
Young Vision Association

National Network

Resatbey Mah. Fuzuli Cad. Galleria İş Merkezi No:140/186 Seyhan

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Young Vision Association is established in 2008 as a secular, non-profit organization, not linked to any political party. All projects and activities are based on voluntarily work of its members. Budgetary Resources: *Member contrubitons *Project Grants *Courses *Fund Raising Activities *Sponsors Activities: Action Days -at the same time, all over Europe European Youth Forum Network (we are member organization of EYF) carry out various activities, which deal with one topic and together provide a great and complex composition of results. Here are the action days in which we took part as a joint-organisaztion: Socrates Action Day, European Day of Languages, Dance Action Day Case Study Trips -research trips aiming to increase the knowledge on a specific topic- Caucasian III study trip year 2008(Baku) Projects – Our actual project is called "Intercultural Dialogue Between East&West" which insists of various conferences, seminars and smaller projects on local and European level...
Mission and Objectives

Young Vision Association Aims:
to strive for creating an open and tolerant society of today and tomorrow
to foster democracy, human rights, tolerance, cross-boarder co-operation, mobility and European dimension in education
Fields of action:
Cultural Exchange
Active Citizenship
Peace & Stability
Environment/Sustainable development
Youth & Higher Education

Main Projects / Activities

-Intercultural Exchanges
-Yearplan Projects (Conferences, publications, actions on the yearly themes.)
-Action Days
-Case Study Trips
-Trainings: We offer to our members a professional Internal Education System. Trainings are based on a balanced combination between theory and practice in the formula of lectures followed by casework. Trainings helps members to develop their personal skills and complement education with lifetime experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Contact (2) Full Name

Youth Access Association

National Network

Bahçelievler Mah. Işıkyonder Cad. Hızır Yazıcı Apt. No:16 D:3 Site

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Our association works with young people, creates learning platform and ideal places to improve young people's ability to understand each other both locally and internationally and give them a space for their personal development. We have 150 member and 7 full time staff, also we work with different kind of NGO both in Local and International Project. Until this time, we worked with 30 foreign NGO (sending/ hosting project) and 15 Local NGO( Municipalities, non-governmental NGO's). We got funding from different kind of sources such as National Agency, Municipality of Youth and Sports, Developmental Agency of Turkey, the total costs of project is changing project by project, started from 25.00 Euros to 250.00 euros. Our main partners are, Turkish National Agency, West-Anatolia Developmental Agency, Ministery of Youth and Sport, European Youth Society Association, Eurodesk.
Mission and Objectives

The Association contributes to the personal development of young people by encouraging them to participate in social responsibility projects as volunteers. In doing so, it increases young people’s community involvement on a voluntary basis.

Main Projects / Activities

-Trains trainers who implement peer to peer trainings on subjects such as volunteerism, project management, human rights, social rights, reproductive health, health literacy and organizational management.
-Empower children and young people to develop their creativity and innovative.
-Facilitate self-determined and self organised ways of living for children and young people with special consideration for the socially disadvantaged.
-Promote in the democratic participation of young people in the decision making process
-Encourage young people to get involved in activities of the civil society and promote in building a tolerant, democratic and non-violent society.
-Offers face to face support to university student clubs according to their needs.
-Creates a learning environment that increases youth mobility, which in turn supports learning from other young people and youth organizations.
-Supports young people’s ideas on social problems specific to their projects and helps them find financing for these projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute this network to share our previous experiences, training materials, researches documents about young people, assist to prepare international or national programme in Turkey etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF network because of improving our ability to work with NGOs' who are the part of ALF network, our new strategy is to create international/intercultural project in EuroMed area.It will be great opportunity for us to join this network in order to create new partnership, learning from each other, easily get contact with these NGo's, to see best practices in these areas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Egemen Semih Sönmez
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Özkan Topaloğlu

