
Lykia Scouting and Nature Sports Club Association (LIDOSK)

National Network

Varlık Mahallesi Hızır Reis Caddesi 179. Sokak No:7/3M.
Esat Oğuz Apt.
07100 Muratpasa/

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Lykia Scouting and Nature Sports Club Association ( LIDOSK) was established as an youth NGO that promotes intercultural learning, understanding, active citizenship, volunteerism, sports for a healthy lifestyle, environmental protection. LİDOSK aims to develop and support the cooperation in the field of youth in Europe. We encourage young people, especially the most disadvantaged and the disabled, to actively participate in public life and to promote their sense of initiative, entrepreneurial spirit and creativity, to contribute towards acceptance of cultural diversity, social cohesion, sustainable development and combat against all forms of discrimination fostering their mobility in Europe.
Mission and Objectives

LIDOSK provides awareness activities for migrants which can encourage and provide support for migrants as they design their own solutions for the issue. The aim of LIDOSK  is to inform young people and youth workers to encourage and reinforce them to design required support activities and mechanisms for refugees and migrants. The main activities are to present deeper information on the basic concepts and existing context related to migration and refugees in Europe.  We want to increase knowledge and awareness of contemporary problems and challenges related to migration, migrants and refugees. In our daily work we equip our members and youth workers with effective tools and methods for trainings and activities on young refugees and migrants so that we can improve our organizations’ capacity to work for/with migrants and refugees.

Main Projects / Activities

- Volunteering
- Erasmus+ Projects
- Sport and local activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

LIDOSK has vast experience on international projects. We have implemented a lot of youth exchanges, training courses, summer camps, etc. We are hosting, sending and coordinating EVS organisation. We want to contribute this network with our local and international experience.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF network because we want to create new projects and activities, trought this network. We believe that, this network will open-up new horizonts to our NGO and widen the networks in Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eva Melinda Meszaros
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Yunus Emre Dağli
Job Title (2)


National Network

Tomtom Mah. İstiklal Cad. No:189/3 Beyoğlu
34433 İstanbul/

+90212225 39 44
+90 212 225 49 41
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
MAKI was established in August 2015 by a group of people who are well-known in the field of research on media and culture. Structure: General Assembly, Administrative Board and Audit Committe are the main bodies of the Association. MAKI has 1 permanent staff, 20 members and too many volunteers.  Sources of funding: Entrance fee, membership fee, funds from various activities and donations are the main sources of MAKI. Applications for project calls:  -Your Voice&Your Choise: A Project for Citizen Journalism (The Embassy of Netherlands) -Alter Cities (Creative Europe)  Project Partners: Bilkent University, Kadir Has University, Association on Technology and Innovation, FATUSCH (Netherlands), RS Su Production, Ankara Bar Association, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey, Association on Visually Imparied.     
Mission and Objectives

Mission of the MAKI is to develop cooperation and dialogue between the cultures of Turkey and other countries.
The objectives of the MAKI are:
- to promote their cultural heritages,
- to improve the cinema art and related activities;
-to increase the awareness for independence of media, media pluralism and accountability of media; to conduct activities for academics, practitioners, policy makers, regulatory bodies, media staff and other relevant partners in media sector  to improve new ideas and policies in this area,
- to study on the harmonization of the media regulations in Turkey and EU,
-to monitor the developments in IP law relating to audio-visual, electronic and printing media, conduct research and generate projects.  

Main Projects / Activities

1. Interview with Gaye Su AKYOL, well-known Turkish musician, cultural envoy in Rotterdam to promote Turkish music culture,
2.“Representation of Disadvantaged Groups in Media” project financed by the EU Activist Programme “Sivil Düşün”

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

MAKI will develop new partnerships to improve mutual understanding between cultures of Turkey and other countries. It will focus on media, public opinion and cultural studies and encourage the civil society working on these issues.  Senior experts under the structure of the association will contribute to develop mutual perceptions among people of different cultures. Key experts/personals at the association are willing to participate and contribute all activities of the Network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

MAKI wants to join ALF Network to develop new partnership with members of ALF that have common aims with our association; to share problems and find solutions against their same challenges; to take an advantage from meetings and info-days under ALF Network; to share its projects/activities on issues of cultural diversity and cultural studies via ALF Network; to participate national and regional debates between media and civil society on intercultural issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Manisa Provincial Directorate of National Education-EU Projects Coordination Unit

