tawassol association for the Deaf

National Network

bp 46 hay el masjid al jadid
54450 mrirt

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
founded in 2007 by the Deaf ,our goal is to integrate Deaf people in society, Deaf culture, social education, language of Signs Moroccan -LSM- and French -LSF-, cultural activities, awareness days, rights and duties, health, sport, education and illiteracy of Deaf people .. the association is managed by a boeard of director,the president and his vice are Deaf,there is commity of education who manage a Deaf school,all our services are free. this year we have lack of ressources,normaly we apply for project and achieve them,the funds we have are only for management of the association and school.teachers are volunteer at the association. our stratgic plan is in its 4 phase: the 1st was creating the association,and a space for the Deaf community,create a school in 2011,we educate kids and Deaf adults.then we have moved to aware the local community,i have participate in the Professional fellows program,organazed by the US state of deparetement,this experience allowed me to develope a project who had a great impact into the society,it was the st community training in sign language and Deaf culture,targetting all parts of the community,teachers,civil society,court,ploice,doctors. then we have organzed other traing on the provencial level. after that we where looking to an awarness who touches nationaly and internatiionaly,we have made the song a picture with 100 sound: having good impact,it encourage us to apply for the Youth for change program,by the bibiotheca of alexandria and takingATgolbal,my odea was among the top 5 ideas and lead to the 1st website dictionary on Morccan sign langauage : http://letscommunicate.co/?i=2 where not only learning this language,but also developping Moroccan sign langauage. Our partners : Ministry of Solidarity, Women, Family and Social Development The National Initiative for Human Development Entraide Nationale MAROKKO FONDS Dutch TakingATglobal Bibliotheca of alexandria The Organization Pond of Cultures-Friendship Force International Urban Commune of M'Rirt Khénifra Provincial Council Beni Mellal-Khénifra Regional Council
Mission and Objectives

our goal is to integrate Deaf people in society, Deaf culture, social education, language of Signs Moroccan -LSM- and French -LSF-, cultural activities, awareness days, rights and duties, health, sport, education and illiteracy of Deaf people ..

Main Projects / Activities

our stratgic plan is in its 4 phase: the 1st was creating the association,and a space for the Deaf community,create a school in 2011,we educate kids and Deaf adults.then we have moved to aware the local community,i have participate in the Professional fellows program,organazed by the US state of deparetement,this experience allowed me to develope a project who had a great impact into the society,it was the st community training in sign language and Deaf culture,targetting all parts of the community,teachers,civil society,court,ploice,doctors.
then we have organzed other traing on the provencial level.
after that we where looking to an awarness who touches nationaly and internatiionaly,we have made the song a picture with 100 sound:
having good impact,it encourage us to apply for the Youth for change program,by the bibiotheca of alexandria and takingATgolbal,my odea was among the top 5 ideas and lead to the 1st website dictionary on Morccan sign langauage :
where not only learning this language,but also developping Moroccan sign langauage.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by contuation on supporting people in special needs,by exchanging our experience with others,parthenring with others,seeking ressources and learning.
we have organzed cuktural exchanges with hight schools univercities,and panel discussion on the topic of the life of Deaf community in Morocco,Deaf culkture and langauage,advocay rights for the Deaf and people in special needs,the role of civil socuety to improve life of people in special needs in Morocco,the history of deaf movement in Morocco.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to improve life,aware,advocate for Deaf community,to exchange and create a space of understandning and dialogue thgrought the community and with people from the world

Contact (1) Full Name
mounir naili
Job Title
advisor in charge of communication and relation/sign langauge teacher and interpreter
Head of the organisation
said adel
Contact (2) Full Name
issam laamiri
Job Title (2)
sign language teacher/project director and tresorer of tawassol association for the Deaf