Youth Agenda

National Network

Barbaros Bulvari

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Youth-Agenda Association has been established in 2008 in order to solve youth problems in Turkey in societal level and to enable young people to be heard. The main reason behind its establishment as a youth NGO is the lack of a sound and specific youth policy in Turkey in state level. Young people suffer from this lack of interest from governmental standpoint. There is no a legal definition of “Youth” in Turkey, whereas in European Union youth is defined as people between 13-30 years old. Furthermore, in Turkish constitution there is only 1 law concerning “youth”, which does not include a clear definition. In that law, youth is demonstrated as a fragile and risky group within the society who needs to be protected, especially from drug use and it is mentioned in that law that state has to ensure extracurricular activities for them, such as sport. Moreover, the sole institution in Turkey responsible of Youth is “Youth and Sport General Directorate” which simply cares for support part of its mission and does not incline so much on youth issues. In addition, Democratic participation and active citizenship mechanisms for youngsters in Turkey are insufficient and inefficient and civil society consciousness is low among young people due to lack of an organized youth information system in Turkey. Youth Agenda Association writes EU Grant projects to CFCU and Turkish National Agency, as well as it establishes partnerships with EU countries on project base. For instance, it has established a partnership with a Polish organization on an EU Action 1.1 Youth Exchange Project, entitled as “Food as a common ground a universal experience”. After conducting the necessary procedures to become a partner in the Project,  a group of 6 people from Youth Agenda Association got involved in the Project implementation in Poland for one week. Also, they have participated in YIA Project "East Meets West - For Future to Europe" which took place in Georgia in March 2010. Again, they wrote a project called  ‘’ Against  Racism and Prejudices ONE MİNUTE !’’ to apply for Europe Youth in Action Programme with partnerships of Greece, Bulgaria, Israel, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Lastly, the association is now working on a project entitled as “Triple Culture Camps”, which aims to organize 3 culture camps with the participation of young people from all over Europe in three mystique and historical cities of Turkey, Mardin, Trabzon and Bursa. Main objective of this project is to decrease xenophobia both in Turkey and in other participant countries and increase sense of tolerance among them. When we look at its management structure, major decision making organs are General Assembly and the board. There are 12 young people on the board with different responsibilities. Youth-Agenda has about 55 volunteer members, who are basically students or former students. In Youth-Agenda Association, there is not a formal mechanism between the executive members and other members. Thus, it is not difficult for a member to express his/her own ideas about every topic held within the organization, from management structure to ongoing projects. The visibility of every member is one of the democratic structures in place in that organization. Secondly, every member is empowered in the projects run by the organization, there is not a central group imposing what to do on other members. Contribution of every member is possible within a broad framework. The management structure of Youth-Agenda organization is namely decentralized, as although its headquarter is in Istanbul, association members from other places work voluntarily outside the headquarter. This aspect has some positive and negative effects on its democratic structure. Strong points of this approach are firstly that it is able to mobilize  its members by ensuring interior democratic participation. Executives can reach other members and their support through technological means and also, without directly being present in executive members’ meeting, members can reach them. Also, every member voluntarily takes the responsibility of a task based on interest areas and locational closeness to the subject held, and during these tasks they are self-managed without being subject to a hierarchical imposition. This empowerment and power sharing promotes the democratic management.
Mission and Objectives

Youth Agenda Association is sensible towards these problems and its main mission is to provide an effective youth service to compensate this lack of interest in state level and to empower these young people through promoting democratic citizenship to be active in civil society.
The main objectives of Youth Agenda Association are running workshops in social, cultural, political, educational and sportive fields; contributing to improve and strengthen collective activities of civil society and cooperating with the individuals and legal persons working in these fields; providing an active support for the improvement of youth politics; pioneering for the protection and the development of constitutional democratic rights of youth; providing a vision for cooperation and solidarity among youth; equipping the youth with unlimited resources and assistance in order to create progressive and modern masses who would conceive the ‘reality’ in national and global levels.

