
Network Albania

National Network

Administration Unit, Nr. 12, Street''Fadil Deliu'',Nd.1,H.1,Ap.7,Linze,Dajt

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

The main goal of the Center is: Strengthening civil society by stimulating cooperation for a positive impact on policy-making and, in particular, empowering women in decision-making in every sphere of life. Our vision consists of developing an active network with Albanian organizations and actors around the world for the promotion of quality education, volunteerism, dialogue, democratic culture, national heritage, cyber security, green economy and sustainable tourism with a special focus on empowering young people as change-makers in the society, through the exchange of experiences and positive models of passing on positive national and European values to the younger generations in Albania, but also in the Albanian territories, in Kosovo, Macedonia, and Montenegro. Capacity building and awareness on the importance of mental health at all social levels is one of our main priorities. Our core mission is supporting all parts of the Albanian society in the efforts for a sustainable development, which in particular to us means pursuing and achieving a balance between technology development including AI on the one hand, and human and environmental development on the other hand, thus considering this a trinomial for sustainability that will contribute to a healthier society, economy and environment.

Mission and Objectives

5 people staff No funds yet registered Part of HerHub, global women collaboration; Enrich Academy; The Innovation in Politics Institute; We are partnering with different organizations in the region and abroad in the near future with the projects we are working on.

Main Projects / Activities

Apart being part of different trainings and workshops in and out of the country, until now we didn't have projects for implementation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our goal is to contribute as much as possible to Albanian society, especially women and young people in rural areas. To increase participation and the level of democracy in the country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of the main goals when we founded the organization was the creation of a joint network with Albanian organizations in WB and in the diaspora. We also want to be part of joint networks and create a more cooperative climate; a culture that seems to be missing in Albania and the Balkans.

Contact (1) Full Name
Majlinda Hoxha
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Majlinda Hoxha
Contact (2) Full Name
Aida Yzeiri
Job Title (2)

Nevila Kalaja

National Network

Rruga "Skenderbej" L 4,Durres,Albanaia

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

I am Artistic Director of International Chamber Music Festival of Durres ,that is organized anually (in17 years) in Durres Albania. This Festival is part of activity of cultural association "Art and Culture italian- albanian",whose I am a member. The Festival is funded by Ministry of Culture ,Municipality of Durres and with the participation of different Embassies,Austrian Embasy(partner from the first edition),Italian Embassy ,Italian institute of Culture,German Embassy,Greek Embassy.

Mission and Objectives

Promote the cultural collaborations between different countries with Albania, by bringing in Albania different ensembles of chamber music.

Main Projects / Activities

International Chamber Music Festival, concerts with the participation of different ensembles of chamber music and other different cultural activities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

During these activities we also promote Albanian cultural tourism .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I believe that joining the ALF Network will create more possibilities for cultural collaboration between Albania and other countries .

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Nevila Kalaja
Job Title
Musician, Violinist
Head of the organisation
Nevila Kalaja