National Network

Milli Eğitim Ek Binası
1.Anafartalar Mh.Belediye Cd.
No:19 45020


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Under Youth Programme we aim to reach youth in Manisa through Youth Organizations,Youth in Schools,Youth Groups and young individuals who are not organized under any organizations.To inform these youngsters and youth workers around them about the European Programmes to increase the beneficiary numbers and to guide both youngsters and youth organizations in their studies under the programmes. We are planning Education Seminars both in the city centre and in the 15 districts belong to the Governorship of Manisa.Among our target groups there are Social and Cultural Clubs in Schools,Youth in NGO's,Youth Organizations,Groups and disorganized youngsters. We organize the seminars and announce it to all the related organizations ,then we give the Basic information about projects and if there are interested groups they come to our office and get all kinds of guidance services ie. how to find partners,how to fill in the forms,activity organizations,report writing,budget planning,implementation and dissemination of the activities.
Mission and Objectives

-Coordinate all actions related with European Union projects
-Organize trainings,seminars,workshop under YIA programme
-Being involved in all types of grants supported by European Union
-Act as counsellor and guide for the young people, teachers, trainers, youth leaders, social workers who want to prepare or get involved in European projects.
-Our most important objective is to raise awareness of local communities about European financed opportunities and training programmes to get them participate in those actions.

Main Projects / Activities

We accomplished several types of projects under YIA and LLP programmes .
YIA: Action 4.3 "Edificial Web Design" , Action 3.1 "Improving intercultural dialogue by religious objects" , Action 1.1 "The Shadow Tales Project",
LLP:LDV Partnership Project "Creating a CBT/CBL Trainframe for Practical Use within Training Organizations"
Comenius regio Partnership "Traditions and Innovations in the Vocational education"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Promoting communication and cooperation under European and other foundations funded grants

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To set up new partnerships

Contact (1) Full Name
Müjde E.Toplu
Head of the organisation
Necati Abalı
Contact (2) Full Name
Dilek Toprak Batmaz

Manisa Yuzme Ihtisas, Su Sporlari ve Genclik Spor Kulubu

National Network

1.Anafartalar Mah. Gaziosmanpasa Cad. No: 51/A

E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
MAYIS Club Association was established in March 2006 in order to promote and support activities for youngsters. Our founders of the club have various experiences about sports, art, educational work and youth initiatives. Our activities mainly about: " Promote community work and support organizations and people who work in this area. " To help young people to spend their free time through the practice of sports and cultural events and making them aware of problems of society and motivating them to become active citizens in the society. " To inform organizations and youngsters about European Youth Programme activities and opportunities. " Our club also aims to give youngsters support who are interested in sports, especially swimming. -To make workshops -trainings about underwater culture and scuba-diving, -To make workshops about preschool education topics. Members of our club have different experiences on youth activities. And this helps us to organize different project in various topics ( sport, art, culture, health, environment, NGOs ). Our activities are based on voluntary work and we use mass education system, this method helps youngsters to learn from each other. Activities like folk dances, swimming and other sports activities are organized by our club in our local community and all of them are free of charge. The participant group's age is 12-25 and if requested it is possible to organize classes for the 6-11 age group.
Mission and Objectives

Since the establishment of our club, we have started to work with youngsters in order to give them chance to improve their skills, spend their free time with various activities.Our club makes those activities with quite a lot of people and the main aims of our activities are to help youngsters eliminate prejudices among themselves, know other cultures in Europe and respect different cultures in order to work together by creating mutual understanding not only in scientific work but also in cultural area.
Mobilization of youngsters occurs by informing youngsters about Youth Programme activities and with their participation in international exchanges. Moreover, Mayis club organizes international projects in our local which are really important opportunities for us to show our culture and to know other cultures in Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