Main Projects / Activities

 Main activities of the association are Conducting research and working together with other institutions and foundations for the purpose of protecting the democratic rights of youth without any discrimination on the basis of language, race, religion, sex, working and cooperating with international youth organizations and foundations in order to strengthen the bonds and relations outside of the country through the methods of youth exchange, youth enterprise and inter-cultural dialogue, contributing to prepare adequate ground for more active youth and women in political platform, being included in international activities through membership to external and international organizations and partnership on the basis of projects and association, working for preserving and extending democratic rights and freedoms of youth and taking place in joint projects with other organizations for the issues and problems existing in youth agenda.
Youth Agenda, as an association working mainly on EU projects, has selected its main target group as young people in local, national and international level, between 18-30 years old, similar to the definition of European Union.
Specific projects that Youth-Agenda Association has been working on are various. First of them is “Facestaj” project, which is awarded in World Bank “Creative Development Ideas Competition” among 791 competing projects and is funded by World Bank. This project aims to solve the unemployment problems of Turkish youth. Through this project, it is established a network where unemployed young people are given necessary personal development trainings and are provided employment opportunities. www.facestaj.com website has been established in the scope of this project and through this website, university and vocational high school students can find convenient internship positions as well as they can open their own groups to discuss relevant topics.
Moreover, one of the biggest problems of Turkish youth is not to speak English in an advanced level. Thus, Youth Agenda Association has organized and International English Speaking Camp in Turkey in August 2009 ( Antalya ), February 2010 (  İstanbul ) ,June 2010 ( Kuşadası ) , September 2010 ( Bodrum ).With the participation of foreign trainers and participants, Turkish youngsters find the opportunity to practice English.Main activities of the association are Conducting research and working together with other institutions and foundations for the purpose of protecting the democratic rights of youth without any discrimination on the basis of language, race, religion, sex, working and cooperating with international youth organizations and foundations in order to strengthen the bonds and relations outside of the country through the methods of youth exchange, youth enterprise and inter-cultural dialogue, contributing to prepare adequate ground for more active youth and women in political platform, being included in international activities through membership to external and international organizations and partnership on the basis of projects and association, working for preserving and extending democratic rights and freedoms of youth and taking place in joint projects with other organizations for the issues and problems existing in youth agenda.
Youth Agenda, as an association working mainly on EU projects, has selected its main target group as young people in local, national and international level, between 18-30 years old, similar to the definition of European Union.
Specific projects that Youth-Agenda Association has been working on are various. First of them is “Facestaj” project, which is awarded in World Bank “Creative Development Ideas Competition” among 791 competing projects and is funded by World Bank. This project aims to solve the unemployment problems of Turkish youth. Through this project, it is established a network where unemployed young people are given necessary personal development trainings and are provided employment opportunities. www.facestaj.com website has been established in the scope of this project and through this website, university and vocational high school students can find convenient internship positions as well as they can open their own groups to discuss relevant topics.
Moreover, one of the biggest problems of Turkish youth is not to speak English in an advanced level. Thus, Youth Agenda Association has organized and International English Speaking Camp in Turkey in August 2009 ( Antalya ), February 2010 (  İstanbul ) ,June 2010 ( Kuşadası ) , September 2010 ( Bodrum ).With the participation of foreign trainers and participants, Turkish youngsters find the opportunity to practice English.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can participate in training, projects and different activities with dissemination of activities and share exprience

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To have better networking, more opportunities for fund, to share and exchange experience with others and to promote our NGO activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sima Baktas
Job Title
Head of the organisation
sima Baktas

Youth Inclusion Association

National Network

Barbaros Hayrettin Pasa Mh. 1993 Sk. No:35A/165 Esenyurt
34515 Istanbul/

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Younclusion is an new association which is established by an informal group of young people. The ex-name of the team was COM Youth CLUB and now will organize new projects under the name of Younclusion. Our volunteers and staffs want to realize their passions, pick up new challenges and search for any occasions to prove their skills. Thus, we took an initiative to establish the Younclusion! Younclusion is non-profit, non-governmental organization with aim to improve the situation of young people, women and marginal groups of the society in all areas of social life. This is achieved by promotion of gender equality, democracy, human rights, social development, volunteerism, integration (LGBT, Migrations, Minorities, Disabled People etc.) mostly through art&culture projects.
Mission and Objectives

Our Themes are;
- Social problems ( migration, integration, fighting against violence community, active participation)
- Culture ( respect for diversity, peaceful co-existence)
- Political Issues (democracy, human rights, freedom etc.)
- Art (theatre, music, photography, dancing, handicraft etc.)
Therefore, we have quite enough experience in a high variety of topics.
Main objectives are:
- To encourage our target group to take part in our projects and events,
- To contribute community development by planning local and national events,
- To foster cooperation in international level for mobility in the youth field,
- To support any kind of initiatives from our target group for improving of personal and professional skills,

