

National Network

Gregorčičeva ulica 6SI - 6000 KoperSlovenia
6000 Koper

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
PiNA is an organisation for social development based on the following principles: Respect for basic human rights and democratic principles; Active participation of individuals in the community and cultural engagement; Respect for the environment and focus on sustainable development; Critical thought and ethical operation; Life-long learning and holistic approach to education.
Mission and Objectives

Our contribution to social development is put into practice in the following ways:
Education and training under the principles of informal education, to develop fundamental skills, values and approaches for the holistic development of responsible individuals;
Organisation of various awareness and educational events, such as cultural events, conferences, seminars, fairs...;
Publishing educational and informational material, such as manuals, promotional brochures, bulletins...;
Offering multimedia and web solutions for information and education, such as videos, documentaries, web pages, webinars, intermedia installations...;
Planning and performance of different cooperation processes regarding decision-making in public issues;
Raising awareness and advocacy for specific groups;
Performing analyses, offering opinions and recommendations or other forms of expertise;
Performing specific fieldwork projects;
Providing other non-governmental institutions, social enterprises, informal groups and artists with support, mentoring and coaching;
Cooperating with domestic and international partners, and participation in international organisation networks.

Main Projects / Activities

The co-workers at PiNA work on three intertwined and complementary priority areas:
Under these areas, we:
develop activities
(i.e. PiNA TERMINAL, with which we send more than 60 individuals yearly for training abroad),
connect with other key players
(i.e. coordination of educational institutions, municipality representatives and non-governmental organisations in preparing the first youth analysis in the region),
promote active participation of the civil society
(i.e. the exchange of seeds or preparation of a community urban garden)
respond to existing needs providing any missing content
(i.e. the preparation of a didactic tool for teachers in primary and secondary schools for learning active citizenship).
During our years of operation, we have developed a wide network of quality partnerships, which consists of over 100 organisations in four continents. We are present in various networks and initiatives on a national and international level (the Network of Multimedia Centres Europe Direct Network, Plan B for Slovenia, Slovenian NGO platform for development cooperation and humanitarian aid – SLOGA, etc.). PiNA uses its staff and branched network of cooperatives to bring to partnerships an interdisciplinary approach and varied expert knowledge from the field of youths, participation, minorities, lifelong learning, creativity and European cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Borut Jerman
Head of the organisation
Vid Tratnik

Popotniško združenje Slovenije - Hostelling international Slovenia

National Network

Gosposvetska cesta 86

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
PZS - HI Slovenia is national youth hostel association of Slovenia: We are enabeling youth mobility since 1892, when Ferijalno Društvo Sava was founded. Even if names and forms of associations have changed, we have discontinued/reduced our activities only during both world wars. Now we take care of network of 45 hostels in Slovenia and have over 700 members. We have an assembly, board and we have1 full-time staff, 100.000 EUR/year budget, financed from own activities, donations and tenders and we have various partners, from public/governmental organizations to NGOs
Mission and Objectives

To promote the education of all young people of all nations, but especially young people of limited means, by encouraging in them a greater knowledge, love and care of the countryside and an appreciation of the cultural values of towns and cities in all parts of the world, and as ancillary thereto to provide hostels or other accommodation in which there shall be no distinctions of race, nationality, colour, religion, sex, class or political opinions and thereby to develop a better understanding of fellow men at home and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

Say HI to Slovenia, Mobility across the boarder, Interactive mobility hour...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our 121 years of experiences in Youth mobility

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Care and share

Contact (1) Full Name
Igor Jurišič
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Anja Žepič

Povod (Head of the Network)

National Network

Čučkova ulica 3, 2250 Ptuj
2250 Ptuj

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+386 41 733 469
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
We cooperate with local community, other organizations in Slovenia and abroad. Beside EU partners, we cooperate with Balkan countries, Middle east and North Africa countries. Mostly it is on the field of youth and culture, cultural management, intercultural dialogue, mobility, inter religious dialogue and general international development cooperation. We organize youth and art exchanges, international cultural festivals and other cultural projects. We develop vocational trainings for refugees and people in need in MENA region.
Mission and Objectives

Mission and Objectives: Global development cooperation and education - promoting youth and cultural initiative - developing of the art and cultural management and its mobility - projects concerning raising the awareness about the cultural heritage-intercultural coexistance

Main Projects / Activities

- EuromedInCultures Art Forum - Research on Art and Creativity - Vocational trainings for refugees and psyho-social support to the most volnurable social groups - Organizing cultural and artistic events, developing cultural management - Social business programs - International development cooperation - Mobility

Contact (1) Full Name
Robert Križanič
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Robert Križanič


