
KUD ljud

National Network

Slovenska cesta 28, 1000 Ljubljana

+386 (0)31 533 979
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
In its foundations Ljud is an informal group of young individuals, who are creative in very different areas, but see theater and performing arts as a space to work together and enrich their individual ideas. They believe in ”live” art which is in direct contact with the present times (i.e current societal actualities, dilemmas, injustices, inequalities..). Officially our society has a president, treasurer and a three members of the control board in practice a 6 members core group work on the projects, planing and technical aspects all of their members professional time. Another 5-7 outer members are taking part in most of the practical activities. And a further 5-25 volunteers are collaborating on specific larger projects. Our members are coming from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Austria, France, Sweden and other countries. One member is currently regularly employed in Kud Ljud through the Slovenian national programme for public works. Kud Ljud is funded mostly through local and national grants, last year we successfully applied to our first EU call for submissions (with the H.O.M.E. project), we also generate some income through our street theater performances but our society could not function on its current level without many volunteers who contribute their time, knowledge and resources. In 2009 our total income was 62.965 €. In its projects Kud Ljud has collaborated with various partners, among others with Slovenian public cultural institutions (e.g. National Radio and Television,Modern Gallery, City Museum etc), IN SITU; YEPCE (Youth European Project for Cultural Exchanges);Performing Art group of Roma people Kesaj Tschave, various activist groups from Europe...The group has also presented its works in various international theater festivals.
Mission and Objectives

Mission and objectives of a group could be summed up as:
•group-based artistic creation, education and co-operation
•exploring the potential of new practices within performing arts
•actively reflecting the social and political context of our work
•international networking
•bringing high quality and challenging works of art to wider audience, in the words of the architect Berthold Lubetkin: “Nothing is to good for the common man!”
•contributing to solidarity and justice in local communities in Slovenia,partner and hosting countries

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities compose of (more about our previous project in attachment):
•devising and performing interactive and interdisciplinary performances in the public space, establishing theater performance as a game, a ritual and a social event (that opens up public spaces to questions of solidarity,common living and tolerance)
•workshops on physical and interactive theater for both professionals and the general public
•organizing and carrying out artivist actions to raise awareness on social and political topics (e.g. discrimination, inequalities and unfairness)
•collaborations with groups and artists who have similar values and fields of interest