Main Projects / Activities

Activities that our team has conducted till now
- Encouraging young people in the development of creativity and innovation
- Facilitating self-determined way of life for young people with fewer opportunities
- Promoting democratic participation of young people in the decision making process
- Encouraging young people to participate in the activities of civil society and encouraging the construction of a tolerant, democratic and non-violent society
- Creating a learning environment that increases the mobility of young people and supports learning from other young people and youth organizations.
Our team organizes and has experience at local, national and international level.
1) Personal Development & Leadership: We are providing and creating opportunities for Conferences, Seminars, Workshops and Trainings for young people in our local communities. We want to support future leaders and change makers from now and give opportunities to our target group to become one of them.
2) International cooperation and Networking: Trainings, support and promotion, along with other national or international organizations and associations, mobility projects, internships, European integration and international relations, cooperation in European level.
3) European projects: As an organization we are working on different types of projects funded by European Union. Mostly, we have experience on KA1 (Learning Mobility of Individuals). We are providing opportunities for individuals to improve their soft skills and competences, enhance their employability, leadership and gain cultural awareness. Under the Youth in Action programme
framework, we made or participate more than 20 youth exchanges and trainings with our team.
Some of our previous projects;
- YE Ecologival Reverse (Krusevo, Macedonia)
- TC EVS What you get is what you give (Vlore, Albania)
- TC Motivated-Activited - Fit for the Future! (Kljuc, BiH)
- YE RurALL (Craiova, Romania)
- TC Movie ( Bucharest, Romania)
- YE Rural Reaction ( Kemes, Hungary)
- YE Dialogue in Art Village (Antalya, Turkey)
- PBA FEDI Network (Cognac, France)
- TC SHELTER-Sharing and Learning Culture (Tsahgazor, Armenia)
- TC We Can Change ( Antalya, Turkey)
- TC Sustainability, Odrzlivost and Youth in Europe (Ponikva, Macedonia)
- YE Re-creating Europe: Creativity is fighting racism and xenophobia! (Prijedor, BiH)
-TC Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation (Baku, Azerbaijan)
- TC Heart Puzzle (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- YE You(th) and Water(land) (Dojran, Macedonia)
- YE EU is your Right ( Caltanisetta, Italy)
- YE Fashioned 4 Equilibrium: Empower Women for Future (Krusevo, Macedonia)
- YE Our Vision (Kobuleti, Georgia)
- TC Be Healthy, Feel Wealthy (Indjija, Serbia)
- YE Keep Europe Clean – GO GREEN! (Sajan, Serbia)
- TC LETS ACT: Culture of Peace and Social Entrepreneurship in EUROMED(Caltanisetta,Italy)
Besides international projects, we are organizing local events, info-meetings, courses etc. The main purposes of such events are making awareness among youngsters, encouraging them to be more active citizens and make use of opportunities which European and Turkish organizations offer for them.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organization is new establishment, but we have experience as informal group since 2011. Thanks to our experience, we have many international partners and we are planning to organize more further projects. 
First of all, we will include Anna Lindh Foundation name into our applications in order to make dissemination. Put the logo into our webpage and other visual materials.
Besides, we will collobrate with other organizations who is under ALF Network and organize national and transnational projects together.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network is well-known network and has many experienced and professional members. We would like to be part of such family where we can learn more from others in order to develop our organization and at the same time, to share our experience and knowledge. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Neslihan Cecen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Neslihan Cecen
Contact (2) Full Name
Gamze Nur Cecen
Job Title (2)
General Secretary

Youth Re-autonomy Foundation of Turkey

National Network

Rihtim Cad. Yogurtcu Sukru Sok. No: 19 Kadıkoy 34714

+ 90 216 449 39 99
Telephone (other)
+90 216 414 90 78
+90 216 414 90 78
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
We have a director, a deputy director, a coordinator, and four project coordinators. Our total budget of 2011 is 190.000 Turkish Liras.We also conduct projects by getting financial support from the European Union and other fund programs such as Sabancı Foundation, Accenture, Worldbank, etc... We also have different informative activities on child rights and we work in prisons with the help of ministry of justice. We have different projects and seminars and also give scholarships to disadvantaged children. We have two main partners; Dogus University and Solidarity of Friends Association.
Mission and Objectives

We work with the objective of rehabilitating children and juveniles (between the ages of 12 and 18), who are in conflict with law and whose psycho-social development is at risk.
Youth Re-autonomy Foundation of Turkey, which has been conducting numerous actions for the aim of the reintegration of the delinquent juveniles who are at risk, works also with the disadvantaged children’s families for social support. In this context, the main purpose is to prevent juvenile delinquency by providing occupational training for the youth at risk.