Next Gen Advocates Ngo

National Network

rruga rrapo hekali,tirana

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Next Gen Advocates is a non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to advocating for individual rights and liberties. Founded with the vision of empowering citizens through education, legal assistance, and advocacy, Next Gen Advocates operates with a commitment to fostering a society where every individual's rights are recognized, respected, and protected. With its headquarters in Gjakova, a city with a vibrant community and a significant history in the heart of Kosovo, the organization is strategically positioned to address both local and national challenges in human rights advocacy. Mission The mission of Next Gen Advocates is threefold: Education: To educate the public about their rights and how to protect them. This involves organizing workshops, seminars, and campaigns to inform citizens about their legal rights and the importance of civic engagement. Legal Assistance: To provide legal support and representation to individuals whose rights have been violated. This includes offering free or low-cost legal services to those in need, especially marginalized and underserved communities. Advocacy: To advocate for policy changes that promote human rights and justice. This involves lobbying government bodies, collaborating with other NGOs and stakeholders, and using media platforms to push for reforms that enhance civil liberties. Role and Activities Next Gen Advocates plays a crucial role in the community by serving as a bridge between the public and the legal system. Its activities are designed to address the pressing needs of individuals facing legal challenges, while also working on a broader scale to influence policy and societal norms. Key roles and activities include: Community Engagement: to raise awareness about important political and legal issues. This involves organizing town hall meetings, public forums, and discussions that facilitate a deeper understanding of the political landscape and how it affects individuals' rights and freedoms. Political Education: A core aspect of Next Gen Advocates' mission is to educate citizens on the political process, governance, and how decisions made by elected officials impact their daily lives. The organization provides resources and training on how to effectively participate in the democratic process, including voting, campaigning for candidates or causes, and engaging with representatives to advocate for policy changes. Legal Aid and Representation: Offering legal assistance to those who have been unjustly treated or whose rights are under threat. This includes taking on cases related to civil rights violations, discrimination, and other injustices, providing a lifeline for individuals who otherwise might not have access to legal representation. Policy Advocacy and Reform: Working to influence policy at both the local and national levels. By researching and drafting policy proposals, engaging with policymakers, and mobilizing public support, Next Gen Advocates seeks to bring about legislative and regulatory changes that protect and expand individual rights. Youth Empowerment: Recognizing the importance of engaging the next generation, the organization places a strong emphasis on youth empowerment. This includes educational programs tailored for young people, initiatives that encourage youth participation in politics and civil society, and mentorship opportunities that connect young individuals with leaders in various fields. Collaboration with Other Organizations: Partnering with other NGOs, community groups, and international bodies to amplify their impact. Through collaborations, Next Gen Advocates leverages collective expertise and resources to tackle complex issues and advocate for widespread change.

Mission and Objectives

Mission The mission of Next Gen Advocates is threefold: Education: To educate the public about their rights and how to protect them. This involves organizing workshops, seminars, and campaigns to inform citizens about their legal rights and the importance of civic engagement. Legal Assistance: To provide legal support and representation to individuals whose rights have been violated. This includes offering free or low-cost legal services to those in need, especially marginalized and underserved communities. Advocacy: To advocate for policy changes that promote human rights and justice. This involves lobbying government bodies, collaborating with other NGOs and stakeholders, and using media platforms to push for reforms that enhance civil liberties. Role and Activities Next Gen Advocates plays a crucial role in the community by serving as a bridge between the public and the legal system. Its activities are designed to address the pressing needs of individuals facing legal challenges, while also working on a broader scale to influence policy and societal norms. Key roles and activities include:

Main Projects / Activities

Community Engagement: to raise awareness about important political and legal issues. This involves organizing town hall meetings, public forums, and discussions that facilitate a deeper understanding of the political landscape and how it affects individuals' rights and freedoms. Political Education: A core aspect of Next Gen Advocates' mission is to educate citizens on the political process, governance, and how decisions made by elected officials impact their daily lives. The organization provides resources and training on how to effectively participate in the democratic process, including voting, campaigning for candidates or causes, and engaging with representatives to advocate for policy changes. Legal Aid and Representation: Offering legal assistance to those who have been unjustly treated or whose rights are under threat. This includes taking on cases related to civil rights violations, discrimination, and other injustices, providing a lifeline for individuals who otherwise might not have access to legal representation. Policy Advocacy and Reform: Working to influence policy at both the local and national levels. By researching and drafting policy proposals, engaging with policymakers, and mobilizing public support, Next Gen Advocates seeks to bring about legislative and regulatory changes that protect and expand individual rights. Youth Empowerment: Recognizing the importance of engaging the next generation, the organization places a strong emphasis on youth empowerment. This includes educational programs tailored for young people, initiatives that encourage youth participation in politics and civil society, and mentorship opportunities that connect young individuals with leaders in various fields. Collaboration with Other Organizations: Partnering with other NGOs, community groups, and international bodies to amplify their impact. Through collaborations, Next Gen Advocates leverages collective expertise and resources to tackle complex issues and advocate for widespread change. Impact in Gjakova and Beyond Headquartered in Gjakova, Next Gen Advocates is uniquely positioned to address the specific challenges faced by the community in Kosovo while also contributing to national and international human rights efforts. Gjakova, with its rich history and diverse population, serves as both a symbol and a practical base for the organization's work in promoting justice, equality, and democracy. By focusing on political education alongside legal advocacy, Next Gen Advocates aims to empower citizens with the knowledge and tools they need to advocate for themselves and their communities. The organization's role extends beyond immediate legal assistance to include a broader commitment to building a more informed, engaged, and equitable society. Through its efforts, Next Gen Advocates contributes to the ongoing development of Kosovo's democratic institutions and civil society, making a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and the health of the political system as a whole.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Well, to contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation's network in my country, I would start by researching their ongoing projects and initiatives that resonate with Next Gen Advocates' mission. Once I've identified relevant projects, I'd reach out to the Anna Lindh Foundation or its local representatives to express our organization's interest in collaborating and contributing to their network. I'd emphasize how our work at Next Gen Advocates aligns with their goals, especially in areas like community engagement, youth empowerment, and human rights. Attending their events, workshops, and conferences would be a great way to establish connections with like-minded organizations and individuals. I'd also offer to share our resources, such as educational materials, training programs, or legal expertise, that could benefit the Anna Lindh Foundation's network. Joining any working groups or committees that focus on our areas of interest would be a priority, as it would allow us to actively contribute our insights and perspectives. Moreover, I'd explore opportunities for joint projects or initiatives with the Anna Lindh Foundation to amplify our impact in promoting intercultural dialogue, human rights, and democracy in our country. Attending their capacity-building workshops would help us enhance our organization's capabilities and skills. Promoting cultural exchange programs, dialogue initiatives, and youth engagement activities aligning with their mission is something I'd be proactive about. By advocating for shared values related to democracy, human rights, and intercultural dialogue, both independently and in collaboration with the Anna Lindh Foundation, we can collectively make a difference. Sharing our success stories with their network would serve as inspiration and motivation for others working in similar fields. Collaborating and actively engaging with the Anna Lindh Foundation's network is essential to fostering a stronger and more inclusive society in our country and beyond.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organization's mission aligns closely with the goals and values upheld by the ALF Network, particularly in the areas of intercultural dialogue, human rights, and democracy promotion. At Next Gen Advocates, our commitment to raising awareness about important political and legal issues, providing legal aid and representation to marginalized communities, and empowering youth to actively participate in the democratic process mirrors the objectives of the ALF Network. We firmly believe that collaboration with like-minded organizations is crucial to creating a more inclusive and equitable society. Here are some specific reasons why we are eager to become part of the ALF Network: Shared Values: We are deeply aligned with the values and principles upheld by the ALF Network, which prioritize dialogue, diversity, and human rights. Collaborative Opportunities: We recognize the potential for impactful collaboration within the ALF Network. Partnering with other organizations that share our vision can amplify our efforts and create a more significant impact. Access to Resources: We are excited about the possibility of gaining access to resources, training programs, and expertise that can enhance our organization's capabilities in areas such as cultural exchange and conflict resolution. Amplified Impact: By becoming part of the ALF Network, we aim to contribute to broader initiatives that promote social cohesion and understanding, both locally and on a global scale. Knowledge Exchange: We value the opportunity to learn from others in the network and share our own experiences and best practices in the fields of human rights, youth empowerment, and community engagement. Advocacy and Awareness: Joining the ALF Network will enable us to strengthen our advocacy efforts and raise awareness about critical issues related to democracy, human rights, and intercultural dialogue. We are eager to explore how our organization can actively participate in the ALF Network's initiatives, collaborate on projects, and contribute to the network's overall mission. We look forward to the possibility of working closely with the ALF Network and leveraging our collective efforts to create a more inclusive and tolerant society. Thank you for considering our expression of interest. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss further details and explore potential avenues for collaboration.

Contact (1) Full Name
lorenca bejko
Job Title
Excecutive director
Head of the organisation
Lorenca Bejko Executive director

No Hate Generation Campaign


On February 28, at 18:00, Plazza Hotel, the Albanian Network member, EDYN, will present the campaign #NoHateGeneration. This presentation is with the support of the Anna Lindh Foundation

Join us to learn more about the campaign and discuss together the challenges of women and girls in society and the fight against violence and hate.

#NoHateGeneration is a campaign initiated by EDYN with the support of NATO, to combat hate speech against women and girls. EDYN members from Albania, Georgia, Moldova, Northern Macedonia, and Slovakia joined.