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasa Jenull

KUD Mreza

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
President: Nataša Serec, Founder of Rdeče zore festival, found raiser, PR, Trans Europe Halles delegate and responsible for all program and projects of KUD Mreža, active in management of ACC metelkova mesto. Co-President: Goran Medjugorac, artist, designer Secretary: Jadranka Ljubičič, curator of Gallery Alkatraz Official Members: 25 artists and cultural workers Support: 5 permanent honorary workers and 5 ocassionaly workers Special guest: Anna Ehremark from Sweden and two European volunteers – EVS project Source EUR in 2003 EUR in 2004 Program/Project Ministry for Culture 9.375,00 15.416,66 Exhibitions, concerts, Rdeče zore festival, salaries, administative expances, equipment Rdeče zore 4, 5 festival 1000 1000 Municipality of Ljubljana – Department for Culture 8.491,66 28.229,16 Exhibitions, concerts, Rdeče zore festival, salaries, administative expances Rdeče zore 4, 5 festival 1000 1000 Municipality of Ljubljana – Department for Culture 2.258,33 45.833,33 Renovations, equipment Municipality of Ljubljana – Department for Youth 1.666,66 3.333,00 Youth activities Ministry of Education and Sport – Office for Youth 11.250,00 11.250,00 Youth activities (concerts, workshops, performances talks, debates, rehersals, administrative costs etc) Movit – Institute for promotion of youth Mobility 11.760,00 11.760,00 European Voluntary Service (2 volunteers) Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities 414,00 625,00 Rdeče zore, Stand up Komedy competition Rdeče zore 4, 5 festival 414,00 414,00 Other incoms: donators, etc x 3.750,00 Renovations Major of Ljubljana 1.600,00 x Rdeče zore 4 festival TOTAL 49.229,65 122.201,15 Main partners: KUD Anarhiv Metelkova 6 1000 Klub Gromka KUD Anarktika Stavba DRPPD – Association for preventive and voluntary work Metelkova ulica 6 1000 Infoshop Metelkova Stavba Hlev Association for cultural and artistic production KAPA Gala Hala Masarykova 24 1000 Klub Monokel Masarykova 24 1000 Klub Tiffany Masarykova 24 1000 Klub SOT 24,5 Masarykova 24 1000 Klub Channel Zero Masarykova 24 1000 Ljudmila - Ljubljana digital media Artservis - The Contemporary Art Artists and artisans of ACC Metelkova mesto Vladimir Boštjan Drinovec Mitja Dejan Sujdović Marko A. Kovačič Neven Damjan Damjan Kocjančič Viktor Slovenian organisations and venues MKC Koper Društvo prijateljev zmernega napredka Gregorčičeva 4 6000 DZMP - Association of allies for soft landing Cesta 4. julija 58 8270 Krš Institution for supporting civil society and multi-cultural cooperation PEKARNA magdalenske mreže Ob železnici 8 2000 Art center Središče Središče 47 9207 AKD Izbruh Izbruhov kulturni bazen Stara cesta 25a, opposite of shopping center MKNŽ Ilirska Bistrica Bazoviška 26 6250 Ilirska MIKK - Mladinski informativni in kulturni klub Murska Sobota 9000 Murska Mladinski center Podlaga Sežana 6210 Sež Mladinski center Velenje 3320 CMAK - Cerkljanski mladinski alternativni klub 5282 Cerkno Database of Slovenian Youth Independent Radio Station Radio Študent Cesta 27. aprila 31 1000 International organisations and venues ACU politiek cultureel centrum Voorstraat 71 3512 AK Trans Europe Halles Coordination Office Mejeriet Stora Södergatan 64 S - 222 23 MOČVARA Klub Udruženja za razvoj kulture Trnjanski nasip bb (tvornica Jedinstvo) 10000 Zagreb Hrvaš net.culture club MAMA 10000 Zagreb Hrvaš SC - Studentski centar u Zagrebu 10000 Zagreb Hrvaš Festivals Ana Parada City of Exodos - festival sodobnih odrskih Festival Festival Jazz Luksuz festival poceni Festival gejevskega in lezbičnega Magdalena Mladi Motovun film Politically incorrect film Zmaj ma mladewww.zmaj-ma-ml
Mission and Objectives

The association supports artistic expression that challenges common nonsense. KUD Mreža offers advice and support to emerging artists, artisans and other cultural workers within Metelkova.
The main objectives of AKC Metelkova mesto:
-To stop demolishing any of our buildings and to stay as long as we could on this location. If those buildings will be demolished we will ask have for another appropriate location.
-Our job is to help settle the situation at Metelkova and to establish useful service for organisations and individuals from AKC Metelkova mesto (negotiations with the City Government, reconstruction of some buildinfs, found-raising, programme coordination, any kind of advices...)

Main Projects / Activities

Here is a list of actual activities of KUD Mreža:
· managing the club Menza pri koritu (200m2, concerts, festivals, performances, film and video projections, round tables, workshops, projects for youth, rehearsals, etc. ),
· Alkatraz Gallery (contemporary art exhibitions),
· organizing cultural events (international festivals, guest appearances in Slovenia and abroad),
· international co-operation (membership in Trans Europe Halles – A European Network of Independent Culture Centres ),
· Photo archive (systematic collection and documentation of photographs, audio and video materials of and regarding Metelkova and the events occurring there),
· publishing diverse catalogues, editing and designing web sites,…),
· urban intervention (creating and arranging the surroundings of the centre, making mosaics, artistic atjects, sculptures ),
· fund raising and assuring the finances for making the realization of all ideas and projects possible.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jadranka Ljubicic
Head of the organisation
Natasa Serec
Contact (2) Full Name
Milan Vracar