Before our Association was established our leaders took part in international and local youth projects. We realized an Action 1 project in 1-8 May 2005 ( “ Immigrants Who are They”) with the participation of youngsters from 7 E countries.(Romania, Estonia, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria and Turkiye)
"Dreams are not Far Away” Action 3 project was realized during October 2005-April 2006 period. With this project like 30 youngsters from Orphan’s home took trainings about English language, theatre, modern dance, tennis and Turkish traditional dance.
Art for Future Action 3 project was realized between March 2006-November 2006. With this project 30 disadvantaged youngsters took ceramics training.
Our association does not work only in EVS field,we also realize different kind of EU Youth Exchange projects.Through the projects in local ,it has been provided to increase and improve the social,cultural and sportive features of the youngsters.Also ,for one of the our youth exchanges in Manisa between 05-11 March 2007,action 1.1 ''Rolling Stone No Moss'',participants have participated from 7 different European countries.(Estonia,Bulgaria,Denmark,Germany,Poland,Slovakia and Turkey).The main purpose of the project was to find out the problems that direct the youngsters to the crime, and to create solution ideas for such of problems. The other project to make the society aware of the underwater cultural heritage that has been reimbursed by the European Commission is “The Heritage In The Eyes Of The Blue Seas”. This project had been realized between 06-11 October,2008 in Bodrum/Turkey with the participants from Egypt, Tunisia, Romania, Poland, Portugal, Israel, Austria, Italy and Turkey.
In addition to this,in scope of action 3.1 youth exchanges,in the project "MEN FROM MARS, WOMEN FROM VENUS" that we have realized in our city between 25th of September - 2nd of October 2009, we have jointly worked on Man-Woman perception.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hayrettin Hayri Tokmakci


National Network

GMK bulvarı No:24/6 Kızılay

0312 2296447
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0530 9549675
Mobile Phone (other)
0533 6581147
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Our organization is settled in Ankara, aiming to unite people from Mardin (a city in southeastern of Turkey).
Mission and Objectives

Mardin has a population of seven different languague and religion. The city is also considered of being an open museum.From centuries of time people in the city lives together as a brother. Their culture is based fromcenturies until Mezopotamium Age.
İn the city mosque voice mixes with churh voice. The people always live friendly. The horses keep racing in the fields of Mardin.Mardin especially has its own culture which has to be known by the world.Our mission is to unite our culture with the rest of the world.

Main Projects / Activities

We had two big projects with EU Turkhish National Agency last year. One of them is about preventing violance against Women. The other is about living together like brother between different religions named we are all brothers. There Armenians, Syrians (christians), Kurdish, Muslims, all christian persuasions, İzedi, Jeweish, peole live in the City. Turkhish, Arabians, Chechns, Circassian live as one. The city also has many temples from all religions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organization has an experience in project about human, children, youth and women rights. We want to share our proffesion and culture with other partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a Non Governal Organization, we want to participate in projects with different cultures, religions and nations. Especially we want to participate and contribute projects in the Mediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Mehmet Sait SÖĞÜT
Contact (2) Full Name
Mehmet Sait SÖĞÜT

marfaa for Publishing and culture

National Network

Nejat Eczacıbaşı Binası Sadi Konuralp Caddesi, Şişhane
Sk. No:5 Kat:2, 34433 Beyoğlu
34430 istunbul /İstanbul

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

We want to take a moment to introduce "Marfaa", the Mediterranean Cultural Forum. We are
a newly established cultural organization, founded in 2023 and based in Istanbul, Turkey. Our
objective is to foster new horizons of cultural exchange and contribute to building bridges
between institutions and individuals working in the field of culture across the countries of the
Eastern Mediterranean.
The cities, ports, and human settlements in the Eastern Mediterranean have been interacting
socially, economically, and culturally with each other and with other regions for over 4000
years. They share many similarities yet display important distinctions from each other. By
looking at the Eastern Mediterranean as a region, our work goes beyond the severing
framework of south/north and refocuses on a region that has deep shared historical, cultural,
and social ties. In recent years, the term "Eastern Mediterranean" has regained attention as a
result of displacement and migration between and from the countries of this region, affecting
various domains such as politics, economy, society, environment, and others.

At Marfaa, we believe in the importance of bridging the gap in cultural, intellectual, and artistic
exchange in the Eastern Mediterranean.
How will we do this?
Together, we seek to enhance networking between cultural institutions in the region,
contribute to the transfer of experiences and expertise, and create spaces for intellectual and
cultural dialogue and exchange, while breaking down language and ideological barriers among
these countries.
We believe in the importance of freedom, tolerance, and dialogue in creating a diverse and
multi-voiced cultural community. We seek to support cultural and artistic production and
provide platforms for artists and actors in this field, as well as to protect the shared heritage of
the region, especially in light of the conflicts, displacement, and climate change that threaten
this heritage.