National Network

rimska 22

+386 590 19 080
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
040 860 402
Mobile Phone (other)
031 347 966
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Members of the organization prostoRož are four architects, self-employed persons in the field of culture. Budgetary resources available in a year: 20.000 - 30.000 eur Sources of funding: Ministry of Culture RS, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial planning RS, various Municipalities, sponsors... Modalities of action: At least one annual project that refers to various types of public space. Artist in residence: Berlin(2006), Ypenburg(2007), New York(2010) Main symposiums, festivals: 2006: x-LARCH Landscape-x-periments, Wienna Experiment city, Berlin Young Blood, Prague, Beograd 2009: Academy of fine arts, Cetinje, Montenegro Kunst Apotheke Salon, Berlin 2010: Artists talking to artists, Neerpelt, Belgium "Status Quo Vadis", Wienna Human Cities, Brussels Metropolis, Copenhagen Design week Istanbul (october) Supercity, Linz (october) Main partners: ZAPS, Urban planning Institute RS, Expeditio (Montenegro), Metropolis (Danemark), Human Cities (Belgium), 7x11 Artoteek (Belgium), Project for public space (New York), Bunker, Codeep, ZaMestioPoDveh, PaziPark... Expert associates: Jan Gehl, Janez Koželj, Maja Simonetti, Matevž Čelik...
Mission and Objectives

The ProstoRož association sprung into life in 2004 as a spontaneous answer to our desire to explore and understand open city space.
It is a continuous project of public space cultivation, its goal developing a method of reviving and arranging of the degraded urban spaces. In doing this, we believe in joint efforts of experts from various fields.
ProstoRož explores, examines and opens new possibilities of public space use in accordance with the needs of its inhabitants and tries to reveal how sometimes minimal means and small interventions are enough to present the city’s inhabitants and visitors with pleasant open spaces. Our interventions are not mere artistic installations but also in-depth searching for new city planning options of space use. We believe that in applying the appropriate approach to space planning as well as appropriate contents the amount of various forms of vandalism in public areas can be reduced.

Main Projects / Activities

ProstoRož_atriums, 2004: overlooked places between city houses.
ProstoRož_parks, 2005: what kind of parks does Ljubljana need?
Young Blood, 2005, 2006: are Ljubljana's museums and galleries public spaces?
ProstoRož_river, 2006: how can a city expand over a river?
Slovenska street, 2007-2008: how can a road become a street?
ProstoRož_children playgrounds, 2008: a city for creative children.
Visions 03: overview exhibition on public space in Ljubljana.
Shop windows, 2008: does the ground floor constitute the city space?
ProstoRož_street, 2009: public space for parking cars?
Renovation of Plečnik and Tivoli Underpasses, 2008, 2009: infrastructure too is an important structure of a public space.
Architecture and children, 2009-: workshops for children.
Urban chairs, 2010: choose your own location on the street where would you like to sit.
VeleJe: 2010: what is so special about city Velenje?
Tabor 2010: public participation in the process of revitalisation of public spaces.
Tomaj 2010: placemaking in the villages.

Contact (1) Full Name
maša cvetko
Contact (2) Full Name
ana grk


National Network

Vodnikova ulica 2
2250 Ptuj

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
A voluntary, independent, and non-profit organization active in the area of the administrative unite Ptuj with a membership of more than 1.000 students and high school students. The club is managed by a yearly elected 7-member executive board consisting of a president, treasurer, and heads of deparments for culture, public relations, social affairs and education, recreation, and international relations. We organize and help to organize activities and projects from the fields of education, culture, recreation, amusement and humanitarian operation outside of university. All ideas and objects are being realized through projects which are financed from duties earned through work via the student employment brokerage service: cca. 150.000,00 EUR/year. Main partners: Slovene Student Union, Student Clubs Association of Slovenia, Student Organization of the University of Maribor, Student Organization of the University of Ljubljana, Town Municipality Ptuj.
Mission and Objectives

To create appropriate circumstances that enable and encourage students' activities in the administrative unit Ptuj and its surroundings. In that way we try to increase the quality of our lives besides university, our opinions of choice and social powers and the effect of young people on the society.

Main Projects / Activities

The club offers students from the area of Ptuj an independent planning and carrying out of activities and a variegated and meaningful use of leisure time in the fields of supplementary insurance, culture, sports and recreation, fun and civil and socially oriented activities. Besides that it also offers various discounts for services and purchases and trips to students from the administrative unit Ptuj. It offers financial help to all materially deprived students and in particular traditional projects of us all, which include the following: Kurentanc (a traditional annual carnival dance), Kresovanje (the celebration of Midsummer’s Eve), Bazeni Energije (the biggest pool party in Slovenia), TerasaFest (an international music and art festival), Vino ni voda (a festival, dedicated to wine culture), and others.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are especially interested in Euro-Mediterranean relations in the fields of education and youth empowerment. Our main aim is to expand our network of partners, share knowledge, experiences, and good practices of our organization with other partner organizations and vice versa.