Kulturno društvo Dositej

National Network

rašiška ulica 013

031 598 474
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
General Assembly represents the supreme body, the most responsible person is the president of Society who is followed by the Vice President. A secretary and cashier are also part of the organization. Sources of funding include public funds, donors, sponsors,..
Mission and Objectives

-implementation of cultural activity at home and abroad; creative fields that the Organization includes are : singing, musical, theatrical and literary activities
-resolving technical issues in the field of culture
-implementation of cultural education
-creation of conditions for the widest possible access to cultural goods

Main Projects / Activities

-implementation of cultural and educational programs for all ages
-organizing hikes and travel
-participation in campaigns for environmental protection
-promotion of cultural cooperation at the cultural level
-promotion of cultural cooperation at the international level
-cooperation and exchange of experience with similar associations

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can contribute through my projects. Since we are a young organization we gained experience through participation in other societies that promote intercultural cooperation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

objectives of the ALF Foundation (programmes that are focused on activities in fields which are essential for human and social dialogue: Education and Youth; Culture and Arts; Peace and Co-existence )are compatible with my goals and see it as an opportunity to realize my goals through my programs. In short, I see it as an opportunity to promote intercultural dialogue and cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paulina Risimović Radomi
Head of the organisation
Paulina Risimović Radomi

kulturno drustvo integrali

National Network

smartinska cesta 5, 1000 ljubljana

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
NGO, non employed, 5 people regularly working for the organization director: Simona Semenic artistic co-director: Simona Hamer producer: Zalka Grabnar Kogoj head of education program: Rok Vevar head of pubčishing: Ana Perne budgetary resources in 2010: 35.109 EUR (ministry of culture), 19.000 (City of Ljubljana) projects: Festival Preglej na glas!, international workshop projects (with nova drama Beograd, Sterijino pozorje Novi Sad and Teden Slovenske drame Kranj), ad hoc projects (with! Beograd, Student centre Zagreb,Generosity Offensive Intitative Bucarest Romania)
Mission and Objectives

Integrali’s main mission is to provide a platform for cooperation and exchange between theatre artists in Europe and around the world, which is to be realized by facilitating productions, creating long term exchange programs and initiating educational and research activities in the field of theatre and especially playwriting.The main activities of our organization are: Laboratory work in the field of contemporary playwriting, Publicizing, presenting and promoting contemporary playwriting in Slovenia, Europe and wider
International collaboration on developing artistic projects and / or projects stimulating playwriting and contemporary theatre.

Main Projects / Activities

Cultural Society / Kulturno drustvo Integrali is an NGO that was first established through a non-formal collaboration of two Slovenian theatre artists – playwright and dramaturge Simona Semenic and theatre director and dance/theatre theoretician Rok Vevar, who have made a number of contemporary theatre project together, involving many other young Slovenian theatre artists. In further development, Simona Semenic started to collaborate with American organization WaxFactory, especially with theatre director Ivan Talijancic. Integrali were formally established on the basis of the projects conceived and realized by Simona, Rok and Ivan.
By now Integrali has twenty two members, but no employees. Organs of organization are Assembly, Executive Board and Supervisory Board. Executive Board is taking care of realizing aims of the organization. It consists of 3 members (2-year mandate), elected and released by the Assembly. Members of the Executive Board elect the President and the Vice president of the Executive Board.