Main Projects / Activities

1)Youth Education Centre-Social support for children who are at risk
2)Innocent Inmates: “Social and Psychological Support for mothers who are stayed in their children in the Prison
3)post-release program
4)Social Support for children who are in the prison

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have been doing different informative activities on child rights and policies, we create awareness in the society and we inform university students by sending e-mail.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join for communication between organisations and also big opportunity have a network for us.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nevin Ozgun
Head of the organisation
Guney Hastemoglu
Contact (2) Full Name
Zeynep Esmez

Yuva Association

National Network

Koşuyolu mah Ismailpasa sok No:9
34718 İstanbul/

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Yuva is a non governmental organization which has its head quarter in Istanbul and two community centers providing services for both Syrian Refugees and Turkish people in Gaziantep and Hatay.  Number of staff employed: 50  Partners and sources of funding: International Medical Corps (IMC), Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Federal Foreign Office (AA), Open Society Institute, Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe, Inmedio, European Association for Adult Education (EAEA), GIZ, Support to Life Association, Community Volunteers Foundation, Open Coalition, Turkish Ministry for Urbanisation and Environment 6. Regional Directorate, Clean Air Platform Budget for 2014: 1.849,053 TL (2014)  Modalities of Action: YUVA has two main programs, Earth Citizenship Program and Syrian Refugees Program.  In the scope of Earth Citizenship Program, there are 3 projects running. Ecological Literacy Project, Ecoraise Project and Future Without Coal Project  In the scope of Syrian Refugees Program, there are 2 Community Centers that are providing vocational courses and lanuage courses in Gaziantep and Hatay.  
Mission and Objectives

Yuva's mission is:
Micro level
YUVA takes measures for sustainable life styles, poverty reduction and democratization through adult learning and promotes participatory teaching methods. For poverty reduction measures our focus is on least developed regions and disadvantaged groups.
Meso level
YUVA aims to strengthen environmental, human rights and civic, intercultural and political education.
-  YUVA runs capacity building activities of adult learning institutions in order to increase the participation of the people in Turkey in non formal adult education activities. YUVA strengthens adult learning institutions in responding appropriately to the needs of their target groups and in becoming vibrant hubs for education in their communities.
-  Good practice is being promoted through facilitating local, national, regional and international cooperation in the field of adult learning.
Macro level:
In order to create a supportive environment for learners, facilitators and providers of adult learning, YUVA consults decision makers and other organizations in creating policies.
-  YUVA holds public debates and events to help put the following themes on the agenda of decision makers and practitioners:
Being aware of the relation between human and all  beings,
Being active in the society in order to defense equality, justice and solidarity
Being peaceful and inclusive
Valuing diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

YUVA has two main programs, Earth Citizenship Program and Syrian Refugees Program.
The Earth Citizenship Program that we are implementing at Yuva Association is a program that encourages people to be responsible for the things happening around them or in the world and act for them, our commons. It aims to widen our point of view and to perceive the earth, the place we belong as our home and to have responsible lives. The program is consist of education projects for youth and adults that aims to meet all the needs to have this kind of approach to life as an individual and as a public/society. 
There are 3 projects running in this program:
1- Naturally Young Ecological Literacy Project
2- Ecoraise Project 
3- Future Without Coal Project 
The main objective of Syrian Refugees Support Program conducted since April 2013 is to empower Syrian community and the local people through non-formal adult education, to develop and implement psychosocial support program especially for Syrians’ emotional and cognitive well-being, to improve and strengthen professional skills through vocational trainings and income generating activities, and to increase the dialogue and solidarity between Syrian refugees and the local people through social activities.
In the framework of Syrian Refugees Program, YUVA has established two Community Centers in Kırıkhan and Nizip. Yuva Community Centers provide community protection and support activities including case management, awareness raising sessions, social counseling, legal aid, community mobilization; language courses; computer trainings; skills development courses; vocational trainings and social activities aiming at belonging to society they live.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since 2010, YUVA has an intensive experience on working with different target groups on education activities such as adult, youth, intercultural and international groups. 
Yuva has been implementing the first and only ecological literacy training program for youth in Turkey  since 2013.
On the other hand, since the Syrian crisis started, many Syrians in Turkey enter in a period to establish their lives in Turkey. Income generating and livelihood activities gains importance. In this period, the service of YUVA's Community Centers providing language and vocational training is invaluable.
YUVA is open to share its all experience and sources (educational programs and publications) in order to contribute to the ALF network in Turkey. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since YUVA has been developing education programmes for different target groups, it would be an invaluable opportunity for YUVA to benefit from the experience of ALF itself and its network such as participating in training programs, applying for funds and finding partners for potential cooperations. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Erdem Vardar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Erdem Vardar
Contact (2) Full Name
Özge Sönmez
Job Title (2)
Program Manager

