Jordan Center for Social Research Association

National Network

Amman-JordanMustafa Majed Eledwan StreetSamour Building No.19

962 6 5666 122
962 6 5666 123
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
General Information
The Staff :-(Full and Part time) 5 Technical member staff that include the following specialties: Ph.D. of Sociology (16 years of job experience) Master of Demographic Studies (21 years job experience) Master of Political Science (11 years of job experience) Master of Sociology (20 years of job experience) Ph.D. of Geographic Sciences (recently joined job) 1 Administrative staff member of Community college certificate •Source of funding Project-based work based on fund raising methods, proposals networking and partnership with national, regional and international partners JCSR works with: United Nations, international and regional organizations like UNDP, UNIFEM, ESCWA IRI (IN THE USA) Frederick Ebert and Konrad Adenauer foundations. National like Jordanian Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MOPIC) and Ministry of Social Development (MOSD) and other national organization.
Mission and Objectives

The Mission : The Center works to cooperate with national and international organizations and institutions in jordan to achieve the promoting of research knowledge and to raise the awarness of the importance of theses researchs in desicion making • To foster and provide scientific knowledge on various aspects that of social, political and economic situation in Jordan and th idle East. • To provide consultations in a variety of issues in relation with political/economic/political aspects • To promote the development process for civil society • To strengthen training techniques and capacity building for civil society • To foster the linkage between social research and social Policy.. • To establish national, regional, and international networks and communications.

Main Projects / Activities

Assessment of the quality of education in jordan 2010 National strategy to combat violence against women in iraq in 2010 Violence against women in jordan,Baseline study in 2007 The Economic Marginalization for Jordanian Women-UNFEM, 2008. Jordanian Youth: Values, Attitudes, and Perceptions, Ministry of Social Development, 2008. The Early Warning in the Social Sectors in HKJ-Ministry oh Planning and International Cooperation and UNDP, 2008. Participation of Civilians and Civil Society in the Reform of Public Sector in Jordan: A National Evaluation, 2006 Promoting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to Achieve Sustainable Human Development in Zarqa Governorate, 2005 public Opinion polls,two were on the national level about Democratization process in jordan and one Municipal poll about local governance and satisfaction with services

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through research and studies that contribute to the identification of needs and priorities of many of the programs and plans, as the center to prepare strategic plans and personnel training on research skills in addition to awareness and education programs on many topics such as human rights and all issues related to the development

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

proximity of goals between the ALF Network and the center,Lead to exchange experiences and knowledge between all partners in addition to developing the skills of team work in the Center through participation in the activities of the network

Contact (1) Full Name
Dima Karadsheh
Head of the organisation
Dr. Musa Shtwei