
Turist Society

National Network
+386 2 586 1570
Mobile Phone
+386 41 909 422
Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Pintaric Marjan

uho; oko: Institute for Art and Technology Maribor

National Network

Borstnikova 110, 2000 Maribor

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
uho; oko: institute for art and technology was established in 2009 as a private not-for-profit cultural organisation. It engages in developing and stimulating production in the field of intermedia art. We are setting up a platform for production of intermedia works, audiovisual performing art, live web streaming, publishing, education and organization of events. We have so far carried out a number of different events, presentations, lectures and live performances of local and international artists from the field of contemporary intermedia performing arts. uho; oko is a member of Association.
Mission and Objectives

In selecting the authors which are included in different programme units of uho; oko:, We are following programme guidelines which emphasize innovation, creativity, experimentation, connection and processing of musical expression that is based on generating sound and picture with the help of various electronic devices and computers.

Main Projects / Activities

uho; oko carries out a number of activities which are divided in different units:
uho; oko: electro acoustic
uho; oko: audio visual live performance
uho; oko: production
web TV
web live streaming
uho; oko: editions
- dvd
- books
- music cd

Contact (1) Full Name
Marko Ornik
Head of the organisation
Marko Ornik


National Network


00386 31 431 093
Telephone (other)
00386 41 853 891
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00386 31 431 093
Mobile Phone (other)
00386 41 853 891
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Fi?o Balet is a NGO, artistic society, structured as association with executive board, general assembly and all needed commissions. There are 4 project leaders continuously working on Fi?o Balet activities with steadily support of more than 15 external experts. Budgetary resources in 2005 were 83.300 EUR. Main sources of funding are: Ministry of culture of Slovenia, Ljubljana City Municipality. Some funds we derive from private sector and self financing activities. Modalities of action: dance performances, theatre performances and workshops for dancers, actors, youth and others. International projects - touring and workshops in 19 countries of Europe and America. Main partners: Bunker productions, Cankarjev dom, Slovenian National Opera and Balet,Theatre Glej, KUD France Pre?eren, Theater Gromka.
Mission and Objectives

FI?O BALET is an unconventional dance-theatre group. We create dance and theatrical performances and workshops. We transform academic education and classical knowledge into inspiring and understandable performances thus enabling people to experience art in a new way. Fi?o Balet brings democracy to high art.

Main Projects / Activities

Dance performances: 1:0, Emofad, Confi-dance, Sweat and soot, Summer breeze, :id, I:move, Igra, Edge of Eden, Sun City
Theatre performances: Metrix, Me?tirix, Me5x5,
Youth theatre performances: Zdru?eno ?ILA gledali??e, Gverila theater
Workshops: annual international workshop Pro-intensive, seminars and workshops for dancers, actors and others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Contact (2) Full Name

UNIVERSI Skupaj z mladimi za mlade, Koper

National Network

Sergeja Mašere 5

00386 40 811 848
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
UNIVERSI is non-governmental, non-profit voluntary organization that was established in Slovenia in 2010 with the purpose to bring together young people that believe in cross-European co-operation and intercultural experience, and that are wishing to get more experience in this field through developing projects in the frames of various European Programmes working on raising youth awareness, citizenship, international mobility and participation of young people at international level.
Mission and Objectives

In UNIVERSI we follow the philosophy that can be expressed in: “non-formal education”, “life-long learning”, “mobility”, “volunteering” and “cooperation”. We strongly believe in the role of non-formal education within life-long learning and that the active participation of young people can empower them their friends and the society around them.
Our main aim is to give youth possibilities for creative development, spreading of European culture in the field of international Youth Exchanges, European Volunteer Service, promotion of realisation of cultural, art and sport projects, spreading information about and for youth. We like to exchange different tools and methodologies that we can put into practice in our activities related to education and culture.

Main Projects / Activities

The regular activities of UNIVERSI aim at supporting our philosophy and promoting European values. The activities include various meetings at local and international level, exchanges, trainings, seminars, debates, exhibitions, concerts, fair stands, sport activities and so on. Many of these activities have the financial support from the European Commission’s programs. During our activities we are dealing with topics, e.g. European citizenship, civic participation, eco-citizenship, art, urban culture, media etc. and the projects that we are working on aim at promoting participation and empowering young-adult people with fewer opportunities aged between 18 and 30 years who do not have any special educational background, who have difficult social, economical or family situation, who have never had the opportunity to be abroad and benefit from intercultural experience.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are going to contribute in shaping the work of the ALF National Network in a competent and knowledgeable way. At the same time w will share our know-how and experiences, mainly our project leading and management skills to other organizations in the national network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be part of ALF Network as we share the same values: acceptance of pluralism and cultural diversity, mutual respect between societies, religions and beliefs, acknowledgment of rule of law and fundamental freedoms. Being part of the Network at the same time also means a way to network between organizations, to strengthening the cooperation between organisations of the Euro-Mediterranean region. We would also like to take advantage of being an ALF member - apply for a grant or other ALF activities. It will be also an opportunity for us, to share ideas and interact with members of our network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Urska Vezovnik
Head of the organisation
Urska Vezovnik