Yuva Associaton

National Network

Kosuyolu mah Ismailpasa sok No:9 Kadikoy
34718 Istanbul/

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
YUVA tackles the issues of ecology, human rights and eradication of poverty simultaneously in order to make a sustainable living possible. In this way it suggests a holistic change to world problems from both nature and human perspectives. And it realizes the change it suggests today, with young people and adults.  Currently, 29 people are working for YUVA. Our partners adn funders are, ➢ DVV International ➢ Community Volunteers Foundation ➢ International Medical Corps (IMC) ➢ Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) ➢ Federal Foreign Office (AA) ➢ Open Society Institute ➢ Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe ➢ Inmedio ➢ Support to Life Association Budget for year 2014: 1.849.053,00 Turkish Lira We run 2 main programs in YUVA.  1- Syrian Refugees Support Program: YUVA has established two Community Centers in Kırıkhan and Nizip, two cities close to border. Yuva Community Centers provide community protection and support activities including case management, awareness raising sessions, social counseling, legal aid, community mobilization; language courses; computer trainings; skills development courses; vocational trainings and social activities aiming at belonging to society they live. 2- Earth Citizenship Program: This program encourages people to be responsible for the things happening around them or in the world and act for them, our commons. It aims to widen our point of view and to perceive the earth, the place we belong as our home and to have responsible lives.  The program is consist of education projects for youth and adults that aims to meet all the needs to have this kind of approach to life as an individual and as a public/society. There are also national and international projects on climate change undergoing this program.      
Mission and Objectives

YUVA takes measures for sustainable life styles, poverty reduction and democratization through adult learning and promotes participatory teaching methods. For poverty reduction measures our focus is on least developed regions and disadvantaged groups.–          YUVA aims to strengthen environmental, human rights and civic, intercultural and political education.
–          YUVA runs capacity building activities of adult learning institutions in order to increase the participation of the people in Turkey in non formal adult education activities. YUVA strengthens adult learning institutions in responding appropriately to the needs of their target groups and in becoming vibrant hubs for education in their communities.
–          Good practice is being promoted through facilitating local, national, regional and international cooperation in the field of adult learning.
In order to create a supportive environment for learners, facilitators and providers of adult learning, YUVA consults decision makers and other organizations in creating policies.
- YUVA holds public debates and events to help put the following themes on the agenda of decision makers and practitioners:
1. Being aware of the relation between human and all  beings,
2. Being active in the society in order to defense equality, justice and solidarity
3. Being peaceful and inclusive
4. Valuing diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