Mission and Objectives

Together, we seek to enhance networking between cultural institutions in the region,
contribute to the transfer of experiences and expertise, and create spaces for intellectual and
cultural dialogue and exchange, while breaking down language and ideological barriers among
these countries.
We believe in the importance of freedom, tolerance, and dialogue in creating a diverse and
multi-voiced cultural community. We seek to support cultural and artistic production and
provide platforms for artists and actors in this field, as well as to protect the shared heritage of
the region, especially in light of the conflicts, displacement, and climate change that threaten
this heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

Our programs include:
- "Mishkat" program for publishing and translation support, which aims to strengthen the
publishing and translation movement between the languages of Eastern Mediterranean
countries and support creative, critical, and research writings.
- "Manara" program for climate change and migration films, which aims to organize film
festivals to showcase independent films focusing on topics such as human rights, public
freedoms, migration and homeland, gender and feminism, heritage, and climate change.
- "Marsat" program for common musical heritage, which aims to organize musical events and
promote independent and alternative musical works and genres in the regiosn.

We look forward to open the door to productive cooperation to strengthen and enable cultural
exchange between the countries of our region. Thank you for your time and attention and for
all that you contribute to the regional cultural scene.

Contact (1) Full Name
hani altelfah
Job Title
Director general
Head of the organisation
hani altelfah
Contact (2) Full Name
ayman sharoof
Job Title (2)
co-funder - Content manager


National Network

Barbaros Bulvarı İBA Blokları No:42 Balmumcu-İSTANBUL
34349 Beşiktaş/

+90 212 213 05 56
+ 90 212 213 05 59
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
As a peace and dialogue initiative, Marmara Group Foundation continues its efforts since 1985. Marmara Group Foundation as a possessor of civil thought philosophy is a force that strives to produce common solutions to common problems through creating campaigns to pressure decision making organs. Accordingly it is one of the new geopolitical actors of globalization. Furthermore, it is an institution that is widely recognized by the international civil initiative realm and it is an important part of the international relations system and the today's geopolitical structure This evaluation might be a little exaggeration but the fact that civil society organizations are amongst the important geopolitical actors in today's world is beyond doubt. With a broader assessment Marmara Group Foundation regards participation as an important intellectual area of social transformation. We believe participation is the main principle of globalization and democracy. As Marmara Group Foundation we also believe that global thinking creates an intellectual sphere within the values of civil society. Therefore, the existence of civil society, combined with globalization has now become one of the tools of sustainable democracy and economic development and hence the progress.
Mission and Objectives

The Mission of Marmara Group Strategic and Social Research Foundation is: To think about and discuss Turkey’s problems such as economy, democracy and security and to share ideas with public opinion by finding rational and scientific solutions.
In this direction, Marmara Group Foundation conducts researches and implements projects with Middle East, Balkans, Eurasian Countries, national and international think-tanks.
To promote economic and democratic development of Turkey in the direction of contemporary values in the world.
To analyze effects of transformations and developments seen in the areas of science, technology, economy, democracy and their reflections on our social and political life.
To support Turkey EU membership and promote the relevant transformations and gender equality within the framework of EU criteria.
To support the transition from traditional to modernity in order to enable society and individual to be a part of democracy in our country.

Main Projects / Activities

Eurasian Economic Summits are annually organized with the active participation of national and international decision makers and experts in the fields of economy, politics, energy, sociology and security. The purpose of these Summits are to bring our country's businessmen, politicians and academics together and help them to cooperate in the fields of economy, democracy and security. 

Marmara Group Foundation attaches great importance and supports Turkey's EU membership and accordingly watches and evaluates the change in our country with regards to the EU criteria. It implements joint effort with other pro EU NGOs. Implements campaigns in order to establish European values within the thought system of the society. Again within the same framework, it implements projects that promote gender equality and human rights.

We continue to proceed studies related to inter cultural and religion both national and international level for 20 years via conferences, seminars, panels.

As Marmara Group Foundation for almost 6 years we continue studies on One Belt- One Road Project with national and international meetings.

We attach great importance to gender equality and make studies for it.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a civil society inititative, Marmara Group Foundation contribute to the promotion of Turkey on abroad. Especially with the studies about peace and dialogue Marmara Group Foundation named as "the bright face of Turkey".