Links to the campaign: 


National Network

Podravska 21 a

+381 64 184 72 50
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
NGO PARAFIN is an organisation of volunteers who are who are trying to bring some diversity in cultural life of their surrounding through their efforts and creativeness. For now on, we were able to make productions of non-commercial culture thanks to creative energy of artists, friends and families based on good will and support.
Mission and Objectives

• bringing quality new art to audience in our surrounding
• give a chance to artists of different geographies to face each other and exchange their unique experiences and knowledge
• establishing international cultural exchanges
• creating an open space for new cultural experiences
• contribute to tolerance and understanding
• presenting quality art to people in our environment
• presenting that international teamwork is possible and creative

Main Projects / Activities

Promoting and creating non-commercial electronic music, promoting and creating non-commercial art and architecture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natasa Jovanovic
Head of the organisation
Belgrade, Serbia
Contact (2) Full Name
Nikola Cakic

Observatorio Mediterraneo de la Comunicación (OMEC)

National Network

Edificio I. Despacho /I 0026. Campus UAB, Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
Cerdanyola del Vallés

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
La construction méditerranéenne comme un espace de découverte et échange entre les différents peuples qui la conforment est une de priorités européennes et avec une importante contribution catalane depuis toutes les classes. D’autre coté la communication pour le développement humain et la responsabilité sociales des moyens dans la gouvernabilité démocratique aux pays en développement est un sujet émergent de l’agenda international. L’OMEC, est un réseau interdisciplinaire de personnes et des institutions de deux rives de la Méditerranée, que travaillent au secteur de la communication et les TIC, comme cadre de référence pour des actions de coopération internationales dirigées à fomenter le dialogue, le développement humain et l’exercice des droits humains à leurs domaines d’action.
Mission and Objectives

Favoriser la création de réseaux entre les différents acteurs qui conforment l’ecosystème communicatif méditerranéen (journalistes, moyens de communications, industrie informative, universités, organisations professionnelles).
Renforcer les activités de recherche transdisciplinaire, pour l’incorporation des droits à l’information, à la communications et au cyberespace, dans les universités, centre de recherche et les programmes et projets de coopération internationale au développement.
Augmenter la capacité des universités et centre de captage d’offrir des programmes spécialisés en communication pour le développement et le changement social.
Tomber sur les générateurs d’opinion, avec l’objectif de situer la communication au développement à l’agenda publique.

Main Projects / Activities

Centre de ressources virtuel (Web OMEC)
Concours : Promotion de la Communication pour le développement, entre les générateurs d’opinion publique.
Séminaire International : Communication pour le développement et droits humains

Contact (1) Full Name
Teresa Velazquez
Head of the organisation
Teresa Velazquez
Contact (2) Full Name
Olga del Rio

Online Networking sessions between members from the North and the South of Mediterranean


Online Networking Sessions between Albania-Luxembourg-Lebanon-Morocco and Denmark, gathered around 50 network members from all the countries to discuss about the joint challenges they face and to generate ideas for cooperation in addressing those challenges.

The online networking sessions that took place on December 18th and December 20th, were organized by Albanian Media Institute (HoN in Albania), in partnership with Our Common Future (HoN Luxembourg), Agir ensemble (HoN Morocco) and Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO (HoN Lebanon).

The purpose of these online networking sessions was to build bridges for cooperation between ALF network members from the North and the South of Mediterranean.

The networking sessions revealed that the challenges that the members face in all the countries are more similar than different, and that is the first step to having synergies and joint actions between them.

Main thematic areas that were identified from both sessions were related to youth engagement and participation, gender equality/gender based violence, diversity and human rights, polarization and hate speech, as well as Media and Information Literacy.

Following the sessions, the Head of the Network in Albania will launch a call for proposals for the participating members to apply and address some of the common challenges identified.

Online training course on the topic of Intercultural Dialogue!

People in a zoom meeting

An online training course on Intercultural Dialogue was held during August as part of the "Virtual Opportunities for All!" initiative.

Club for youth empowerment 018 (KOM 018) from Serbia implements “Virtual Opportunities for All” project in cooperation with Beyond Borders from Italy, Red Cross Novo Sarajevo from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Youth Center “Perspektiva” from Albania, member of the ALF Albanian Network.

The project aims to provide more opportunities for young people to learn and network amongst each other in virtual spaces. The project is based on concrete strategic and policy plans of EU to support new and innovative ways for improvement of digital competences of young people, creation of virtual and safe spaces for youth participation and promotion of positive European and democratic values among youth in WB region and EU, as well as development of concrete tools and methodologies for post COVID-19 recovery in youth sector.

