


A world in which every person is respected and valued, regardless of gender, ethnic origin, abilities, religion, sexual orientation or social status! In order to reach this vision, educational activities play a decisive role. Today, learning and awareness-raising for diversity...

DSCHUNGEL WIEN - Theaterhaus für junges Publikum

National Network

Museumsplatz 1
1070 Vienna

+43 1 522 07 20 19
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information

DSCHUNGEL WIEN – Theatre for Young Audience, established in 2004 in MuseumsQuartier Wien, is a centre and platform for arts and culture, a unique example of a theatre for young audiences with a national and international reputation.

We are a public institution, certified as non-profit and supported through public funding by state and city with budgetary resources around 1,000.000€ a year. 32 staff members are employed, who work in press, production, office, meditation and audience services.

With more than 600 performances per season, DSCHUNGEL WIEN presents a diverse
range of events with a main focus on artistic quality. A big part of the program is theatre and dance mediation (Workshops, classes, long-term projects) in schools and with different groups.

Our main partners are ASSITEJ Austria, AK Wien, der Standard, Ö1 and Raiffeisen Bank. The mediation program is partners with wienXtra, VZA, PlayTogetherNow, Juvivo, integration wien, Interface, Flash Mädchencafé, oiip, etc.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission is based on the fact, that every child has a right to participate in the arts and cultural activities and on the vision to create this reality. Dschungel Wien is an authentic platform, where young people negotiate their perspectives, interests and realities through the theatre, dance and performance. We put a spotlight on young peoples’ reflections on society, wishes, fears and visions but also their provocations and utopias in our performances for and with young audiences. In our theatre meditation program, we process a lot of non-profit projects, that focus on participation, co-creation and cultural education with different groups (refugees, people with disabilities, etc.). If a young person can’t afford attending a theatre performance or any other cultural activity in Dschungel Wien, the entry is for free.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main focus is on theatre and dance performances for young audiences from toddlers to young adults. Every season we present around 500 performances of 60 or more pieces to school classes, families, kindergarden groups, etc. Besides that, we take part or organize theatre mediation programs in schools, youth centres, kindergardens in the centre and at the periphery of the city, we organize discussions, panels, festivals with and for our young audiences. These programs consist of Workshops on different topics (gender, emancipation, diversity, resilience, democracy, etc.), poetry slams, dance battles, open spaces, long-term theatre classes theatre performances with young actors, political debate programs and long-term projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We as an organization have an expertise of childrens’, teenagers’ and young adults’ realities and express those on an artistic level with or for young people. Furthermore, we see our place as a platform for young communities to meet and exchange and a space, were public discourses can take place. We can offer representation, space, human resources and ideas.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to expand our profile and shift the focus more on children’s rights, gender equality, diversity strategies and democracy values. Therefore, we are looking for partners to cooperate on projects, workshops and discussion panels in different fields.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jonathan Achtsnit
Job Title
Theatre Mediation
Head of the organisation
Corinne Eckenstein & Alexandra Hutter
Contact (2) Full Name
Jana Püscher
Job Title (2)
Theatre Mediation

East west organisation for integration of cultures

National Network

Wagramer Strasse 93/3/18
1220 Vienna

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

تأسست جمعية شرق غرب في عام 2015 ومقرها في فيينا النمسا: رقم الترخيص، ZVR-Zahl 166447512 ، هي مؤسسة غير ربحية ويتم تمويل نشاطاتها من قبل وزارة التضامن الاجتماعي في النمسا، وقدمت المؤسسةالعديد من المشاريع التنموية بالتعاون مع نخبة من المدربين الخبراء في مجالاتهم المختلفة. بعض نشاطاتها: "ورش عمل لأطفال المخيمات الحدودية في دول الصراع" " بازار لبيع الاشغال اليدوية لتشجيع الحرف العربية في أوروبا" " اصدار مجموعة قصصية باللغة الألمانية لأبناء الجالية العربية بالتعاون مع رابطة القلم الدولية فيينا" " اصدار مجموعة قصصية باللغة الالمانية لأطفال مخيمات اللجوء" " مشروع لمكافحة التحرش بالأطفال بالتعاون مع نادي اللايونز إسطنبول" " حفل الربيع لدعم الجاليات المهاجرة في أوروبا" وكان أحدث مشاريعها هو "مشروع للتنمية المجتمعية لدمج الأطفال ذوي الإعاقة، المهاجرين والأقليات العرقية". أسفر هذا المشروع عن عرض مسرحي قدم ضمن فعاليات ملتقى "كلنا إنسان" في دار الأوبرا يعمل في الادارة وكمحاسب للمؤسسة السيد توني بوبيك تعمل كنائبة للارئيس السيدة لارا لايتنر تعمل كسكريتر عام للمؤسسة السيدة بسمة الالفي