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

If we can find opportunity, we wish to cooperate and make common works together for peace and dialogue. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Lamiya Valiyeva
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Akkan Suver

Martı Gençlik Derneği

National Network

Ayanoğlu Mahallesi, General Hulusi Sayın Caddesi, 36/A
07070 Antalya/Antalya

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

MAGEND is one of the newest youth associations in the world (founded on the 1st of March 2022) consisting of the young youth-workers who are willing to promote self-awareness among diverse communities. Members of our association have been participating in several seminers and trainings including Erasmus+ and ESC projects. The main objectives of our organization:
- attract them towards active citizenship, active participation in the community`s life,
- provide them intercultural experiences,
- raise awareness on cultural/environmental problems,
- positively change their attitude,
- encourage them to participate in volunteering activities,
- create opportunities where they can express themselves freely,
- make them feel they belong to a community,
- improve their language and social skills,
- make them aware of their capacity and power,
- make them more tolerant and peacemakers,
- widen their horizon on specific different topics,
- show them how to improve their management skills.

Mission and Objectives

MAGEND is mainly working in the field of youth, and inclusion of young people to society to make them active individuals. The main purpose of MAGEND is to support young people to overcome their personal obstacles in order them to be more active and qualified individuals and to express themselves freely in their societies with the European values. MAGEND has a young profile. To make youngsters involved, we use different methods such as art, sports, drama, languages, non-formal education methods, etc. On the national level, MAGEND also aims to promote dialog between local and regional authorities, universities, foundations, and other non-governmental organizations dealing with the enhancement of environment, art, digital learning, training, personal development and social inclusion.

Main Projects / Activities

MAGEND has been leading activities such as;
• Drama Workshops
• Psychology & Sociology Workshops
• Language Course
• Theatre Workshops
• English Speaking Club
• Cultural Awareness Activities
• Environmental Awareness Activities
• Leadership Workshops
• Team Building Activities
• Sport Activities

Apart from those activities, we are also actively writing Erasmus+ projects, and also being partners for the projects as the Turkish partner.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Even if we are one of the youngest ngo's in the world (8 months old), we have managed to reach over 3000 followers on Instagram since we are all young people knowing what the youth wants/needs. So, using the social media actively, we believe that we can help a lot to disseminate the Anna Lindh Foundation's goals, activities and results. Also, we have several young leaders, trainers and volunteers who would love to implement the activities of the ALF.
In order to disseminate even better, we can record videos and take photographs during the activities we take part in, and we can edit them to create videos that summarize the activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As we have so many partner institutions who are in the ALF Network already, we had several chances to see how important the ALF Network is. By consulting them, we decided to take part in this network as well since we have similar aim and goals, and believe that we can contribute a lot to the common goals. In order to meet and collaborate new individuals and organisations, we believe that joining the network will help us to achieve our goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kemal Erdem Coşar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Kemal Erdem Coşar
Contact (2) Full Name
İkbal Öztekin
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Masiva Refugee Support Association

National Network

Müyyedzade Mah. Hoca Ali Sok. No:3/1
Beyoğlu, İstanbul
34440 İstanbul/

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Masiva Refugee Support Association, is an independent NGO based in Istanbul that provides assistance to refugees and asylum seekers in Turkey, organizes trainings, livelihood activities and peacebuilding activities. Masiva works to nurture public ownership and positive attitutes towards asylum seekers and organizes culture & arts activities among refugees and host communities.  Masiva has 4 staff employed and organized the activities with the support of volunteers. The association has been established in 2016 and already had 50K USD for the activities. The actions includes livelihood trainings, language courses, peacebuilding activities. Masiva works with international donor organisations, public institutions and other civil society organizations.
Mission and Objectives

Masiva Refugee Support Association's mission is to provide assistane to refugees in Turkey, a rights-based humanitarian aid appoach including peacebuilding and livelihood activities.
Masiva aims for refugees in Turkey to have accss to the full range of appropriate settlement services, to be positively engaged with and are actively supported by the general community and have strong supportive communities of their own cultural backgrounds 
We believe in the capacity and desire of people from a refugee background to be productive citizens by contributing to the social, cultural and economic life of Turkey.

Main Projects / Activities

West Aegean Coast Monitoring Projects
LGBTi Refugees and Disabled Refugees - Rights and Awareness Raising Project
Documentary Project - Border Disorder
Peacebuilding Activities - Culture & Arts, Psycho Art Drama, Workshops
Livelihood Activities - Technology Labs

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to develop partnerships in different countries for better refugee crisis response and would like to develop new methods for peacebuilding activities. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to develop partnerships among ALF network members

Contact (1) Full Name
Deniz Açıkbaş
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Deniz Açıkbaş