Earth Citizenship Program
Renewable Energy and Energy Sufficiency Training Project: The main aim of this training is to give participants practical informations about how to meet their energy needs with minimal damage to the environment and by doing this reducing the greenhouse gasses which causes climate change.
Representatives of different NGOs, institutions and independent individuals participated in the trainings. The main flow oft he training was composed of energy sufficiency at home and in the office with practical informations, use of renewable energy worldwide and home-office level and presentation ıf the solar energy system of YUVA. The trainings took place in YUVA’s Koşuyolu Training Center where  various applications of renewable energy are found. When demanded, YUVA is still giving this training to other organizations.
Naturally Young Ecological Literacy Project: The main aim of the Project is to strengthen the ecological literacy of young people and support the protection of nature.
The primary target group of the Project is young people and the content of the Project is designed by participatory methods.
The volunteers in the project participate in a 7 days Ecological Literacy Training of Trainers. Then they disseminate these trainings to different youth groups.
Raising Project: RAISING Project: Raising project aims to contribute to nature conservation by promoting active participation and raising awareness of young people on environmental issues.The raising project is designed for two years in partnership with YUVA, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks, Pi Positive Consultancy, Prisma (Gr) and Institute of Biometeorology (IBIMET, It).The project has been implemented in Italy, Turkey and Greece simultaneously and the aim of the project is to develop 5 online mobile games through learning more about protected areas by the young volunteers between the age of 13-18, and their teachers with the support of the environment experts.
Syrian Refugees Support Program
YUVA has established two Community Centers in Kırıkhan and Nizip. Yuva Community Centers provide community protection and support activities including case management, awareness raising sessions, social counseling, legal aid, community mobilization; language courses; computer trainings; skills development courses; vocational trainings and social activities aiming at belonging to society they live. In these Community Centers there are also Child Friendly Spaces where vulnerable Syrian children and yourh have access to safe, participatory and inclusive education and recreational activities. YUVA employs participatory and non-formal education techniques, encourage social participation and tries to reach the most vulnerable groups by these centers.
Target groups are mainly Syrian children, youth, and adults. But our Centers are open to Turkish beneficiaries as well to foster intercultural dialogue and social acceptance of Syrian community by the host community.When looked into the demographics of the beneficiaries who participate in the activities in these centers, it’s seen that they are mostly women. Women composes 73 percent and men composes 27 percent of total actively participated people. Syrians composes 74 percent and Turkish people composes 26 percent of total actively participated people.
Kırıkhan Community Center
Kırıkhan Community Center has been established in May 2013. In the 2014/2015 period, a total of 8347 people have been reached by Kırıkhan Community Center including house visits and recreational activities. 5388 people have actively participated in different kind of activities including trainings and psychosocial support activities.
• 1644 youth and adult participated in the language courses regularly.
• 1158 youth and adults participated in vocational orientation workshops, vocational courses (incl. PC) and courses in key qualifications.
• 256 children from 3 to 6 years have benefited from the pre-school courses offered specifically for them.
• A total of 4788 people participated in the offerings of the Kırıkhan Community Center.
Nizip Comunity Center
YUVA has opened a new Community Center in Nizip at the beginning of March 2015. Since then, almost 1200 people have been reached and 600 people have been actively participated in the activities of Nizip Community Center. In the 2014/2015 period, a total of 1679 people have been reached by Nizip Community Center including house visits and recreational activities.In two months period:
• 188 children (7-14), 49 adolescents (14-18), and 130 adults actively attend to the language courses.
• 39 (adults) Active participants to handcrafts, 20 active participants to nursery assistance, 15 active participants to hair dressing, 21 active participants to sewing, 70 (11 youth, 29 children -30 adults) active participants to ICT courses
• 52 Children benefited from early childhood services. 11 children and 5 youth attended to study support
• 14 individuals were referred to Psychological Support and Mental Health Centres. Nizip Community Centre staff received various trainings on psychological first aid, trauma, self protection, and child protection.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ozge Sonmez
Job Title
Earth Citizenship Program Manager
Head of the organisation
Erdem Vardar
Contact (2) Full Name
Erdem Vardar
Job Title (2)

Zeugma Gençlik ve Spor Külübü Derneği

National Network

Gazi Muhtar Paşa Bulvarı no 39 Şehitkamil
27090 Gaziantep/

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information
Our organization include mostly sportsmen from Gaziantep city in south-eastern Turkey. There are about 200 members of our organization.The avarage age is 27. Till this time as a NGO we are funded mostly from EU's budget. We are active in Youth in Action Projects. As a group we carried 2 youth exchanges in Gaziantep. Their names were ,,Brake the ice with sport'' and ,,ACTION - HAREKET''. We are in contact with many similiar youth group from all over the Europe for example ,,European Intercultural Forum e.V.'' from Germany, ,,Support for Youth Development '' from Romania and ,,Lietuvos jaunimo centras''.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to
-) encourage young people to fight for their rights
-) take an active part in life of local community
-) encourage young people to practise various kind of sport
-) promote European values such as tolerance, equality and respect

Main Projects / Activities

youth exchanges, training courses, seminars

Contact (1) Full Name
Figen Kanışlı
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mehmet Bilginç

ألبسلان أوزردام

ألبسلان أوزردام عميد مدرسة جيمي وروزالين كارتر للسلام وحل النزاعات في جامعة جورج مايسن. الأستاذ أوزردام متخصص في إعادة إدماج المقاتلين السابقين وبناء الدولة في مرحلة ما بعد النزاع. لديه منشورات كثيرة، وقد شارك في كتابة وتحرير Post-war Recovery: Disarmament...