportunities in democratic decision-making processes. The objective of the Open Estonia Foundation is to contribute to the development of an innovative and self-regulating civil society in Estonia that is based on active participation.

Main Projects / Activities

The programs of the Open Estonia Foundation are united by the following keywords:
? Open Europe and Europe’s new neighbors
? Equal rights
? Good governance
? Development of civil society
The promotion of civic initiatives and civil society takes place within the framework of the Baltic-American Partnership Program (BAPP).
The cooperation programs of the Open Society Institute network are carried out on the basis of the East-East Program.
The OEF also brokers the initiatives and trainings of the Open Society Institute.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Mall Hellam
Head of the organisation
Ms. Mall Hellam

Trajectory @

National Network

Läänemere tee 27-53
13914 Tallinn

+372 6367185
+372 6367185
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+372 55697733
Mobile Phone (other)
+372 58211274
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Trajectory@ is an organisation which gathers youth leaders, trainers and educators working with and for youth. In the core there are 5 leaders with one employed staff, Secretary General. Our activities are educational trainings for active young people: in 2006 we organized and run Training Course “Celbrate Cultural Diversity. Be inclusive!”, Training Course “Dive`in Diversity”, Round Table for youth from minorities from Baltic States and Russia, The Course “EmPower Station”. Our partners are other youth organisations in Estonia, mainly Tallinn, and many organisations abroad: in Europe, Meda and Latin America. Find more information in our web-site.
Mission and Objectives

TRAJECTORY@ is a non-profit, non-political and non-governmental organisation.
- To promote Human Rights Education and Intercultural dialogue as a pre-requisite for the development of a "culture of peace" and as a contribution to democratic stability;
- To provide youth organisations and youth leaders with knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to further strengthen their role in the building of civil society;
- To empower youth organisations, in particular those working with the most vulnerable groups to develop projects, strategies and activities to address racism, xenophobia, discrimination and gender-based forms of violence affecting them and their community;
- To promote and support life-long learning and non-formal education as useful tools to achieve these goals;
- To provide consultancy to NGOs and educational institutions working with young people and to support the development of value based projects.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2007 we have some training activities planned in Estonia:
February 2007: Training Course for Multipliers combating Homophobia “How do we handle Diversity?” (European coop.);
May 2007: “Getting Global” Training Course, developing sustainable strategies on Global Education (LA Cooperation);
June 2007: “Does Gender Matter?” Training Course on Intercultural and Inter-religious Dialogue around Gender (Euro-Mediterranean cooperation);
July 2007: The Role of Educators promoting Children Rights Education (European cooperation).
And other activities in which we are involved as partners and send our trainers to.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ljubov Lissina
Head of the organisation
Ljubov Lissina
Contact (2) Full Name
Xavier Ignasi Baro Urbea

Viimane Neljapäev

National Network

J.Sütiste tee 19A-77
13419 Tallinn

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
"Viimane Neljapäev" ("Last Thursday" in Estonian) started on the 2013 year as an unformal and unofficial poetry / literature / open stage event. There is an unformal group of young literary activists, who contribute in the organizing of event and during the event (set-up, hosting, post-event cleaning etc.). There is no official workers. Event is taking place once a month and sometimes we have special events, which are part of a bigger festival or bookfair.  From 2015 we have also started documentary film event, what shows movies about unstereotypical and alternative Muslims, and organizing youth exchanges to promote creative writing among youth.  We are not funded by anyone and our events are without entrance fee. Participants can donate for publication of literature collections and minor investments. 
Mission and Objectives

Literature events
In the beginning of 2013 we started to organize a monthly literature event. We created an event series which has no obstacles, has no entrance fee, doesn’t follow the literary league prescriptions, is free from a specified program, and is not affiliated to a specific establishment. In addition to all this, the event takes place every month and so participants know that it is a stable event that takes place at the end of every month (as the name of the event suggests “Last Thursday“ is the actual day that the event takes place, every last Thursday of the month).
Movie events
Movie events are called "isemoodi_islam" ("self-styled islam" in Estonian) have taken place so far twice and we have showed movies called "Taqwacore" and "Wariazone". Our mission is to show movies about Muslims, who are different from mainstream muslims or mainstream image of them (LGBT, punk, anarchist, feminist etc).