Mission and Objectives

العمل على تطير الانسان وبنائه والحفاظ على البيئة وانشاء النشاطات والممشريع المستدامة التي تدعم الانسان المستضعف من ذوي الاحتياجات، المراة، ضحايا الحروب كما الارض والبيئة

Main Projects / Activities

نحاول ان نسهل عملية الاندماج بين فئات المجتمع في بلاد المهجر وفي بلاد العالم الثالث كما بين الاقليات والمستضعفين ومن يعانون من التهميش ، تطوير قدراتهم ودمجهم بالمجتمع كما خلق فرص عمل جديدة تكفيهم من افة العوز والتسول والانخراط في عالم المخدرات والجريمة

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

اننا وكمؤسسة اوروبية مؤثوقة مستعدين للتعاون مع كل الجهات المقترحة من قبلكم لخلق مشاريع وشركات جديدة مثمرة تخدم الارض الانسان والانسانية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ما قراته عن انا ليند وبعد ترشيح احد اصدقائي للتواصل معكم وجدت انه من الضروري فتح افاق العمل بيننا لما لديكم من تواصل مؤثوق مع الجمعيات المسجلة لديكم وهذا سيعزز عنصر الثقة لنقل اعمالنا خلف الحدود لافادة عدد اكبر من المحتاجين للمساعدة طالما ان مؤسسة شرق غرب كان لها سابقة عمل خلف الحدود وفي اماكن عديدة خارج اوروبا فاتمنا ان يثمر عملنا معا ثمار جيدة تساعدنا وتساعدكم في الوصول الى اهدافنا المشتركة والتي ترتكز على بناء الانسان والحفاظ على الارض وبيئتها واستدامة مواردها

Contact (1) Full Name
Sonia Boumad
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sonia Boumad
Contact (2) Full Name
Lara Leitner
Job Title (2)
vice president


National Network

quartier21/MQMuseumsplatz 1/e-1.6
1060 Vienna

+43-1-522 31 27 21
+43-1-522 31 27 30
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Educult understands itself as an idea pool for creative, cultural and artistic education and aims to open up opportunities to all members of our community in the fields of culture, science and education. Educult is an association. Five permanent stuff members are working for EDUCULT. The main sources of funding are Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture and the City of Vienna.

Mission and Objectives

Educult: an idea pool for creative, cultural and artistic education Cultural education *is the major prerequisite for using the arts and science in the creation of a fulfilling personal and professional life. *is decisive for the way we live and work *creates the necessary precondition for active participation in society *is a necessary basis for social diversity The Arts, Culture and Education are Indispensable for the Further Development of a Humane Society. Social changes need orientation. Cultural learning processes develop the full potential of the learner, boosting key competencies such as self-confidence, self-esteem and problem solving ability and thereby mobility, flexibility and social integrity. Educult aims to open up these opportunities – together with its co-operation partners – to all members of our community.

Main Projects / Activities

Educult has the know-how to discover cultural treasures, bring them to light and use them in a creative and productive way by offering public institutions and private companies target-oriented services like * consulting and programming * research and basic enquiry * organisation * moderation and presentation of contributions * monitoring, assessment and evaluation * education and training * distribution of information

Contact (1) Full Name
Aron Weigl
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Michael Wimmer
Contact (2) Full Name
Helena Deiß / Lilian Häge

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion

This project featured a youth exchange involving 42 participants from eight countries. They convened in Vienna to delve into diversity and inclusion issues, sharing insights and perspectives. The program was tailored to accommodate participants' needs, with three main phases: initial preparation, exchange mobility, and follow-up activities. Tangible results included follow-up plans on relevant topics and multimedia resources on concepts like tokenism. However, the project's primary impact was intangible, as participants acquired practical, emotional, and theoretical competences related to diversity.