Contact (1) Full Name
Simona Semenic
Head of the organisation
Simona Semenic
Contact (2) Full Name
Simona Hamer

Kulturno društvo Prostorož

National Network

KD ProstoRož
Rimska ulica 22
1000 Ljubljana


+386 (0)590 19 088
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The ProstoRož association sprung into life in 2004 as a spontaneous answer to our desire to explore and understand open city space. As we are an association we do not have employees but associates who work on specific project and their number is constantly changeing in respect to the needs of a specific project. The budgetary resources fluctuate in response to projects (in 2013 we had a budget of cca. 100,000 EUR). We are funded primarely by grants. Our main partners are MOL and Slovenian Ministry of Culture.
Mission and Objectives

It is a continuous project of public space cultivation, its goal developing a method of reviving and arranging of the degraded urban spaces. In doing this, we believe in joint efforts of experts from various fields of spatial planning, architecture, landscape architecture, city planning, nature conservation, cultural heritage and tourism. Our space interventions are always followed by public discussions in which we try to include experts as well as laymen.

Main Projects / Activities

ProstoRož explores, examines and opens new possibilities of public space use in accordance with the needs of its inhabitants and tries to reveal how sometimes minimal means and small interventions are enough to present the city’s inhabitants and visitors with pleasant spaces for hanging out, playing or working in the open air. Our interventions are not mere artistic installations in public areas but also in-depth searching for new city planning options of space use. We believe that in applying the appropriate approach to space planning as well as appropriate contents the amount of various forms of vandalism in public areas can be reduced.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maša Cvetko

Kulturno društvo Prostorož

National Network

Rimska cesta 22
1000 Ljubljana

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Cultural society ProstoRož was formed in 2004 as a  long term project of cultivating public spaces, with which we are trying to develop a method of revitalizing and fixing up degraded spaces in urban centers with the help of local actors. With our projects we want to educate and encourage local residents that they would actively participate in planning public spaces. ProstoRož is dedicated to searching for new urbanistic possibilities for the use of city surfaces. Founders and the leading force of this society, Maša Cvetko, Alenka Korenjak and Ana Grk, are architects who have spent the last decade on projects dealing with problems of public spaces. We do not have any employees. Our budget depends od projects we are involved with.
Mission and Objectives

Since 2004 we produced more than 50 exhibitions, actions, events, temporary installations and permanent renovations of public spaces, mostly in Ljubljana, but also in other cities in Slovenia and abroad (Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Poland). On projects we cooperate with different artists, sociologists, landscape architects and journalists. Group ProstoRož has over ten members from different professions: architecture, urban planning, communicology and marketing, geography, design, sociology, engineering and law. Society ProstoRož works closely with Kombinat, an architecture bureau, and exchanges knowledge, human resources and infrastructure. Our current objective is to create a best practice example on revitalization of urban neighborhoods that are decaying in post Yugoslavian coutries.

