
Non-Governmental Organization

association hammam foogani pour le développement section oujda

Domaines d'intervention : Développement rural; Gestion intégrée de l'eau douce; Gestion des déchets; oasis; Oasis; Agriculture durable; Education à l'environnement - Ecocitoyenneté: Education à l'environnement - Ecocitoyenneté: déchets; éducation à l'eau; lutte contre la désertification; Jeunes et environnement; Femmes et...

A new era of Maghrebi-French cinema: Two perspectives

From militant cinema in the 1970s, through beur and banlieue cinema of the 1980s and 1990s, to the popular box-office successes of the 2000s, Maghrebi-French and North African emigre filmmakers have played a crucial role in representing post-colonial French society...

Non-Governmental Organization

Abaad Marrakech

تتشكل جمعيتنا من مكتب مسير بضم 05 أعضاء ومجموع أعضاء الجمعية يتراوح كل بين 15و 20 عضوا .كل الأعضاء متطوعين .يستفيد من برامج الجمعية ما بين 150 و 200 مستفيد في السنة.تعتمد الجمعية في تمويلها على المنح المقدمة من طرف...
Local/Regional Authority

achbal Du Maroc

Association Achbal Du Maroc -AMCA- est une Association jeune nationale, socioculturel, socio-économique, et artistique, qui travaille dans le domaine de la promotion sociale des populations. Volet culturel et artistique : contribuer à l'amélioration des compétences des jeunes talents de la...
Non-Governmental Organization

AFAK-Tangier for citizenship and the Development

Association governed by the Dahir of 1958, created in 1997. Local antenna of national O.N.G. AFAK, but enjoying organisational, legal and financial autonomy management Committee: 9 members of various professional horizons (engineers, doctors, teachers...). Average human: especially the voluntary ones...
Non-Governmental Organization

Agdz Association Volunteers Without Borders

It is a new Assembly in the hunt for partners and donors have also are preparing for activities aimed at young people and students walking Assembly and 11-member students, professors
Non-Governmental Organization

Agir ensemble

- l'association Agir ensemble veut une association nationale elle a eu des bureaux régionales dans quelques régions au Maroc (vue qu'elle est toute jeune,crée en été 2009)elle se compose de 11 membres ,7 femmes et 4 hommes -on a pas...
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Aissa Kadri

Professor of sociology and Director of the Maghreb Europe Institute at the University of Paris 8. Kadri's academic research focuses mailny on educational systems and migration within the Maghreb region, in particular on the issue of intellectuals and intelligentsia, social...

Non-Governmental Organization

Al Boughaz

1 - Committee of 15 members. Active members 50. Members of support in Tangier, in Morocco and abroad (France, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Canada, the USA,…) . 2. Available annual budget : none. no official subsidies , neither local nor foreign...