National Network
+ 387 51 301 656
Telephone (other)
+ 387 51 349 030
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 387 65 966 824
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 387 65 640 113
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
-Organizational structure. Assembly, Director and the Steering Board.13 founder members, various professions: doctors, psychologists, artists, educators etc. - our budgetary resources : membership fees, donations, etc. - having in mind that we are non profit organization, our sources of funding are related to projects in realization -concrete projects (preparation phase, implementation and evaluation); various educational seminars in different areas of interest for the development of young population; exchange of skills and knowledge. - Local government, educational institutions, relevant institutions and services that deal with pedagogical and psychological work, partner NGOs that are engaged in similar or the same work
Mission and Objectives

Improvement and development of youth awareness of diversity in different areas of life, learning of human tolerance, stimulation of development of artistic skills, stimulation of environmental preservation and development of environmental awareness of children and youth, popularization creative ways of organizing the free time of children and youth; provision of educational and consulting services of medical, pedagogical and educational experts, providing technical support to the citizens users of these services; initiate legal regulation in the above fields.

Main Projects / Activities

-Project“why say NO to drugs”; participants: high school students, doctors, psychologists form the Centre for treatment of drug disease. Through the educational workshops students were introduced with the consequences of using drugs, and their prevention. This project continued with the implementation of peer education, and workshops which are conducted by students who attended the seminar. We were provided them working material: educational literature, pamphlet, posters, and experts from this field.
- “Children Creative Centre”- members: children; free workshops from the field of art; work with children from 6 to 12 years; develop their art skills; exhibitions, organizing literary evenings; integration of children with special needs. The Centre will be the place where children could express their talents, learn human tolerance, integrate with children from different cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maja Macan
Head of the organisation
Maja Macan director of NGO
Contact (2) Full Name
Aleksandra Arsenijević - Puhalo