Main Projects / Activities

2004 the society is founded by Maša Cvetko, Ana Grk and Alenka Korenjak
2004 Prostorož04/ atriji, atriums in old Ljubljana, temporary interventions on public spaces
2005  Prostorož05/ parki, parks in Ljubljana, temporary interventions on public spaces
2005  »Line«, Young Blood, I'm a young slovene architect, Citty museum of Ljubljana, exhibition
2005  »Line«, Young Blood, I'm a young slovene architect, Gallery CCEA, Prague, exhibition
2006  »Line«, Young Blood, I'm a young slovene architect, Museum of contemporary art, Belgrade,    exhibition
2006  Fashion show Nogard, Shelter under castle hill, Ljubljana, scenography
2006  Favorit?, Kuhlhaus am Gleisdreick, Berlin, Germany, spatial instalation
2006  European prize for public space, CCCB, Barcelona, Spain, showcase of award winning projects
2007  Meeting pot, residence in the Gallery, Haag, Netherlands, socio-architectural research project
2007  Francoski vrt, Trg fr. revolucije Ljubljana, design of a public space for events
2007  Vzorčna ulica, Tavčarjeva ulica, Ljubljana, temporary public space intervention
2007  Plečnikov podhod, Ljubljana, architectual renovation
2007  Vizije SO3- odprti javni prostor, Gallery Kresija, Ljubljana, architectural exhibition, instalation 
2008  Eipprova promenada, Eipprova ulica, Ljubljana, research project
2008  Izložbe, Ljubljana, design of empty store fronts in the center of Ljubljana
2008  Urbani stoli, Slovenska cesta, Ljubljana, temporary placement of chairs
2008  Prostorož08/ otroška igrišča, playgrounds in the center of Ljubljana, temporary public space interventions
2008  Iluzija prostora, Arkade na Slovenski cesti, Ljubljana, photography exhibition
2008 Trije podhodi v mestni park, mentorship of a light worhshop on Faculty of Architecture
2008  Vodnjaki za ptiče, Stara Ljubljana, winter protection of fountains
2008  Igralo za otroke, Ljubljanski grad, exhibition of MO 2008 award recepients
2009  Podhod Moderna galerija-Tivoli, Ljubljana, architectural renovation
2009 Prostorož09/ ulica, Festival Mladi levi
2009 founding of a work group called Architecture and children on ZAPS with Š. Hudnik, A. Struna and L. Kavčič
2009 RTV park, temporary public space arrangement
2009 Darilnica, Ljubljana, interactive exhibition from authors Maša Cvetko, Ana Malalan, Nataša Mrkonjič
2010 Urbani stoli, chairs designd for an event Ljubljana – the world book capital
2010 Premetanka, interactive exhibition acompaning a show Pogrnjena miza, Moderna galerija
2010 Dvorišče, ZAPS, Gallery of city of Maribor, architectural workshops for children
2010 Kako se napiše SUPERMESTO?, different public spaces in Velenje, temporary interventions
2010 Darilnica, Sežana, interactive exhibition from authors Maša Cvetko, Ana Malalan, Nataša Mrkonjič
2010 Zoetrope, Breg, Ljubljana, street art of authors Maša Cvetko, Matej Andraž Vogrinčič
2010 Prevetrimo Tomaj!, revitalization of a village with envolving the local community
2010     Naše dvorišče, six month workshop with students of II. High School Maribor with the goal of          revitalization of the schools playground
2011 Wunsch dir was, Wiener festwochen, Wiena, temporary public space intervention
2011 Zemljevid želja, Mladi levi, Ljubljana, temporary public space intervention
2011 Aarhus Festival, Aarhus, Danska, temporary public space intervention
2011 I dreamed I was a movie star, interactiove exhibition
2011 podhod Ajdovščina, Ljubljana, architectural renovation
2012 Naša hiša in ulica portretov, festival Mladibor, Maribor, temporary public space intervention
2012     Zelena Polenta, sodelovanje na festivalu v sklopu EPK, Maribor, Glavni trg, urban intervention
2012 Park Kolezija, revitalization of a public space with envolving the local community
2012     Trubarjeva – zelena ulica, urban interventions with the aim of revitalization of public space on the street with the cooperation of local buissineses and residents 
2012 Children's playground Tabor, Ljubljana
2012 Children's playground Kolodvorska, Ljubljana
2010   Revitalization of park Tabor, revitalization of a public space with envolving the local community
2013    Temporary spring garden, urban intervention, Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig, Germany
2013   80 m2, spatial intervention at Halle 14, Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig, Germany
2013    Burgerbahnhof Plagwitz, urban interventions with the aim of revitalization of public space on the street with the cooperation of local residents, Leipzig, Germany
2013   Trubarjeva tržnica, Ljubljana, urban interventions with the aim of revitalization of public space on the street with the cooperation of local buissineses and residents 
2013   Čufarjeva ulica, Ljubljana, urban interventions with the aim of revitalization of public space on the street with the cooperation of local community
2013   Savsko naselje, Ljubljana, urban interventions with the aim of revitalization of public space on the street with the cooperation of local community
2013   Optimisti, U3, Ljubljana, urban intervention
2004 1. place “Max on top” organized by ISOMAX Dekorative Laminate AG (Austrija) on the topic of public space in the category international young architects for project 04_atriji, Wiena, Austria
2005  ProstoRož was selected for project leader for instalations in public space Gaerten fur den Augenblick in the village of Seethen, Germany
2005 project of prostoRož was selected as a best practice example of a revitalization of a city as a part of a project  “Re-urban mobil” , Leipzig, Germany
2006 EUROPEAN PRIZE FOR PUBLIC SPACE 2006, one of the finalists with the project prostoRož 05_parki, CCCB, Barcelona
2007 one of »top 10 architects under 40, slovenia«,
2008 Perspective designers of 2008 in interior design category, Design Month, Ljubljana
2005 Mladi levi, Stara elektrarna, Ljubljana
2006 x-LARCH Landscape-x-periments, BOKU, Wienna, Austria
2007 Pecha kucha, Galerija T-5, Ljubljana
2007 Fakulteta za družbene vede, Ljubljana
2007 Vizije SO3, Gallery Kresija, Ljubljana
2008 Odprti javni prostor, Jakopičeva galerija, Ljubljana
2008 Piranski dnevi arhitekture, Piran
2008 Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Ljubljana
2009 Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Ljubljana
2009 Kam-fest, Kamnik
2009 Kunst Apotheke Salon, Berlin, Germany
2009 Human cities, Urbanistic institut
 Artists talking to artists, Neerpelt, Belgium
2010 Field of architecture, "Status Quo Vadis", Wienna, Austria
2010 Human cities Places to Be, Brussels, Belgium
2010 Metropolis, Kopenhagen,Denmark
2010 Kam-fest, Kamnik
2010 Human cities, Istanbul, Turkey
2010 Supercity, Linz, Austria
2010 Design month, stage 180°, Ljubljana
2011 ALU, Ljubljana
2011 OGLA, hoch x 4 built landscapes, Wienna, Austria
2011 FDV, Ljubljana
2011 A.L.I.C.E., Visoka šola za design, Ljubljana
2012     Maldibor, Maribor
2012     Polenta, Maribor
2012     Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Ljubljana
2012     MEDS, Stara elektrarna Ljubljana
2012     Expeditio, Kotro, Črna Gora
2006  appartment MK Slovenia, Berlin, Germany
2007  Gallery Habitat Ypenburg, Haag, Netherlands
2010 appartment MK Slovenia, New York, ZDA
2013 Halle 14, Leipzig, Germany