Contact (1) Full Name
SAŠA LJUBEC, president
Head of the organisation
SAŠA LJUBEC, president
Contact (2) Full Name

raum AU

National Network

Meškova 3
2380 Slovenj Gradec

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

- društvo v javnem interese (association with status "of public interest", 2 persons regular working, the others project-wise, 6 regular volounteers; Long-term partners in Germany, Austria and Italy as well as Croatia. - cca. 30.000 Euro/year - Erasmus+, national public funds, donations, sponsorships - regular discussions, youth exchanges, publications, media productions (European Creative Camp 016, 017; Voices 2015 - 2017, Int. Graffitti and Street-Art Festival STYRIA 2014 - 2017;; etc.) - European Union, Future Icons e.V., Koermend Kulturalis Kozpont, European Center for the Study of War and Peace, Kai e.V., etc)

Mission and Objectives

Our overall mission could be descibed as educating people of any age to critically follow and assess everyday live situation. We try to work as much as possible with persons of different cultures, the last years more and more with young people from central Europe. All our porjects have one common denominator, intercultural dialogue and propagation of different points of views on matters of everyday life. There is not instrument of method we would not feel comfortable to use, if it is within our red line. We operate with social and political engaged arts and artists, we furthermore do represent the art movement Arte Utile and hold a approx. 60 years of Arte Utile archive, that we will start using within the next years to actively involve the public in confronting themselves with the concerns of our times in a multi-layered form. The objective of our associations work is a responsible, aware citizen.

Main Projects / Activities

Constant discussions within a group, we call "Zainteresirani" (engl the interested ones); with this group we work on local themes, we prepare policies for the city council, we coordinate the major part of the indipendent cultural scene of our region. Due to our national activities we cooperate with humanitarian and cultural associations all around Slovenia; Our major project focus during the last years are youth exchanges for the Erasmus+ Programm of the EU, which we conceive and execute in different countries of Europe. Locally we hold workshops, mainly for adults but lately also for pupils and students as well as we exhibit social an political engaged arts and artists.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Probably we could contribute with project ideas, with our national contacts within the school system as well as supporting the ALF to follow their interests, which goes hand in hand with our mission. Concretely we will have to see, where synergies are found, the projects that were years ago founded in Slovenia are, from a conceptional point of vies, very similar to the projects the ALF founded.  At the moment we try to find funds for the digitalisation of 60 years of archive of ARTE UTILE, their structuring as well as their publishing on internet to make it accessable to all intersted persons. Arte Utile is an art, that sees ist focus on contemporary social and political problems and tries to push it into a creative process of public dialogue, working on it, supporting to solve it. Arte Utile, as soon as the problem it worked on is solved, is merely a document and no more a work or art. In short, to propagade the perception of these possibilities within the field of contemporary art practices is an endeavour, I believe is or at least, should be also in the interest of the ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For being able to work within a wider network of similar organisations around Europe, to support our regional environment with perspectives and possibilities only networks like the ALF can produce.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rado Carlo Poggi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rado Carlo Poggi
Contact (2) Full Name
Urška Čerče
Job Title (2)
deputy chairwoman

raum AU

National Network

Meškova ulica 3
2380 Slovenj Gradec

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information

raum AU represents the main point of referment of the alternative cultural scene in the city municipality of Slovenj Gradec. It manages and executes a wide-ranging programme offer at the association spaces, located in the local creative HUB. raum AU has 107 active members, but is run mainly by few individuals. raum AU works since years systematically with partners from the Koroska region, Slovenia and the nearby Austrian regions Steiermark and Kärnten. raum AU can be understood as an intense, dynamic but systematized network of professional freelance cultural workers and finance itself through public funds, donations and sponsorships. Up to this day raum AU has conceived, realised or been otherwise involved in numerous projects of local, regional or european importance in the fields of arts, culture and education.

Mission and Objectives

raum AU is active in the field of socially and politically engaged art practises, educates about culture and is acknowledged by the ministry of culture as an association of public interest. It is the only organisation of its kind in the Koroska region. The mission of raum AU is to promote cultural awareness and creativity, but also providing professional and organizational support to emerging professionals and ideas. Creating conditions for intercultural dialogue, engaging into international cooperations and accepting the multitude of perspectives on each and every matter is the red line of the work of raum AU. raum AU understands culture as a set of achievements and values that are the result of human activities and creativity, consisting of human intellect, particularly artistic actions and creativity. 

