Klaipeda state music theatre

National Network

Danes st 19

+370 46 39 74 01
+370 46 41 05 51
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Klaipeda State Music Theatre is a budget institution which purpose is to organize professional scene art (stage plays, concerts and (or) other art programs) creation and public performance. Klaipeda State Music Theatre (Klaipeda, Lithuania) is the biggest professional art organization not only in Klaipeda, but in the entire region of West Lithuania. It employs 230 people: soloists, choir singers, ballet dancers, orchestra musicians, administration and the service personnel. The Theatre’s repertoire (www.klaipedosmuzikinis.lt) comprises operas, operettas, musicals, dance performances, plays for children and concerts; The institution organizes an international artistic and educational projects. Some of the most prominent include: international festival "Muzikinis rugpjūtis pajūryje" (The Musical August on the Seaside), “Jaunųjų talentų festivalis“ (Festival of Young Talents), international project “Jūros mūzos” (Muses of the Sea). Theatre is a member of European Network for Opera and Dance Education (RESEO). Theatre took part in Europian projects: ”South Baltic academy of independent theatre – a tool of social change”, under the South Baltic Programme 2007-2013, “Multicultural dialog – Multicultural theatres – strengthening social and cultural integration of border areas” under the Lithuania-Poland-Russia Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013, and “International Theatre - joint cultural-workshops in the South Baltic region” under South Baltic Programme 2007-2013. Budgetary resources of the Theatre available in a year (2014) - 2184975 Eur. Sources of funding: State budget, income payments, support, lithuanian project funds and European Union funds. Theatre collaborates with variuos cultural, art and non formal education institutions in Klaipeda and West region of Lithuania. Partners of the Theatre in EU project's: Aleksander Sewruk’s Theatre in Elbląg (Poland), Dramatic Theatre in Kaliningrad (Russia), The Foundation Fotevikens Maritime Center (Sweden), Baltic artistic agency BART (Poland), Riksteatern Blekinge (Sweden).
Mission and Objectives

Main sphere of the Klaipeda state music theatre’s activities – professional scene art.
Goals of the Theatre’s activities:
1. By its own and in the Theatre working creative employees’ creative activity, to present the achievements of national musical culture on the highest level, to foster, to create and to develop the professional musical scene art culture and traditions, to perform classical and modern music and scene art pieces of Lithuanian composers and composers of foreign countries, to creatively feature world music culture values;
2. To create conditions for young and known music and scene art performers from Lithuania and all over the world, and their collectives to present their creations in art programs of the Theatre;
3. To participate in forming the music and scene art culture image of the country, to present music and scene art of Lithuania and other nations in Lithuania and abroad;
4. To rear, to form and to satisfy the social need in the culture of professional music and scene art, professional music theatre art.

Main Projects / Activities

When implementing its goals, the Theatre performs the following functions;
1. Organizes professional scene art creation and public performance, various art and culture events;
2. Carries out educational programs;
3. Performs on tour in the country and abroad, presenting professional scene art to the community;
4. Participates in the republican and international events, programs;
5. Creates and publically performs musical stage plays, other artistic programs;
6. Performs other functions stipulated in the legislation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sandra Mažulytė
Job Title
Cultural projects manager
Head of the organisation
Ramūnas Kaubrys
Contact (2) Full Name
Edita Lubickaitė
Job Title (2)
Deputy director for art