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To the network in our country we can contribute with our extensive experience in the field of community revitalizationa as well as our know-how when bringing together different aspect to community building, such as involving artist with working closely with a community to create a better living enviroment for the residents of the neighborhood.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF Network because we belive that our goals align when it comes to working with individuals on creating a better society. Our past and present work has shown that neighborhoods can improve the conditions of community life not only with big urbanistic changes but also with small interventions such as planting of plants and different cultural events that bring the residents closer together. We also belive that this network is great for exchange of knowledge and experience.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gregor Berkopec
Head of the organisation
Maša Cvetko

Kulturno Društvo Svilena Pot

National Network

Ljubljanska Ulica 49,
Izola 6310

00 386 5 641 3461
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: The Društvo has a board consisting of seven members. At the head is the president of the organization. Currently we have one employee. Budgetary resources available in a year: None Sources of funding: Grants Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.): Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Društvo Prijatelijve Mladine, Občina Izola
Mission and Objectives

The Društvo Svilena Pot aims to promote and improve multi-culturalism within our local community and other communties on the coast of Slovenia and provide a cultural conduit between other regions in Slovenia, and the coastal region. We also aim to promote and facilitate interactions between the highly representative minority groups, the international community and the local community. Our main objective is to establish a women's cooperative that will offer training programs and employment for women from vulnerable groups.