Embracing Diversity | EMOTiC

EMOTIC Call: (OPEN) Training Course: Young Peacebuilders - Baitz/Berlin, Germany


This call is particularly for the Training Course "Young Peacebuilders – Training for multipliers in communal conflict transformation" that will be implemented in Baitz/Berlin, GERMANY from 25.02.2023 (arrival day) to 05.03 2023 (departure day). This training brings together 28 youths from Austria, Germany, Romania, Italy, Bulgaria, Netherlands, and Greece. The main aim is to understand the complexity of various conflicts and the reasons why the resolution of conflicts and crises both between and within communities entails many types of challenges.

For more information please click here!

EMYS Sustainability toolkit

EMYS - Engaging Marginalised Youth for Sustainability Toolkit

This Sustainability Toolkit includes advocacy and lobbying training activities, facilitation techniques for idea generation and design, non-formal education (NFE) techniques for increasing motivation and engagement, basic project management skills, event management and campaigning skills, fundraising and proposal writing. The toolkit...

European Multidisciplinary Organization for Training and international Consulting

National Network

Balderichgasse 3/25
1170 Vienna

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The European Multidisciplinary Organization for Training and international Consulting (EMOTiC) is a youth-led organisation with the aim of strengthening the abilities of youth (18-30years) on issues related to the development of their lives, careers and communities. Through capacity building, we empower youth with the necessary competences (skills, knowledge, attitudes) and with innovative, adaptive, and results-based tools to facilitate their engagement in shaping their community and tackling social issues constructively to achieve a positive impact on the grassroots level and build more inclusive, livable and healthy societies.​ Through our various activities, we aim to enhance youth as active members and multipliers of change and transformation through the promotion of inclusion, equality, and diversity values as well as sustainability. These values and goals are reinforced by transnational synergies and partnerships among youth to build more resilient societies based on mutual trust, respect, solidarity, and intercultural understanding.

Mission and Objectives

The goal is to build future generations of youth who have advanced professional and personal capacities and competences and are able to develop their local communities. We aim to achieve this goal through non-formal education by equipping youth with the core knowledge and helping them to develop skills and improve their civic attitudes. This is complemented by critical thinking and analyzing capacities; endorsing multidimensional perspectives; fostering the role of youth in democratic participation and dialogue, and promoting a nuanced understanding of international development and social engagement. As such, we support and contribute to achieving various global youth policy recommendations emphasized in the (I) UN Youth Resolutions 2250 (2015), 2419 (2018), 2535 (2020), (II) European Union Youth Strategy for 2019-2027, (III) United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.

Main Projects / Activities

We are active in the areas of Peace Education, Environmental Education, Digital Education, and Civic Education.

We organise training courses, workshops, and youth exchanges. We are also planning to organise conferences soon once the pandemic situation improved and allows.

Currently, we are running 5 projects as the main coordinator and we are a partner in several projects with many other youth NGOs.
Two of our ongoing projects focus on Social Peacebuilding as a tool to enhance youth civic participation and one project focuses on policymaking and structured dialogue to enhance youth democratic participation. In addition, we have a project on environment and climate change and another one on the utilisation of board games as an alternative tool for youth inclusion.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The team of EMOTiC has extensive previous working in the MENA region through the organisation of several activities for youth from the region. Thanks to the previous experiences and our network of youth and youth organisations in the region, we can facilitate cooperation and partnership opportunties and help reach out to groups that are not reached through conventional means.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We align our goals with the objectives from ALF Network and we strongly believe that being part of ALF Network will provide us with a great opportunity to not only connect with other partners that are active in the field but also to learn from each other and support the work of other partners and join forces.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Sakr
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Sakr