Main Projects / Activities

Literature event
The event is free from all limits on creativity, language and form
All forms of creativity are welcome, poetry, short stories, plays, prefprmances etc. How the preformers wish to express them selves is up to them, we only provide the space and opertunity. As the event takes place in Estonia it is natural that most performers are Estonian, but we have tried to emphasis the importance of Russian participents and so we have tried to seek them out, as we find it important to have all sects of the society take part in this cultural development. For this reason we have also had people perform in English, Irish, German (Swiss German) and Slovenian.
The Event has no entrance fee
As our goal is not to gain revenue but to establish a free creative environment. In addition to there being no entrance fee there is no difference between performers and the public, which is something that having a ticket, or being on the „performers list“ would encourage.
The main performers are everyone who have the courage to step on the stage and perform
Our goal is to rid the world of literature of it’s devision (the „elite“ and „unpublished writers“) to integrate the different „levels“ as all have the right to perform.
The event takes place at different venues, and is not affiliated with a speciffice cultural-entertainment establishment
We bring the event where there is a suitable environment, and where we can find new listeners/performers.
In each of these events around 50 people have taken part as the public (at the summer events the number has been higher)  and 10-15 performers. We believe there are two reasons the event has been this successful: First off, many people in Tallinn are interested in these kinds of events, and they have heard of this event due to advertisment and word of mouth. We have advertised this event with posters in strategic places in the city and through social media.
In Facebook we have started a group in addition to the regular events.  (
Movie events
As I mentioned earlier, we are showing movies about Muslims, who are different from mainstream muslims or mainstream image of them (LGBT, punk, anarchist, feminist etc). Our aim is to show that Muslim community is not a homogenic community and there is and can be very different ways of living and practicing ones faith.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by our skills in event organizing, know-how in promoting events and activities, contacts for different venues, we can borrow some technical equipment for free. We are activist by nature not by payment.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF corresponds to our aims and views: open forum for different people, promoting tolerance and diversity. We would also like to get more international contacts, to bring more outside of the country performers and to great even more diverse literary events by including minority groups.

Contact (1) Full Name
Steven Vihalem
Job Title
Main organizer
Head of the organisation
Steven Vihalem
Contact (2) Full Name
Kristi Ockba
Job Title (2)
Assistant organizer

VitaTiim NGO

National Network

Kose 12
20103 Narva

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
VitaTiim NGO is regional organization that has 2 members of the board, 8 employees and both local and EVS volunteers. The main funding comes from Youth in Action Programme and national programme the Development of Career Services in Estonia that is coordinated by National Resource Centre for Guidance and financed through the EU Structural Funds. Budgetary resources of the organization available in a year are around 50 000 EUR, but they depend on projects. We work in close cooperation with Estonian National Agency for Youth in Action Programme, educational institutions and youth organizations in Ida-Viru county. Our main working methods: individual approach, combination of formal and non-formal educational methods, counseling, career lessons at school, international projects (e.g. EVS projects and youth exchanges).
Mission and Objectives

Mission of the organization is to support people on their development process. Our goal is to inspire young people, to enhance their self-reliance and broaden their life perspectives. Objectives of the organization:
• To provide career information and counseling
• To promote intercultural dialogue and understanding
• To increase learning mobility amongst young people
• To provide youth project counseling

Main Projects / Activities

VitaTiim NGO provides a variety of services and activities for young people and youth workers in Ida-Viru county.
First of all, we offer career information and counseling to young people aged 7 – 26 through individual and group career sessions both at schools and in our center. We also organize interactive career events like MOBI career cafes, regional career days, job shadowing, meetings with entrepreneurs, weekly language cafes etc. We provide information and support for career coordinators at schools too.
Secondly, we are regional contact point of Estonian National Agency for Erasmus+: Youth in Action programme. We provide information and counseling about possibilities of the programme and organize courses on project writing for youth groups. VitaTiim NGO is also EVS (European Voluntary Service) Sending, Hosting and Coordinating organization. We promote EVS both amongst young people and organizations in our region.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network mainly through work with young people, schools and youth workers, organizing international exchanges and cultural events. We are also always ready to host guests in our organization.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network to broaden horizons of our work and to promote intercultural dialogue and understanding through increasing awareness and breaking stereotypes regards to MEDA region amongst local people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jelena Lohmatova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Jelena Lohmatova
Contact (2) Full Name
Natalja Mahnova
Job Title (2)
Project coordinator