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of geography

National Network

Askerceva 2
1000 Ljubljana

+386 1 241 1246
Telephone (other)
+386 1 241 1236
+386 1 425 9337
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+386 (0) 31 373 479
Mobile Phone (other)
+386 (0) 41 868 361
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. One of the 22 departments at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. 34 people employed: professors, assistants, researchers, professional co-operators and librarians (at the Department). Internal research centre, geo informatics and cartographic laboratory, physical-geographical laboratory, library and cartographic collection. 2. A part of a bigger institution (faculty, university) – the yearly budget covers the staff salaries, infrastructure, organization, and a part of research activities. 3. Other sources of funding: scholarships (postgraduates, employed students), local, national and international tenders and programmes. 4. Socrates Erasmus – exchanges, intensive programmes, thematic networks; Leonardo da Vinci; extensive bilateral cooperation, predominantly within Europe (incl. SE Europe); 5. Other universities in Europe; International Geographical Union; Students’ Geographical Society (Slovenian and European)
Mission and Objectives

With its pedagogical and diversified scientific-research work department of geography plays an important role in education and qualification of young geographers, development of new knowledge and putting it into practice.

Main Projects / Activities

Leading or participating in international networks – e.g. ERIC (European Resources on Intercultural Communication), R.A.V.E. Space (Raising Awareness of Values of Space through the Process of Education), REACT (Regional Actors in Interreg Cooperation), 2 ASO projects: Challenges of Urban Governance: Planning Efforts, Cooperation and Participation; Structural Analysis of Spatial and Human Sources for Interregional Cooperation in SE Europe, Slovenia and Austria; bilateral cooperation with the Czech Republic on the project Sustainable development of small cities, S-T cooperation between the Republic of Slovenia and BIH: Regional Structure and Migrations; S-T cooperation with Poland: Migrations and Interethnic Relations in East Border Space: Slovenia and Poland; S-T cooperation between Hungary and Slovenia: Migration Processes and Interethnic Relations in Contact Space of Slovenia; S-T cooperation with Macedonia: Demographical and Migrational Aspects of Slovenians in Macedonia and Macedoni

Contact (1) Full Name
Katja Vrtacnik Garbas
Head of the organisation
dr. Marko Krevs
Contact (2) Full Name
dr. Marko Krevs

Volunteer Day 2024

volunteer day

On May 24th 2024, 85 volunteer organizations from all over Slovenia presented themselves at Prešeren Square in Ljubljana, which work in a wide variety of fields - social, cultural, ecological, sustainable, development, humanitarian, sports, for young people and for the elderly, and contribute with their activities towards a more friendly and inclusive society. There were also 400 volunteers and around 2,500 visitors at the event.

The event was also attended by the Minister of Public Administration, Franc Props, and the Mayor of the Municipality of Ljubljana, Zoran Janković.

For more info click here


National Network


+ 386 7 49 900 70
Telephone (other)
+ 386 7 49 900 72
+ 386 7 49 900 71
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
1. Youth centre Bre?ice is a non-profit organisation, founded by the municipal council of the Bre?ice Community in 1997, offering its monthly activities. The members of staff include nine full-time employees, individuals involved in Employment Service programmes and volunteers. We have 11 main fields of work. Our work is organized as project work. 2. Budget resources available in a year: 306.966,27 €. 3. Sources of founding: the Municipality of Bre?ice, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport – Office for Youth, the Employment Service of Slovenia, the National Agency for the EU Youth Programme, the Ministry of Culture, Nova ljubljanska banka and Nova KBM (bank), Radio Bre?ice and Studio D (radio stations), other sponsors and donors. 4. We have established good cooperation on the youth field in local, regional, national level. Yearly we have more than 50 organization with whom we developed project cooperation, from business, employment, youth field,..
Mission and Objectives