Main Projects / Activities

Annual multi-cultural night which was also a fundraising (Red Cross, Društvo Prijateljive Mladine) event
Cooking classes for Indian cuisine
Cooperated with the Indian embassy to organize a venue for the Kathak dance troupe from India
Presentation on India and Indian cooking workshop for the third-age university group of Ljubljana
Workshop on Thai cuisine for the third-age university group of Ljubljana
Presenation on India at the Izola Public library
International cooking events in cooperation with a local restaurant
Indonesian evening
Batik workshop
Fashion show – clothing with fabric designed by a board member of the Društvo
Exhibition of traditional clothing from India
Movie nights

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a large number of residents from Albania, Bosnia, Croatia,Macedonia, Serbia, a small group of internationals, in addition to a well-established Italian minority group, all of whom are seeking to be a viable part of the communtiy in which they live. This is a culturally diverse group of people and in them we see the human resources necessary to develop and implement the objectives of the foundation which are similar to the objectives of our association. Furthermore we are certain that we can be useful members by sharing our good practices and experiences with other regional groups.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

By joining the ALF network we would be cooperating with groups who have similar goals and objectives as our Društvo. We believe such a cooperation will facilitate an exchange of ideas and experiences that will greatly benefit our association. In addition, belonging to an international network will give us exposure that we believe will be beneficial to furthering our goals. We would also like to avail ourselves of any training opportunities and grants that would assist us in achieving our objectives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sasikala Perumal
Head of the organisation
Barbara Bračanov
Contact (2) Full Name
Janja Sever

Kulturno drustvo ZUM Kreativa

National Network

2250 Ptuj

00386 41 285 229
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
We are group of performers and we are making circus - juggling, fire shows, decorting balloons and performing live music. Driving on unicylce, walking on stilst, acrobatics in pair and on pole are things that make our performing even more interesting. We are doing animation for children and night performances as well.
Mission and Objectives

We are trying to develope the awarnes of intercultural dialogue among society. We see circus as good common language of all - young and old, from all countries around the world. We want to get young people out of their homes to the streets, where they could start creating between themselves.

Main Projects / Activities

We organize events that are bringing together young people and evoking alternative in performing and in music. We are preparing circus camps and live shows for children.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will promote the mission of ALF among our colleges in our country and internationaly. We will activelly participate at national events of the ALF network in Slovenia.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to expend our network of partnership within Euromed region and we want to share our good practices with simillar organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matjaž Kekec
Head of the organisation
Matjaž Kekec
Contact (2) Full Name
Tina Vrdjuka

Kulturno izobraževalno društvo študent

National Network

Ciril Metodov drevored 1, 2250 Ptuj

386 40 515 542
Mobile Phone
386 40 515 542
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Located in Ptuj, founded in 1997 by a team of a students. We receive founds from local community and from memebership fees + sponsors. We organise projects on field of intercultural dialogue and cooperation.
Mission and Objectives

- Intercultural dialogue and cooperation
- Interantional cooperation
- Education of youth

Main Projects / Activities

- Educational summer school, which is held since year 1997
- International projects
- Non-formal education of youth in local area

Contact (1) Full Name
Jure Ferjan
Head of the organisation
Bojan Ljubec

Kulturno umetniško društvo Harlekin

National Network

Cesta na Kremenco 19
6230 Postojna

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Teater Harlekin from Postojna has been operating for 20 years. During this time, we have premiered more than 25 plays, mostly our original plays. With our performances, we regularly tour Slovenia, as well as countries from the area of ​​our former common state.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission and goal is to unite all youth groups into one big family in which we would transfer knowledge and experience in the form of exchange. Festivals, theater camps and hosting theaters at home and abroad, through which the organization can offer an international learning experience to young people, build new partnerships, develop and at the same time strengthen the competences of everyone in the organization.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects are performances, co-production performances, theater camps, festivals and applications for tenders.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are sure that we contribute a lot to the network as active organizers, mimes, choreographers, directors, actors, trainers,... We have a lot of acquaintances, experience and knowledge, because we are old cats with youthful energy, and in this way we contribute a lot to the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Why do we want to join the ALF network? It's true that we remembered late to join, but we didn't know it was even possible to join. In any case, we want to gain new experience and new friends, and above all, to actively participate in all the activities of the ALF network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nenad Muždeka
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nenad Muždeka
Contact (2) Full Name
Mitja Kranjc
Job Title (2)
The president