National Network

Sitsi tn 22-22, Põhja-Tallinna linnaosa
10313 Tallinn, Harju maakond

+2 01226543275
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
WITHOUT BORDERS MTÜ is a very new organization with a very small staff, mainly they are 2 beside the volunteers.  The structure will be: founders, exectuive directors, head of programs and assistans. Main source of fudning will be, government, doners from EU and other partes of teh world. 
Mission and Objectives

Mission: conducting different activities including organizing and coordinating training sessions, conferences, and seminars to raise awareness towards refugee’s issues in Estonia in order to promote the acceptance culture and providing safe environment for refugees to interact, share and advocate for better life chances. Also familiarize the refugees and migrants community with European values and culture and raise societal awareness towards gender equality issues.
Vision: creating new paths for Estonian and European society especially youngsters towards better understanding for other cultures and provide the necessary guidance to refugees and migrants in need, taking in consideration all European values and laws regulating their status.
Raising societal awareness generally and refugees and migrants especially towards gender issues aiming to achieve gender equality.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Organize intercultural trainings sessions for youngsters to promote more openness for other cultures.  
2- Conducting different activities including organizing and coordinating training sessions, conferences, and seminars to raise awareness towards refugee’s issues.
3- Work as a liaise point between government, international organizations and refugees to support their situation and provide them with better quality of life.
4- Creating a friendly space for youth, migrants and refugees to meet regularly to discuss methods for better integration ways in the society.
5- Work in a close cooperation with other European institutions to introduce the European values and culture to refugees and migrants.
6- Work with close cooperation with national and international NGOs on raising awareness towards gender issues aiming at promoting gender sensitivity and equality.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Work to promot the mandate of the network and help also in introduce it to more people and working NGO.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It's a huge network that could introduce my organization to others who are working on similar feilds. Also the network could play a huge role in oinformation sharing and increasing teh visibility of memebrs. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Heba Ali Youssif Moustafa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Heba Ali Youssif
Contact (2) Full Name
Nargiza Bostoeva
Job Title (2)
Board Member

Womens Support and Information Center

National Network

Veski 69
Territoires palestiniens

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
General Information

The NPO Tartu Women’s Shelter was founded on July 8th, 2002 and aims to help battered women (and their family members) and reduce the risk of repeated  models of violence. Organization has up to 10 people working, some of us are employed, some of us work as volunteers. We are partnering with network of womens shelters in Estonia. Also thru EU projects funded we have international partners in Latvia, Finland, Greece etc. Funding of our main activity-shelter for battered women, is coming from State of Estonia and partially from local government. For awareness raising, info materials, other public activities we are writing projects to get these funded. That part is depending on how many projects we are able to apply and get. We have group of stakeholders (police, LGOV social workers, victim`s support, ER etc) for activities in working with victims. For public awareness we form different workgroups with various partners-depending on activities during the project. More information about our organization is found on webpage

Mission and Objectives

Our mission First to provide the psychological, economical and emotional support needed for victims of domestic violence to break the cycle of violence Second to raise the level of awareness among all stakeholders involved in the issue by providing training and technical assistance to the police, prosecutors, social workers, health workers and political leaders on all of the dimensions of the issue.  

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities are: 24/7 hotline providing information and counseling to victims of domestic violence and other concerned individuals; Temporary housing for victims of violence, often with kids (up to 5 women at one time); Direct Counselling includes psychotherapy, social work  and legal advice (representation in court); Case management for women, such as helping in dealing with governmental offices (i.e. social ministry, unemployment, housing etc). -Continuously updated homepage -Lectures to introduce the topic for different groups -Training-seminar for stakeholders, periodic roundtables -Public awareness campaigns-posters, articles -Published books about DV issue, also victims of sexual violence issue. International projects participated(9 projects during years): 2013-2014 Wompower-Empowering women to fight against domestic violence through an integrated model of training, support and counselling.  8 partners from 7 countries. 2010-2011 Terapeutische Frauenberatung-Back up the children. Training materials for specialist working with children, trainings.  2007-2009 NANE Women’s Right Association-“Survivors speak up for their dignity” – supporting victims and survivors of domestic violence.  Also local projects participated during years.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have knowledge to share in training about the topic of DV. Also in the area of public awareness we can say that cooperation of more organisations gives bigger opportunity to be visible in public.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we believe that being part of network is the key for getting our voice more heard in public. Also we believe that we have already a lot to share from our side. And thisi is our goal-to be there, share and learn.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pille Tsopp-Pagan
Job Title
executive manger
Head of the organisation
Pille Tsopp-Pagan