as a public institution we have obligation to open space for youth condition and creative work of youth and for youth.
For youth and with youth creating programs, who offers learning threw active participation, offering information to young to easier participation in society, with common work on project assure reciprocally learning, to encourage voluntary work as value, encourage non formal education and social integration of youth.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities deals with: culture, informal education, information and counseling, kids, sport, international cooperation.
Culture is a part of MC´s monthly programme, featuring various concerts, plays, exibitions, readings, themed events In addition, culture is a part of all the rooms where the equipment and knowledge give young people a chance to be cerative.
Our weekly programme consists of exhibitions in our galleries, music and film nights, different courses.
Youth centre develops appropriate facilities, encourages young professionals to pass their knowledge on to others and organizes various useful courses open to youg people of all interests.
Our previous courses focused on foreign languages, computing, music, dance, sound engineering, architecture, drawing, drama, photography and video. We also offered classes and trainings in youth volunteer work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Za in proti, zavod za kulturo dialoga/Pre et contra, institute for culture of dialogue

National Network

Svetosavska 24

+386 41423377
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Za in proti, zavod za kulturod dialoga is a non-governmental organisation, which coordinates the activities of 60 debate clubs at middle school, high school and university level, in which there are regularly actively involved more than 1000 young people and youth leaders. Additionally, ZIP organises numerous public debates, panel discussions, Radio and TV debates about important issues of contemporary world, involving experts, representatives of local, governmental and European institutions, representatives of civil organisations and youth as main speakers.
Mission and Objectives

Za in proti, zavod za kulturo dialoga/Pro et Contra, Institute for culture of dialogue (acronym ZIP) considers itself a creator of a peaceful coexistence and communication, it contributes to development of democracy and raises civil awareness of people. ZIP activities among young and dissemination of the above mentioned ideas create a better new world.ZIP co-ordinates, informs, educates, researches and promotes debate activity in order to improve the quality of the culture in dialogue in Slovenia and strengthen youth participation in public life. Debate develops critical thinking, excites students’ interest in current social affairs, encourages tolerance and respect for people with different opinions, teaches how to speak clearly and in an articulated manner, teaches how to cope with fear of public speaking, in a word the debate develops a social critical citizen who is able to clearly and convincingly take his/her stand, who is able to listen and understand the opposing arguments and re-establish a dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

ZIP main activities are:
- coordination of 60 debate clubs activities, 1000 young people involved;
- organising and running different debate and advocacy trainings for youth, youth workers, teachers, elderly, different NGOs ...
- organising and promoting round table discussions, public, Radio and TV debates on different topics all over Slovenia;
- organising regional, national and international events fostering researching, information and discussions about important issues of contemporary world e.g. equal opportunities, active citizenship and participation, inter culture dialogue, social inclusion, fight against climate change ... among youth, other citizens and residence, academics, civil society experts and activists, politicians, governmental officials, members of the parliament.
- consulting, help organising, training new debate programmes all over the world; in the last year we train and help organising debates in Iraq, Qatar, Japan, South Korea, Serbia, Ruanda, Finland, Italy.
Some past projects:
DEBATE EUROPE PROGRAMME, Slovenia, grant number : , project entitled « Tudi tvoje mnenje šteje, z razpravami do naše Evrope. »,
Implementation November 2008 – November 2009
Youth in Action Programme, Action 4.5.b, EACEA, project entitled « To vote or not to vote », implementation date 15th January 2009 – 15th of August 2009
Youth in Action Programme, Action 3.1, Cooperation with the neighbouring countries, project entitled «One lingual, bi-lingual, multi–lingual, implementation period September – November 2008
THE PROJECT ENTITLED »EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT IS AS IMPORTANT AS SLOVENIAN PARLIAMENT.« , grant agreement number: INFO/2006/3/84, EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, Directorate-General Information, Budget Unit – MOY 05 T 004, implementation dates August 2006 – June 2007
ELEM 2007, project entitled « Let’s debate equal opportunities », Year of equal opportunities, implementation period 2007.
Youth for Active Citizenship and EU Integration”, August 2005 – July 2006, a series of trainings for youth; debate tournaments; public, radio and TV debates; essay competition; national youth forum; international youth forum; International project, leading partner Lithuanian debate organisation, partners Slovenia and Bulgaria; Call for proposals - DG EAC No. 68/04, “PROMOTION OF ACTIVE EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP”
„Youth Parliament Project“, Call for proposals: Socrates Joint Actions, 2003 113112-JA-2003-1-NL-Joint Call-ACYP, international project, leading applicant IDEA, partners UK, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia, project implementation years 2005 and 2006

Contact (1) Full Name
Bojana Skrt