Main Projects / Activities

- planning, organizing and carrying out cultural programs and exhibition projects - supporting and assisting emerging and engaged artists with our expertise, spaces, equipment and network  - engaging in cultural-politics for systematizing working conditions for NGO's and other cultural workers - offering a wide range of activities and programs for individuals and organized groups - creation of a social environment for individuals and groups - cultural education for individuals and groups - forum for discussion about current problems, idea exchange

Contact (1) Full Name
Rado Carlo Poggi
Job Title
director and chairman
Head of the organisation
Rado Carlo Poggi
Contact (2) Full Name
Urška Čerče
Job Title (2)
deputy director and deputy chairman

RCP, razvojni center Ptuj

National Network

Osojnikova cesta 9

00386 31 320 973
00386 590 84 194
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organisation: - Executive director - Council (4 members) - Programme Council (3 members) Budgetary resource available in a year about 30.000,00 € Source of funding: local, national, international funds, grants from private sector, own resources Modalities of action: youth exchanges, trainings, seminars Partners: other NGOs from Slovenia and abroad, public bodies.
Mission and Objectives

RCP, razvojni center Ptuj, (Ptuj development centre), is the institute for the promotion of innovative business and tourism. It was established in 2010 in order to encourage young people in their entrepreneurial ideas and how it can be eventually realized.
We provide advisory services for start-ups, exploitation of calls at local, national and European level, we present the various job opportunities and workshops that give participants more knowledge in their own presentation to potential employers. We are also advising on the preparation of business plans and market analysis.
For achieving our goals we cooperate with the economic sector, local Youth Council, Youth Centre and other non-governmental organisations
The organisation was established in order to properly prepare especially young people for entering the labor market as young entrepreneurs or as young job seekers. We are making projects that help young people in their struggle for independence.
In our group are young succesful entrepreneurs, youth workers, economist, sociologist and other. We are sharing our experiances to other young people. These are young and enthusiastic people who can with their experiences contribute greatly to achieve our goals.

Main Projects / Activities

- International youth exchanges.
- Seminars and workshops about entrepreneurship and exploitation of calls at local, national and European level.
- Events that promote mobility for people all around the Europe.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will be as much active partner as possible and we can contribute to the network with sharing some of our experience and also, we are going to promote our mutual values and goals in all our working fields.
We can be very good partners in some mutual projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our goals are promoting mobility of people, intercultural learning and mutual understanding between different cultures.
ALF Network are also promoting those values and I believe their members also. So there is an opportunity to enlarge our partnership.

Contact (1) Full Name
Damir Žerak
Head of the organisation
Damir Žerak

Reka Si, Research and Arts institute

National Network

Zavrč 8
2283 Zavrč

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information, which means "the river in you" in English, is a research and arts institute that unleashes the arts and its based techniques as innovative tools for participatory research and critical learning. 

The institute brings an innovative methodology that unleashes the potential of performing arts and its based methods into the unlearning and learning process of knowledge that validates existing literature while opening new channels of knowledge and accreditation of information from within.

Reka Si is member of The SIDE collective, cooking and cleaning politics, cultures, religions, and arts, is a collective that hacks, hijacks, and re-create cultural, artistic, religious, and political scenes from an intersectional feminist lens among its members are professional artists, researchers and activists. We also run a series of interactive art workshops and public performative journeys, "SAMA Community Arts". 

Mission and Objectives

We widen the horizons of intercultural communication and research on sustainability, migration and intercultural cooperation by integrating and using arts and its based techniques as innovative tools to unlearn and learn new means of knowledge generation and intercultural communication that is free of all forms of segregation and profiling. 

Main Projects / Activities

We widen the horizons of intercultural communication and research on sustainability, migration and intercultural cooperation by integrating and using arts and its based techniques as innovative tools to unlearn and learn new means of knowledge generation and intercultural communication that is free of all forms of segregation and profiling. 

Among our good practices are the following:  

1. SAMA Community Arts: an interactive workshop and a public performative journey that generates new means of communication.  The series of workshops has a trailer on YouTube. In the "SAMA Community Arts," the artist co-creates public performative journeys that deconstruct social communication as free of the enforced binarism of "nation-state" and "state-nation" as both tools and products of colonialism along with enforced gender binary profiling. Using dance, movement and performing arts as a communication form widens the horizon of intercultural communication through critical learning to unpack and unlearn stereotypes and profiling in communication. 

2. NOT your Scheherazade, an experimental performance in the series of creating the 1001 nights of NOT your Scheherazade.  The performance is participatory to create new stories of NOT your Scheherazade. after the performance, the audience shares anonymously through a digital tool their feedback of emotions, feelings and thoughts. The artist uses the feedback in their writing of the 1001 Nights of NOT your Scheherazade. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our wide range of experiences in the field of intercultural dialogue, innovative tools of Arts and its based techniques as techniques of education and research, and networking in the Euro-Med region

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand our possibilities to learn and contribute within the Euro-Med region. To share and grow our innovative practices in Arts and research.

Contact (1) Full Name
Samar Zughool
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Samar Zughool
Name of Organisation
Reka Si, Research and Arts institite