The "Virtual Opportunities for All!" Project is implemented in the period in the period 01.07.2023 – 30.06.2026 in Serbia, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania and is co-financed by the European Union within Virtual exchanges with Western Balkan of Erasmus + program.


For more information on this project, click on the links below:

Online Youth Debate: “Content creators just satisfy what the audience demands: both sexist language and images".


Women’s image and role played in media settings are heavily swayed by existing social and cultural norms entangling gender stereotypes. The stereotyped image of women manifested by sexist and misogynic language and amplified by media outlets is certainly hindering the progress made to attain gender equality.

“Mind the language” a project that brings together youth from Albania, Spain and Tunisia and offers them the opportunity to map the situation in their country regarding the usage of sexist and misogynistic language in media, exchange insights on their realities and to foster counter and alternative narratives.

The project is awarded within the frame of the Intercultural Cities Programme funded by the Anna Lindh Foundation, led by Albanian Media Institute (The Head of Network) and our partners WeYouth Organization and AIFED.

The first activity of the project is an Online Youth Debate with the participation of young people from Spain, Tunisia and Albania and other countries of the Euro-Med region.

The debate will take place in ZOOM on 10th November 2021, at 18:00 CET.

Motion of the debate will be “Content creators just satisfy what the audience demands: both sexist language and images".

Zoom link to connect:

You are welcome to join us!


National Network

Rr.Vaso Pasha .Pall.Nr.11. Shk.2. Ap.5, Tiranë
Rr.Ali Demi. Poligrafik. Shkolla Univers, Tiranë

0355 42 358 621
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00355 66 56 04 475
Mobile Phone (other)
00355 69 45 28 180
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Onlus Spes Albania është një shoqatë jofitimprurëse, filial i Shoqatës jofitimprurëse Onlus Spes, Itali. Kjo shoqatë ka filluar veprimtarinë e saj, konform legjislacionit shqiptar në 15.12. 2015. Gjatë kësaj periudhe është punuar për strukturimin e strategjive, partneriteteve dhe veprimtarive vullnetare.  Bashkëpunimet më të dukshme janë shprehur me shkollën Jopublike Univers e cila ka kotribuar me mbështetjen e fondeve financiare për qeranë, telafonatat, burimet njerëzore dhe bazën materiale.  Aktivitete të tjera shoqata ka zhvilluar ,me PNUD-in në Shqipëri dhe me IRCA Romanipe, etj. Struktura organizative e shoqatës përbëhet nga: Asambleja e Anëtarëve, Këshilli Drejtues, Presidenti , Bordi i Quditit, Bordi i Arbitrazhit.  Momentalisht në bashkëpunim me shkolën Univers po punohet për hartimin e një projekti mbi klubet rinore në shkollat e AML dhe fuqizimin e kapaciteteve mbështetëse në shkollë.

Mission and Objectives

Misioni i shoqatës Onlus Spes është të kontribuojë në zhvillimin e shoqërisë me vlera qytetar, të zhvillojë veprimtari në të mirën dhe interesin publik duke siguruar shërbime sociale në interes të jetës dhe të drejtave të njeriut, mbrojtjen e mjedisit, vlerave kulturore, zhvillimit të arsimit, mbrojtjes së shëndetit dhe angazhimit qytetar.

Main Projects / Activities

18.mars2017 Bashkëpunim me shoqatën Fundjavë Ndryshe. Vullnetarizëm për familjet në nevojë 13.shtator 2017 Takim. Tryezë mbi ndarjen e rezultateve të raportit midis shkollave QK

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ide për projekte. Bashkëpunim për projekte të përbashkëta Mbështetje për mundësimin e implementimeve të suksesshme në terren. Sigurimin e përfshirjes së grupeve të interesit në aktivitete. Infrastrukturë për trajnime dhe tryeza të përbashkëta 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Mbështetje për lehtësimin e realizimit të aktiviteteve të përbashkëta. Lobim për projekte ambicioze. Shkëmbim përvojash midis partnerëve dhe interaktivitete midis organizatave në këtë rrjet  ALFA Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Arben Sina
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Arben Sina
Contact (2) Full Name
Nezmira Polovina
Job Title (2)